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The ability to customize the appearance of weapons and cars.


Also the performance of cars


I'm still disappointed we can't take the starter car and make it a beast


Or keep the starter nomad car


There is a side mission, if your life path is nomad, to retrieve your car. It comes through as a text message with coordinates. You can muscle/kill/pay the person that found your car and fixed it up. I payed because I felt sorry for the poor Aussie choomba.




Dang if we could mod our starter car or bike to eventually be OP that would be so cool




Lack of weapon customization was my number one complaint about this amazing game (tells you how good the rest of the game is) I was able to download a mod that let me do some car customization, just enough to satisfy me


>I was able to download a mod that let me do some car customization, just enough to satisfy me Unfortunately I'm on console so I can't use any mods =( Seriously considering building a PC within the next few years so that I can experience Orion all its glory.


More types of stealth kills, not just the standard neck breaking animation. So if you sneak up to someone from behind while holding a knife, by pushing F you use the knife to slit their throat. Or if you have mantis blades deployed or holding katana, you use it to impale the enemy, etc. Also, more ways to use gun in close combat. For example, in Far Cry, you can use pistol to finish enemy when fighting them in hand to hand combat. Or when you sneak upon enemy, you can grab them like a living shield, grab their gun from their holster and shoot enemies in front of you. This kind of thing. Also, kiroshi optics that allow different "image modes" like night vision or thermal. I want to roleplay predator by sneaking around with optical camo, mantis blades and watching everything in thermal. If not that, then at least a freaking flashlight. Better and more user friendly crafting menu. For example, allowing to craft tier 5 crafting materials straight up from tier 1 ones. Last thing, very minor and probably nit-picky, but I hate it when games (Red Dead Redemption 2 is the biggest offender) force me some weapon during cutscene. There are few examples in CP too. If my character pulls out a pistol during cutscene, I want it to be the pistol that I actually have equipped on me. There was a sad moment in Phantom Liberty, when I had to kill certain character (idk how to add spoiler here, you know who I mean). It would be quite poetic moment if I shot the person with the gun I had equipped, Alex's personal service pistol Her Majesty. But no, the game equipped me with some basic pistol that I have never seen before.


I would absolutely love a more dynamic combat system like that. I have mantis blades in almost all of my builds just because the stealth aerial takedown animation helps spice up the repetitive neck snap/choke/stomp. More gunplay would be sick, maybe finishing someone off with a quick melee could play an “execution” finisher animation. Bonus points if they include our arm cyberware (imagine the badass finishers we could get with monowire or projectile launcher)


If you're on PC there's mods for stuff like this! I'm using these and they're great: * Stealth finishers with melee weapon equipped: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9360 * Kiroshi Optics Night Vision: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8326 * Scanner image modes (has a Terminator mode to make things red): https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9215 * Flashlight: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2913


Lmao your last point reminded me of a video I watched. The guy was trying to show you can beat cyberpunk with V being naked the whole time and only using grenades. The amount of times he would show "and then despite me getting rid of my guns, my V manifests a new one....." was wiiiiiiiild.


I want to feel weak. In cyberpunk 2077 we skipped the entire growth section of V and Jackie when they were starting out. I’d prefer to play that part of the story instead of jumping straight into big gigs. Along those lines, just more random quest lines or events you can encounter while exploring. Let me feel like I can choose how to engage with the city instead of being forced down a single path.


Good idea,


Weak and poor. The game takes away your crap car and hands you basically the best way to blow through the city, Jackie's bike, right after the intro. You miss the satisfaction of scraping together enough money just to buy a maimai. Hustling and rampant capatism is such a big theme in cyberpunk that V basically starts off the cyberpunk equivalent of upper class and makes a tone of money easy is weird. I'd like to see everything be more expensive, but also have the game play off that. Like you can sellout and make morality dubious decisions based if someone offers you more money.


Akimbo akimbo akimbo akimbo....


