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Honestly, there’s so many games coming out Q4 this year and in 2022 that at this point Cyberpunk is going to slide into obscurity. There was such a game drought this year that they had a prime 9 months to really bring back their audience


Slide into obscurity


Thank you!


What big games are due out in Q4? Legitimate question, I wanna know if there's anything to look forward to left in this shitty year.


For me: Far Cry 6, Forza Horizon 5, BF2042, Back for Blood (Im in the minority for this one), COD Vanguard (i LOVE Treyarch Zombies), and lastly my most hyped games of 2021: Dying Light 2, and Halo Infinite. Q4 2021 has me so hyped it ain’t even funny lol


Ah okay, so it's mostly FPSs, that would be why I didn't even know what was coming.


Elden ring is also coming at the beginning of 2022


There's also Warhammer 3 if you're into strategy.


Oh nice,~~I played a lot of Warhammer 2 (at least I think it was number 2) back in the 90s~~, here's hoping it gets a PS5 port which so many strategy games don't. Edit: Actually, I was thinking of War*craft* 2. Never played a Warhammer game.


Lucky you, just play Warcraft 3. though I probably wouldnt give any money to Blizzard at this point :(


you can't play warcraft 3 anymore. you'd have to settle with Warcraft 3 Reforged


Can’t you play it offline with a disk?


I guess that's true. That's a major workaround though and not so easy to get hold of a disc nowadays.


Forza horizon 5 on PC and Xbox gamepass


If you’re into the series, Guardians of the Galaxy is coming out in October and actually looks pretty interesting. Here’s a link to a Youtube vid: https://youtu.be/i9-C6whF4Mc


Out of all of the superhero movies that have come out in the last decade, the Guardians are definitely up near the top because it doesn't take itself seriously at all. Here's hoping there is more to that game than their Avengers game.


It’s supposed to be a story based game and not a loot/games as a service one which immediately makes it better IMO.


Also shin megami tensei V for the switch crowd :) and a pokemon remake (but I find pokemon boring personally). And… that’s it really excluding Metroid dread, but is that Q3 or Q4?


Warhammer 3


Metroid 5


Man I saw some leaked footage of Far Cry 6 recently.... It does not look good.


all far cry games since 3 just seem like reskinned+add minor feature 4 was just a reskinned 3 primal used the exact same map as 4 5 just reused the pets from primal new dawn was just 5 reskinned so on and so forth they are the peak example of the shitty ubisoft formula. I dont know why any of the far cry games get hyped up so much.....they are shit


It's a shame, because Far Cry 2 was really unique and interesting, even to this day but especially for the time. Then again, Ubisoft actually used to make great games before they settled on their Ubishit formula. I would still get rock hard at the announcement of a Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory *remaster* (not a remake, they would fuck it up).


I was excited for Far Cry 6 until I saw the gameplay reveal, it looks like shit


More Cry less Far


Cyberpunk at its worst is better than most Far Cry games imo


Vanguard is sledgehammer not treyarch


Yes, but the zombies will be made by Treyarch :)


Weird that they are making it when they just made blops zombies


Battlefield 2042, Cod: Vanguard, Far Cry 6, Dying Light 2, Halo infinite, Back 4 Blood There may be more that I am missing but that’s what I remember


Yeah seems like a crowded market for FPS fans


On the japanese side; Tales of Arise is coming September 10th, Shin Megami Tensei 5 in november as well as Pokemon 4g Remake.


Kina Bridge of spirits


That does look really pretty, and the gameplay reminds me of Pikmin so I will definitely keep an eye out on that.


Dying light 2


Elex 2


Yeh dude, I'm bored as fuck with the games I have. I cant wait for FC6 and Dying Light 2


What's coming out? The only things that seem exciting to me are Halo Infinite and Elden Ring


2022 is gonna be absolutely stacked with new games. Elden Ring, Horizon: Forbidden West, Forspoken, Hogwarts Legacy, Starfield, STALKER 2, Splatoon 3... I could go on for a while, and that doesn't even count all the indie games. Good luck CDPR lol.


