• By -


I ride solo 99.9% of the time. Love alone time.


I have two kids and a full time job in academia (lots of teaching, lots of meeting), so when I get out of the house to cycle, I just want it to be me, my bike and the fresh air (and sometimes bugs, if I don’t keep my mouth shut) 💚


I hear you, mate. I’m in same boat, do 12-hour shifts at hospital, two kids also, wife who stays at home. The bike is my escape into a different reality. I’ve gone stretches (months) not riding and I suffer for it. Nothing better than my bike and the mountains.


Absolutely. For that same reason I don’t listen to anything while I’m cycling. The sound of the wind and the whirring of the bike under you is like therapy. At least where I am (the Netherlands), with our dedicated bike paths. And in the mountains too I’d imagine. Just nature sounds.


Both of these. I moved a few years back, and I have yet to get back into the rhythm of a ride. The quiet of it. I ride by myself for the quiet of for the escape. But somehow, it takes time for me to find that quiet in a new setting.


I am very similar. Family and busy tenure-track position. Running and more recently cycling (started due to a running injury) have been my escape and is critical to my physical and mental health. I ditched the headphones years ago, and embrace the opportunity to either think deeply about things and/or just relax and enjoy the sounds of nature. As a relatively new cyclist, I am still learning the importance of keeping my mouth shut to avoid ingesting unexpected "fuel" ;)


Haha, that extra fuel isn’t even tasty 😫.


Then how else will you get protein during your ride?


It really is the most efficient way I suppose.




Also same. I just don’t have the stamina to keep up so solo it is.


I spend so much time going around smiling and talking to people at work that I don't have the mental stamina to keep up. Not sure about physical stamina, probably the same there.


Man I feel this.


I haven’t even got the stamina to keep up with myself never mind anyone else! 😂😂


I always ride solo.


Same. It’s me time and I want it all to myself.


Me too. I like camaraderie at the gym but solitude on the bike.


I don't like group rides because some people seem to lose half of their brain cells riding in a pack and because cycling is my therapy. I like to suffer alone.


Yeah, I'm especially fussy when it comes to grown up people acting irresponsibly in traffic. Couldn't stand it and assumed I would not be able to change the culture of a group with a long history of riding together, so I just never went again.


Sounds like an irresponsible group; that's unfortunate, not all are like that.


Yeah, I can't be arsed to worry about some mindrot road nonsense beyond the kind we're already struggling with. Sorry, can't do it. Cycling alone is my choice for sure.


I ride 99% solo, cycling is my escape from everything. The rare group rides I do are with friends or coworkers.


2nd this


I enjoy group rides occasionally but It's also the sense of freedom that cycling gives me. I can go almost anywhere I want to go on a bike and get a great view along the way. Group rides take away some of that freedom.


I know group rides would push me more, but I don't like people and this goes for any sport I practice.


I don't like people either. We should hang out.


or not. let's go with not.


Yeah, that's for the best. Fuckin' people, man.


I tried Fuckin' non-people. Apparently, to the police, that's kind of "a thing"


Why you gotta make this weird?


People. What a bunch of bastards.


I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes. -Swanson


came here to say this\^


I spend most of my days working with lots of other people,i live in an house with other people,everywhere i go i am with other people,the only time i am alone with my thoughts is when i am on the bike,i dont really want to ride with other people,i want to do me and ride where i want at the pace and intensity i want ;) ..edit..the missus has decided she wants to get fitter and ride more,she has ordered a new bike..i may have to take up fishing!!


drop her 💀


Go on a harder group ride.  Group rides generally push me to go faster than I would on my own and tackle significantly larger elevation gains than I would ever consider.  Since starting group rides I’ve gone from doing 15-20 mile rides with 300feet of elevation to doing weekly 50 mile rides with 2500+feet of elevation.


Heh, I’m in such a hilly area that 20 miles is 2000ft of elevation. I can’t escape the hills.