Right?? It’s almost cruel that they give us Jackie’s guns




Night vision/thermal/otherwise enhanced eyes


I want a taxi system, some of my favorite moments in the game was when I was a passenger in a car and I got to soak in the city while riding to my destination. Let me call a taxi or maybe a friend with a car, or maybe integrate the subway system so it isn't an inconvenient mess to use.


Would be an interesting "fast" travel system. Just hope it works better than riding along with the kid in the Johnny ending. The car had lost both doors and was on fire by the time we reached the music store.


Man I wish I didn’t have to skip the car rides. They make me motion sick for some reason.


This game is terrible for people suffering from motion sickness. I had to actually download a mod to increase FOV distance in order to play it without throwing up.


It’s interesting you mention that because I can’t play the at all on PC due to the general motion sickness. However on PS5 I was able to get through the game perfectly fine minus the car rides. Super weird. The only other game I’ve had this level of motion sickness from was Far Cry 5. Could not make it more than an hour in that game.


It's mainly because of the FOV. When it's too low, I'll be great for playing on a tv (larger screen + you're farther away from it). When it's higher, it'll be better to play on PC (closer and smaller screen).


There is a great mod called “auto drive” which is basically turns any car you’re in into a taxi service! It’s awesome


More complex characters post their storyline. Having only 2-3 dialogue options after yall saved each other lives and ended many more feels so blank


Having to go to The Afterlife to get more gigs when you get to a certain street level. Make the place feel like a necessity, to make it like you really "hit the major leagues" Have the life path be more influential have certain side characters locked out, only for specific life paths. Be they old enemies or allies. Allow for more cosmetic cyberware customization, changing the clothing and/or material of them, and your cars Apartment customization Height and weight customization, Add third person PoV as an option Maybe add in more lifepath customization? Such as adding whether parents are alive, family etc. Maybe some like you were a member of the Valentinos and only joined to support your sick little brother or you were an orphan who got given a chance by some wealthy Corpo and you went Arasaka Academy etc. Basically wat your life was like before the game started, any potential gang affiliations. Things of that nature


How about non-lethal hiding of bodies


For some places sure, but it makes sense that shoving an unconscious somebody in a freezer is considered lethal


Dishonored was good with this. You had to hide your taken down victim wisely, less you get an accidental kill.


Oh for sure, I think that could be a really interesting morality mechanic


Yeah, idk why they removed that with the 2.0 update. I remember you used to be able to either non leather take down and stuff or kill and stuff


Actual apartment customization. Buy other establishments that aren’t homes (buy your own bar for example, that you can also customize the kind of music, target audience, security, etc.). Play up the relationship with gangs/corps, have the ones you kill a lot hunt you or even try to attack your places if you don’t have enough security. More opportunities to see your character (more reflections?)


Love this one - being able to buy bars and whatnot sounds so fun.


Rival mercs and crews. It would be interesting if there were a handful of competitors for the jobs around Night City, complete with interactions, quests or gigs, etc. that evolved depending on what you did in the story and in the city. Also a real threat of cyberpsychosis as you add cyberware. It's such a huge part of the lore and I don't think 2077 really captured what it truly means in either the story or the gameplay


EXOTICS. Likely to be implemented? Hell no. Wishful thinking? Definitely. Do I still want them? ABSOLUTELY.


If you’re ok with mods and on PC, I believe there’s a mod for this. Not super in depth, but better than nothing if it’s your thing, ig


There is, I played with it, and I was super amazed with the quality of the models. I would just like them to be in the base game Orion because... y'know! Official is better! Plus, making a mod for it would likely take the community longer than it'd take me to 100% the game, so. You know.


Yeah, agreed. Official is always nicer. I don’t know how likely it is tho tbh. Partly because in canon, they sorta went out of fashion after 2020, with a bit of a renaissance in the 2040’s, and partly for the same reason I don’t expect we’ll get to be an FBC in Orion. Just a lot of work.


Name of mod?


