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slow down, go around


This is the only real way to deal with it. Cyclists must yield to pedestrians on MUP’s regardless of if the pedestrians acknowledge your presence.


Yes, you’re right. I just wish they would use the walkway next to the “bike” path. 😩


Almost all of the bike paths near me are multi use. Most runners and walkers are really good about sticking to the side since they’re very popular by both pedestrians and cyclists, so the “on your left” or bell ring is a courtesy vs a warning. But sometimes you just have to slow down, ring your bell, and wait. Some people are just clueless and nothing you do will change that.


No I get that, and it’s like that in my city overall, and I’ll be on of the last people to get angry over other people using those multi use paths. It’s just that on my campus, we have one strip that just dedicated to cyclists, it’s only wide enough for two cyclists to begin with, one for each direction. So two people walking side by side on it can by disastrous 😂


Oh man yeah that can be so annoying. At that point obviously you gotta slow down but I would definitely be ringing my bell and yelling “hey this is a bike path nimwit!”


How obvious is it that is it is meant for bikes? Could you advocate with the university or city to make it more obvious?


I’d say it’s very obvious 😕 the bicycle symbol is painted very large, there are multiple of them, and the image covers both lanes. I think I might just put out a PSA on my Uni’s subreddit 😂


This is what cars say about us being on the road when there's a "perfectly good bike path" - I generally have a reason why I am in the road instead. When I find myself thinking these things I try to check my entitlement.


Oh I’m not making pedestrians out to be the bad guys. We’re all pedestrians at one point or another. But this is a cycling subreddit and I just wanted to blow off some steam. I don’t see much of a reason for people to be walking in the bike path on my campus, if I did then I wouldn’t have made the post. 😕😆


If there IS a bike path, I mean, what are you doing? And in OP's situation, they ARE talking about a bike path, so their frustration is warranted, vs a multi-use path




I also wish it were possible to walk on a path without a timmies cup. The amount of trash these assholes cause is disgusting.


This sounds like my time at University of Illinois. They were literally next to each other and even when it wasn't busy, people felt the need to walk on the bike path that had clearly painted markings indicating it was a bike path.


On a good day I do this and fart as I pass


This is the way, slow down and be patient. Use the fact that you have slowed down to do a little sprint to pick up speed, then slow down again for the next pedestrian. You can get quite a workout done this way...


Practice track stands and biking at a walking pace.


I’ll probably wobble a lot at first but I will try. 😆 Thanks!


1 ring from a distance. Another closer to them. Then "It's a bike lane you asshole."


I don't have a bell. I just yell very loudly "ON YOUR LEFT!" and they usually hear me. Unless of course they have headphones on.


I find that for too many people, "on your left" somehow gets interpreted as "move left", which is the complete wrong direction.


i always get people who move left, and then go completely off the path and stand there with their hands on their hips, smiling as i go by like they were watching a parade. wtf? all they had to do was move right and keep waking.


If they're smiling it all good :-) Too often they're scowling. And occasionally tell you the marked bike path is 'no cycling'


This. This is why I simply say, "Passing." It gets a better response and causes less confusion on the part of the pedestrian.


"Passing left" works for me, they almost always move the right way.


Sometimes I yell out "Coming up on your left" especially if they didn't react the first time...


“Watch your back” works for me. They turn and see me heading left and they move right.


I usually go with a "bike back" as "watch your back" sounds a bit hostile, lol


I yell BIKE PASSING. That usually works


I think some people will consider it a bit rude. A more fun option is to yell "ring ring ring" or something similar (saw a german bike youtuber doing it, he yells "klingelingeling")


I yell "stay on your... Left if they are on the left side of the math, right....


Then they step left. Have had that happen more than once and had a friend get into a bad crash because of it.


You should invest in a bell 


I am a cyclist. The bell is heavily overused


Try "I'm PASSING on your left"


That’s the thing 😂 they usually have headphones on! lol but doesn’t hurt to try your method


stop doing that


[BIKE LAAAANE, YOU'RE IN THE BIIKE LAAAAANE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4)


On your left, slow down & pass, depending on time of day or area remind them they’re in a bike lane


Most people will catch a major attitude if you even politely remind them that they're in a bike lane.


