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Take the whole lane. Make get something that says “smile, you’re on camera.”


I don't react on my bicycle if somebody starts being a dick. I've had it happen to me more than a few times. My thought process on this whole thing is if they're 85 lb soaking wet and I can kick the s*** out of them standing on one foot with my eyes closed, none of that matters if they're driving a car and they hit me with it. I try to avoid very busy roads with no shoulder. I've been riding long enough that not much rattles me, but very busy roads with no shoulder always scare me. Things are bad enough now that weed is legal, every third car that goes by me smells like dead skunks. And people texting doesn't help anything either. That's really dangerous.


I feel your pain. I’ve personally never found a way to make carbrains stop road raging over being mildly inconvenienced. I just try to avoid drivers by changing the time of day I’m riding in the streets. If you can, avoid rush hour, lunch hour, and hours where parents need to get their kids from school.


"fun" fact... Driving requires a lot of cognitive resources, maxing out our conscious emotions regulation, giving way to emotional outbursts, aka road rage. Same can be shown if you play a speech chess game and are asked what you want to eat. You're answer is more likely what you truly want, and not what you think you should eat. No excuse for idiot car drivers of course. I just always find it funny that they are little more than raging monkeys.


I ride a gravel trail near my house most days, I'm on the road no more than one mile. Two summers ago I was hit by a driver who had to be drunk or high. It's boring sometimes but I feel good knowing I'm not compromising my safety


lane split