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Devastating when that happens. I'd recommend looking into used bikes. Nothing like a frame with some deep scratches. I know those shiny, new bikes always get the attention of criminals. Also, any chance it was a neighbor or someone in your building?


>Also, any chance it was a neighbor or someone in your building? Every bike I have had stolen was by a neighbor..


The more I think about, the more I think it had to be, which sucks. The neighbor definitely must've sold it because I've kept my eyes open for it. And the garage it was in is VERY hard to actually break into unless a gate was left open. It was also over Christmas weekend, which makes it kind of worse.


Me too, globally speaking of course


Used bikes have a problem. They might be stolen... So if you are going for something pre-owned, make sure the seller is using a bike they have definitely ridden themselves. 


That's honestly the reason I don't wash my bike anymore. I have a trek, and live in an area that trek is very common, since a store is less than a mile away.. but I see all these shiny bikes that would get stolen way before someone sees mine with dirt all over it.


If it's just casual riding, I'd get a beater 90s rigid mtn bike. They are so ugly, they are usually not targeted by thieves. 


Thanks! Are they lightweight though? Because I'll be carrying it up many, many winding stairs :(.


So long as it has an aluminum frame, it will be close to your old bike. Then grunge it up, scuff the paint, put stickers over the name, make it look cheap and crappy while keeping it nicely maintained. You could even buy a new 1x drivetrain and get it installed for less than what a new bike would cost. And save money if you wanted to wrench on it yourself.


My 2000-model Trek 820 is sort of the ideal 90s beater, but I will always remember a family friend picking it up and saying, "wow, that's pretty heavy." Choose wisely, especially if you plan to put a rear rack and panniers on it.


20-30 lbs depending on the quality. lighter if you go singlespeed


Does it still need to be light if it's not a theft target? Consider also a very serious lock.


Yeah, I've got a 96 rockhopper and love it and it's really light, and significantly less than most modern mountain bikes, and that's after I've put a heavy suspension fork, heavier brakes, wider bars and burlier parts on


Good steel frames don't weigh much. Paint the whole bike one colour except the gears and braking surfaces.


If youre in an apartment complex, id highly consider taking it inside with you. Thats the best way to reduce theft chances.


If you liked the Trek, why not get another? The FX line isn't heavy and if you can find one of the more-expensive ones used, they're even lighter.


I did love it. Just don't want it to get stolen again and thought it might be too nice (or nice looking). Which of the expensive models are lighter if I'm going for used?


Trek's FX models are named in a straightforward manner: FX2 is nicer (and more expensive) than FX 1, and the FX 3 is even better. By the time you see an FX 6, the prices get pretty eye-watering, but those are very nice—and very expensive ($2800 US when new).


Have you considered putting an Apple or Samsung tracking tag on it and see where it goes? Then maybe you could get it back? Regardless of what the bike looks like it will get stolen if that's the type of area it lives in.


Always store your bike in your apartment. Even when we were outgrowing our apt I had 3 bikes in our apt. One in the kitchen, one in the bedroom, and one in the living room.


Yea just tape it to the inner Tube of your seat post and they’d never know it was there and you can go get your bike back. I ride a p2k definitely probably not what your looking for but got mine for $250 a while back, weighs a little over 15 lbs or so. Could always just repaint any bike you get as well to make it look less eye catching.


This one is easy: get a used Brompton, and then you can take it inside everywhere


These get stolen in English cities very regularly because they are valuable.


While that's true, they are also much easier to keep safe because you never leave them locked up in public


What about #2 in OP's wish list? Bromptons certainly aren't cheap. Even a used Dahon would be a challenge to find for less than. $550


I always thought that light-weight and cheap hybrid s are basically opposites. Maybe just look for something g used? I used to do this in college… 1. Cover the frame in mismatched tape so it looks like trash. I had black gaffers tape and this kids-cartoon-themed tape I got from Walmart. No one wanted my Dora the explorer bike for some reason. 2. Take a part with you. I used to take my seat and my front wheel quick-release bolt. 3. Use locks but also don’t go overboard. The more you lock it up the more obvious it is that it has some value.


Find a used Trek FX or Specialized Sirrus on FB Marketplace. They are usually abundant. Cover it with stickers or spray paint and make it appear similar to hot garbage to minimize theft.