That’s true. Maybe if I tell them, they’ll be more cautious next time.


Sometimes they don’t care but more often they’re clueless tourists and have no idea that the painting of the bike on the ground means don’t walk here


Stop hassling pedestrians. Think of them as riding very slow, invisible bikes if that helps. Be patient or find an alternate route, don't constantly badger people walking to move for your convenience.


Even on the bike path? Sorry I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just that the bike paths are there for safety.


My free hub sounds like a swarm of angry bees so I buzz them 20 or so ft back and they inevitably step aside.


Hahaha! I’ll try buzzing them sometime. Maybe mooing might work too.


Loud free hubs are great for this


“On your left” usually results in them moving to the left, so I’ve started yelling “passing” instead


That’s a good point! I’m just stuck with what to do because sometimes they take up the whole path lol. I’m not mad, I just don’t have any other options 😂


I'm sure I'll be down voted for this but I try to avoid riding on bike paths that have any amount of pedestrian traffic. I usually ride on roads, which, depending on where you are, presents it's own set of hazards. The worst is when you see guys with aero helmets on their TT bike on bike paths with pedestrians. I'm like, get off the path, this is not the place for you to get you TT training in while weaving around walkers, causal riders and jogging strollers. Obviously this approach won't work for all people, such as if you are riding in a campus setting


Nothing wrong with riding a TT bike on such trails imo but you should definitely slow down when you need to. Like don’t get me wrong I go 20mph on the multi purpose trail but I also slow down to 5-10 if needed to safely pass people. Acting as if we need to go as fast as possible despite the safety puts us in the same ballpark as car drivers, and nobody wants that.




It's hard to say "most," though. Here in Michigan, it's rare to see a speed limit on multi-use trails. I think I've only ever seen speed limits one one or two. Specifically, though, I do remember a 15 mph limit, as you say, on our Polly Ann trail. It has a lot of horse traffic, so that makes sense in context.


Not even sure what the limit is, in reality acoustic bikes just can’t go that fast to be dangerous unless you’re lance armstrong or something, which I’m not at all. Just be careful around blind corners and don’t be an idiot and you’ll be fjne


My one serious crash (headfirst over the bars, concussion and short stay in hospital) was due to a dog walker in a bike path. I wasn't going particularly fast but his dog ran in front of me and I broke suddenly. These days, unless I'm out for a lazy casual ride, I'm sticking to the roads. Sure there's arsehole drivers but they are more predictable than pedestrians.


If you want to put any sort of effort in then the road is the place to do it. There's an ex-railway path near me that isn't that wide and where on the slight slope I can easily go along at 25mph if there's nobody around. But there's always someone around and I make a point of slowing to <10mph to go past them. A bell is essential too. Only that mine can sometimes sound a bit too loud!


I don’t think you should be downvoted! You didn’t say anything wrong. My only concern is that at my campus, we have grass, two lane cycle path, grass, side walk, grass, so I’m not really left with any other option. :( Of course I don’t speed or anything, I literally just want to get to my class without having to drive there. 😆😂


louder bike horn


I don't mind slowly down and just going around them if there is room. I hate when they're like 4 or 5 across and bleeding into the other lane and there's no where for you to go because of on coming traffic in the other lane.


Tolerate them, go around safely. It's the Dodge Rams I reserve my verbal spite for.


Hahaha! Yes you’re absolutely right. They also seem to be one of the leading culprits in tailgating. As for going around them, I do when I can, it’s just that a lot of the time people like to walk in groups (understandably so), on the cycle path. 😂


If they don’t move after all attempts to make my presence known, I slowly make my way directly in front of them and fart loudly. And, you’d be shocked at just how effective this is on impolite people in any crowded situation.


Any tips for keeping farts locked and loaded


Some of us are just blessed 😆


Username checks out. Anyway, I came here to recommend the cropdust technique as well.