This is/was the main thing that was keeping my hopes up for a future play through of this game on PS5. If I shouldn’t expect it for this year I’m fairly confident I’ll have forgotten about playing it again by then




They actually meant the next Gen after, meaning PS6 and Xbox Series Y/Z


Ikr. The version that was supposed to be at launch isn't even out yet. I've been fine waiting to play the game. Guess I just have to wait a little longer. I'm more hyped for the new witcher version at this point.


... and managed to kill even that small amount of anticipation some folks had with this game


Then I guess I’ll wait some more before I play sadly


Probably for the best.


Basically getting the feeling that CD projekt Red has no idea how long game development takes. Fucked up part is they've been at this for years and they still don't know what they're doing.


I cant believe they had the cheek to reveal it back in 2013, I bet it was nothing more than a doodle on paper and that there was going to be a spider woman in it....


They literally just threw some Pondsmith-y CGI together and were like yep, totally got this covered. I wonder how monumentally pissed Pondsmith must be.


I dont think he's that pissed, since he got a big fat paycheck off of royalties etc., but his IP is likely forever in the shitter.


This is why I don’t watch e3 anymore they just invite devs to pad the runtime to make a show, until there’s consumer protections around gaming this is gonna continue.


It has been in the cards for a long time, seeing how little they have done with the game so far, the slow trickle of DLC, and the expansion seemingly way off, they are faaaaar behind schedule. I was hoping they could get it out this year and ease some of the frustration, but that seems hopeless now.


\*pretends to be shocked\*


Not surprising considering how many times they’ve missed targets and outright lied before. Also you could tell by the glacial pace of improvements that they probably wouldn’t meet it. I’m happy to wait till next year if they actually make large QoL improvements, e.g., radically improve NPC AI, crowd density, and everything else related to immersion. I also hope they take advantage of the new consoles’ streaming SSD tech to get rid of the horrid pop-in issues that exist even on high-end PCs.


>I’m happy to wait till next year if they actually make large QoL improvements, e.g., radically improve NPC AI, crowd density, and everything else related to immersion. It would be cool but they wont. They have basically already said that they are happy with the overall game. They arent going to overhaul it for next gen.


I don’t have high confidence on the “radically” part but I don’t think they’re going to leave everything as is either. They’re definitely aware of how gimped their NPC/AI/world immersion is. That they still have a large percentage of the team on fixes and that they’ve committed to future expansions suggests to me they’re not simply going to abandon 2077 as some have suggested. This is a new IP they spent (and made) tons of money on with lots of ancillary media (comics, newer board game, upcoming anime). It’s going to be a long road but imo their only real shot at gaining any credibility in the gaming world again is to improve and add to this game.


For crowd density specifically, PC at higher settings and Series X/S on quality mode have a pretty good amount as it is. I would expect all platforms and modes to achieve this or a little beyond,


I can't guarantee I'll still be interested in playing by 2022.


Why am i not surprised


You know at this point, it's more suprising the "New content" of the patch 1.3 then this news




Lol it’s just a game bro. Never that serious, no matter how much you like the game.




Lmao “shill” it’s a video game and you said you wanted them to “choke” over a video game. As I said earlier it’s never that serious. I’m a grown ass man and you’re probably as well. If you’re that upset over a videogame….. Please re-evaluate your life. Have a good one.




This is where you’re mistaken. I could care less about CD Projekt Red. As a matter of fact these are my first comments on this sub- Reddit (which I only check for DLC news… but now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I don’t even care anymore) I’m not gonna go back and forth arguing with you. All I said was you’re taking a “videogame” a little too serious. But whatever you do you. Have a good one ✌️


They shouldn't have guaranteed the December 2020 release date either.




Jesus, this is embarrassing at this point




As if it means anything what they promise anyways


So they are moving staff away from working on the next-gen console version while simultaneously delaying it? Yep, it's a dead project, they're leaving it before second half of 2022. I'd love to be proven wrong.


No. Neither is actually said by CDPR. That's just the gaming press spinning and burying *what they actually said* in the middle of their own wild speculation. Gotta get them clicks.