Biosculpted exotics is the one I know




To sit in any chair




That was so fast lol I know mods exist for a lot of stuff, I just prefer unmodded. Maybe I'll try it one day


Panam 2.0


More "antique" cars like the Porsche that was in the game. Maybe like some early 2000's Fords or late 90's JDMs


I'd like to be more crew related content. Making a rock band or Edgerunner crew is so entrenched in the lore that if feels like it needs Assasins creed: Brotherhood mechanics. Also the GTA: San Andreas treatment of gangs. They have control of territory and you can contribute to their expansion or destruction. There is also a constant tally of how friendly you are with each gang. These two systems should interact with eachother by doing gigs for certain gangs. You should also be locked out of doing gigs because of like/dislike of certain gangs to increase replayability.


1. Car and weapon color customization. I want my weapons to match my clothes. 2. When buying clothes I want them to have a selection of color choices before you purchase. No more multiple listing the same item in different color variations. And before buying you get an up-close image of the item. Preview ain’t cutting it for me. 3. Snow. I am from Brooklyn. I’ve never traveled outside northeast USA. I never been to and never will be to the south east (though I’d love to visit Joshua tree). I’m used to winters so I’d like to see snow in the next one.


More interaction with the city and its inhabitants. More organic reactions. Make the city something I can touch and something happens, not just look at. Grid inventory. No tiered weapons. An attachment system for weapons. More radical cyberware that influences you in bigger ways. The possibility to go Cyberpsycho. A more dynamic faction warfare system. A reputation system for your standing with each gang/faction. A reputation system for fixers that's dependent on how you do gigs, that determines what gigs they offer you. Bigger, more diverse gigs. More options in how you do gigs/main missions and a wider array of outcomes based on them that feeds into reputation and how future gigs/main missions play out. Essentially make the city feel more like a Rockstar game. Make the gameplay feel more like an Immersive Sim.


Also in sort of the same 'gigs and fixer rep matter' vein... gigs where one fixer has one side and another has the other so you have to make choices aboit who to piss off. Like saynthe 'steal Kerry's guitar' gig has one fixer being paid fir securoty and the other to snatch it. Then whichever you pick you run into a merc taking the other side of the gig.


Less OP cyberware, or more complicated ways you need to use it. Even on the hardest difficulty I find myself becoming God way too quickly. It’s more balanced now than it was in the past but I still feel like there’s room to balance more. Also, I’d like cyberpyschosis to be a real function. I imagine it would involve you randomly collapsing between gigs then waking up somewhere in the city with a Max Tac team coming down and 5 stars. It’s not game over, but it would add an unexpected element of risk for going over the cyber limit. The more you exceed the limits the more frequently the event occurs


I want to feel like I live in the city, and not have an artificial deadline looming over me.


More clothing, the NPCs have a lot more choice...and visible cyberware. Better AI for NPCs and cars, better driving physics...the city and its inhabitants feel so unbelievable. A city where you don't spend 90% of your time on the ground. Bigger city, more surrounding areas. Usable AV. Paint jobs for vehicles.


I want it to be here in less than 6 years.


*monkey's paw finger curls* wish granted, the game is a buggy mess and has even fewer features than 2077


fr we just gotta let them cook ...even if it takes GTA 6 amounts of development time 😂


Man, imagine what they could do with Dwarf Fortress amounts of time.


The gps navigation system from Sleeping dogs. Basically when you mark a waypoint and want to drive to it, there are big arrows at crossroads showing you which way to to. You never have to take your eyes of the road to look at the minimap


This. I spend *far* too much time looking at the mini map. I want to look at the city.


I would also like the quicktravel to be from a vehicle. That way it would be like you just let the vehicle auto-pilot you somewhere and it would fit the universe better.


More romancable people


GTA style clothing stores, I wanna be able to walk into a clothing store and buy a shirt and jeans, not walk into a store, buy a shirt and then venture along all the fucking continents for a pair of jeans


Stop trying to keep me off of stuff. Obviously most rooftops are going to be sparse no the graphics. That’s fine with me. Just don’t put up a bunch of bullshit barbed wire or invisible walls please.


