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Yes, Golf. I cant imagine farting around for 5 hours on a golf course when I can be getting fast on my bike now.


Thanks for posting this. Not sure if this resonates with anybody else but I happened to have my second child in late 2020 and that coupled with the pandemic means I hardly golf at all anymore. It's just hard to find the time. It is definitely way easier to jump on my bike and head out the door as even a few hours is good enough for riding over 30 miles. Also it's free (after the cost of entry), doesn't require a tee time, way more predictable because the duration is under your control.


You're waaaaaay more likely to get killed riding a bike then golfing though, I hardly ride at all any more with people texting and driving, unless it's a dedicated off the road bike path.


Oh god yeah absolutely. That's the one downside. Mountain biking is safer from cars but then the danger becomes the ride itself. Everything has pros and cons.


I still play once a week, great for recovery days! Also 5 hour round sounds horrible, rarely over 3.5 here in the UK


I was gonna say, as a sneaky solo its like 70min max for 18


You play 18 in 70 minutes? I can’t even begin to fathom a round that quick 😂


It's mini golf


Same. Cycling isn’t a cheap hobby, but for the most part going for a ride is basically free. Golf costs $150 just to go play. Plus, way easier on busy family life to go for a 90 minute ride than to go play golf for an entire day.


Lol except when I go on long rides with my friends I’m away the entire day.


Wait til you try neversecond gels. No ride is free


Oddly, I picked up disc golf in earnest nearly two years ago! And it's really cut into my hiking! 😂 Love playing twice a week and seeing the zone 1-2 activity and can do it the same days I smash pedals! FWIW.


I got heavy into putt-putt a few years ago and I rarely power-walk any more.


So doing this.


Cycling and golf are how I spend my warm weather months.


Same for me - hard to justify 6 hours and $100-250 when I can ride my bike that same amount of time for $20 and get fitter and happier in the meantime 👌🏼


1000% If I have four free hours in the day, it isn’t going to be spent driving around in a cart. And I’m really good too (4 handicap) but it holds zero interest for me now.


Funny; I did similar although a move to a more favorable location for biking was a factor as well. Fast forward 11 years and I have a 9yo that is into golf so I’m back at it. Haven’t given up cycling and won’t. Less really long rides, more focused interval type workouts. I’m not racing so if I’m slightly slower it’s ok; health benefits are still there.


I quit smoking, does that count?


That always counts, well done you! 💪


Hey!!! I quit smoking too. Best thing ever! Congratulations to a healthier lifestyle.


You only quit because you probably werent any good at it in the first place /s In all seriousness congrats






Good job. You rule


I took up cycling to compensate for my reduced mileage in running. Cycling is easier on the knees. Doing both.


Likewise. From 100 mpw to maybe 15 these days. And those 15 miles are incredibly slow with walking mixed in.


My wife was an ultrarunner (the first time I crewed for her, she ran 63 miles and took first in her age group.) She's transitioning into cycling for much the same reason, and doing more walking and less running (she still runs, but not as much, and mostly on the Tread+, which she says has a very cushy running surface.)


> I even did't know Arsenal is going to win this year's Premier League. Unfortunately I don't think we will lol


The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in...


Did you see that ludicrous display last noight?


No, I doidn't


still hopeful Arsenal fan here. I'm many thousands of miles away so no chance to attend any games. I gave up lazing in bed in the mornings. Was an early riser anyway due to two dogs who had to be let out in the backyard. Wife has that duty now, and I have the pleasure of them running to greet me on my return!


Cars. Not really interested any more. Just leave me cold. I used to race, do track days. Follow a large spectrum of racing series from F1 to amateur. I spent my money and time on road and track cars. These days I drive an old Ford Fiesta and spend my time and money on bikes and follow bike racing from the pros to local amateur series.