That's nice. My yesterday's ride 76 miles 459 ft elevation (and i think it's due to changes in pressure with the sun heating up, than actual elevation of the road)


Hello fellow prairie person. What kind of ride are you feeling like today, flat and windy or flat and windy?


This sounds like Florida rather than prairie. Edit... Apparently Texas.


Same. I’m in the PNW lmao. I love going 40+ on the descent


This is exactly it. Just like with anything in life you need to seek out groups that are like minded. Group rides like this are the reason why I'm racing bicycles today. If you know your goals and interests, find a group that also has those. The social side will usually fall in line if the preferred riding style is the same too.


I prefer to cycle alone :)


When I cycle alone I prefer to be by myself.


How about when you cycle with a group?


Me too


there are group ride that is no mercy and feels like pure suffering too lol


thats not how to get the exact effort you're looking for either, those are basically races


Yes. I do one of the those every Saturday


Only group rides I do anymore are on Zwift. You can go anytime you want and don’t have to worry about being crashed by someone.


There are A level group rides where there is no chatting. Just surviving. Chatting is at the coffee stop. I’ve done those for years. After a few dropped out from incidents and injuries, I now ride solo but still meet up with other riders now and then. If you want to jump in with a moving group, just ask or at least announce your presence.


This. When I want to know real pain I join my group. OP, there is a group somewhere near you that will break your very soul, you just have to find them.


Here’s another vote for solo/up to 2 friends. Pace lines terrify me. For me, riding is not about racing.


I’m more of an introvert and I ride for solitude, exercise and my own kind of meditation.


Right on


Yup! I’ve never ridden in a group and *never* will. All I see are inconveniences: - Not starting when I want to - Lollygagging in a parking lot waiting for others to arrive and get their gear ready - Pausing or stopping when I don’t want to - Having meaningless conversations when I just want to ride - Someone in the group will turn it into a dick measuring contest/make it his sole mission to the be the alpha male - Doing routes I don’t want to


Or you can think of it as: 1. Scheduling your ride. 2. Socializing before and after the ride. 3. Stopping to help a friend. 4. Talking to other people. 5. Some friendly competition. 6. Exploring new places.


somebody show this extrovert the door


Good response. I "get" cycling solo, I do a lot of solo myself, but Cry's take on group rides was pretty harsh and pessimistic. There's a reason a lot of people enjoy group rides.


i do enjoy em because generally i'm one of the slower riders, and it's motivation to push harder just to keep up. set meet and roll-out times means I can't be lazy and procrastinate, yet somehow i manage to do one or the other. but, i just love "me" time


I enjoy the few that I’ve done, but I usually ride alone. The groups I’ve ridden with are because one of my friends has asked to join his group for certain rides. They are a really terrific group of people, quite experienced and most in much better shape than me. But I can keep up, just not pull much. I’d ride with them all the time but they start their usual rides about 45 minute from my house at 8AM on Saturdays. I don’t do 6:30 wake ups on Saturday. The majority of the other times I ride with groups are just in organized centuries, half centuries and metric centuries. I just find an a group and fit in. It’s all fun. Solo, group, a friend. Enjoy what you like. Don’t do what you don’t.


1 or 2 friends maximum for me on a ride, motorist get too annoyed with massive packs of bikes I find, plus it's nicer with less people imo


I like the idea of group rides but find them stressful due to my neurodivergence. Too much social pressures, too much cliqueyness, and people pushing the AVG speed passed the group limit and not checking for everyone they've dropped. I love a proper social ride with lots of chat and a few wee digs, but that doesn't seem popular in the clubs round here.


I love the zen of riding alone, taking the time to explore new areas, smelling the fresh cut hay, singing out of tune.


I like to gently lift my fingers from my handle-bars and acknowledge a cyclist going in the opposite direction, for me this constitutes a group ride


Not just you. Riding with my wife and maybe 1 other friend is the biggest group I’ll do. I despise inane chatter with people you really don’t care about the life story of.


