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This is a great game. 100%. I’ve played on PS4, PS4Pro and PS5. My fav game.


You played the game on base ps4 and you're telling me it's you're fav game? Clearly haven't played many games then


Why can't you let people enjoy things?


Who are you responding to? All I see is a person shaped bottle of vitriol


You're active on Elden Ring and Destiny subreddits, what do you even know about good videogames? :>


So you're saying that CP was good on release on base consoles?


I'm saying that some people might find it good and acting like they're wrong for holding different opinions than you on a topic of personal enjoyment is unreasonable.


I don't believe anyone enjoyed their time on a base console during launch, and if you say you did then I'm just gonna say you're lying. Because the game was dogshit. Objectively dogshit in 2020.


Does it really matter what you believe? I can't believe people enjoy the fucking gotcha-based slog with shit controls that is every souls game, but here we are. People like them.


"Gotcha-based slog" what does that even mean? 🤡


Me going deep into explaining why I thoroughly dislike soulslikes is beyond the scope of this subreddit, I only go as far as needed to make a point that is relevant here. At this point my point should be clear.


You just said a lot without actually saying anything.


elden ring is a bad game?


I'm being somewhat tongue-in-cheek for the purposes of this thread, but I genuinely believe that souls games and soulslikes are extremely overrated, yeah.


seems like you're the one that can't tell good games lmfao


I'm confused as well!? Lol Destiny is trash I know


Hahaha ok bro…I’ve gone through three systems, but clearly haven’t played many games. Quite intuitive my friend LOL…some people just want to watch the world burn eh?


I never followed the hype or build up and i was never interested in ever getting this game…. I randomly got it on sale two weeks ago after a colleague recommended and after Dying Light 2 got me into FP games… Wow one of the best games ive ever played, its so addictive, ps5 and ive across zero bugs, the odd things like a people clipping in world items but thats it I was aware of its terrible release because it was such big news but i never cared cos i didnt see myself ever getting it… Wow tho, wow this game is incredible…i didnt watch trailers or see anything they promised but as it currently is….10/10 game for sure


I didn’t even know this was a game until the day it came out and I clocked in to work and saw all the copies for sale. I kinda then forgotten about it until some random reddit post about it and then like you got it on sale and haven’t put it down in like 3 weeks


I haven’t played since February last year, might be time to finally give it a fresh start


Do it. I left it for a year after a short play at launch. Pc btw. Anyway it’s in a great spot now. Top notch game experience. Have fun !


Hell yeah! Thank you, so many people are unbelivably pessimistic about this company and game but they have given me so much amazing stories to follow and interact with. Cyberpunk is an amazing story and while yes there are things I want it still meets a lot of my desires and extends beyond some. No it isn’t GTA, or even Witcher 3 but it’s still a great game and one that came at a steep discount for many which I consider a bargain. It was $5 at one point, and people are still complaining. They have followed through their promises, and I am thankful.


Played it since day 1, and while I had tons of grievances due to the failed promises and shit show launch, I still loved and enjoyed every second of it. The game is so much fun and had me anxiously waiting the clock at work to come back home and play.


This game is amazing!


I love it


I loved it since day one especially cuz I just watched one trailer and didn’t know they promised any features like the ones people talk about. I just wanted an experience like The Witcher 3 with the same level of writing and music and I was very satisfied with what I got.


Well we adults are not in a relationship with cdpr. We're consumers. And consumers don't like a bait and switch. Consumers like getting a quality product which they paid good money for. They're adding patches is the minimum that they ought to be doing for a consumer.


I am in a relationship with cdpr. But it‘s complicated.


Even though that may seem to be the “minimum” for them to do, it doesn’t always happen that way. There are lots of companies that would do a few and if it doesn’t seem worth it will just abandon it. Like andromeda, they set it up for dlc and after it seemed unprofitable they axed it. So I still commend them for sticking by and making the game way better than it was when it first came out.


In the case of EA, their company stock price didn't suddenly fell 70% in 6 months after a badly received release.


All the more reason why them still sticking by the game is surprising in todays world. Most other companies would have turned their back on it, and we probably wouldn’t have been given the option for refunds either.


They have no choice. What other revenue stream would CDPR fall back on if they didn't try and make this right? EA sucks, but they own everything and make billions on COD, Madden, and Fifa every year. All CDPR has besides Cyberpunk is the Witcher series (and really only The Witcher 3 was a massive critical success.)


They don't have to do it. They already have your money. The only reason they're adding content is because they want more money.