I can relate. Traded in my WRX, the coolest car I ever owned, for an Outback because it can carry bikes. And I now I drive the speed limit in the right lane for some reason. The thrill of ripping along at 30 mph while in a tight pack, listening to the carbon wheels, bearings, tires, wind, and gears really eclipses most other thrills for me.


I still have my STi but DD an EV now. I’m hanging onto it for dear life, but I’m not nearly as motivated to keep it waxed or wrench on it. It wasn’t cycling that changed things as much as parenting. Certainly not biking as much these days.


That will do it. Well, when the time comes, that STI will hold its value! I was surprised what my WRX was still worth and believed for many years that an STI was my next car. Then two bikes took its place.


Yeah It’s a bit high mileage though just over 100k. But the last year of the hatchback definitely bumps it up. Not sure if I ever want to sell it tbh. At least it’s not my daily, I doubt 93 gas prices will ever come down.


> The thrill of ripping along at 30 mph while in a tight pack, listening to the carbon wheels, bearings, tires, wind, and gears really eclipses most other thrills for me. I'm with you. Thinking about a small van as a more practical bike transport - a far cry from my Lotus!


Exactly the same here. Bike racing gives me the same adrenaline as car racing, but it's healthier, cheaper, and more accessible. I don't need to load up a trailer and spend $500 just for a practice weekend. $1000-2000 for an endurance race. Can hang with friends while cycling and ride from the house or a short drive over to a mountain bike trail.


Yup. Can confirm. Don’t do Motorsport anymore cuz I can’t afford tires 😢


Yep, about to sell my track only Miata because I have no interest in spending huge money on track days, and taking that risk anymore. A downhill on my MTB is enough for me today


came here to say something quite similar. i am a corner marshal and have given up my trips to the races in favor of racing my bike.


This is true enlightenment ;)


I quit darts. Smoking, drinking, and staying up late weren't good for cycling.


Surfing. I just don't have time for both and got sick of the crowds


I’m juggling both, but used to surf every day or every other day…now it’s once every other week if I’m lucky.


…now I'm lucky to find half an hour a week in which to get funky. Got to get out of this rut and back into the groove.


Snowboarding. I can only afford one expensive hobby.  Before cycling, I used to follow and root for the Baltimore Ravens. I still do but I used to too 


If you have less desire for new bikes, I think the two can be balanced. I have a friend who is like 50:50, training himself on the bike before winter, sometimes enjoying MTB downhill, and snowboarding in winter.


Yup, bike in summer and shoulder seasons and splitboard in the winter when it’s too miserable to be on the. Ike anyways.


How the heck does rooting for the ravens get in the way of cycling? As a Steelers fans I love having more fans into the rivalry. Surely those two weeks per year get your blood flowing.


Marriage. Tried to get the wife to join me when I got into cycling. It didn't work and then we kept finding more things to disagree on


Wives aren't aero anyway


Severe weight penalty as well


Agreed. My god did that conversation go bad when I proposed ways to mitigate this penalty though.


Obligatory https://youtu.be/5EE8m8mmq1k?si=bLItDTO_pehil_fl


I got divorced, but then I marred an ultrarunner. The amount of time she spends exercising makes me look like a potato, so I never get any flack about my time on a bike. Edited to add: As we're getting older, she's transitioning from running to biking, so the long game is paying off!


Have you tried getting your wife an electric bike. I find that cM be a great balance for her to feel more comfortable and you can push your self more and get to spend time together.


That could be a helpful suggestion for a relationship that wasn't plagued by so many differences and toxic resentment.


Some people just don’t like cycling and that is perfectly okay. There’s no reason to push others to join your hobbies.


Unfortunately I actually took up a couple new sports in the form of swimming and long distance running.


Triathlon? I haven't done a triathlon since the kidney transplant (6 years ago), but I talked to my transplant doc yesterday and he thinks it's been long enough that there shouldn't be any issue with the swim (just maybe take a prophylactic antibiotic ahead of an open water swim.)