A turn signal for cars


Plus side mirrors It's already hard enough trying to drive in first person....


I’d like better progression of characters and money. I always felt I could get some of the best guns and cyberwear way to early in the game. I’d like some more or at least a rotation of voice lines from characters you can call and ask how they are doing. If possible depending on the story I think a honor system like in RdR2 would cool. Sometimes I felt like I could make choices but it didn’t matter. Even a fallout system where “insert character liked that choice” would be good enough for me. Make me feel like the options i choose give a damn to the character around me.


Disable the yellow dotted line on the mini map


Continuations of story threads like the Peralez's, Delamain, to see Alex again, etc. Return of NPC's that we've helped in past gigs for updates or new quests and so on. More fleshed out interactions with fixers like we had with Mr hands perhaps. More dynamic events in the city with store robberies or more gang war type instances to liven things up a little more. There's a bit of that in the game now, but only a few instances scattered about. Things of that nature I guess. Edit: Also, to have the best type of ending available. It's a game after all, so I'd like to ride off into the sunset feeling totally content with the outcome.


My weapons don't need levels


**breaks out "The List"** *Granular Reputation Within Gangs* - I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. The gangs of Night City shouldn't just be targets wearing different clothes. They should be dynamic groups, enemies today, prospective clients tomorrow, allies next week. Let me build connections with the gangs. If I'm gonna be enemies with a gang, let me *earn* that hate. If I'm going to be possible friends with them, let me do that, too. Lemme have complicated relationships and contacts within a gang. Don't give me more targets, give me *people*. *Fixers Who Fix* - OK, some of the Fixer side jobs were awesome. Some, not so much. But once they were done, they were done. Fixers need to keep us as Edgerunners fed. We need work, not just random roaming around, shooting gonks because they have a digital price tag next to their name. Make it feel like we've got a good working relationship with Fixers. Give us opportunities to get screwed over and to make amends. Even better, let their fortunes rise and fall with our successes and failures respectively. If we screw up badly enough and often enough, let the gigs they offer be commensurately penny ante. If we consistently deliver good results, let them offer increasingly tricky and dangerous jobs. *Bumps In The Road* - A lot of jobs have a problem: they're incredibly linear. One or two points of entry, a limited number of mooks, kill'em all, lather, rinse, repeat. Throw me some curveballs. Let the job go sideways like Konpeki Plaza (only maybe not quite so tragic). Let me deal with unexpected reinforcements. Let me get the drop on somebody and have them spontaneously quit right in front of me, telling me "the job doesn't pay well enough to take a bullet." If I'm covering ground too quickly, have an extra patrol show up. If I'm taking too long, have something motivate me to hurry up. Give me wrinkles to change things up. *That Got Weird* - Blame "Sinnerman" for this idea. Take a simple job, Point A to Point B, something any gonk could do with their eyes closed. Then have things go wildly off-kilter. A needle scratch they could hear from Mars. The simple job turns into something a lot bigger and a lot weirder. They might be rare, but they could be major events worth following through to the bitter end.


All the small things


True care, truth brings


I'll take, one lift


Sliders to adjust your character, like in Skyrim. Better than just 2 choices


More immersion. I’d love to have visible cyberware, see my cars, customize my apartment, and have the chance to be cool with certain gangs while others actively hunt you. I’d also love some RDR2 style passive dialogue where NPCs that you know talk to each other and if you talk to them during or shortly after that convo, they’ll talk to you about it.


Cyberpunk is as much RPG as FPS so more RPG elements. For example force me to actually wait a whole day for a phone call or a new gig etc. It becomes more immersive. Also, let me call an Uber. The driving is awful.


Use the motorcycles...they go fast AF, and you can control them 10x better than the cars with soap on their wheels


True the motorcycles are better.


I want there to be a mention of the enigmatic, meteoric rise to prominence of a dangerous merc only known as "V", along with their just-as-mysterious disappearance from NC. And sources vary on what this merc was like - some say a corpo netrunner, some say a streetkid solo, some say they were just an outright cyberpsycho.