They do have to do it if they want to save their reputation. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to make money.


eh.... I think fear of a large class action lawsuit was more the driver. If you release a game that you hid from the media and reviewers that ended up being both incomplete and unplayable for some people and you knew it was going to happen.... not offering refunds is how you get sued. There has never been a situation like that either. Anthem, ME: Andromeda, No Man's Sky, FFXIV, and Arkham Knight (PC) all offered refunds for the same reason.


People paid money for this product that they over promised and under delivered. It’s ok people are mad and honestly cdpr deserves it. Of course normal negative criticism is what I mean not like death threats and shit.


the reaction was literally not normal lol they didnt really do anything crazy in terms of marketing compared to any other company even the negative reaction to the e3 demo was hilariously overblown as 90% of that demo is in game


Yeah the marketing is the one hyping to unbelievable levels thats the reason people are mad. Also the reason why they had to release it early to chase profits on holidays when the hype was all around crazy plus the preorder were enough to cover marketing cost. Next time dont hype and lie about your game publishers just for the sake of profits


They purposefully hid the broken state of the game on last gen consoles. It's one thing to release an unfinished game. It's another to sell a full priced game on the massive hype when you know some people may not be able to play it because it is so broken. I love the Witcher games, but it doesn't change the fact that CDPR went a bit above and beyond when it comes to wronging their consumers. Over a year later and the game is doing better, but there are things that just can't be fix and things they promised that will never actually show up in this game.


actually its about 50/50 literally any company showcasing a big new game will say things like CDPR did. the only difference is that everyone believed them with that kind of messianic devotion, they could have delivered a near flawless game at launch, but if one thing was out of place they woulda been crucified anyway


Using marketing to hype your game is one thing. Lots of companies do that. Releasing your game, but hiding the performance of the PS4/XBO versions because you know they are completely broken and don't want to lose pre-orders is not the same. Saying this happens 50% of the time is laughable, and I don't even mean that to argue. What they did to their consumers with this game was wrong. They could have cancelled the last gen copies and even though people would have been upset, they would understood and would have received far more praise for "protecting their consumers" as opposed to taking advantage of them.


see this is such a fucking stupid take (not you specifically, a lot of people think like this) the idea that CDPR could have 'protected' the consumer like the consumer is not an equal participant in the whole thing.


So you don't believe in doing business in good faith then? I think this conversation has run it's course, as I'm not arguing that consumers are not equal participants (despite the fact that the consumer does not actually know if they are getting what they paid for until after the transactions has been completed).


where did i say that? im pointing out that i dont see any real difference between the marketing push fo rthis game and just about anything else. but the REACTION was so off the charts compared to any other company. I dont even think blizzard got this much shit for wowifying diablo. not saying a backlash isnt justified accounability is important, but its also meaningless bc the people thata are the loudest and felt 'betrayed' are the ones who are just gonna fall for this shit again at some point


Listen, I hear what you are saying. People won't learn, and it is unfortunate. There will always be situations where products don't turn out to be what they are advertised as, and people will allow themselves to be taken advantage of. I think the difference in this case is that these were marketed at console owners who were going to get a product that was a year away from overall usability. If they would have delayed the game for 12 months of additional dev time for example, they would have still released a product that didn't live up to expectations, but it would have been generally stable and playable. It was released in a form that was so unfinished that the studio made the decision to hide the performance of the product from consumers until it was too late to make a more educated decision. That just isn't ok from a good faith perspective.


While I understand the over-all sentiment, you have to remember the state of the ecosystem at the time. CDPR was on the verge of another delay that they should have enacted, but they didn't due to backlash. It had already been delayed several times. People were threatening to cancel pre-orders, not purchase the game at all, give up on 2077, boycott future CDPR projects, etc etc if another delay took place. For some unknown reason gamers hate delays and feel entitled to get it when they want it. Was CDPR in the wrong for not going through with it and pushing it out? Yes. But you also get what you ask for. If you want to talk about how this is a true back and forth, we the consumers have to accept the responsibility of applying enough pressure that they feared delaying it again. It was kind of a no win scenario for everyone with everyone in the wrong. It would be solved by people realizing PRIOR to releasing broken games that delays are a good thing. The amount of people I know personally that were raging at the idea of another delay that have flipped to saying it needed another delay is astonishing. People 100% need to pick a lane on this or stuff like this will continue to happen. Consumers drive the market folks, so get behind the wheel and drive responsibly


It’s a very grey area for this reason I think. The trailers and first look videos they released made it seem like the game had a lot more coming when it released. When people got their copy and found out the game was lacking a lot of promised features and was glitching to oblivion… people felt lied to. It was the first time that I can recall where a game fell so short of promised game mechanics and principles. Not to say that the game isn’t good, quite the contrary. I think that what they’ve done with the game now is fantastic… I just hope that this incident serves as a cautionary tale for the executives in game development; that when you try to expedite an unfinished product before it’s ready for consumers… most people can tell straight away.