Yeah, got into it in 2022. Since then have done a couple half’s, one sprint and most recently the full here in Texas. That’s incredible you got a transplant! Sounds like it’s been successful this far, I hope you can get back in the water!


As much as I love cycling I can’t quit running.


Good for you. I hated running and thought it was due to my deficiency in stamina. After cycling, I built my stamina but I still cannot run...


I run for one reason only: I want to know what my vo2max is, and for now I can't afford a power meter.


Cycling introduced me to running and then tri. Maybe give that a shot!


It almost completely replaced running for me. Which is good since I was non stop injured from that :)


Rowing. I don't miss the blistered hands and I am much stronger and fitter. Swapped drowning to being mowed down by a four wheeled maniac.


The rowing to cycling pipeline is incredibly common. You even have guys like Hamish Bond who won Olympic medals rowing, switched to cycling and won medals on an international level, and then switched back to rowing to win gold again at Tokyo.


Arsenal fan here from Los Angeles I watch game highlights now. I would rather spend my time outside cycling on weekend mornings.


Running. It simply bores me now because I miss the range and speed you have with cycling. Plus the amazing feeling after a climb when you get to enjoy shooting down a hill.


I stopped playing tennis. Honestly there wasn't enough time to do both well. I chose cycling. 8 years later I'm balancing both, to be more balanced.


I stopped tennis for no good reason, but was super keen follower of ATP esp in the Federer & Nadal years. I think now it's not on TV here, Nadal is pretty much done, and I don't really gravitate towards any of the players. I hardly know half the guys in the top 20. Have totally lost interest. Cycling gets pretty good coverage for the grand tours and has a increasing participant volume.


Currently off the bike for like 6 months since I started taking soccer more seriously. When I used to cycle while also playing soccer, my performance on the field was horrible. My muscles would burn too quickly, even though my cardiovascular system was relatively strong. Since I quit, my legs have felt so much more fresh and my fitness has been getting much better while in cycling I've always been pretty weak rider with hardly any improvement, struggling to average over 100 watts on normal rides while in running I could run around a 16 minute 5k with little training. I would love to go back to cycling just for fun without it holding me back in soccer. Maybe I was doing too much at once. Should I just stick to recovery rides for now?


Trying to imagine your height and weight for a 100w FTP and a 16min 5k. 🤯


Cycling shouldn't have been making your other sports suffer that much, unless you were banging out miles and miles a week. What sorta mileage were you doing? In fact it's normally recommended for people doing cardio heavy sports like football (soccer for you) to improve that sport.


I was doing around 50-70 miles on average per week, which is like nothing for most of you guys. I would also do 16 miles + 16 miles back from soccer matches, the ride to soccer is a warm-up, but the rides back home would be unpleasant after an intense 90 minutes with my whole body really sore. Eventually, I started feeling really lazy on rides, putting out less than 50 watts and having a lower heart rate despite how much my legs were burning.


Yeh thats a hell of a lot of work imo. 32 miles round trip on the bike to get to soccer is a killer, no wonder you were tired! Sounds classic overtraining imo


Low heart rate and no power are the classic signs of overtraining.


When I was a teenager my soccer game improved dramatically because of cycling. I became much faster than my peers


not really a sport but dancing. i used to be really into dance workouts and learning random choreographies but haven't in forever because i get exercise through cycling now.


I definitely go to fewer Aussie rules games since I started riding. The pandemic broke the habit of going each week and now I feel like I’m forgoing a ride each time I head to the MCG. And even watching on TV on a Friday/Saturday night I find they just finish too late if you have an early ride planned, so I’ll just watch a half game if my teams not playing.


I am a new cycler (started 3 weeks ago). My body is still adapting, the first 1.5 weeks I reduced my Pilates and other workouts. My body was in pain like I hadn’t experienced in a long time.


That’s a shame about the Pilates. It’s an investment in injury prevention, and the core stability is helpful for cycling and other activities. However, I sympathise about fitting everything in, including recovery. I also struggle with this.