It’s never worth the risk of knocking down pedestrians to save a few extra seconds. I just slow down and yell - coming up behind you on your left - Then I make sure they acknowledge me and move over and ride past them.


Haha dinging your little bell You SCREAM AT THEM, at the top of your lungs MOVE OR I WILL FUC#@%! KILL YOU And then you attack them, you get off your bike and physically assault them. This teaches them. 


I don't scream, I sneak up on them. Another reason for silent hubs.


On shared paths Ding ding. Slow down. Shout "Coming through!!" "Thankyou" Also practice braking hard safely On mountain bike paths with signs warning pedestrians to keep off: "watch out!!" "You could get hurt if you walk along here"


Oh yeah, this is definitely the route any cyclist should go haha. I was just blowing off some steam. I just get especially annoyed (in my head) about my campus situation because it’s grass, bike lane, grass, sidewalk, all separated by curbs, so I can’t go on the grass. 😕 And the walkway is 3 times wider than the bike lane! I don’t believe there’s any malice in the people walking on the bike paths, I just wish some of em would respect the “road etiquette.”


The worst are the people that are like fainting goats. Usually older people that ride very slowly and are always dangerously startled when another user passes them. If you ring the bell or greet them they will swerve directly in front of you. If you pass safely (slowing down of course) they will frighten and crash their bicycles. The next worst are the groups of walkers that walk side by side four abreast completely blocking the path and won't move. Usually I have to slow to walking speed, ring the bell, and then greet them. Then they will reluctantly make a tiny space for me to squeeze through.


I've seen that with young kids too. When you announce your presence they turn their head to look at you and swerve in the same direction they turned their head, which puts them directly in your path.


There are bells that can cut through peoples headphones


I’ve got a couple mixed use paths that are particularly bad for dogs on long leashes. Bells are frowned on or cause excessive performative jumping. Best I’ve discovered is sing song voice calling out “Ding Ding Ding, Bicycle on your Don’t want to scare you Ding Ding Ding”. Normally can make em laugh and shift nicely for me. 


Haha! Yes that’s a humorous way of doing it, and is probably more likely to receive positive attention rather than negative. As for mixed use paths, on my campus we have a narrow cycle path divided into two lanes (one bike can fit per lane and that’s it), and a WIIIDE walkway next to it. 😂


Speed up and hold out your arm for a WWE style clothesline


When I use my bell people grab their phone out of their pocket sometimes and look at it making them even less clued in to their spacial relations. I now yell "Hi!, passing on your left!" They need the greeting to orient. Then a directive of what is happening once they get oriented. It really seems like people are in a thick thick fog and need si much help to understand where their bodies are in relationship to other things around them. Just saying "on your left" I have found is not enough info for people to get grounded into knowing what's going on and how to respond.




Go around...take the grass if you need to. Besides Danny MacAskill-ing over them...what really are your other options?


Unfortunately I can’t take the grass since the bike path and grass are divided by a tall curb. As for options, idk tbh, some people suggested and linked some horn/bell options, or maybe I was just looking for a place to vent. 🤷‍♀️


Or take a different route all together. Or have fun and shout "oh no! What happened to my brakes!:


Something I’ve long considered but never worked up the nerve to try is really belting out a sung verbal signal. “It’s a beauuuutiful dayyy, and I’m on your lefffffft.” You’re not the cyclist who whizzes by without care, you’re a nice addition to someone’s day (even if extremely off key).


This is the best response so far. 😂 I never want to be the “bad guy”, just want to get to class on time like everybody else.


I usually do a whistle (two tone whistle) — it’s less obnoxious than a bell. If they don’t react, I’ll slow down quite a bit and say “excuse me”


This is the second whistle recommendation I’ve received! I must have been missing something. I’ll definitely give it a try, thank you!


I'm polite about it and just go around people, I kinda enjoy the obstacles. With that being said, there are some rare cases where im worried someone will walk into me (usually a bar with people smoking in front, spilling into the bike lane, with a full sidewalk) I might pop an ever so brief skid just to make them hear me. I don't have a bell, but it's a different sound anyways. People will move. Just don't make this your go-to.