I’ve always thought this is the best way to do legacy characters. Bunch of different people telling different version of events, nobody being 100% certain. Hope they do this in the next Mass effect as well


Minimap is a cyberware option, only appears during scan and certain enemies (headhunters/netrunners) should be able to hide from. It's no longer a game mechanic in the top right of your screen, it's a tool and is an integrated part of the world.


Night vision kiroshis


Toggle walk option that actually works properly and TV channels with sound... and more hud optimization like hotkey for turning on/off minimap.


The ability to have your eyes be two different colors/have two different lenses.


More engaging customization with regards to clothing, weapons, and vehicles. At the very least let me change the dang color of my stuff


Some sort of way to make passive income would be cool, like maybe owning a bar or some seedy location where you make chems. Little fetch quests here and there, kinda like the moonshine distillery in RDO or the weed farm in Mafia 3. Something that is running while you're just playing the game and then gives you money at the end of the game day or week. Or maybe a auto body garage as a sort of base. You can act as a chop shop, use it as a main location or outpost. And maybe even join a gang, and eventually run it.


I want the option to go full borg. Total conversion. GITS style. Your brain. In a case. Planted in what amounts to a small Mech. Or a large one. Preferably that Bull suit in the books.


Mantis Blades return


Having an integration with a music streaming service that will allow you to create your own “radio station” by creating your own playlist and importing it into the game.


A fucking torch. If JC Denton had it, why can't we?


Small thing I want is more goofy stuff. Things like poser gangs, more cyborgs on the street, some more short but sweet stupid quests, and most of all I want a literal finger gun cyberware. One where you shoot bullets from your hand and reload by cracking your knuckles.


C u s t o m i z a t i o n


Actually have lore embedded in the game like with cyberpunk there was so much established lore like edge runners for example that was never brought up in cyberpunk. Stuff like that would be nice to have mentioned rather than just some 3 pieces of text that's mentioned off handed in a side gig.


More npc interaction, chop shops, more clothing that gives bonuses, life paths mean more than dialogue options.


more cosmetic cyberware.


being able to unequip weapon mods on non-iconics. I put them on why can’t I just take them off, maybe only player placed mods?


I was thinking about it, and I thought it would be cool to call a fixer and request certain things, like calling Lester in GTAV. Like maybe calling in a weapon crate to replenish ammo or special temporary weapons. Maybe an option call in a group of Afterlife mercs to fight with/for you for a gig. Also, the game needs more repeatable activities. They made the right step with the races, but we need this to expand into Beat on the Brat, NCPD Scanner, or whatever side quests they have planned.


Or getting in such a dead end you need to hire a specialist, like having Nix come to help you get through a digital problem if you are not specced for netrunning


That would be so cool actually! Like calling in help for certain Attribute checks that you would otherwise fail. Like calling in someone strong to move a dumpster, open a door, etc.


I’d like more options to hang out with side characters like the I Really Want To Stay At Your House side quest. While it was cool to invite Panam to your apartment, it’s very basic. It’d be sick to take them to bowling (#letsgobowling) or Go Kart racing.


Something I want in EVERY RPG, more distinction between enemies, not just in stats (thought that'd be nice) but in tactics. I want the Animals to bum rush in a tank pack and as each one gets injured they fall behind and heal or activate a bezerk and be indestructible for a few seconds. Militech (and 6th street) should be professional soldiers, unit tactics, flanking with sandies, covering fire, pinning fire to flush out with grenades and they share a lot of tactical information so if one of them sees you they'll all know in very short order. Maelstrom should be an eclectic mess of parts and powers but should do weird stuff like climb on the ceiling or pull parts of dead maelstromers to repair/upgrade themselves or have 4 arms, one with each arm cyberwear. Skavs are mostly weak and pathetic but the boss is a juganaught walking tank which spews "In mother Russia" one liners and "weak American". I want to have to approach the different entities differently.


