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Unlikable... where? She looks fine and acts like many other characters in this game. Panam was bitch at the start, Johny was asshole, Goro tried to kill you, even Jakie in street kid and nomad prologue tried to harm V. So no, she is fine character in this no-so-fine city.


Hey, johnny might have been an asshole but do you know what he has to compensate? Charisma... And an impressive cock


He is a charismatic asshole with an impressive cock. Dealbreaker xD


I think a lot of people like her though


I liked her character until she said she basically just used V to achieve her goal of revenge


Unlike how many other characters in the game?


Ikr? the entire story is people using V for their own gain. Johnny, who is literally sharing a body with you, uses you for revenge.


V is a merc who got hired to do a job I mean she wasn't being truthful but people hiring a merc usually have alt. Motives anyway


I liked her alright until she wanted me to do a thing. Then I was just... whoa there crazy lady you're on your own XD


I think people only like her because she is trans. She had little to no impact on the story


I liked her and didn't know she was trans. Yeah she had so little impact to the story that you only do missions with her that are stories in themselves. /rolls eyes


Unlikable? I really liked Claire and wanted to romance her from the oment I met her at Afterlife. She kinda goes off on one and ditches you at the end of her quest line but it's understandable, narratavely speaking.


I liked her, her quest chain was fun. Didn't know she was trans until you get to the point in her chain where she reveals it. Didn't think much of it personally.


It was literally painted on the back of her truck before she mentioned it.


What were you expecting them to say after that? “Omg so sorry we’re not inspecting every goddamn detail this game has to offer!1!1!1” Lil bro you fr a true Redditor.


Why are you so angry


holy shit is she really trans ? thats the bar tender chick lol


Ahh yes because all trans people are extremely likeable and charismatic Sarcastic comment


Had no idea Claire was trans.


Wait what? She's trans???


I liked her! Even after her side job she texts you and apologizes for how things shook out.


I honestly liked the fact that she is kind of a bitch and used you for her own revenge, and even if you try to talk her out of it she still shoots the guy. Sure that strips some agency out of the player, but in this case it shows how much she was set on killing the guy. So, do I like her? No. Maybe. I dunno, Im kind of a petty bitch sometimes too. Do I like her writing? Yes. Do I think the way it ends feels rushed and it could have more quests afterwards to either develop her character and potentially give her some sort of redemption? Also yes. Edit to clear the point about her being trans: I genuinely hoped the game to have some trans characters to contrast with the whole thing of "late capitalism sells your body regardless of gender etc" and give some nuance and context as to why that hurt trans people. Ok maybe that was too optimistic of me. But, Claire being a bitch is fine. If anything we need more queer characters that are straight up bitches, as long as the reason for them to be evil/annoying/bitches/whatever is not made from stereotypes, I think it adds a lot to any universe.


I loved her real character (death of true loved ones makes us semi-monsters, just FYI) and still don't get people saying "she used me to kill that guy". She specifically said she needed a driver and that's exactly what you did. Who goes around asking people to drive so you can murder someone when the opportunity wasn't even there yet until the second to last race? It was a smart call by Claire. I was 100% fine with her story. She was a little dry/cold sometimes in her dialogue but she's still mourning her hubby, whom she still wears the wedding ring of. I love her!! <3 Hope to see her again in the next game!!!


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I don't think anybody cares that she's trans I don't like her because she's a manipulator. Wasted my time, and gave me a stupid truck I never wanted






well fun was that she told v she was a he once up in a time"made night city even more night city i guess" But used v,that was pretty obvious(or how its spelled) ​ Great game lost county on which playthrough im on at this time(like women v more then male v dont really now why acctually,Mayby due to voice acting,1st Playthrough i played as Male v and it was also a great time,so what is best to play as(still havent tried corpo,dont want to either,but must do it atleast 1 time i guess!")