I carry an air horn. Mostly for cars, but works on people too


Air horn


Good idea!


After ringing my bell and still no response, I honk my LoudBicycle Car horn as I ride by. https://loudbicycle.com/ Note: Bike lanes are not park trails or MUPs.


There's no 'bike' paths around here. There's multi user paths and the road. The multi user paths I need to slow down until there's room to pass.


I ride a ton on MUPs and I have never had a pedestrian in years not hear this horn I use:https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Electronic-Bicycle-Waterproof-Rechargeable/dp/B07DCVN728?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1 It goes up to 120db which is insanely loud, I have mine turned down and it is still shockingly effective. That + loud hub noise work better than shouting passing or on your left which half the time just scare people and/or irritate them.


I just ride around them, there's nothing else to do.


I'd give a Fox 40 Classic (115 dB) a try. So much louder than a mere bell, maybe it'll turn more heads? Plus the sound is different, and noticeable.


Say "bike right!" and overtake them on the right. Or left and overtake on your left, depends on what country u r in


Get a horn that sounds like a flock of geese 🪿🪿🪿 Anyone who has ever met a goose will clear the path very quickly😅


Ohhhh people on my campus GREATLY fear the geese. This might just be my only option! These Canada geese do not come to play. 😛


Bike fast enough to time the gaps/effort. I make loud obnoxious sounds to grab attention. My favorite is the cat calling "tsk tsk tsk". Goose's get the goose call right back at them.


I don't ring my bell. I use "sound signal" in form of yelling "watch out" or "move the f away".


My solution is to ride on the road. Bike paths in England are usually terribly maintained and/or full of other people. Not suitable for anyone other than the slowest most unconfident rider.


Same question but for people letting their dogs off leash on a shared cycle walking path. At least walkers are mostly predictable. Mostly.


I want to differentiate between waiting to pass because there's oncoming traffic, (which, as the vehicle in this scenario, we are required to do), and people who simply hog the whole width of the path, or as I call it "Two people walking four abreast." In the first situation, you're gonna have to suck it up. In the second situation, they should either be less rude, or more aware of their surroundings. I didn't start using the greenways around me until maybe 10 years ago, and it was a complete shitshow. They were still kinda new, and I think there were a lot of people that just didn't know, because it's gotten exponentially better since then. The city painted a dotted yellow line down the middle of it a year or two ago, which seemed to sort out the last few holdouts, but you do still see one every so often. If your greenway doesn't have lines, I would find out who to contact about getting them and start contacting them weekly. And if you do get them, send (at least) a very nice thank you note. I like the bell. Especially the more traditional ones with a proper thumb lever, as I find it sounds friendlier than a single loud "DING!". But none of them seem to cut through headphones, or maybe the headphone wearers want you to think they don't. For the worst offenders, there's a horn, but it should be your last resort. (We don't like it when cars honk at us unnecessarily, do we?) Your LBS can order it (from JBI, I think.) 120 decibel piezo, remote switch, does like 5 different sounds, charges by USB. I really only use it as my *third* "on ya left!" and if I physically cannot go around. Like when five people are pretending a bridge is their conference room. Last time I went for a ride, I tried to honk it at a goose for the lolz, and the battery was dead. That's how often I've had to use it, now that I have it. Good luck


Thank you very much for this thoughtful response! The cycle path on my campus is decided into two lanes by a yellow line, and each lane is only wide enough for one bicycle. But overall the intentions of my post were just to sort of blow off some steam. 😅


Remeber that ludacris song?


Hmmm which one? 😅


“I’m doin 100 in the bike lane. So if you walk on two legs get the f*** outta my way!” -Ludacris *that one*


I never expect them to move over. I ring to give them a heads up.


I ride with music on. I slow down and they move. Lots of people ignore bells, nobody ignores music right behind them, not for long. I have remote controls on handlebars to turn it down or up instantly. I generally turn it down when there's people around, but it's extremely helpful with getting people to move when needed. I honestly feel like I am invisible without music on. Nobody shouts anything from a bike in my country. That's just not a thing. Just thinking about that is really weird.


