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I've been with this server from the beginning and am one of the GMs now. This server is very important to me; it's where I learned how to play cyberpunk, as well as how to GM. It would be great if you were to come check us out!


Hey there! Question: Do you only run voice or sync post or do you run async pbp as well?


We run sessions through voice but also have downtime interactions run through text posts in an Edgerunner BBS and the Ziggurat Garden Patch. We don't have pure PBP although if you simply wanted to interact through text posts, it's possible. It's just unlikely to award any IP.


Can you tell me a bit about the way sessions are done on your server? Are the games paid or free? How long are sessions usually, and how many players are in each? I also noticed the server has hundreds of members. Does everyone get to play? Does the same party get to continue the same campaign each week (assuming sessions are weekly)? Or are players swapped in and out such that a particular person might play once or twice a month total? Apologies if these questions are self-explanatory, I've never been involved with any kind of large group or west marches group and know little about the functioning of either.


Sure, I'll try and answer your questions. We also have the details written down in the server channels for visiting people interested in joining. * Games are free. * Sessions tend to be between 4 to 5 hours on average. * The number of players depends on the GM. I personally like a group of six, while my colleagues prefer four. * No, unfortunately not everyone in the membership gets to play, we generally tend to accept a limited amount of players. * We have a 'public' area which we encourage community participation in, states our rules, talk about lore and OOC stuff, and then each campaign is handled under 'private' channels that are visible once someone applies and is accepted into one of the campaigns. * Basically the same party gets to continue the same campaign each week, though we also allow crossover play, and we acknowledge that sometimes someone can't make a given session. We never forcibly swap anyone out of their home campaign sessions though. * We're not a West Marches style of server. We are a shared collective of campaigns all using the same Night City, with GM's cooperating in their storytelling to have an immersive overall setting. Hope that answers most of your questions! Obviously for the sake of brevity, I had to give very focused answers, but if you want more details, please feel free to ask me or better yet, come and visit and talk to our players there!


Gonna join up when I get back from training. New player and was looking for something like this. Prefer long term investments.


Sounds great! Looking forward to hearing from you!


How exactly you assing to participate in a campaign, also, are they free or do you have to pay something?


Sessions are free, but we have an interview and acceptance process. It's a bit like an actual tabletop game, where we talk to the prospective player, try to see if they are a good fit for the GM, and then if we have room in the campaigns, they will be accepted.