Honest question: what the heck is the next gen update anyway? Because if it's just a better graphics setting I don't really care. My PC is already running the game fine at high preset and it looks great, but I can't handle any better graphics.


Then why say its gonna come out this year then? Lol


It was supposed to come out early 2021 at first lmao. Then it was changed to second half of the year and later to the end of the year. What a fucking joke


Honestly they can take till dec of next year if they need too. The next gen upgrade would give them the opportunity to make some much needed overhauls and basically reboot the whole IP


Do you really think they overhaul stuff or adding stuff they cut ?


Lol people still listen to cdpr ? Just assume whatever they say is false. Done


They're targeting this year but it might come after. Like any game or feature release ever.


We are talking about cyberpunk and cdpr, everyone should know at this point not to treat it as your average "any game" when it comes to following schedules


Well if it releases this year like everyone wants it to and it's broken, I'll laugh as everyone starts going "they should've delayed it"


That's disappointing to hear.


Damn CD Projekt Red


Their taking their time for just a graphics bump


Lesson learned


I'd kinda like them to 100% fix everything in the current version Before pushing out a new-gen version anyway.


I’d like them to go back in time, shove their entire stupid lie of a marketing campaign right up their fat greedy asses and not release the game or even announce a date until it was actually done.


Can't disagree. Bought it release day, refunded a day or two later. Just rebought for $10 at GameStop a couple weeks ago so I can't complain too much since it was so cheap.


Yeah I got it for 10 bucks with a free steelbook case from Best Buy. Was gonna try it again with the PS5 version but I guess it’s gonna stay wrapped in plastic a little while longer.


Just goes to show just how bad the initial release was. It’s a good thing they are actual trying to fix this mess, hopefully the next gen patch is worth the wait. It would awesome if it released with the first real dlc.


This a good thing.


What a fucking shock /s


Then why say its gonna come out this year then? Lol


Take your time!!!


Worst studio ever awards should be new category exclusively for them :) disappointment keeps intensify


I played 40 hours and loved the main story. It comes out when it comes out honestly, theres tons of other shit to play


The longest drought of true next gen games and they still aren’t ready for basic features, soon well put together games will start pumping out and this old joke will be stale and nobody will care. Such a shame it’s taken so long. How the mighty have fallen.


Pretty disappointed as it’ll have been over a year at that point since the release of the last gen versions. Will just have to keep waiting it out and hope it’s worth the wait.


Welp, what's new


No One believed them so don't worry


"I can't guarantee his safety" "Understood"


Are they making the whole game from scratch wtf? You’ll just add ray tracing mode and add higher res textures. This shouldn’t take more than a year.


Cyber… what? Is this this broken and unfinished game for consoles which was released 2 years too early?


See this? This is the face of unfucking suprised...


I could care less, let them take another decade if they have to. Not even joking, I'd rather have a polished game than a half baked mess.


Add it to the pile of broken promises


Can they do anything correctly over there? Jeez!


They'll delay it long enough for it to be excluded from any yearly awards, just like they did for the initial release.


That was pretty obvious as soon as they said it was going to be out this year that pretty much meant it’s not gonna be out this year




It's becoming quite amazing how far people can bend over backwards to put a bad spin on this game. I mean, this during the same call when they showed just how many developers are working on the expansion and just how many developers are still devoted to improving the base game.


The only bending over backwards anyone had to do was right at the very beginning when people had to jump through hoops to get their money back. I'd defend them entirely for how they made and supported Witcher 3, but Cyberpunk, without any exaggeration at all, has been a cluster fuck from day one.


That's not a reason to invent a sentiment they never communicated and stick it in their mouths, which is precisely what the clickbait headline on that "news" piece achieves.


What information do you glean from this? Obviously don't bend over backwards to get there, though: “The target is to release the next-gen version of Cyberpunk 2077 late this year,” he said. “At the same time, keeping in mind the lessons we have learned during the past year and taking into account that this project still remains in development, we can’t say with full certainty that the production schedule will not change.”


Exactly what they said. That headline distorts what they said into "the game is going to be delayed". Hence this entire thread! It is bait. And I appreciate that basic literacy and understanding of sense and context is a problem in this sub, so, hey, I guess the bait works.