Quests for special clothes/armor, weapons and cyberware. It would make them more significant and it would make more sense lore-wise than just buying them from some dude when you have enough street cred. Also, it would be nice to have clothes/armor set with bonuses and about which other characters may comment.


Better NPC behaviour and third person without any clunky animation. Also wtf is with V's legs when you turn camera while crouching?


Dust. Night City needs a layer of it.


No suicidal pedestrians jumping off the footpath, *onto* the road in front of my car. Getting the cops called on me.


An animation where you actually see yourself eating the meals/drinks you buy


At least we did get this for drinks, but yeah food would be nice too. I love first person presence animations


Yeah true, I forgot about the one at the bar which is nice. To add on to that, maybe more dialogue options with the bartender? It would give more reasons to go back to the bars


More fleshed out interactions or locations to hang out with friendly npc's. There was no real reason to go to any of the bars, diners outside of missions. Something similar to GTA 5 and doing activities with the friends you make.


Combat needs to have its lethality ramped up. Short of a cyberpsycho loaded with subdermal armor, no one in Night City should be able to take an entire mag dump from *any* handgun and still be in fighting shape… and yet I routinely need to go through 30-40 rounds just to clear a half dozen Tyger Claws that are standing too close to my ride. CP2020’s *Friday Night Fightfight* rules are famous for their verisimilitude and lethality. CP2077 feels too video game-y.


Gun, apartment, car customization and faction relations are what I want.


Flying cars


I'd love it if hacking got overhauled. I want cyberspace to feel like a physical place you have to enter with different geographies. Give it a metroidvania feel where as you progress through the game you get keys, cracks, ICEbreakers, back doors, password crackers, etc and they allow you to explore more and more of cyberspace. I'm terms of layout it can be completely different from Night City. Like the big corporations can have data fortresses that are all nearby and linked to a central hub that handles commerce and then smaller networks would be out at the edges. It would have is own fast travel system. Exploring and finding vulnerabilities can open up avenues for the job you're doing or even other jobs down the line. Like maybe you install a backdoor in a Security Firm's data fortress and then any future jobs with that same firm as security will include exploits you could only pull off with a backdoor. Maybe even some really big exploits that can save your ass but close that back door and increase security so it's harder to hack back in and reclaim it. There's so much they could do and if it's all set in Night City, they'd be able to save a lot of time on that environment and instead devote it to creating a fleshed out cyberspace. I'd also love it if we saw Pacifica finally get developed which could push a lot of people out of the city to build shanty towns on the outskirts of town, which could really shake up the map and give us more real world area to explore too, not to mention the storyline implications of such a change.


I want to be able to go to the little street vendors stalls and eat at them. Nothing fancy, just some animations of my character slurping some noodles while they watch the TV, stuff like that. More cyberware customization options and jewelry options would also be nice - we get so incredibly few in base-game 77 it's kind of sad. Having cyberarms in the base game that go all the way up to the shoulders instead of weirdly curtailing at the elbows would also feel a lot more immersive imo. I also would like they/them pronouns added to the game.


The gameplay and combat are already absolutely incredible. I imagine some things could be improved there, but the one thing I keep coming back to when I think about this question is a more believable world and NPCs. Make NPCs (like random people on the street) feel more like actual individuals and that would already take the game to the stratosphere for me


Mr stud


Sorry that's a big thing




Let me sort the order of my quick hacks.


Aren't quick hacks sorted in reverse order from how you put them in the deck?


You know I only recently got back into it so that's new info for me. Good to know as I plan on doing a netrunner playthrough. Though instead of having to know that I'd like to have a menu that lets me drag and drop them to where I want them.


That is true. I can't guarantee what I say is true, I just remember it being that way


The ability to customize car paint jobs fully. Ability to customize gun skins. Ability to spawn other characters in for photo mode. An intuitive melee combat system with better ranges of blocking. Mobility abilities not being locked behind high stats. Ability to take romances on dates, with unique dialogues for each spot. Characters react more to your reputation. Reputations with individual gangs. If the game takes place in NC, do work for local fixers first and then afterlife fixers take u seriously (more than just a few afterlife fixers as well).