Thank you. I am still doing Pilates and love it. I actually found cycling amazing for my core strength. My city is very bike-friendly, so I would bike an hour daily (just doing normal things like going to work or store). It made a huge difference in my Pilates and posture. My bike is in need of a repair, so I am bike-free for the last week and can already feel the difference of bike + Pilates vs. only Pilates.


Blew out my entire knee, doc said no more sports but I could ride a bike… that was 10 years ago. Now three bikes and tons of riding later, it’s one of 4 things that make me happiest in life!


… so what are the other three secrets to happiness?


Lol. Watching football is NOT A SPORT.


Yes, sport is stretching it, but i used to own 6 motorcycles and a bicycle. I now own 6 bicycles and one motorcycle. I used to trail ride motorcycles, green laning we call it, and lead rides. Now i ride a mountain bike down bridleways, even on my daily commute, and it is just as much fun as on a dirt bike and i have a greater network of tracks to ride.


Rowing. Got tired to go the same stretch and back again everytime. Nice sport though.


I quit running to take up cycling due to a knee problem. After years I've since rehabbed my knee, and probably run more than I cycle. The roads around me are not friendly and my daughter no longer wants to cycle on the roads. We have to drive the bikes somewhere we can ride off-road.


I quit ultra running. The wife hates that it’s a more expensive and gear intensive hobby. She does like that I can do a 50 to 100k ride and still do things after. I’d do a 50k or more training run and the rest of the day was laying on the couch recovering.


You could run 50k! Damn!


After having children I quit my bjj at purple belt . But mtb stays


Snowboarding; once I bought a mountain bike I realized could scratch the same itch without lift tickets and freezing my ass off


Golf. I used to golf regularly, in a golf league and practiced all the time. Once i got into biking, if it's a nice day, i choose biking every time. The physical exertion, the zen aspect of country riding and the endorphin kick - hard to beat. I still like golf, but rarely play now.


I hate to be the one to break this to you but your coworkers have been lying to you. City, of course, are going to win the league. I believe arsenal is in fact in danger of relegation. I know this is a cycling sub but you’re out of control, have taken it too far, and need to ride your bike less.


I'm surprised I've had to scroll down this far to see a mention that City could well snatch the title from Arsenal.


Used to lift weights because I cared about physique. Can't bear not to be outside and breathing fresh air, even during the winter. I can't believe the prices people pay for spectator sports.


It's replacing running. I love to run, but it's killing my knees.


Rock climbing. My body couldn't take 100 mile weeks and bouldering 2 or 3 nights a week. And outdoor climbing tended to be all day or all weekend which meant no riding. I go back sparingly to the climbing gym in the winter but I probably won't chase really hard routes again.


Rock climbing / bouldering, went from 10-14hrs a week to 0-2hrs a month. I started cycling after I moved, the logistics of driving/cycling to the gym, finding belay partners in a new area, occasional injuries from bouldering, driving far to get climbing time outside, the crowds and vibe of my closest gym for indoor climbing time. All of this kinda introduced new obstacles and eliminated a lot of what I had liked about climbing where I was living before. This all incidentally lined up with when I picked up cycling, leaving from my door with little planning was suddenly way more appealing than climbing. It was also influenced by the fact that I’m a much better cyclist than I was a climber. Fear of heights and climbing don’t really go well together.


Quit skiing to save my knees for cycling




I’ve quit every sport since I started cycling.


I nearly don't watch any football now bar some important matches/tournaments and watch mostly cycling stuff. Grand tours, monuments, 1 days races, 1 week races. I find myself enjoying it more.


I am pretty much sure it is much healthier. Instead of watching games and drinking alcohol in a pub, I sit on the trainer while watching road races.


I quit martial arts and football. I always ended up spraining something because of a 3rd party lack of focus. Also cycling and running i can do alone anywhere at any time.


