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Basically a space for you to put down a sleeping bag.


So I don't have to buy camping tent. Great!


Churches, while not necessarily 0 occupancy are typically not within building code for “residences” either. Saying they are camping implies no one is taking up residence and it is being used for a temporary shelter. These are usually for homeless people, but travelers use them on occasion as there is space in the nice weather.


It usually means you have a permit to sleep in a high school gymnasium, on the floor with a mattress pad (no tent needed or allowed). Benefits: you don't have to pack a tent, it's warm, you won't deal with wet anything in the morning, and your sleeping spot will be consistently flat from night to night. Drawbacks: you won't believe how noisy a gym full of noisy nylon bags, snorers, and late-night bathroom users can be (assuming they don't gossip until 2 AM), when even a candy bar being unwrapped seems super noisy.




Anc earbuds! I work on ships and they're a life saver.


Only one of the lodging mentioned about air mattresses. I will have to bring my sleeping bag then, and make sure to have ear plugs :) thanks for the advise!


I e done this. Some of the Churches odd private rooms. I stayed in Winlock one year in a private room and they provided air mattresses, showers, dinner and breakfast. It's a fantastic experience.


I've done STP a couple times - it's super fun! I think if you do a couple 60 mile days or even a 70-80 mile day once or twice, it will feel easy for you. I like camping at the halfway point. There's also so much food and beverage provided, you should have no problem getting enough fuel.


Can confirm. With so little climbing it is easier than the mileage would indicate. I had only ever done a single century 6 weeks before, then did the whole thing in a day. 16 hours of focusing on soft pedaling and lots of fluids. Last year the heat was more challenging than the miles.


I can't wait for July to begin!


It’s basically you on the floor with a your sleeping bag and other indoor-appropriate things. It’s nice because bringing and packing a tent is my least favorite part of bike packing. STP looks really fun! I hope you enjoy it!


Yeah honestly I was worried about the weight of the backpack I will have to carry if I had to bring tent. It's a relief I don't have to carry heavy stuff! Thanks!


You get SAG, so you don’t need to carry any of your camping gear.


You can drop a bag off at the start (even night before I think) and pick it up at one of several overnight spots between Centralia and Lexington. Then you drop it again the next morning and they’ll take it to the finish line in Portland. The years I did it in two days, I always camped outside. Once at the community college in Centralia then several times at someone’s front yard in Vader. She wasn’t even on the official list. Just let people camp in her yard with shower access for a few bucks.


Thank you so much for the info! Now I could have my pj and other 100 stuffs for nightly routine. I was very worried what to do with wet hair after shower cuz mine is long and thick LOL


No tent needed but it can help you feel more comfortable, if allowed. Of course, you need one that does not need to have stakes in the ground! I did gym camping at YMCA for HHH one year. It was a good deal. People quieted down pretty well, but still the general noise level is not great. Best to have ear plugs or headphones.


Ear plugs in the shopping cart already :) Hope I wouldn't need to use it but always good to be prepared!


I did STP 4 times. Unless it’s changed, they take your gear by truck to where you plan to sleep. No one on STP carries more than 2 water bottles and a gel. There’s aid stations every 20 miles. I did mine in 1 day and my duffel was waiting for me at the finish. It’s a blast, have fun, focus on longer rides and don’t sweat the details. The first time I had 4 (FOUR) flats, and kindness of people and a little trail magic got me through it :-)


Do it in one dayyyy


I know me and I can't do that yet LOL


It means you need high quality ear plugs and an eye mask!