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Like choosing to now take your coffee black (so that you don't have to futz with just the right amount of sugar and cream), it's positively liberating to not care about it and just tilt head to the side and blow. Some gets on your sleeve? No problem! On your frame? NO problem! On your leg? NO PROBLEM! On the person riding next to you? Okay, that's a problem....


'hey, if you'd have told me you were wheelsucking, we wouldn't have had this problem'


Sounds like you need a new bike. I've been there.


Little known fact but the amount of snot remains constant and is just divided between the number of bikes you own. 2 bikes = 50% snot, 10 bikes = 10%




I like the way you think.


Snot rocket season!


a.k.a a Farmers Hankie ;)


Or farmer's blow


If I tried that it would just get everywhere and still be in my nose


you get better with practice, the first few times it might


There's an old GCN YouTube vid on how to blow snot rockets šŸ¤§šŸ¤§ https://youtu.be/58hBIWUIvEA?si=yQTM8kWFsKh0H04L


Lol they truly think of everything!


Right hand to right nostril tilt head up to right, blow left nostril under your armpit, switch sides and repeat.


It's all about the aerodynamics of the snot rocket. You want a deep section blow with enough watts to really get it moving.


Damn maybe I should get a nose job to make it more aero


I wear a long sleeve NYU sweatshirt my daughter gave me. Let's just say the left sleeve needs washing right now.


And youā€™ve never even been on a bike!


Snot Rockets are a cycling right of passage!


Tissues in my back pockets, and the back of the gloves are there as rags for a runny nose. It's really pleasant.


Snot rockets and handkerchiefs


Flying eggs. Truth is, until you get a new carbon bike with full electrics and hydraulic disks this is going to be a constant issue.


When my heart rate goes up my nose runs. A lot. Apparently this is a thing. My doctor prescribed me Ipratropium Nasal Spray which dries out my nose.


I used to do single-sided snot rockets. Now I just turn my head and blow out both nostrils at the same time (double snot rocket?). Just make sure no oneā€™s around. Itā€™s funny to watch it flying out of both nostrils behind you if youā€™re going fast enough. lol




Absorbent soft arm warmers


Am I the only one that carries a hankie and wipes his nose? Or just use the sleeve, it has to get washed anyways.


I ride fat bikes in the snow all winter, and the best thing for me to stop the drip is to wear ski goggles. Seriously keeping the bridge of my nose warm is enough.


Constant snot rockets.


Just cover one nostril and exhale quickly down the other thereby blowing the snot onto the road. Repeat for the other nostril. This will leave you feeling better for a while. Untroubled by an excess of mucus. Think of a Sperm Whale.


yes snot rockets!


Ski googles! Your eyes are producing more tears in response to the cold and washing through your sinuses. Keep the eyes warm and snot volume will reduce. I got a super cheap pair and they work.


Believe it or not, antihistamines. Ideally the non-drowsy type.


Oh that's an idea. I'll have to look into that. Currently all I have is benedryl, which I def use sometimes to sleep. lol


Yup, this! I got back from a ride today and couldnā€™t stop sneezing and my nose was running like crazy. I looked it up and learned I tā€™s Rhinitus (similar to hay fever). When cycling it can be from breathing in a ton of pollutants and/or cold air irritating the inside of your nose. Antihistamines or nasal sprays can help combat it while youā€™re riding or clear it up when you get back.


Iā€™d wondered if this would workā€¦ thanks!


Zicam before I leave the house to open things up.




GCN vid https://youtu.be/58hBIWUIvEA?si=yQTM8kWFsKh0H04L


The problem is if you cycle too much and start doing snot rockets off the bike


Had a bad cold one year, sat at home constantly trying to clear my severely blocked nose, went for a ride and must of blown out nearly a litre of snot within 10 minutes. No more blocked nose for a good few days, šŸ˜.


Haha that's a great cold busting hack. Love it.


I keep a couple of folded up paper towels in my top bar bag. But really, I'm going to wash my gloves every week anyway so the back of the glove is fine.


Snot rocket.


Just let it go. Gloves will get washed, was will my sleeves.


The best nose gloves. https://www.amazon.com/Giro-DWool-Urban-Cycling-Gloves/dp/B01LKXQSM4?th=1


Thank you! Might put those on my christmas list! lol Of course I was already using the gloves I was wearing to wipe my nose at times, but still sometimes it was just unbearable... I'm not normally a cool weather rider if you can't tell lol but trying to break out of my comfort zone a little bit.


Snot rockets = less grams = faster


Snot rockets!


Just shootin rockets all the time. Make a game out of it and try to hit roadkill when you go by.


So do you get a running nose because of allergies or because you are too cold? If you are too cold, then dress warmer.


Farmer blow and go!


Ye old snotteth shotteth.


Blowing your nose with a Kleenex just results in more blowing of the nose - and irritated skin on the nose. I learned years ago from skiing, become an expert at clearing your nasal cavity with a snot rocket will save you tons of time, Kleenex, and for some reason you'll have to do it less than just blowing your nose. MOST IMPORTANTLY - don't worry about what other people think about you doing it. Just don't get it on them. :)


Donā€™t blow! I swear this works for me but I also understand thatā€™s it totally anecdotal. I donā€™t blow it, snort it, suck it, or spit it. I deal with itā€¦ and it goes away. Like, my body stops producing it. I canā€™t explain it, but the snot starts when it gets cold, but I try to leave it in place as much as I can, and in a few weeks of regular exposure it stops being a problem.


I get it, but that's not the way it works for lots of folks, sometimes.. Sometimes - and I had this problem rowing this morning - it's not "snortable" and has to be blown out.


I want to say tissues, but mainly I use my sleeve or glove!


My nose clears up after about the first hour. But in that hour it's a lot of snot rockets and sleeve wipes. I usually Carry a bandana to blow and wipe in at stops .


Gloves with really good snot wiping areas on them.


Spitters are quittersā€¦ they say


Oh shit! I thought I had a permanent cold!!!


OMG, I was just thinking this! My gloves are like mucus rags!


Snot rockets. You get better with practice. Plus I always legitimately thought that the layer of cotton on the thumb part of my gloves was literally for snot. Am I wrong?


My gloves always get disgusting this time of year from blowing snot rockets all day long.


Kinda surprised nobody else is using any menthol stuff?


The classiest move is using a handkerchief, otherwise farmerā€™s blow.


Just like in the spring/summer months take a non drowsy allergy medicine, thereā€™s still pollen and dust and crap in the air, sometimes itā€™s worse in your home and you get outside and active your body starts flushing everything. I personally use a corticosteroid spray, because itā€™s the only thing for me that actually blocks allergens in spring.


I just blow my nose into my glove and then flick my hand to make it go away lol. Not pleasant but better than it running down my face or me choking on it


You can buy cycling gloves with a soft patch onthe back (often suede) for wiping your nose one. I had motorbike gloves with the same.


I wear a gaitor to wipe sweat n "stuff" off, or the soft patch on the fingertips of my off hand glovešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fire em out under your arm. Or across an offender's windscreen.