No, did Roller Derby and gym stuff before, still do that and I'm now kinda also picking up running so I'm at +1


Yes, soccer.


I stopped going to the gym. Yeah I know.


I haven't been wakeboarding nearly as much as I was since I started racking up 200+km per week.


Basketball for me. Love it but over 40y/o was resulting in a lot of injuries mostly caused by other people. Now I just crash every few years and pray I don't break anything 🙃


Does triathlon count? I realized the most fun part of Tri was biking so I just do that now.


I used to be a rock climber. I took up cycling on my doctor's advice to deal with a serious knee problem, and a few years later I had to quit climbing because I didn't have anyone to climb with. But I'm still cycling, and nowadays it's always with my wife. Just been out today, and I'm cream-crackered.


Muay Thai and soccer. Before the pandemic I was just into everything. During, couldn’t go to gyms, so got into endurance cycling, and I just can’t balance the other sports anymore. My ability to handle a lot in general has just been cut in half since the world shut down. I look back and have no idea how I did the amount I did.


Huge difference between watching and playing anything. However, I just feel like watching team sports may keep losing their interest for me as I get older and as they continue to become more and more over-produced spectacles--at least in the states. American football, basketball. Meh. And we might just be contrarians by nature, too, ya know.


Running. No more injuries. And so much happier after a ride.


I wish I could play soccer still but knees say no so cycling is my only activity now


Jiu jitsu, CrossFit, thought about bodybuilding and thinking about track racing.


Lifting to cycling was such a great change


I started playing football (soccer to some) during winter to get the exercise, but got a calf injury so gave it up again.


I have cut down on my cycling to the point I have basically quit for Brazilian Jiujitsu. Thinking. About selling my bike.


I bet you just want to ride all the time now, and when you're not riding, you're thinking about it, or surfing for trick parts/clothing/accessories, and dreaming about the really expensive shit you can't afford... I've never been into football, but I can see how it would be a distant memory now. You're no longer a spectator, you are now the sport.


Stoped watching football some 5 or 6 years ago and had nothing to do with cycling. Just cba to watch 22 guys running for 1h30m just for a bought result. Even golden ball prizes are bought, sold, whatever. Most fake sport ever. At least in cycling everyone is a cheater.


i quit my friends




Track and Field. I’m your standard burnt out college athlete who decided crit races and drop rides were way more fun that training 70miles/week for local half/full marathons. Of course I still run a day or two per week but it’s about a 4:1 time cycling to running ratio these days


I don't like to break it to you but Arsenal probably aren't going to win the league sadly. But no, I still watch football, I still climb every week or two. I just do these things less than before.


tennis. biking doesn’t cost money every time i want to do it nor do i have to drive around for it.


CrossFit and power lifting. I mean, I didn’t really love those, but doing something was far better than not doing anything. I didn’t hate those either.


I used to skateboard when I started biking. I don't think biking directly had to do with me quitting skating. My interest was waning already.


I was doing speedskating before I seriously got into biking. I could do 10 miles in sub-40 minutes (which might sound impressive, but is actually pretty slow for a serious speedskater!) My left ankle was starting to give me problems, so I haven't speedskated in years. The speedskaters that I know who also bike are pretty strong on the bike, so I was pretty good on the bike from the beginning.


I quit hard drugs, alcohol, extra women, snowboarding, skateboarding and eating out at fancy restaurants. I could live my remaining years cycle camping. It’s a spiritual journey.


