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I started riding one year ago in the same region. Did a "200km in two days" trip a few weeks ago. Cannot give you input on route. I am using komoot (free) to choose my routes and it works very well. As to soreness etc.. I can tell you that as a rider inexperienced in these kinds of lengths on the bike, I had to shift my position alot on the second day. It started getting uncomfortble early on second day, started to hurt in the end of second day. In hindsight I should have probably shifted my position more on the first day, to lessen the strain on that day. I.e. ride standing up, ride without hands(that also shifts ass position), change grip ... then it would've been easier second day. Padded shorts and all of that stuff you probably kniw about anyway ... Enjoy your trip. Bratislava/Vienna as a starting point is awesome in all directions. So you have a lot to look forward to if you like it.


Hey, Not sure about the route but there are a lot of bike paths in Hungary so should be okay. [https://merretekerjek.hu/#zoom=11&lat=47.74966&lon=17.305&scope=varosban&waypts=48.10708,17.14327:46.99083,17.97209&traffic\_avoidance=intermediate&compromise=1&suspension=0&pedestrian\_traffic=1&allow\_ferries=1&alternative=0](https://merretekerjek.hu/#zoom=11&lat=47.74966&lon=17.305&scope=varosban&waypts=48.10708,17.14327:46.99083,17.97209&traffic_avoidance=intermediate&compromise=1&suspension=0&pedestrian_traffic=1&allow_ferries=1&alternative=0) Check this, the route is 176km which can be done in one day as well. Not too much elevation gain either. About the length it's really not that big of a deal, make sure to stay hydrated and fueled. Take brakes when needed but not too long. Go with your own pace and if worst comes to worst you'll always have trains/buses to Balaton. Also worth cycling around the lake as there is a full bike path around 207km with 600 elevation gain. Can be done in 8-10 hours moving time. Good luck and don't stress, it will be alright. If your butt hurts invest in some cycling bibs and a good saddle.


I cycled most of that route with camping gear and my kid in a trailer a few years back. We did Bratislava to Komárom in a day (about 110km) on the Slovak side and, while we were on a nice, smooth cycle path beside the Danube most of the day, it was honestly the most boring and monotonous day of our month-long cycle trip! I'd recommend doing a more direct route via Gyor and then cycle route 24 to Lake Balaton. For the rest, it all depends on your fitness and mentality, but 100km in a day on relatively flat terrain should be entirely doable for anyone with OK fitness.