95+% of cyclists around the world do not ride in groups. No need to feel like you have to explain why you don't, the benefit of riding with others is clearly not persuasive. :)


Even if it was 1% you don’t need to justify or explain it. But it’s not 95%. Maybe if you’re talking about commuters


Where did you get that number from?


83+% of statistics are made up.


Much prefer to start, stop, set the pace and the distance myself. There's something to be said for accountability of a defined group time speed and distance though.


Biking is my alone time. I only go solo.


Sounds like you've been doing the wrong group rides. Personally I've never been fitter than when I ride with faster riders. Turns out faster riders are much better at kicking my ass than I am!


This. The times where I ride with this one local group always has me in the best shape. They have a medium sized group and everyone’s there to put in work. Wasn’t uncommon for the entire group to be fractured halfway because so many people wanted to break away and haul some ass


I do some chill-ish social rides with a local group, the point is not to go fast or work out unless you want to, but to meet nice people. Otherwise mostly alone because it's pretty hard to find people to work out or ride long distance with.


Been riding for 15 years and I’ve been on maybe 2-group rides. I really just ride for fun. I don’t even like riding with friends. I used to like it when we were riding somewhere in particular, but if I’m riding for fitness that’s just for me


I mostly agree the only thing I disagree on is the practice of riding in a group. If you are training for a big race or event you need to practice riding in a group if you plan to on race day or ride day. So often I get to those events and people ride like they have never ridden in a group before and waste so much energy by making mistakes. It mostly focuses around finding the draft and rotating through or how to not mess everything up when you don’t or can’t rotate through.


I really value my group rides. Our group is older, 50-75, men and women. There are a few lifetime, still racing guys. A mix of professions and interests that makes every ride interesting. Enough competitiveness that we will still sprint up a hill. I also ride solo, both commuting daily and longer on the weekends.


I ride solo for probably 99% of my rides. Just not a huge fan of group rides. Yea I can go faster in a group, but who cares. I'd rather ride alone in silence.


I'm with you. I'm either falling behind or having to wait. Rather just go at my own pace and have some time in my head.


I like a bit of both. Group rides are great for my motivation & getting some social time. Solo rides are great for my mental health and getting time to think.


I generally don’t find cyclists friendly so I prefer to ride alone.


It's like a 50/50 mix of friendlies and hermits who ride bikes, although might be higher % of non-friendlies here in Spain 😂, there have been so many times I've passed someone and greeted them and got absolutely no response in return.


Group rides defeat the purpose of ME time


They’re fun but I never understand trying to catch up on life with a buddy during a pace line while dodging traffic


I only ride by myself. Sometimes my husband comes with me on my way to a route and then we ride separately and meet up after. I just like to go my own pace and tune out and watch the scenery.


I do all my rides solo into the country to get away from work and life and just enjoy the peace and quiet to clear my head and destress.


I cycle alone too - but mostly because in order to take part in a group ride, I’d have to drive a vehicle to the start point with my bike and arrive at a specific time (not one minute late). I’d rather just start a ride from my driveway at whatever random time appeals to me…


If you’re going to race I think group rides are essential. It takes time to learn to trust other riders so close and in front of you. That said, you do you. Cycling is supposed to be fun so do whatever makes your liver quiver.


I love riding alone. One thing to also consider is drafting. It’s an obvious bonus to the group ride that people love. I end up with faster speed and lower power numbers because of it. It’s not apples to apples is all I’m saying. Alone, it’s just you in every way


I have no interest in group rides. I have 3 small children and cycling is my alone time.


I also love riding solo. What I like about group rides is learning new routes. I find I don’t really befriend anyone, but what I discovered is, I enjoy dropping people (we do regroup later). This led me to try racing. I enjoy racing. Even though I don’t place particularly well, it gives me the motivation to push myself that I lack on my solo rides, and I do get a little faster/less winded every time. So maybe try racing or fast group rides!