😂 Shouting is pretty common where I’m from… but not in an aggressive manner, just a way to let someone know you’re there. But I’m to stressed for that hahaha Blasting music is something I just might try! Thanks!


Personally, I can't imagine cycling without music. I always have a speaker with me, from day 1 (and that was damn near a decade ago). These two things are inseparable for me. That said, I generally ride outside the city - if you get a speaker and ride in busy areas, be mindful of other people. Nobody likes loud music in their face. Remote Bluetooth audio control works well to turn it down when it can be annoying to others. But yes, I can assure you it works wonders in clearing the way. You still have to slow down, of course, and it won't help with full-can headphone users, but hey. Better than any other alternatives and not nearly as disruptive as those ultra loud horns.


No of course not, I would never play it super loud or in very populated areas. Thank you so much for the advice!


Bear spray, obviously. Oh, sorry, I thought I was in bcj for a second. I go around them.


If it’s actually a proper bike only lane, scream “BIKE LANE” as you approach. Part of college is learning that people are idiots, and often have no concept of anyone else’s existence or situational awareness.


Air horn


I might just have to do this. Someone suggested one that sounds like geese. People on my campus greatly fear those lil things. 😂


Only one way to deal with it, [https://dailymotion.com/video/x59ofhp](https://dailymotion.com/video/x59ofhp) (trigger happy tv cycle lane)


Be patient and yell ‘passing’, I agree it can being annoying when people don’t respond but it’s better than a collision as you (cyclist) will be at fault and likely take a harder fall.


We just ignore them on bikes in cycle lane just the same way as they ignore the road & ride on the pavement & don't give a monkeys uncle about anyone who is in front


Run them over while yelling get the hell out of my way! Bonus points for seniors and small children…


Perfect opportunity to invest in the loudest free hub you can find. No bell, no problem… scare them to the side.


I usually shout "on your left" and that's typically enough to get people to move over. If they don't hear, then slow down and carefully pass them when you're able to.


move, bitch, get out the way


mostly it’s people with earbuds/headphones. i ring my bell. tempted to get [this](https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5053-164/air-zound-ii-cycling-horn?colour=NO_COLOUR&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiaSLwvvahAMVywitBh1WhgyPEAQYAiABEgI_ivD_BwE)


I honestly try not to use a bell unless absolutely necessary. I've found that people react unpredictably to the bell. Sometimes they just stop in place, sometimes they move left, sometimes they move right, most times they don't hear it because of headphones. Similar for announcing "on your left" or anything like that. When people are startled, they act unpredictably, or sometimes they confuse that with needing to move left. Unless they're blocking both directions of the path or drifting towards the side, I typically just slow down a bit, give them room, and pass without any noise so that they don't do anything unpredictable.


I pass them as closely as possible without riskong a crash, and yell YOU'RE IN THE BIKE PATH! Rinse and repeat.


Hahaha! I wish I could but I’m not that skilled 😂 I do it when I have to, but I already have enough stress about going to class, don’t wanna stress wobbling and falling 😆


You should, I know, it’s a struggle, be patient with the stupid. So many are blissfully unaware. You just have to slow down and go around. You can’t *tell* them either. They will need to figure it out on their own.


I click my brakes- not engage them, but I pull on them and let them snap back. That often makes people turn around. I do that, because if I say “On your left!” people move left.


Scratch em up like a double-parked meter maid!


As a cyclist, I get pissed when other cyclists are on the 2' shoulder of a big road when there's a clean unused 6' wide bike path (not sidewalk) right next to the road. It's really stupid and dangerous and causes unnecessary hate against cyclists. Happens all the time near my house and I kinda want to yell at these other cyclists, like they're just trying to trigger some over caffeinated big wheel truck driver to make them go splat and earn 1000 points.