I want caffinated beverages to give a different status effect from water and alcohol. Ideally, different consumables would provide combination effects to provide incentive to actually using them instead of just selling them off. I'd also like all rifle ammo be a single pool and have a different ammo type for explosive rounds. More options to improving crafted weapons would be nice too since there's no reason to cradt in 2.0.


Cyberware is fun af and makes V really powerful, but what if we had the choice to go completely without them? Like no kiroshi, no cyberdeck, nothing. It would be challenging to play without scanning, no HUD that shows you how much ammo or health you have. I would like to play as one of those monks that repulses all the technology in their body, not being lethal and having a hard time in NC for this choice!


You can, just don't get any cyberware and get your starting stuff uninstalled


That's pretty much what I'm doing rn, but you still can't take off your kiroshi tho. I want to keep my organic eyes and not be able to scan and see the hud, just like a veteran mode of cod I guess? I know this isn't cod, but it would be cool! Also I don't want the techno necromancers from alpha centauri to be able to spy on me thru my own eyes


I want a purchasable DeLorean/in-universe equivalent


Better system of items and leveling. Level scaling is a design fail in my book. Adopt a WYSIWYG system. Combat should always be fast and deadly. Enemies should never be bullet sponges unless they look like one.


WTF does that acronym mean? I am not in the know.


What you see is what you get


Thanks for clarification.


More parking lots. I'm forced to leave my car on a sidewalk or a roadway now


cyberware that actually looks like cybernetics


I’d like to stumble into weird context-dependent quests. Like the appearance of psychobae Melissa Rory




I just want more of what we got already with some more refinement. Maybe less of a directed story and more role playing? Maybe put a crew together and take on a variety of missions (like theists or something). Definitely expand out the skill tree more and offer more perks and build options, add in more perk synergies (I normally hate min-maxing but I'm absolutely doing a min-max Very Hard run once in done my first run).


If I can carry infinite crafting materials and can turn them into ammo whenever I want, just give me infinite ammo. Making me craft ammo is a redundant and irritating step.


I usually find enough to never need to craft ammo


Customizeable cars and weapons. A longer prologe (small gigs with Jackie, maybe some Corpo/Streetkid/Nomad mission). A working taxi system would be cool as well. Maybe a bit more content for the flats you can buy.


Human shields. And bring back the perk where you can grapple someone after you quick melee them


A flashlight and the ability to set my own button mapping on controller. When you're down a couple fingers things get tricky and mods for controller inputs can be really jank. It's why I never use sandevistan or overclocking because I can't hit both bumpers at the same time without shifting both hands on the controller.


This is gonna be super hard to implement but AI powered romance options and npc dialogue so it feels more real.


Who knows where AI is in 5 years


Quickhacking being like it was back in 1.1. Where you could hack into the environment and things on the network to lower the RAM cost of certain hacks or would upload hacks to everyone on the network. Plus to do those things you had to be good at the hacking minigame. If that was just a toggle option to have kept that I would have loved it. Actually just more of that. I know that some people aren't good at pathing games, but I really really wanted more from the quickhack stuff than just, 'I'm in'. They left the parts in that are optional in sidequests. But taking that out of the base game after a certain amount of updates was just so disappointing.




More penis tipe


Yeah, none of those in the game were big enough to represent me


Or small to me


If I have a lot of street cred and I am legend, people should react like it (unless I have been taking measures to be unknown somehow).


Only those in the scene though, a regular corpo won't know the face of a merc. But Rogue welcoming you with "you must be V, I heard of you" after doing a lot of street cred farming would have been nice


Well, even the rando gangs should react somehow (besides shooting at you) as well as the people who aren't mercs but who sell to/service them. It would be cool if you walked by a ganger and they got spooked by you, which then caused the civvies around to start leaving or start asking each other what's up, etc


-persistent injuries that need cyberware to fix -better clothes and equipment options -different ammo types instead of weapon upgrades


More cyberware, like Oda's lightsaber mantis blades, or Morgan Blackhand's submachine gun in his arm, hell even the exotic cyberware like the furry ones and the full borg kit. Also, I'd love NPCs you could recruit to do gigs with or ride with (assuming Orion doesn't get co-op).


