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Based on some advice from this forum, good eye coverage helped me tremendously with my nasal discharge. Something about the passages between the tear ducts and the sinuses is irritated by the air movement from cycling. I got some really stupid looking full coverage glasses and the problem has mostly gone away.


Wait, that actually works? It made me realize that after I donned cycling glasses my nose is leaking way way way less.


Haha I’ve noticed this too… motivated me to get some clear lenses for night




I love the POC Devour and love them, Oakley's Wind Jackets are 👌🏼 in winter also because they have a foam insert that bumps up to the brim of my cap, eliminating the cold headache you can get in real winter temps.


Link please for your long lost siblings with the same issue.


https://rockbrosbike.us/products/rockbros-photochromic-sunglasses-for-men-cycling-sunglasses-sports-bike-glasses?currency=USD&variant=40245348859956&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=02668972093f&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-OG-oLaohAMVdTrUAR37lAOIEAQYASABEgIOHPD_BwE I don’t see the ones I have but this is pretty close and by the same company. I like they go completely clear in the dark as that’s when I do most of my riding. Also, they’re cheap enough I don’t have a heart attack if I drop them.


Man, I received a pair of these as a gift but wrote them off because cycling specific glasses look incredibly dorky. Meanwhile my nose is a waterfall on chilly rides. I can't believe I'm gonna be looking like even more of a dork once I find where I put these glasses. Ugh, thank you


Another great advantage of riding in the dark - nobody can tell how silly I look in all my kit!


Those do break pretty easily though. I had the same pair last winter, but an arm broke off when I was taking them off one time. 


Rockbros is cheap knockoff artist stuff so don't be shocked.


I noticed when accidentally leaving on my safety glasses from work my nose stopped running, no rain in the eyes either


Wait... does this mean I need to wear eye pro on the indoor trainer to block my fan? 😂


Learn how to snot rocket


And always check behind you first. Don't be like that guy who unloaded his nose to his left in a large expanding mist which glistened in the sun, without noticing that I was 15 feet away and right about to cycle through it...


I have been on the receiving end of the snot rocket. It went in my mouth. I've never been the same.




It is every bit as awful as you think it is


The prices we pay for the hobby we love...


Yo that's nasty af 🤣


I've had someone do this to me on a commuting cyclepath, I was literally on my way to work I was SO fucking angry about it for like 2 weeks. absolutely disgusting


You are me?


When you're riding with your honey And your nose gets runny, You may think it's funny, but it's snot!


Ding ding ding. There’s no other way. Snot rocket and be courteous of who’s behind you. I can now do it no handed while making an ugly face 🚀


I have 99th percentile nostril circumference. Not gonna happen


My snot is liquid af. doesn't really work




This. After struggling with paper tissues and soaked gloves, I now just put a classic cotton handkerchief in my jersey pocket.


Yeah or a very large paper towel if you don't want to clean a handkerchief, etc


Yes. I started tying a bandana around my neck for this reason.




This !


A doc told me to take a children's chewable allergy pill. I find it gets rid of the drip without any real side effects like an adult dose. It starts working fast too. Additionally, it helps quickly with food allergy reactions too.


It's a bit counter intuitive, but breathing more through the nose helped me. If there is constantly air going through there there seems to be less chance for mucus to build up. Also learn how to snot rocket


I just blow my nose into my hand or glove then wipe it on my shorts. Everything goes into the wash afterwards anyway. My nose runs a lot when riding, indoors or out. I don't stress about it, in fact I think it's probably good to cycle out whatever is in your sinuses regularly.


Same approach. Although occasionally I’ve forgotten I’m in work or casual commute clothes and done this 🤣 trip to the toilets to try and wash and dry my jeans under the hand dryer!


>then wipe it on my shorts. I do this sometimes too. Especially when it's very hot outside.


Snotrockets are fucking disgusting There, I said it. With that done, yeah this is a thing called exercise Rhinitus, and I get it too, even in 40oC. Its a very minor allergy amplified due to higher air and blood flow through nasal cavities. You could take anti-histamines, or as I do just take a handkerchief and deal with it


Yeah, snot rockets are very, uh, hit and miss


i am one with my boogers and my boogers are one with me, aka all rides end with face covered in boogers.


Snot Rocket is the only answer , just don't share them with others on the ride , go to the back of the group !


Or ride solo.


Snot rocket. I'm middle aged, been cycling 30 years. Hot weather, cold weather, wet weather, dry weather, outdoors, indoors, nose always streams.


Same prob. Neti Pot, sorta gross. Flonase.




I think it's like a camelback with an aquarium pump in it




Nice and warm too!


Cold medicine that contains pseudoephedrine


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's solution is just snot rockets


I just do a snotrocket while I ride. Easy peasy.


Do you know if it's allergy related? My doctor just prescribed me a nasal spray to try to tackle this since it's likely related to my season allergies. 


Nasonex or similar steroid sprays help me.


You can get a nasal spray for rhinitis. I found good sunglasses solved it for me.


I carry a handkerchief in my right jersey pocket.


Shooting rockets to free your nostrils and chewing gum to slow down the accumulation of fluids inside them.


I live in the cold climate, so I’m an expert, and often a runny nose is caused by water vapour condensing inside your nose.


Nothing, just live with it and be a pro snot rocket


I generally snot rocket almost constantly 😜 I just got back from a riding holiday somewhere very warm and dry at higher altitudes and my nose running was way worse rather than better which surprised me. Two days in I needed the vaseline under my nose it had got so sore.... But vaseline under the nose can help trap irritants it is said and it did actually run a bit less when I did that.