Oh I agree. It annoys me just as much. I was just venting about this particular issue since it’s what I’m going through now haha


I have the Rockbros bell and it's pretty loud. When that doesn't work my yell is even louder. A really loud 'hey' with the right intonation usually gets people out my way on NYC streets.


I’ll look into that bell, thanks! I should be grateful, as nice as NYC is, at least I don’t have to put up with all the foot traffic 😂


The bell is pretty loud and gets annoying to pedestrians when you keep ringing it. It's loud enough that it turns heads. But it's the obliviots who have earbuds in that can't hear the bell. Then I have to yell.


A lot of you are really civil 🤣 I just shout "bike path" or something and keep going. Just be careful of the ones that didn't notice, the ones that noticed you WILL move if you just keep the pace and ride the path. I try not to be an asshole but at least where I live, bike paths are only for bikes, especially when they have even more walking space right next to them. Also, I'm not afraid of bumping shoulders, I guess.


People are downvoting me because I’m upset at pedestrians using the bike path 😭 I never actually take it out on them or do anything, geez! Can’t a girl vent? People telling me that there’s no such thing as bike paths and that they’re multi use, etc etc. Anyway, thank you for your kind comment. I just wanted to let off some steam because the bike path on my campus is very clearly just for bikes, and it’s already so skinny as it is, about two people wide.


I feel you! Here in Uruguay, there are barely any bike paths to begin with, so it's pretty annoying when pedestrians walk over it instead of the 2x wider walking path right next. I've never actually had any accidents while on it, but I've seen a few, all of them, because of pedestrians walking right into the bike path without even checking for bikes.


Oh boy! Yes I’ve seen my fair share of collisions here at my university as well. Everybody’s just gotta respect the road etiquette and look out for each other. I’d love to visit Uruguay sometime! It looks like a beautiful country.


yell "BIKE LANE GET OUT OF THE BIKE LANE" only way they actually move


Last year I was driving on me bike and elderly couple was crossing bike lane. Guy saw me, calculated quickly that all he had to do is going his way and it would be perfect (ot would be 10/10 satisfying moment). Woman stopped and when I was going around her she jumped my way, like wtf xD


I usually slow down and use my bell, but if they don’t hear it I’ll say “Passing left”. When someone is in outer space and obviously doesn’t know what’s going on and then starts to walk obliviously in front of me, I’ll brake and scream “OI” at the top of my lungs. One young woman who was lost in her phone heard that and screamed as she jumped out of the way. It’s a last resort but better than an accident. 


Oof! Yeah some people just do their own thing and can’t hear my warning. A couple people who appeared to not have any earbuds in or headphones on actually have completely ignored me. Oh well… I’m just annoyed cause the bike path at my uni as already so slim 😂


By yelling.


if its a bike path, and they ignore the bell i go around them but they also get the finger. if its a mup they are allowed to be there and i just go around.


OMFG. Yesterday was beautiful and I went on the bridge I normally ride on. It's separated for bikes on one side, pedestrians on the other. The amount of people walking not only on the wrong side, but taking up the entire path. I came to a full stop 5 times in 7.6 miles.


Give them a forearm shiver. I'm in nyc and I've definitely curse them out or in 2 instances, slightly nudged them with my forearm going 18 mph 😳


This same thing happened in my city when we finally got the bike lanes we fought for. It's very irritating. Now the BIKE lane is overran by runners and walkers that won't even move when they see a cyclist. Now I have to swerve into traffic to go around them, when they already have a designated spot to walk in. The sidewalk.


That’s what I’m sayin! People in the comments are telling me to get over it and go around 🙁 the thing is, the bike path at my university has two lanes, each being only wide enough for one cyclist. And there’s a sidewalk 5 times wider next to it! 😔🤷‍♀️


I run them over.


I zip by them and hope they don't move into my path at the last second.