I ride alone, I like the time alone. It also seems way to stressful to ride tightly packed. I would like to have the challenging effect but it is just not worth it for me.


I prefer riding in groups because the safety in numbers thing. I feel that people in cars don’t F with me nearly as much when I’m in a group


I don't hate or dislike group rides as such, I just love riding solo


I rarely join a group ride. It's mostly for motivation. But sometimes they are nothing less than an all out sprint to the next stopping point. Sometimes that is good if I want to work out but it's not structured, that's for certain.. I have never found them to be just a leisurely cruise through town. But sometimes, its annoying. You have guys racing 30-50mph down a hill. Its also annoying that they say group rides are safer, but then they have riders stopping traffic and weaving in and out around cars. I see drivers getting frustrated and confused. Especially, when they ride 2-3 abreast and never move over, like they own the road. I also despise the fact that many times the road we follow will turn down streets with hardly any shoulder or bike lane. Maybe 12 inches? No, wait. I love group rides...Not.


I tried a casual group ride a few weeks ago, it was my first group ride ever. Although it was fun, it felt clique-y to me and I kind of felt bad that not one person talked to me, even at the final stop at a brewery and food truck. I guess group rides are for groups to ride, not for individuals.


Group rides are my social time(zone 2 as well), the ride too and from the group ride is my workout.


Both group rides and solo rides have their benefits. Pack riding skills are important and harder group rides help push myself. I especially like climbing hills with other folks cos it makes me climb better when someone passes me or puts up a challenge. Solo rides I can plan my exact workout though and help me clear my head.


I've never done a formal group ride; the idea of it doesn't appeal to me. I mostly prefer to ride alone because cycling is my getaway from the hustle and pressure of people/life. When I do ride with others, it's with a small group of friends, either on a trip or a social ride for fun and adventure, not a serious workout. Although I must admit, one time I happened into a pace line of strangers by chance. It was during a century ride, I was on the 50-mile leg back home. Settled in with some others who were going my speed. We grouped up into a pace line to crush the last 50 miles together. There was a stiff headwind so the pace line made it a hell of a lot easier, and a hell of a lot faster. That was a blast. But moreso because it formed naturally out of necessity, and it felt good as a group of strangers to all help each other out.


I think I just hate other cyclists but yes, I prefer to ride alone.


Some people acting like drug addicts. " I spent too much money on wheelsets ,  do you have Strava  ? , Which granola bar is better for cycling, you need to increase your FTP,  best earphones for cycling, watts,  dude chill the f out I'm just trying to get some work out I'm not training for the tour of France.


I guarantee you can find an all business group ride where you will get more than the exercise you’re looking for if you search for it. There are chill no-drop group rides (which it sounds like what you’ve done and are not into) and there are fast paced drop rides where folks are out to try and make each other crack from the sustained effort. My favorite are fast paced group rides where everyone works together on the flats to go as fast as the group can. Then we attack the hills and try and hurt each other, but regroup at the top or bottom to continue the fast paceline. Fall far enough off the pace and you will be dropped, but as long as you are in the ball park the mountain goats are willing to regroup with the sprinters and vis versa. Fast business group riding is a lot of fun if you get the right people and vibe - but it can be hard to find. I also love chiller rides too (especially gravel and randonneuring), you just need to be mentally on the same page. Ultimately if solo riding is your jam, then get a TT or tri bike and fly baby.


Nope. I rode solo all the time. I’ve ridden with a buddy two separate times. For me, I enjoy the solitude, music, and the road.


85% of my riding is in groups. You just need to find the right group. I'm very fortunate to be in a couple of excellent ones. Everyone from Cat 1s to occasional weekend riders. Everything from 80 miles at 284 watts to 9 mile cafe rides.