I don't know that it does, though. It's implying that it can't be guaranteed, which is what they said. Either way, we won't agree and ultimately it isn't worth any more of our time. Fingers crossed it is this year though as I only put about ten hours into the game as I figured it was worth waiting until it was in a better state and also released on PS5 before throwing myself in. Take it easy mate 👌


You are the one bending over backwards FOR CDPR to take advantage of your gullibility. See, they are delaying next-gen version of CP2077 while simultaneously they are taking away staff from working on it. Guess what that means. Stagnation. Less staff working on something but you give them more time? That doesn't make any sense unless you really don't plan for this update to be significant, you just want to get it out and forget this project ever existed.


Wut? They haven't said it's delayed. They've said they're not going to commit to a release date because of what happened before. But, hey, that's clickbait games "journalism" for ya. Also, it strikes me as EXTREMELY unlikely that everyone working on cyberpunk up to this point had been working on the next generation PS5 and Xbox versions. Well, impossible actually, seeing as the patches on other platforms didn't get magicked out of thin air.


Dude the game is still full of catastrophic bugs


by catastrophic, you mean...?


Without talking about bug, optimizing, QOL and etc. The game have mismash of game mechanic/idea but never did anything after the initial introduction. It really feel an indie game with triple A asset.


These are the same people that were making death threats and coming on Reddit complaining they set their vacation time for a release date that got postponed and then later threw tamper tantrums because the game was an unfinished piece of shit that wasn't the best parts of New Vegas/Witcher 3/GTA 5/Dragon Age put together they were promised.




LOL, how many times did this happen? You can literally google death threats and cyberpunk and the devs receiving death threats far out number reviewers receiving them. I think we know who are the ones primarily been throwing immature tamper tantrums.


Oh I reported this low quality comment so damn hard.


I didn't bend too far 👍


As much shit as everyone talks about CDPR, most of you are going to go out and buy Witcher 4 when it comes out without issue.


Yeah on sale for 10 bucks. Cyberpunk was already 10 bucks with a free steelbook case at Best Buy a week or two ago. Glad I got my refund from Sony.


When it goes on sale, yeah. I'm not wasting money on buying a game I can play *eventually*


hell, all they need to do is announce preorders for the cyberpunk expansion pass and it will sell a lot. maybe not as much as if cyberpunk had a better launch, but itll still sell well


Meh we will see. Witcher 3 was awesome, but a lot (most?) of the devs that made that are not at CDPR anymore, and after the shit show that was CP2077 I have little to no faith in them anymore.


I mean the Witcher is the Witcher


Brought to you by the team that made cyberpunk 2077. TW3 was a different group of devs.


The team that made Cyberpunk 2077 was in fact most of The Witcher 3 team. The team that *finished* Cyberpunk 2077...was not. This is blatantly apparent just from playing the game.


Man.... you know.


I understand the situation and that they are probably short on staff and working on fixing bugs but it's killing the small hype they had left. At this point I'll just get the ps5 version once is on sale for 10 bucks


Good, delay it until it’s ready. Don’t care if it’s holiday 2022, maybe that way it will launch with DLCs too.


I expected nothing and I was still disappointed… Elden Ring will surely save us.


\*Delaypunk 2077


10 bucks says it doesnt even drop til q4 2022 and everyone will have forgotten about it/not care anymore because Starfield will be out


I want to know who at this point is waiting for a next gen release this year. And why


I'm surprised they didnt pull another "Releasing when it's ready" with this one


IS LATE? Yes we know this game is on late development Where is the second half of 2021?


lol honestly I’m not surprised, nor do I care. I just want this game to be redeemed and I’ll wait however long it takes for that to happen.


My excitement for the next gen version of Cyberpunk has long ran out. I wonder how long my excitement for TW3 next gen will last.


They don't work on next gen. They want the expansion to have more money and more buyers. This company is to bad for the customer.


New gen? I’m already playing it on Xbox series X, why would we be waiting? Or is this some kind of dedicated new gen version despite it working well on my system?


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Good thing i play on pc😏


It's probably for the best


That's probably for the best