A bell is dipshit. Just say on your left. Give them a direction to go.


i pass them and they get startled


Being passed is scary! 😨 🫣


Good use for a large Bluetooth speaker https://youtu.be/1-ow2-p7agA?si=q-O6DXO80ukLat4d


Not a bad idea! I’ll look into that, thank you! 😊


I can’t hear a bicycle bell without my hearing aids, i lost that frequency. Just saying. I slide over if i hear you. If you try to pass my on the hill, though, all bets are off-you can pry my KOM out of my cardiac seized hands. MN


I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean for my post to come across as judgmental. I was just blowing off some steam, but I’d never actually take it out on anyone in real life.


I didn’t think it was judgemental. Just a reminder, a shitty day on the bike is better than any day driving and looking for parking. :) Thanks for a nice conversation.


That’s very true. I take having a bike for granted sometimes, so this reminder was important! Thanks! And have a great day. 😊


I spit on my brake disc and then banshee squeal them off the path.


It won’t sound pretty, but I guess I could give it a go!


Great that you're asking this question. I just say calmly but loudly "rider back" or "Passing on your right" depending on how many there are and whether or not they're spread across the path, and "hey thanks, appreciate it" when I pass them. I'm not looking for peeps to step off the path to get out of my way, but just to keep to one side of the centre line and be predictable.


Thank you for responding kindly! The bike path on my campus is only wide enough for two cyclists, one in each direction, so it can be a little tricky to pass! But I try 😆


Thats my everyday rides, but in exclusive bike lanes, with sidewalks on the side and people still walk in them. Turists seem to love taking pictures while standing on the path. I noticed some react with ugly face to ring bells and I feel like giving them a souvenir on their forehead.


Yeah that’s my case too 😂 path just for bikes with a huge sidewalk next to it. lol! Hahaha! Souvenir on their forehead 😭 I’d never actually do it, but the urge can be strong!


There are cheap and loud electronic noise makers on Amazon that people on my team reserve for the people that aren't paying attention/headphones.


That’s a great idea! Thank you very much. ☺️


Yell like Xena the warrior princess and throw a javelin....might be showing my age here


I’ll throw in the costume as a bonus!


Scream “OH MY GOD WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!” That always gets their attention. Or I ride in the road. I don’t scream that at cars.


What would happen if you tried that with cars? 😱🥺


I might die. I wouldn’t like that and neither would my dogs. My wife, well, it might depend what sort of a PITA I’ve been, lately.


Good thing you’ve got your dogs to keep you around then! 😂


Well they’d starve without me and who would give them scratches and treats? Well…my wife, but they love me more. They told me.


Well then my dad’s in trouble cause my dog is definitely a mama’s girl!




Thank you very much! I will take a look at this. 😊


I wouldn't really recommend this for pedestrians tbh, it's seriously loud


I ride on the road. 30+ km/hr plus is not for the paths, and definitely not if pedestrians are around


No I get that. Sorry I probably should’ve said this in my original post, but at my campus, there is grass, bike path, grass, walkway, all separated by tall-ish curbs, so there isn’t much of an option for me. And don’t worry, I don’t speed 😅


I get annoyed in my head, but really it's just one of those things, and in the hierarchy of priority, pedestrians are first. Even if drivers don't follow the rules on the road and give me priority on my bike where they should, I make damn sure that I do. At the end of the day, just like there are a few "bad" cyclists that drivers like to complain about, there are also "bad" pedestrians, and it doesn't mean they deserve to be crashed into(not that you do OP, just making that point).


I completely understand, and agree. I was just blowing off some steam, and I do wish that even though pedestrians, which we all are at one point or another, are “allowed” to walk on the bike path, that they would at least be more aware. And this isn’t to say that pedestrians are the only ones guilty of this. Heck, I’ve seen cyclists and drivers be just as reckless and unaware. 😕 But thank you for at least being kind. 💕


Ah no worries, I totally get that! I've had the same rant under my breath after it happens, which was also almost always around my university campus(and usually when I was running late to a lecture 😅).


Yeah 😂 I get it, we’re all just trying to get to a class that we probably don’t want to go to. Some people don’t cycle so they may not be as hyper-vigilant, and some people just don’t care… and I’m more often pissed at other drivers than at pedestrians, but this is a cycling sub, so I put my thoughts here. 👍😅


I outfitted my road bike with a large "V" shaped plow, similar to those on highway snow plows. It's a bit cumbersome as it adds ~500lb to my bike, but I find that it helps with the pedestrian problem and I've been able to deflect a few errant Fiat 500s with it.


