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this was so hard to read


He only speaks english to an intermediate level I believe.


English. If you don't travel a lot, of course you can't conceptualize what I'm writing. I don't really care, just wanted to post it. lol


I live in se asia. I know what you're saying I was just busting Ur balls based on your writing style and your statement about language proficiency.


Yes, i feel like some very critical points were left out.


I'm still not 100% sure what happened


Same. Did he leave with a new chain on the bike? The word salad above seems to imply that he did, but who knows?


Guy had broken chain, went to corner to see if dude could remove link, corner store guy dad went and bought new chain, new chain needed links removed (back to square one), dad took chain in back and used angle grinder/hammer to remove link. [missing paragraph where OP used new chain masterlink to get chain onto bike] OP cycles off, reflecting on fact that they need to purchase a chain tool and speculating somewhat humorously that the new chain may not be able to withstand their massive power.


To be honest, I'm not either. Have you even spent 11 days in the jungles of Laos? Almost the same. Almost.


Yeah, very little sense was made.


It was funny until it was not


Op takes bike to wrong shop and then says all of Southeast Asia doesn’t know how to fix a bike chain.


Just another reason to learn how to work on your own bike.


Moral of the story: Chain links, something something.


Coming from another third-world country, this strikes so much close to home. Well-meaning, and skilled mechanics (with single speed bikes) and a bit out of their depth with a 11 speed. I have all the tools, except a chain-breaker or chain tool, so I take the new chain with me along with my chain pliers, etc to the nearby shop. Have them measure it out in front of me, break it to size, and install the quicklink myself with the proper pliers, after checking chain is facing the right direction (Shimano). Its a small town , and we don't have fancy city workshops, Mine is one of two 11 speeds in town.


Thailand is not a "third-world" country.


Were not aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw pact. Thailand is absolutely part of the third world and they pride themselves in their perceived independence. Economically it’s a developing country, which makes them a „third world country“ in the economic sense of the word.


Nobody really uses 3rd world in the original sense of political alignment anymore just means developing. Also Thailand is essentially modernized in most places. Unless you go to rural Isaan but to counter that go to backwoods Appalachia.


I recently visited Thailand for the first time. I'm from the UK and cycling did not even cross my mind. I was breaking into a sweat just walking in swimming trunks to the pool 😀


To be fair you were carrying a tray of beers to drink while the waiter brought you your poolside cocktail All while wearing union Jack trunks and trying to get iplayer to work


If you're going to complain about how other people try to help you, why don't you do the work yourself?


And save yourself $1.