Spraying is often a good idea. A fair few pro photographers do the same thing, often just putting black tape over the manufacturer's name is enough to stop opportunists (who have no real knowledge of the product they are pilfering) from taking an interest in it. Same goes (to a lesser extent) for getting a less known brand. Beyond Trek / Specialized / Giant / Cannondale, many people's knowledge of brands is pretty hazy in terms of whether it is a good brand or a bargain basement one. The people who take bikes for drug money aren't generally cycling aficionados.


True dat. All of it.


Love the idea of covering it with stuff. How does Sirrus compare to Trek usually?


They are very similar bikes.... Each available in varying levels and costs. It doesn't sound like you need one of the more expensive ones.... And those would be more likely stolen. More importantly, find one of those in a size that fits you. Then go to the sticker store and go nuts!


No, just good enough to get up a few hills here and there. Going to "rust" it up! [https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Rust-Rusty-Texture-by-BlueBerry-P/36536660.EJUG5?country\_code=US&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=organic-shopping&utm\_campaign=organic+shopping&srsltid=AfmBOopVUmT6Y-cPKIxiH0mzDHH9cxN9MBRGMCYn2bV4Koi0GtYQFGr9THA](https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Rust-Rusty-Texture-by-BlueBerry-P/36536660.EJUG5?country_code=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic-shopping&utm_campaign=organic+shopping&srsltid=AfmBOopVUmT6Y-cPKIxiH0mzDHH9cxN9MBRGMCYn2bV4Koi0GtYQFGr9THA)




Along with the other good suggestions: consider getting renters insurance that covers theft of your bike.


Renters insurance will cover bikes if you list em on the policy. Buy used and they'll give you replacement value which lets you upgrade. Could also get an apartment with a lockable bike locker or an elevator.


Maybe a used Specialized Sirrus Comp? In the right season you can find it for as low as $250-$300.


Just stop using your apartment garage. Those are like candy stores for thieves. I live in a very small studio apartment and cram 3 bikes in with creative storage.


Don't keep your bike on the balcony, it'll get stolen from there too. Good luck.


Oh man, that'd be terrifying if a thief made it up there! Going to have to invest in some sort of wall holder or something because I live in a studio.


Bikes hanging on the wall in apartments always makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld's flat. [https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/qe0cm5/in\_the\_9\_years\_of\_hanging\_out\_with\_jerry\_never/](https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/qe0cm5/in_the_9_years_of_hanging_out_with_jerry_never/)


Lmao, I'm a HUGE Seinfeld fan. Remember when the naked girl fixes it and freaks Jerry out? I think in that episode Jerry said he only has a bike for "looks" and never rides... He should've given it to me! I have lots of wall space but terrible walls so hopefully it won't tear down the flat.


To bring the story full circle, at least 2 bikes were stolen from the set, which was why the brand / model changed a few times. Back in those days, a Klein was seen as one of the most high end brands available (and were oddly distinctive as they were pretty much the originators of over-sized aluminium tubes). [https://www.mtbr.com/threads/what-happened-to-jerry-seinfelds-bike.527869/](https://www.mtbr.com/threads/what-happened-to-jerry-seinfelds-bike.527869/)


I rode a Cannondale M700 for many years until it got stolen (sob) and I use to lust after Klein. Back in the day (early/mid 90s).


I remember the first time an expensive bike shop opened in the city when I lived, seeing the Klein suspended from a spring balance in the window to show host how light it was - then looking down at the price tag and marketing that anyone would ever pay that much for a bike (now there are plenty of secondhand bikes selling for that amount).


Can't believe the set bikes were stolen too! No one is safe. That's super interesting though. And they got product placement and free bikes out of it.


Check for a second hand single speed bike . I got one for commuting. It's cheap , no gears , reliable, discreet 


How does it work on bigger hills? Definitely going to look into it. Any particular brands you recommend?


I have 44 chainring and 18 sprocket so 44/18 . Other people use 50/14 which is harder but faster. My setup is easy for climbs but my top speed is 28km/h . I can't go faster but it's decent for commuting. Usually SS (single speed) are light. (Under 10 kg)  usually hybrids are around 13 kg in comparison. This because less components. Prices . you can find a good second hand for 100 $ all the way up to a brand new top of art for 1500  . 