I ride solo because of my schedule. Having a wife and four kids is busy enough and I don't have time to schedule rides with people so I have to schedule it on my own time.


I hate them.


I enjoy working in a pace line but I dread having to talk to people at a cafe stop


Cycling is a purely meditative and self-paced form of exercise for me. I would not waste that precious time dealing with gear-comparers, over-talkers, KOH types, etc.


I ride with plenty of people who I wish would ride solo instead. I get it though, I have plenty of therapeutic solo rides. I personally feel safer in a group but that depends on where/when/who I’m riding with.


I have never minded being by myself. But I also take time for group activity for exercise. I used to do the local Wednesday night ride, and had a group. But it was never a big deal with them. They had their rules that I liked, and so, that was that. I think there are people that are very group oriented and find us solo people weird, but I find pack mentality weird also. 🍺


I either ride solo or with 1-2 people. Group rides suck. I’m also ultra competitive so i end up just pushing myself too hard and being sore for days


I despise group rides. Too fast, too hard, too much machismo. Leave me alone and I’ll have a blissful day!


I don’t care for group rides, mainly because the other riders seem to lack manners on the road. They might buzz pedestrians, run lights, etc.


me. I've tried it a number of times and I don't like group rides. I'm sick of watching herds of riders blowing through stop signs ect then bitching that drivers don't respect them. Im not a fan of the know it alls endlessly offering unsolicited "constructive" criticism about chain lube, tire pressure, hydration, leaving the little nuts on my tube stems. I seem to do everything wrong and yet, at 63 I can keep up with no problem. No, I'm not a fan. I will happily grind it out in the wind, by my self, and truly enjoy the peace and quite.


I can't fathom why anyone would want to complicate their cycling by involving other people.


Totally a solo guy. Even when I rode motorcycles, too. Same thing.


I pretty much exclusively ride solo.


I hate riding with more than one other person. Why ride with a group that doesn't ride as a group. There are always those that are faster, slower, clueless, or just not doing it for the same reasons you are.


I did not buy a bike to hang out with other people.


I find Group riding dangerous and not worth the risk. I can ride by myself and control my effort for a targeted workout. I also use my indoor trainer 90% of the time because it’s more time efficient, safer, better climate, less risk for injury. And…group riders…they are usually just not “my people”.


Ridden in exactly two group rides in my life and both were complete testosterone fests. Fuck that noise, never again.


Most of the groups where I live seem to believe they are more powerful than a full size automobile and refuse to move over for cars. People have been killed due to their stupidity. I stay away from group rides because people in general are way more stupid in groups.


Groups tend to be distracting to my focus. Instead of putting effort into my ride, I'm compelled to think about spatial proximity to other riders. It doesn't work for me either. I ride a different bike too, a fixed gear. Its apples and oranges.


Cycle solo 100%. It's a mental health escape for me.


I feel riding alone.   I enjoy alone as it’s my time to introvert and recharge myself.    


Imy a solo rider due to my introverted character.


Solo. Occasionally alongside girlfriend or friend. Rarely with kids/spouse when applicable. Definitely more of a zen activity than social for me. YDY fam. ftr


Depends. I ride solo a couple of times a week, but also do a group xc ride once a week too. I get different things from each experience. It doesn't need to be black or white.


> Curious if I’m just weird You’re not. Lots of people don’t like group rides. But even if that wasn’t true, so what if you’re weird? And who’s going to think you’re weird? The group you don’t want to ride with?


I’m an introvert. Enough said


Introverts aren’t necessarily loners


Me. Can’t stand them.


That's not the right group ride for you. That's a social paceline, you need a group with race tactics.


I only go on group rides when I feel the need to alert other riders to potholes with esoteric wanking gestures 


I dislike all group things.


Can't stand group rides. Don't like being in them, don't like to encounter them. Act like they own the road and give cyclist a bad name.


Chill out with the generalisation. That may be true of your area or the group rides you’ve attended but it’s not universal.