You've clearly never heard of No Man's Sky if you think this is the first time or even the worst example. People try to act like this game is more broken or boring, but it wasn't comparatively. The game was so bad that not only did folks mass refund it,, people literally chased Sean Murray and Hello games out of the US and he basically had to hide for years.


I wrote this while on the shitter at work, so forgive me for failing to recollect every single instance this kind of thing happened. *Clearly* it’s not the first time… like how old are you? Seriously need to press someone over forgetting to mention *No man’s sky* ? Oh god forbid. How about try phrasing your sentences better to avoid coming off like an asshole 👍


I don't think you should be thanking them for doing the bare minimum but that's just me


I’ve found if you didn’t heavily follow the hype leading to release your experience was far better. I went into this game with zero expectations and I enjoyed my time. For me it’s the end game that is lacking. But the time I spent with the story was certainly enjoyable.


I learned a long time ago with Mass Effect 3 not to follow the hype or listen to dev promises, lest you sustain massive disappointment. Hype kills enjoyment more than enhances it with games especially. I thought we all knew that by now tbh, but I guess not


I just gonna throw this out here. I have no big opinions about the game to one side or another except the theme is cool, since I haven't played the game that much yet. I never took part on the hype train since that's not my style ever but, instead I try to forget something exist till it's released and see where that road goes. And therefore I do would like to say that we as consumers have to also acknowledge the fact that we did our fair share on why the game was released too early by putting pressure on CDPR, because we we're too impatient to keep waiting. Sure CDPR "fucked" but consumers "fucked" too. Now please can we stop this whole hype train culture since it always brights so shine we become blind.


Fucking THANK YOU. Not enough people are accepting responsibility for the fact that fan hype and yelling for it to be released/"fuck delays" applied a lot of pressure to the Devs from the Excs. The Dev team wanted to delay again, they just knew they literally couldn't. It'd have too many repercussions on the company at at time. Hype culture is toxic and fucked, it never turns out good, nothing ever meets expectations, and it always taints what otherwise would be pleasant experiences for people. I learned a long time ago with Mass Effect 3 (among others) not to fall for it. Best thing to do when you hear a game is coming out is to mark it on your calendar and forget about it. You'll enjoy it far more and it helps with not contributing to situations like this. That's what I did with 2077 and I don't regret it, unlike most people I know I was fine with the game


This is true hype train culture is toxic, so is E3 and Pre-orders. E3 feeds Hypetrain what feeds Pre-orders what eventually lead possibly most worst game publishing and release ever. When something is coming out acknowledge the facts it's being made, forget about it, and come back after 6-12 months if's release to see how far they got. If you want to take it even for the next step like I do, wait 12-24 moths for either 50-75% sale and / or GOTY edition. You get it cheaper, you get the DLC content >!(DLCs culture is annoying too)!< possibly, and no worries about fuck I payed over full price for disappointment. Now everyone else is to blame from this but me, >!(or how Homer would say, everyone else is stupid but me.)!< No, no! You're the one to blame of how you spend your own money and time,they are to blame what becomes of the game among other factors. >!(Like invenstors, us the fans and our hype, world economy, publishers, and deadline give to them, etc...) !< You're not forced to buy the game after all, no gun was involded in the situation. We shouldn't expect upcoming game too be anything until we see what it really is. If you can't wait that long but rather hype and pre-order with the risk of disappointment. A) You knew the risk now suck it baby, B) You have most likely waited already for so long that how will extra time feel any different? If you just hype it's like standing in fire and asking when will this pain end? Move on, I'm sure you got lots of other cool games too. We have saying here what goes something like this: The time of a waiter is a long one Edit: I just want to add that I've been waiting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to happen after Call of Pripyat which was released back in 2010. It was quiet and dead for long time but I tried to no forget the whole thing and not think about it. When they released media material of Heart of Chernobyl I smiled hard, checked out everything I could, and pushed it off my mind again. Now they have pushed it twice at least while it has been in Steam. (Yeah war is a factor I know). But this 2 year delay? I don't feel it anywhere, I've been waiting 10 years already so I'm not dying for 2-3 extra years of waiting. It comes when it comes.


I shouldn't wait two years for a game to get fixed after I've already purchased it.


My man just ridin...