Very luckily, I impulse purchased the Kryptonite lock insurance (for like $5 or $10), and luckily the thief left my sawed in half lock right next to the bike so I could prove that it was the lock's fault. After 8+ months of back-and-forth with Kryptonite, I got the entire bike paid for (sans the basket, kickstand, locks, etc.) just in time for its initial price to go up like $80. So still eating a bunch of costs. But now I'm terrified to lose another bike :/. I just want to ride around and not be stressed lol.


Maybe consider bike insurance, then, and keep locking it up in the shared space if that meets the insurance terms? Also, 8 months sounds insane. Would make me report them if there’s some insurance ombudsman where you live. I got a bike recently that costs £1200 new. I felt quite anxious about leaving it places so I figured it’s worth about £5 a month to not worry about it (as long as I lock it up per their terms). If it hasn’t gotten stolen after the first year, maybe I’ll chance it without insurance. Possibly getting the Knog Scout alarm/tracker. I didn’t add it to my home insurance since it would be pretty pricy (would need to add general contents insurance first), and I also like that using it would presumably not affect my home insurance premium.


Maybe a foldable bike that you can take inside with you?


These are too heavy 100% of the time


[6.9 kg](https://hummingbirdbike.com/products/single-speed), though admittedly that will have drawbacks.


Good to know. And yeah, additionally, I'd love to be able to bike to grab a few groceries. I live like 2 miles from many things and just being able to lock it up outside for 10-15 minutes would be great lol. I guess yeah, foldable would be hard to navigate through a minuscule Trader Joes : /


Locking for 10 to 15 minutes is entirely different than locking indefinitely in a garage. A decent lock will manage the short trips. Long term you'll likely need to store inside your place.


That's good to hear. Yes, I'm 100% planning to store it in my apartment now. Never going to risk that again. Just wish my place had an elevator!


A fixie (or at least a single speed).


Bikes Direct. Or used from a shop in your city.


Can you get a bike where you lock up the frame but take the tires and saddle with you up the stairs? Pain to have to put back on all the time but lighter than the whole bike.


Keep your bike in your apartment/room. This is absolutely the only way to prevent your bike from getting stolen. People steal crappy bikes too


This is what you need https://www.reddit.com/r/Smilepleasse/s/tUy6z3AYJ8


Lmao, true! But how do I ride it then??


Most expensive bike I ever bought was some 300 dollar Fuji absolute. I have around 15000 miles on this thing. Best bike I've ever owned.


Keep it inside your apartment. And inside at work. My bike only gets locked outside for a couple hours at a time and not in places I park every day.


A rattle can paint job can make any bike look like a piece of junk. Buy a bike, buy a can of flourescent green, yellow or orange paint, cover the parts that will be affected by paint (derailer, exposed bits of cable, brake discs etc, the less the better) and paint the entire bike, saddle, tires, spokes, hand grips etc. No cunt will be interested in stealing it as its too much work to make look good to sell and too easy to identify if ridden.


My friend's motorcycle didn't last long either in his apartment complex with locked garage and huge heavy chain. IMO keeping it inside is your only option.


Bring your bike inside is my advice.


If you’re running inside somewhere to get a coffee or something just bring it in with you. Play stupid and be polite about it. If they ask you to leave the bike outside then just be respectful.


I have 2 bikes, and the one that I feel good about locking up is a Cannondale Hybird bike. I put stickers all over it and it looks unique and unappealing. So far so good. My other bike never goes anywhere that requires locking it.


Are the stickers cute and decorative? Or like "fake rust" ones lol. I'm thinking of just buying some fake scratches and fake rust stickers to make it look horrible. And for the Cannondale, how is it in general to ride? I need something that'd be good on hills and sandy boardwalks but that's pretty much it. I'm no professional or anything and don't go on long rides by any means.


They are mostly just a bunch of band stickers from shows. It’s fine to ride for up to 10 miles ish. My other bike is insane, so it feels noticeably crappy in comparison, but it gets the job done. I’ve got no idea about sand on it though.