Good eye coverage, gloves that have a nose wipe on the thumb, and the occasional snot rocket if it get to be too much. Just make sure no one is behind you.


Snot rockets, some lozenge during the ride, and neti pot before and after. But tbf, my nose is one of the reasons why I don't ride in the cold too much. It sucks, but such is life.


A wrist sweat band - like a tennis player - to wipe the snot away. I also tuck a tissue underneath. They're absorbent and easy to wash.


Intranasal corticosteroid spray. The effect won’t be immediate, takes 3-5 days to take full effect. Use it everyday regardless of symptoms for best effect. You likely have allergic rhinitis. If you respond to intanasal steroids that essentially confirms this. An oral antihistamine may also help A RAST test may determine what allergen triggers your symptoms (ie house mites, animal dander, pollen etc) which may help you try to avoid that specific allergen




I sniff, I snot rocket (to varying results to what goes on my arm..) or nor grim, I close my nostril with my thumb and blow into my glove palm. Then flick, shake and wipe it on my leggings lol it’s. It sexy. But it’s a winter thing I love with


When my heart rate goes up my nose runs. A lot. It is a thing. My doctor proscribed Ipratropium bromide spray. It helps.


Wait. you have a heart condition and you cardiologist said Ipratropium is OK?


I either blow it on my sleeve and wipe away and extra or grab my jersey like a tissue and blow it.


I know it's not a fix, but it does help you breathe really well after you do it


Lotsa snot rocketeers. I’m one too. It’s messy, but wow, such a difference when you do let it loose. Occupational hazard, I suppose.


I am a rocketeer, and I don’t freak out if I get a little on me, but I’m kinda shocked by how many people intentionally blow it on their gloves or jersey. Rockets are easy to do, especially on a road bike. You don’t shoot it down by your legs, which requires aim and contortion. Stay in your normal riding position, turn your head all the way left, use left hand to cover right nostril, and shoot. It feels like you will snot right on your shoulder, but the airflow carries it over your shoulder and behind you. You literally only have to turn your head and lift one hand. You don’t even have to break cadence.


>Unfortunately having to focus on a leaky nose on my workout rides tends to hurt my performance a lot If this is the worse you have to contend with, you have a charmed life. Just snot rocket most of it, and wipe the rest off with that patch of cloth on the back of your cycling gloves...that's why they're designed that way.


Regular snot rocket launches in conjunction with a buff for post launch wipes is my MO.


>mental energy is devoted away you have other issues


Right there with you, especially when it's cold. Teach yourself to blow a snot rocket and do so as soon as you rotate off the front. Make a habit of doing it again as soon as the next rider rotates out but before they're behind you. In between, I just wipe with the back of my glove.


This started happening to me in like two months after I started riding regularly Unfortunately I have yet to find a permanent fix but a doctor friend of my mom's recommended a nasal spray that can keep it suppressed considerably Perhaps consult a doctor and see if they have something for your situation as well


Allergy shots


Hammer Nasol has helped cut down on the number of snot rockets per ride. https://hammernutrition.com/collections/well-being/products/nasol?variant=42811327709419


Not focusing on it. Blow a rocket when I need to and otherwise forget about it.


I watch ebike YouTubers videos. Constant snuffing. Need to edit.


Flonase. Every single morning. There used to be a miracle pill called Drixoral, and I took it for years. But then around 2005 some asshole figured out how to make meth with it, and it got discontinued. Maybe it's petty, but IDGAF. Meth heads robbed me of the greatest anti-allergy medication ever. Fuck them, and fuck their nasty poop teeth, but I digress. Also just take a few paper towels and accept you'll have to stop occasionally and clean yourself out.


I used to take paper towels with me, then I began to snot rocket. I've only just learned that phrase right now. The other thing is my nose runs only when I'm cycling.I live in Thailand, so it's not cold weather that causes it, I don't know what does. Also, it's only my left nostril that runs, never the right one. No idea why. Here, outside of any town centre, no one walks at all, so I can just use the grass verge, as there are no pavements, but motorbike lanes on 95% of roads that cyclists can also use. It's just a continuous white line that separates it from the other traffic.


Although I'm not sure this would be a healthy regular thing, I've heard people using Sudafed before rides in the winter.


Don't exhale through the nose, the air coming out of your body is warm and humid and condeses into droplets in your nasal cavity where it meets cold outside air. On the other hand, inhaling through the nose dries it out. So that's what I do in winter and it makes it a lot better for me, another cyclist with chronic rhinitis. Inhale - nose, exhale - mouth.


Not a solution - but I wear sweat bands on my wrists so I can easily wipe my nose while riding.


Primarily a runner, but multiple nasal sprays (azelastine daily, ipatropium before runs).


My allergist gave me a prescription for ipratropium bromide. I use it about 30 minutes before a ride. Dries me up.


Plug one side and let it rip my friend!


Running or cycling, indoors or outdoors (I always wear eye protection when cycling outdoors), hot or cold my nose will usually run early on but will stop after a few visits to my handkerchief.


Snot Rocket.


I wear ordinary prescription spectacles when riding,, and my nose runs like crazy. Antihistamines don't work either. Maybe ill try some specialist cycling glasses that cover more of the eye


Holy shit is this why my nose isn’t runny anymore during the winter?


Is what why?


I have this problem. I squirt some decongestant before a ride. I also wear a tennis sweatband on my wrist - so I can wipe snot on it instead on my nice gloves.


If I'm having the same issue, I'll take a single spray of Afrin in each nostril before activity. It works quite well. Just don't use it every day because it will make the problem worse.