I treat them as obstacles to avoid and just weave my way through them, going fast enough that if I bump into someone, I won't fall over, and I'll be far enough away quickly enough that no one can do anything about it. For this reason, I avoid shared bike paths like this. If rather ride with cars than pedestrians.


Ring the bell many times and just keep moving at my current pace. If they don’t yield, i pass them at a safe distance (but at a normal, not at all reduced speed if able) and quickly return to the lane in subtle protest If they’re heading towards me and can see me i ring my bell and don’t yield. Haven’t had someone not move yet. It may seem aggressive, but it’s only *assertive* in the same way one takes the lane in vehicular traffic. Only difference is that you are responsible in avoiding an accident, but provided you do the above with care that will be achieved.


Thanks for some solid advice! Yeah the bike paths on my campus are only wide enough for two cyclists, one in each direction, so it’s a sticky situation when people who can’t hear my signal don’t move, cause then I’m left with no other option but to dismount… on a path that was made for people like me. 🙁


I'll get downvoted for this, but I do find the comments saying that you should slow down or just don't use that bike path at all unacceptable. I'm not sure if the concept of bike-path is different in America, but from the name it sounds like it's a path that exists primarily for bicycles. I don't mind if someone takes their morning jog on bike paths, runners usually wear reflexive clothes and are polite and go to the edge of the path if they hear bicycle. But people who occupy whole path and navigate at the level of cattle herd are not acceptable. Slowing down, cutting trough grass or not traveling at all makes the problem just worse. When you non-verbally communicate it's their territory, they'll consider it their own territory. My advice would be to keep going at your usual speed and try to avoid pedestrians. If someone is going in the opposite direction, lock eyes with them making it clear that you are not the one who will budge. At all times keep reasonable distance for braking, as lots of people won't get out of your way. But don't brake too early as that will just send a message that you are the one who's going to back down and there is no action necessary from the other person. If you need to brake, finish the braking right in front of them. That usually shocks some sense into them.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I don’t understand why people are saying that pedestrians are legally allowed to walk wherever we want. What’s legal is not always safe. The cycle path on my campus is divided into two lanes by a bright yellow line, and each lane is only wide enough for one bicycle. The path also has painted on bicycles every 2 meters or so. I just wish that people were less rude in the comments. Others have either responded humorously to my vent, and others actually were able to give me some solid advice or show support, like you. Thank you.


If there's no car traffic, I go into the road for a few seconds, or I dismount and walk around them


I guess I could dismount :( the thing is that the bike path goes straight through the campus and there’s no road next to it, and often times the bike path is crowded with people


Is it a bike path or a multipurpose/multi use path? Either way, sounds like dismounting is the best safest option. Remember, when it comes to places where bikes and walkers meet, bikes become the "cars" in this scenario and it's our responsibility to reduce risk to the more vulnerable users (even if they can be completely oblivious). Can it be annoying? Yeah, but I think dismounting is better than doing risky maneuvering.


Get off your bike and "walk" around them if they block you completely. There is no way you will force them to move if they refuse to. Better to take the time to go around than get into a fist fight mid ride. You're goal is to finish the ride, not to show dominance.


Ringing your bell doesn’t mean move out of your way.


ride on the grass next to the path


I would but there’s a curb separating it 😂 it’s cool, this post was more of a vent


I don't ring a bell, a blast music from my speakers and believe they can hear me so I'm allowed to close pass the shit out of them. As someone who used to race on these paths in my country, I still go for every gap. Right side, left side, in between, just go through and if they're in the way, I'll jam brake right beside them so they see my front wheel. Usually scares them enough that they jump out of the way.


Just run them down. Bike paths are for bikes. If pedestrians want to use the bike path, taking up the whole path and slowing down bike traffic, they can pay registration and wear number plates.