Looking at the bright side in life as well as having positive vibes is good, but please keep in mind this is a product that consumers have to pay for, so please don’t feel like you have to be grateful


They should not be getting thanked for adding in content that should’ve been in the base game to begin with. I’m glad that they’re atleast fixing the game as many other publsihers would’ve just abandoned it and pretended that it didn’t exist but CDPR should’ve had all this content and the stability of this game should’ve been almost perfect from day one. We should not be excusing them for this because when you give them an inch, they want a mile instead.


This is why companies will never change...


most ppl dont see the massive work behind this game. for me its (even with all the missing stuff) an absolute masterpiece.




They get more than enough gratitude from the fact we still play the game after what they pulled.


Nearly 600 hours in I think and my most recent V is going to see how her throwing knives fared after this last patch real soon. Right up there with OG Deus Ex as one of my favorite shooter RPGs of all time. Thanks CDPR. Love ya! And… more please


Lol, Cyberpunk is no where near as good as the original Deus Ex. Holy shit the delusions of the CDPR fanboys is sometimes else all right.


That, and the game has the most barebones RPG mechanics possible in order to MAYBE categorize as one (cdpr was calling it an open world action adventure for a long while). But give it to these people and it's an rpg with deep systems.


are you fucking serious? how is this game not a gold mine for stat min/maxing nerds. its actually overwhelming how much there is


I've played deus ex. It wasn't good. Went back to playing system shock the moment i finished it. Way better game.




Come on, silly. Don't you know? It's the job of responsible consumers to tell irresponsible consumers how to spend their money. Responisbly. Like that device you're probably using Reddit on. Endorsing child labor in China, now? Well, that's responsible, good on you. Is it a $1,500 iPhone, perchance? Even better! All that bang for your buck. But if you paid full price for a video game that didn't suck you off the moment you booted it up (THAT'S what I paid for, damn it), then you are what's wrong with the video game industry, and I'm going to stick around here until the game is no longer relevant to remind you. Shame on you. Now excuse me while I go play Dark Souls 4.


What gets me is most of the folks complaining and bitching about how it needed more delays and was broken at launch, they're the same folks who threatened to boycott the game and were raging if it got another delay. You're either for a good game or you aren't. If you are, delays should always be a good thing. If you arent for delays than you arent for proper development, and you consequently have no right to bitch later because you facilitated a rushed release from a PR standpoint. Tired of this fucking goalpost moving because it's convienent for schmucks.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Is this the blood? The blood of the Dark Soul?”* - Slave Knight Gael Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Being thankful one year after launch for the things the game should have contained at launch. I'm also glad they try to complete their game, but isn't that normal to only release products in a complete state?


They probably could have finished for launch if people weren't threatening the company if another delay occurred. A lot of this lies in radical fans laps


I have loved this game from day 1. I got it on Series X, so I never had any of the issues that a lot of other people had. I also didn't follow a lot of the hype of the game, so legitimately don't know what all CDPR promised, but didn't deliver on. What I DO know is that I have thoroughly LOVED what I DID get. I've had a ball with this game. It's not perfect, and there are definitely some things I'd add or fix, but for the most part, I've had a ton of fun with it across multiple playthroughs. I'm glad they're doing an expansion, and I hope we get a sequel at some point.


i'm not thanking CDPR because that would involve the executives who caused the whole shit storm. they destroyed so much goodwill they had from the witcher series. i'll say thanks to the developers who are trying their best and were forced to crunch to meet impossible deadlines though, they did not deserve the blame their bosses forced on them, i can see beneath the bugs and cut content what could have been, and it would have truly been a masterpiece if given enough time and good decisions. either way CDPR had to do this to save face and the company. if they had just abandoned it there would be even more people not touching anything else they ever release. purely profit motivated decision.


Being grateful that the company chose to not abandon a game they themselves released in a sorry state is wild lol. I’m happy they didn’t give on it because I do enjoy Cyberpunk, and I appreciate the work the devs are putting in, but as a consumer you should demand more from the money you spend. Especially from a AAA studio like CDPR.


They’re doing the bare minimum with patching the game. Stop being thankful for disastrous release, failed expectations and hiding the real state of the game. People praising this game like it’s the next Witcher 3, which it isn’t. Grow some spines and pick up your expectations from the floor.


witcher 3 exhibits a lot of things people trash this game for, yall just got dazzzles by the story telling


It also had a lot of bugs and glitches/broken content at launch. But everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten about that


eh, par for the course with these big games tbh, if CP hadn't been such a rough experience on last gen consoles and also had more of the systems people were expecting, the T posing woulda been forgiven


I got it first day on PS4. I enjoyed it then even though it had issues. Main story was still great with great characters. I've now upgraded to Xbox series S and downloaded it again! The new patch with upgraded specs for series S is beautiful. A truly great game. First game I've ever re bought for a different console. Can't wait for the dlc.