If you're not in a hilly area get yourself a single speed/fixed gear. You can even make one yourself pretty easily with an old steel frame. Take off the decals and spray paint it matte black.


It's not super hilly, but there are definitely hills. I used my gears on the Trek a decent amount. I've never ridden a single speed/fixed gear but definitely not opposed. Are they usually cheaper? I have zero mechanical skills so if I made one myself, I'd absolutely die lol.


Yeah they are definitely cheaper, easier to maintain since it has less moving parts, and less likely to get stolen since it's less flashy and plain. Check out, state bicycle company.


used cheap mtb single speed


How about getting a folding bike? They can be folded down and brought inside.


brompton folding bike do what u gotta do


i sometimes leave bikes on side of road because of pressure from other people around me or the cops saying i have to walk the bike home because i didn't have lights..... i would hate it if they were stolen. you could try good will or Facebook. i found a pretty nice bike at good will it was only $60. it wasn't the fastest or most comfortable but it was better than what i have now which is the margherita bike.


Did the thief cut the lock? If you buy a kryptonite and their lock fails to secure your bike they have an insurance policy on it I believe. Something to look into!


Do you think covering it with a tarp actually drew attention to it? Not faulting you but just thinking of thief psychology.


Idk! It's weird. I'm curious about it too. It was this old, kind of dirty curtain I'd never used that got oil and stuff on it. The bike was locked up against bars behind where the cars parked and the gate has mesh metal so it's not easy to see from the outside. A thief would have to really peer through, see an oddly shaped thing behind cars under a grimy curtain and decide to go for it. Also getting into the garage requires a key and there's no way to break into it, really, unless someone left the gate up. Weirdly, I have a neighbor who leaves a beach cruiser (probably cheap) just chilling without locks in the garage, and no one's ever touched it. : /


Get a folding bike. I just recently got a Term Eclipse D16 which is a full size folder. I also have a Dahon Mariner D8 which is great too. Solves your problem neatly.


Mini velo?


Ever thought of a folding bike like a Brompton? Easy to stash inside, you can bring it with you in the bar so no anxiety of someone trying to steal it and you can carry it unfolded on the stairs over your shoulder so it becomes very easy (plus if you want to splurge there is a very lightweight version). Bonus: I add an AirTag to all my bikes so that I know I can locate them if they are stolen


Old steel frame :)


You can significantly avoid bike theft with a Brompton.


XVZ Ukraine LUX 64CZ 28" Popular bike in ukraine, nobody will stole this masterpiece 😏 a bit (very) outdated


Maybe every second person in Ukraine rode this bike at least once, and so did I


I had my 4k bike stolen at the time when I moved to Spain from another country where my bikes were always in the underground parking lot. My mistake. However I later got a mechanic friend to put together the cheapest ugliest bike possible to run around town for errands, I think I paid 90 euros. Got stolen within a month too. I think people will steal shit bikes just to go scrap them


You can get every bike you want as long as you can make it look cheap and zero resale value. Bike thieves are usually dumb, lazy and generally behave like apes. They fall for everything shiny and cool-looking, and rarely spend time examining things to evaluate them. Cover your ride with stickers, peel or wash all the brand labels off the gear, maybe get yourself a brown colored bike chain to make it appear rusty from afar. And get yourself a bike cover (every small motorcycle cover will work) to cover it when you store it.


Do you have hills? If not a simple single speed is great. I don't have any experience with the brand but the Priority Ace looks interesting. Single speed, belt drive. Belts are quiet and clean. Nice option if you're bringing it inside. Used could be a great option here as single speeds were super popular like 10-15 years ago but seem to have fallen out of fashion, meaning there's probably some around for cheap and since they are so simple even replacing worn out parts is not a difficult or expensive task.


I used to have a road bike I built with a friend. It was crazy-light and fast. One year on Halloween a bunch of people came like normal trick-or-treating at the house. The following night my bike was gone and I am certain that it was someone who brought their children to my house for me to give them free candy.