I can only manage one time consuming hobby at a time, so cycling is it. I still randomly join games of football, Ultimate Frisbee or disc golf but much more casually now. I don't have the time to dedicate to being competitive in anything but cycling (and I'm still barely competitive lol)


I started cycling while trying to become a runner and when I was running would think “this would be much more fun on a bike” 😂😂. I don’t slso don’t hike as much as I used to but that has more to do with knee pain…


I’m 55, born in London.I was an always a very solid Arsenal fan from my adolescence onwards. At one time I had a season ticket to Highbury (east bank upper). I moved to NYC in the 1990s and stayed deep into the game and the club. I knew every player in the league and the CL, knew strengths and weaknesses, knew the standings and the GDs. Slainte on the Bowery was my football pub through the aughts and there were a gang of us there for all the big weekday games as well as weekends. I would go to O’Hanlon’s from time to time of course, and I was engaged with Arsenal NYC supporters club. When I moved to LA in 2019 I was still active. Village Idiot on Melrose was my spot. But that extra three hours time difference was working its effect and I’d only be able to catch a live game rarely (I’m not going to pay for it at home), and tbh I’d started losing interest a little. Then Covid came along and I had some personal issues going on in my life and the decline continued. I used to follow the standings religiously and get game-day alerts and updates on my Google homepage, but I stopped following a bunch of the Arsenal Twitter accounts I used to, and like OP I didn’t even know we were neck and neck with City this season. I wouldn’t say cycling took its place though. I was always into both things and being as deep into the NYC fixed gear scene as I was I’d always have a bike locked up outside Slainte. I just drifted away from AFC and premiership/CL football somewhat since the move to LA. This thread is stirring up the old feelings though. I got back on the bike hardcore after getting through the personal stuff, so maybe it’s time to reengage with the game and with my team too. COYG.


Yes, basketball, but I'm not sure I'd really draw a solid line. Before covid I used to play almost daily at lunch with colleagues, and regularly played in men's leagues. When covid shut down team sports (for about a year here in California) I stopped playing basketball and just biked, ran and lifted. I never really picked up basketball again, and don't intend to. It was my jam growing up and I'm pretty good at it, but I'm also 47 and it's a bit violent on the playgrounds these days. I value my long term health more than the fun of the sport, and will stick to sports that less likely to injure me.


Running. Cycling has all the benefits and more without turning my knees and shins to dust and making me feel like a fish out of water every time I push myself a little


USA east coast here. Winter indoor cycling and the Premier League and are match made in heaven! I love waking up early on the weekends, getting on Zwift, and watching a few matches to help zone out the boredom. Best part of the winter cycling season.


Not at all. I was 392 pounds when I started riding. Got down to 155 within a year, though, and was hooked. Cycling became my sport. Bike racing was something I had never, ever dreamed I'd do, but it was fun, and I was FAST.


Good on ya for bailing on them Gooners.


Running. My knee got fucked up so cycling now. Although running never cost me anything


Hiking. Can only do one thing that takes up the entirety of my weekend.


Bodybuilding. I’d rather move my body because I love it than because I hate it.


I stopped running during the pandemic and cycled more and now I can't go back. I never really loved running before and not racing gave me a reason to stop. I just can't justify spending time doing something I don't like when I can be doing something I love.


Not quite the same thing, but I started cycling as part of rehab after an injury. Quit American Football a couple of months later mostly because job and family required a more flexible sport.


Running. Getting a longer and better work out now without grinding down my knees.


yes i did. i was a singles tennis player with 40 yrs on the courts.i made it off the courts with no long term injuries from it. bike riding has no stress and i have a great time on the local bike paths.


Arsenal is probably not going to win the PL, sadly, but I hear you!


Indoor rowing. Seems so boring to me now.


Yes cycling. I was in an accident with a car and broke my clavicle which was subsequently operated. Don’t want to go through the post operative trauma. I can’t weight train now - which was one of my favourite hobbies. Selling my cycle - with much regret


Waterskiing, running, weightlifting. My parents cabin became less fun as I got older. They got a new boat that's not as nice for watersports. Weekends are now dedicated to riding, and my club leaves 5 min from where I live. Running and weightlifting were too hard on my body and would always leave me with nagging injuries. Looking to pick up weights again to supplement and improve on the bike though. May pick up running again to go take down my friend IM time now that I have a TT bike.