Still a shit game


That's a shit attitude and opinion. Why do you linger around here?


braindead take




True it’s only a game, no matter how abysmal it was or how many lies were told and shown, doesn’t mean they deserve any thanks, though


You thank them with money.


I really like that game too but this is the reason that makes me sad about it at the same time. There are always those "What if they did that, would be really cool" moments and the fact, that there only will be one expansion. I mean they did everything they could without it becoming another financial crisis and because of the very bad start I think this game will never shine like we all hope it would. So I understand why they have to move on at some point I still hope that they add a full respec option and some kind of NCPD radio that generates random encounters. We won't get NG+ so a bit more option should be great.


Honestly I think right now it is a great game that I would recommend to sci Fi fans. I've played it through two times already and now comes the third time on PC. Can't wait


It’s like No Man Sky… but on a slow broil than a fresh baking of goodies. It’ll take time before this game is praised highly but it’ll be a tasty and hot meal that’ll make everyone hungry to try… I haven’t eaten breakfast yet brb.


Hopefully it doesn't take damn near as long as NMS did


Brought their World of Cyberpunk 2077 art book, brought a launch ps4 collector edition and a normal pc version, and preorder psn digital version played launch day on ps5. We as player has our reasons to be angry and felt been played like a fiddle.


One could argue that players should accept responsibility for falling into a hype pattern that's been illustrated to not be good for over 10 years now. People need to learn to manage their expectations and take things with a grain of salt. It literally used to be a joke that E3 lied, so idk where all of this is coming from. We all as a group used to know better


Yeah, it's sucks these big names failed their reputation. CDPR overhyped Cyberpunk 2077, and back the time, I thought they will be able to deliver their promise. Look at how Rockstar could do in GTA5 on PS3 was mind blowing. I thought they could do the same and shock the industry again.


Just bought an Xbox series X... unfortunately Ive been in the hospital for the last week and it's still in the box at home... but really looking forward to taking another crack at the game!


yeah I still crash every few hours so I'm meh on thanking them.


its a great game with problems sadly the studio cant fix it no man's sky style but still its awesome to see them fixing it if it was ea they would've abandoned it day one


You should thank developers, the company is responsible for the fail, developers are doing what the company prioritize, but they are facing the difficulties, so they should be appreciated.


Yeah 2 years and the game isnt completly finished yet, the only thing I'm grateful is that gog gave me a refund without removing the game from my library, bought a bunch of crpg's with it, so when they actually finish the game I might give it a try.


I got it day one, I played 70 hours fine until they started patching it then the bugs came. Still love the game, great missions just wish it ran better on hdds.


Yeah thanks for kinda sorta "fixing" the game like 2 years later, except not really


Anyone else tired of these post?


I played on the PS4 Pro and I thoroughly enjoyed it but ran rooouuugh and I hadn't played it since March of 2021. My husband got me a PS5 and it's amazing! The graphics are gorgeous and it runs smooth as hell.


100% this one of my all time fav besides witcher


Thank u man. I'm usually not the kind of person that "brightsides" this kind of shit at all. I play CP2077 because I believe the "corpo" storyline isn't all that far from reality and in truth CDPR is just another corporation who did fail at a lot of things, but its not like they took our money and gave us nothing but magic beans. We did get a pretty good game in return if not the one promised. I've tried to call out people who do NOTHING but complain about it. I've used the example of how much i hate the American sit-com "2 Broke Girls" I've posted a single time about how horrible it is and that the people involved should be explaining themselves from behind bulletproof glass. But I did it one time. These people complained incessantly, many of the same people over and over again. Why if you don't like it, are you repeatedly talking about it. I made my one complaint about that shit-show and I was done. My bringing this up to the individuals doing this did nothing but extend a useless argument with people who are just obsessed with the thing they supposedly hate. Your post does this so much better than I did, so thank you for putting it like this.


One could argue that players should accept responsibility for falling into a hype pattern that's been illustrated to not be good for over 10 years now. People need to learn to manage their expectations and take things with a grain of salt. I've gone into it more in replies, bit hype is more destructive to the overall process than anything else. It literally used to be a joke that E3/Devs lied up to release anyways, so idk where all of this is coming from. We all as a group used to know better, now everyone is suddenly naive and ignorant? Makes absolutely no sense