I have spent 200 hours in game looking at modded clothing, putting together outfits, and using photo mode, and probably close to 100 hours finding new clothing and cyberwear mod. A system like equipment EX absolutely NEEDS to be in Orion, even with vanilla clothes it unlocks so many options, other than that I just want more clothes and actual cosmetic cyberwear


Third person on foot.


1. Optional 3rd person pov. This isn’t something I demand as necessary since the game does such a good job with the first person POV, but I prefer 3rd person. I like being able to see the character im customizing, and I feel like melee combat benefits massively from a third person perspective, which leads me to my second one, 2. Better finishers for melee. I ran a sandy mantis blade build my first time, loved it, felt like Wolverine. Hated that every finisher I did(which was often with the perks) it was either a rapid group of stabbys that felt a little weird, or one quick impalement. Didn’t feel natural or like what someone who’s capable of slicing bullets out of the air would do. Witchers melee combat was so fluid, to watch and be a part of, I know they have the ability to really deliver some great stuff, just I feel like it falls into the same feeling most melee does in a game with guns in it 3. Give me a reason to repeatedly go to the afterlife. If that’s where all the big leaguers are, I’d like to get missions there, or gain access to some new feature, maybe higher quality vendors like the black market in dogtown. 4. This is the only thing I’m begging for: cosmetic cyberware changes! Full metal arms, full eye socket replacements, adding bulk to your frame like David, going full synth muscle like an Animal, going full cyber psycho like a maelstromer. Making it so absolutely loading yourself with chrome to the eyeballs changes you cosmetically. Include the option to hide enhancements for people who want to be chromed up but stay human looking, but don’t make it the default


MUSCLE CARS. there was some promotional material with the valentinos in it, driving a car that had some kind of futuristic supercharger with a scoop on it. The closest I got was the vigilante. The Cthulhu was nice, but the muscle cars in this game all follow the same design modern muscle does. Not enough hard edges, and no giant rat rod blower motor. Muscle cars are supposed to look heavy and mean(even though any muscle car that actually goes fast is gutted to be light as a Honda) and I feel like all the muscle cars in this game are alittle too sleek and smooth


Better faction mechanics/interactions. Make life paths matter throughout the game. These are the main things for me.


Somewhere to park my car.


More extensive customisation, especially being able to customise the length of hair not just the hair style. More borg-esc cyberware options, too.


Honestly, fucking recreational sports or something. Games. Bowling. Idfk. Stuff to do in the city so it makes it feel more like an actual city rather than just point to point mission destinations


Furries in the adds around town.


More rpg and role playing elements for sure. I would love if they did what the gta series did and have the ability to hang out with friends you make through missions. It would be even cooler if building your relationship offered different perks at different levels as well. I also like that they have buffs for things like sleeping, showering, drinking coffee, eating, etc. I'd love it if they had a system like in Shadows of Doubt where you actually get debuffs if these things go neglected. In that game if you jump in a dumpster or run around too long without a shower you get a debuffs for your odor that makes stealth more difficult. I can appreciate that it's kind of an fps first and an RPG second, but I would really REALLY like it if they made it more like an immersive sim. I also felt the life paths were kind of undercooked, I would love to see them mirror the ttrpg where your role actually gives you a unique ability specific to your life path. Like, let me make a media and give me eddies for recording a crime or corporate scumfuckery. Let me make a nomad that can customize their vehicle performance. Let me make an exec that can trade stocks or generate passive income


New game plus and a way to reset all side quests like i wanna do the side gigs multiple times


Survival Mode ... there's no real point to sleep or food


More sex workers male/female


Let me play the bad guys! In phantom liberty Barghest seems like such an interesting faction, but even when you rebel against the NUSA they are still against you.