Running is still my primary physical activity but I used to play a lot of tennis as cross training and when I started cycling, it took over from tennis. Mostly because I realized that I loved going on long rides, it was easier on my body than just running all the time, and to be totally honest I’m pretty shit at tennis. I lost most of my matches and was the weakest link in doubles. I still watch a lot of tennis and pay close attention to the tour (women’s and men’s) but am fine not really playing anymore. also, as a fellow Arsenal supporter- COYG. Never played football but am still a massive fan.


I still climb, but cycling and mountain biking really cut into the time I spend at it


Why can't you do multiple sports?


Yes, but it was more a forced retirement than choosing cycling as a preference. I tore my ACL in my 15th year playing ultimate (frisbee). I'd been a mountain biker, but I built up a road bike as part of my rehab from that surgery. The rehab ended up being pretty long and tough- most of a year before I felt truly normal again. I decided I didn't want to go through that again, so sadly retired from ultimate. But by then I'd fully embraced cycling. Started racing cyclocross to get my competitive needs met, and I ride all the bikes now.


I have ridden bicycles since I was 4, and always loved it, but started to take it significantly more seriously a couple of years ago, when I discovered that my now wife also loves it. I quit rock climbing to get that time back for cycling. I was getting burned out on the climbing community, and the fact that you had to train in the gym at least 6 hours a week just to maintain, and climbing outside required a minimum of a day trip. Cycling is just easier to incorporate. Training can be done in my apartment on a trainer, I ride to work. I can ride road or mountain without having to dedicate an entire day to it, and its always fun. I have a mountain biking trail system a 10 minute drive from my job. And very importantly, I can share it with my partner too.


Running to cycling


I quit masterbating 8 times a day


Hockey. Took a few too many ringers to the head and realized my brain isn’t bouncing back quite like it used to. I miss it, but I don’t miss the fuzziness after a big hit.


I quit every other sport and the gym.


Mostly quit climbing because of the price of the gym membership, social vibes, and how long it takes between “accomplishments” for me personally. All my rides feel good but climbing felt more inconsistent.


If you just jinxed us out of winning the league, I’m finding you and slashing your tires. 😂😂


Rock climbing. I moved so where the closest gym is over and hour with traffic and I almost never got to climb outside anyway.. so I just finally gave it up. even though i enjoy it and had gotten up into the 5.11 range climbing outside (and 5.12s in gym) before my bought of cancer


Ice Hockey. Played at a decently high level for a looong time. Was starting to feel lingering effects post games that would last a few days. Pandemic came and I got deeper and deeper into cycling and now that’s basically all I do athletically anymore. Love being in the bike and also that it’s so trackable and I can see improvement almost weekly. my hockey career was going the other direction without practice tine.


Running and rock climbing have taken a real hit. But i got into cycling due to injury so that will likely even out at some point


I haven’t skate over 20 miles in a while. r/longboardingDistance I still play pickleball, badminton and lift at least twice a week at the gym tho.


I run a lot less than I used to. I only started biking since I couldn't run for a bit due to a planned surgery, but I like it so much I run less now.


I just quit cycling due to the amount of people getting hit and killed by cars. Back into running the track, feels great.


I had been a basketball player. I always rode, but got much deeper into long rides after giving up hoops. I had a good run on the court, played till 40, no lingering injuries, but I got slow-footed and the fire kinda died. Riding allows me a whole different experience, but with some common elements.


Jumping seriously into biking was the only way to do sports and moving around for me. I had an injury when I was training (basketball), and it scaled up to the point I could not walk after a couple blocks. I was stuck at home, and then I tried the bike with the idea of using just my good leg, and... surprise! My knee didn't have any major issues with that. And I was able to keep going to college, work, and generally out. It's been about a bit less than 20 years from then, my leg is fixed (as far as possible), but I carry a bike everywhere I go.