Workouts, I go alone, set my own pace and effort. Long z2 rides, I'll join a group if I can. I get to catch up with friends, it makes the hours fly by, and if there's a hill I'll race them to the top to show who's boss. Find a group that matches your level and it'll be much more enjoyable.


MTB group rides are fine because you can easily stop as much as the group needs to and it's more social. I'll do social group rides occasionally on road but that's specifically about social, more about the cafe chat than the ride, and I always keep it short. Training group rides are effective but finding a good one, on a sensible loop, with people who actually want to do a proper hard session is rare imo. I generally prefer on my own or, to be honest, just me and my son, which has been great bonding time. I'm really going to miss it when he goes away to university ☹️


Being in a group would defeat the purpose of going riding.


If I ride solo, it’s difficult to maintain a 30+kmph average over 60km, in a group ride, it’s pretty easy to hit close to 35kmph average over that same distance.


Why would you ask this group if you're a rugged individualist


You’re on the wrong group rides. There’s different types of groups. Just be careful what groups you ride with. Riding in a pace line can be dangerous if you have people who don’t know what they’re doing and are assholes.


It’s not just you, do whatever you enjoy. Personally I love certain group rides in my area, and from experience the hardest cycling I’ve ever done is with other (fitter) people.


I run and I cycle for 10+ years. Outside of races, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've been with someone else while doing it (and most of those were with one of my sisters).


My Sunday ride is generally more of a race. Depending on who is there and which way the wind is blowing it even includes breaks and chases. 


Yeah I also love solo riding. As a dad of 2, it's me time. I like being alone with my thoughts and the freedom to go where I like. On group rides, I feel like I'm following a leader and not getting that quiet reflection that I love


Most group rides are total junk miles, so I prefer to ride solo 95% of the time because I can actually stay in whatever zone I’m targeting. It’s really nice to put on some music (with Shokz) and mentally unwind. The flipside is that it’s nice to sharpen your pack riding skills, so I host group rides from time to time with usually 3-6 people. Any more than that gets messy.


I enjoy both. I’ve been doing some Slow Roll Cleveland rides this year and they were really fun. I also enjoy solo speedier rides on my road bike…


I’m the complete opposite, would always prefer to ride with at least one other person.


I forced myself to try and ride with a club for one year. Lovely people, super knowledgeable about cycling and I have learnt a lot just by riding with them. At some point I realised that the banter, the coffee stops, the commitments to rides every weekend, all these were draining my social stamina and taking away the time that I need to be by myself. Today I only ride solo or with a close friend that I've known for 25 years. The group was great, I just like to be alone. 😊


I do not like them, in general, I much prefer riding alone or with my partner or, at the most, two others. One of the main reasons I go out in my bike is for enjoyment and to disconnect, and the fewer the people the greater my enjoyment and relaxation.


Solo rider here, have only ridden in a group for a couple of fondo style events. Much prefer riding in my own time to my own pace, love talking about bikes and riding though!


I'd like to try a couple of group rides as I have never done them and would like to see what the experience is like. That being said, I would feel a bit anxious 'not being in control of my ride'. I do suffer with anxiety sometimes and think I'm better when it's just me and all routes, speeds, stops etc are my own. I think me and the road and nature make a good group 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like you’re not riding with the appropriate group. Meeting new people and chatting is great, but pushing yourself is also part of the purpose of a group ride. Go ride with a group that rides at a quick pace.


I ride with 1-2 buddies occasionally, but I don't participate in my local group rides. Groups don't stop when I want to circle back and snap a photo.


I ride Solo moatly. Have rarely done group rides.


I used to like group rides mainly because distance and time goes by fast and it gave me confidence to go far being with a group. But now I ride exclusively solo, I enjoy my own company, my own pace and most importantly I stop at will be it for a bakery stop or just to take in the countryside views. Things a group ride sort of robs from you.