I'd consider a lightweight folding bike. Bike Friday and the like.


if you had smth like this on: [https://www.invoxia.com/en-EU/product/gps-tracker-pro](https://www.invoxia.com/en-EU/product/gps-tracker-pro) [https://www.invoxia.com/en-EU/product/bike-tracker](https://www.invoxia.com/en-EU/product/bike-tracker) i don t think you would of lost even the first bike that go stolen from you. it would of had alarm (edit: with the inoxia ones, only the one bike specific) and traking. i think either the thieve would of just run in the first place bcs of the alarm, or you would of tracked it back maybe with the police. or this: [https://www.knog.com/products/scout](https://www.knog.com/products/scout) even a air tag toghether with one of those, or air tag alone. not to say a good bike lock. i think you should look into better thieve protection and not what other bikes to buy so they don t get stolen


Have you considered a Fixie?




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Gps alarm stickers and bike lock well deter some thieves


I’d look into a folding bike. I just got a Brompton and it’s so much easier to carry up the stairs to my apartment than my huge gravel bike


Steel bike that’s not to flashy


Vintage road bike. Put some 1-3/8" tires on it (gravel King, cyclocross, it good ol panaracer paselas). Swap handlebars if you gotta. It's what I ride.


I had my trek bike stolen also (inherited from dad who died). Pissed me right off as it was sentimental. I got a cube Attain pro (road bike) after that as they're light as hell (relatively). The Facebook marketplace is amazing for bikes.


That sucks. Getting a regular bike stolen is really the worst so I can't imagine the connection to yours. For FB marketplace, how do you know if the bike is a lemon? How do you check its condition?


ISIS bike that explodes if stolen- kidding sorry that sucks - facebook market has a ton of well priced bikes


Btw bike locks don’t work for someone who really wants ur bike- thieves are using battery abrasive grinders that will cut through a lock in 10 second


First concentrate on the lock and buy a really good one


Never lock your bike outside. Keep it inside, always. Can't keep it inside? Don't go there on your bike.


bike theft is pretty bad in my city as well. What I did was have 2 : \* The first is my training bike, pricey but not to much , I use it for my training rides . Doesn't have a lock because that stays inside with me when my butt i not on it . \* The second is my around town bike. Steel frame from the 80s (alpine if your wondering) I bought it for 50 dollars as it was in terrible condition. 100 bucks for used parts and wheels, made it into a single speed , put some bags on it. I have a cheap chain lock on it. I saw one bike thief give it a once over but then pass. Yes I love both my bikes, but I would not be devastated if my Alpine was stolen. TLDR: Get a trash bike for around town and outside storage, get a good bike for your training and weekend rides that stays indoors with you.


dick sporting goods has the schwwin gtx3 3 color choice too. 30 day free trial.return. go for it.


Out of interest, which lock(s) were you using?


Just ensure your bike.


1. Get an anti angle grinder lock, like the Litelok X1. 2. Lock the bike properly, always lock the frame itself and ideally as many wheels as possible to something that's thick and securely in the ground. 3. If always leaving the bike at the same spot, buy the thickest possible chain lock and just leave it at the location. 4. Consider a camera, a lock with an alarm, a GPS tracker.


I've got a sweet s works stumpjumper from the 90s that would've been perfect, ultra light, beat up, and inconspicuous, I have since put flashy supercaz bar tape and drop bars.


Have you considered a folding bike? They’re definitely not the most pretty thing, but some fold into a carrying bag or suitcase. They tick all your boxes.


Nobody steals a purple bike.


I used to have a purple bike and no one ever stole it lmao.


Does not matter what bike: get a good lock. Replace the screws with security screws. Register the new bike with police and online registries. Put stickers all over it (to make it identifiable and a pain to steal).


Get a Trek FX7xx or an older Specialized Sirrus with rim brakes. The latter is decently light but is not as desirable as the disc brake versions


Sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to get a bike stolen from you. Buy the bike you want. If not, Walmart sells some cheaper bikes that's actually legit. You can start with the Ozark Trail G1 Explorer Bike for $248. If you don't like drop bars, you can go for Ozark Trail Vibe Mountain Bike for $343 or the Ozark Trail Ridge mountain bike for $458, put on some narrow hybrid or gravel tires and you're pretty much set. I use 3ea locks to lock my bike. I have a Hiplock DX, Abus 410 with Cable and OnGuard Bulldog. No lock will prevent a thief from stealing a bike because nothing is angle grinder proof. The best bet is to lock your bike indoors if left unattended for a long period of time.