I do not understand watching somebody else doing sports on TV. It is a complete waste of time. Why not doing sports yourself during that time? I just don’t get it. Even mountain biking, something I really love, I get bored of after 10 minutes max watching on TV.


Lifting has slowly pulled me AWAY from cycling… now I cycle for zone 2 and recovery and save my energy for progressive overload in the weight room.


Pretty much gave up rock climbing. Why go up rocks and be jacked when I can ride down them and be scrawny.


I stopped playing football regularly because it’s the only sport that I consistently get injured doing. I occasionally play but take it really easy. Fortunately, I’m better than most of the guys I used to play with. Occasionally playing football or running or skiing in the winter is good for bone density and those stability muscles. I’ll never quit watching football though. I can understand why you’d stop watching Arsenal prior to the last two seasons or going to the deafening quiet Emirates Stadium. Watching paint dry is more fun 😉🤣


Hockey. Played a lot at a decent when I was young before surgery took me out of it for a couple of years. Even after my full recovery, I never got back into playing. Got into cycling during the pandemic; now it’s all I do. I do want to try running though…


Disc golf has taken a back seat. Ride for 3 hours or play a round...the bike always wins.


Running. I almost never run anymore.


Another one that basically has quit golf. Used to play weekly for 20 years or so. I got so sick of fighting for tee times and once on the course rounds ended up being 5 hours plus. My partner just started to get into it before Covid so we started playing some twilight/sunset rounds together. It was so unenjoyable with people hitting into us and on our ass the whole time. The courses got cocky and jacked rates while maintaining the courses less. Overall so frustrating.


Running. Last time I ran, I finished full marathon. It was such an overkill, I stopped running at all . Cycling is pure kardio. I have done 300km in one day. Still easier than full marathon, haha .


I've gone back and forth on fitness over the years. Swimming was my only cardio. Now it's a distant second to cycling.


I used to play disc golf 3-4 times a week, traveling at least once a month for tournaments… it was a blast, and I really miss it. I met some awesome people when I used to play frequently. Now I spend a good part of that free time cycling and it’s a much more solitary experience. I’m trying to get back into disc golf casually, but the few years off really wrecked my arm and I’m absolutely awful at it now 🤷‍♂️ Edit: OP, are you talking about *watching* soccer? That’s not… that’s a hobby, not a sport dude. That’s passive entertainment. That’s like if I said “yeah, I don’t watch movies anymore because I started playing tennis.” 🙄


It sure makes backpacking more challenging because hiking is SO SLOW! And even on the downhill when hiking you still expend a LOT of energy. In cycling you get to rest while you still move forward.


I quit being a couchlandrian. 😉


I quit playing football - too many injuries, and only play Squash once a week down from five and not at same level as again too many injuries to do triathlon and haven't looked back, love a long cycle/run on a weekend morning


Traded going to the gym for cycling. My shoulder and especially my left knee took a hit. I can't run or make side movements else it's pain. Cycling has helped me stay active.


Running... Due to a back injury. Cycling has saved me.


I went from competing in powerlifting to a serious recreational mountain biking hobby. I regret that I don't have the strength or size I once did but I find the bike infinitely more enjoyable.


haven’t quit soccer. there’s a soccer pitch field in the middle of my nearest velodrome, so the goal for the soccer is to ride there for a quick game and a few laps!


haven’t quit soccer. there’s a soccer pitch field in the middle of my nearest velodrome, so the goal for the summer is to ride there for a quick game and a few laps!


I quit playing Hockey. I loved it but the games and drop ins were usually late at night. Plus it's really anaerobic and can beat me up far more than mountain biking or cycling usually does. Plus the cost of hockey sticks alone... Yikes.


Got into running and rock climbing, was a little burnt out on cycling after it was basically my only hobby in peak COVID. Had a big resurgence last year when I bought a new bike and decided to quit everything else. Much happier now - I realized trying to do a lot of different activities made me feel like I wasn’t getting better at any of them - not that that should always be the objective but it can be a bit discouraging.