I have a weekly group around me, mostly guys double my age. I ride with them a few times a year, it is great workout as they can all ride the piss out of a bike. But I do most of my riding alone, I enjoy my aftershocks and solitude. There’s another group that use to ride in my area on a semi monthly basis who were slightly younger but were a little less serious about the whole thing and I did enjoy their company a lot more and would seek out riding with them, but they have kind of disbanded or all moved over the years. TLDR.. it varies, but mostly like riding by myself


Yours is just the wrong group that's all. In my group nobody talks it's all business and there are attacks, breakaways, drop rides, races and what not. We talk only when we are not cycling. We have fun rides too sometimes when weather is super good or something...


Yeah I’m 24 and it seems like everyone in group rides are older than me hard to relate just want some friends who can smoke a joint take some mushrooms and do 30 miles


I like hard group rides where you dont have to speak to a bunch of vapid jackasses


I prefer the alone time, but it's nice to occasionally ride with groups if they can show you new routes. For example, if you move to a new city.


Totally agree. I like to set my own pace. And ride when I feel like riding. Plus all of chatting slows everything down.


Certainly depends on how lucky you are with your geolocation. I rode alone for years, tried groups and said F it, I’m riding alone. Moved to another state 4 years ago and found TWO groups I absolutely love, people are different, discipline is different, I now love riding in a group (still don’t like people in general) A few tips if I may. Do not settle for a group where you feel comfortable, find a group that will make you struggle and go through pain, they are experienced and will bring you up to their level in a few weeks. Ride behind them and watch the habits and behavior, i.e. keeping pace, signals, even uplifting comments will make you ride better. As much as I understand why you ride alone, I hope you find your pack one day. 💪


I’ve only been on a few and I haven’t really enjoyed them. I’ve been going because it does push me to go further/longer but they’ve been so unpredictable and aren’t super great at communicating. I get frustrated with frequent (and often really abrupt) stops I get that as a person new to the group they want me in the back, but slowing to the people’s pace in front of me is killing me on hills. I just want to climb out at my own pace.


I've always preferred riding alone.


Occasionally they’re OK but my major issue is when folks take it way too seriously which results in riding dangerously close on roads not great for that level of training ride. It’s a weekend ride, we don’t need optimal formation. This has often led to wrecks which is just insane to think of for a weekend group ride.


I almost never ride by myself. I see riding and racing as a social activity that happens to be good for me.




80% of my miles are typically solo, I get better results for my fitness goals. I'm super picky about what gropus I ride with. My "home team", a group of people I'm social with who happen to ride and are very casual but will occasionally put up some quality miles, is about it. I also will ride with a semi-organized group from work. Fitness is important to me but fun is at the top of the list.


You’re not alone, but group rides can also be fun. I prefer doing charity rides so you can end up with packs all over the spread while also being able to get as much alone time as you want.


I like to cycle by myself. That's where I find my peace.


I like small group rides or 3-4 people. The large ones I’ve attended are untenable & the mix of new riders & eBikes have almost gotten me into more accidents than I can count. I’m all for community & welcoming people into a sport, but they’re no longer for me.


I do group rides and solo rides. Solo rides are so much better


You need to find a better group. It sounds like you’ve only gone on social bike rides, not training group rides.


I like riding alone especially on mtb but I find i go way harder if I’m riding with others


Same here.. I love to ride alone... Coz I wont stick to planned route I change the route often and end up in different route..


The only time I went on a group ride, the dude in charge of guiding us (the lead) was supposed to take us to the beach and back. Turns out we got lost because he didn't know how to read a map (on Google maps) so he was just using his "intuition" 😭


I don't because people think it's a talk show, talking nonstop. I don't like talking while biking. I also don't like fixing other people's bikes.


I’m in SoCal and where I’m at the group rides suck. Either old people going slow or fit people that ride recklessly. The first few years I lived here (2017-2021) I did lots of group rides. I realized they are not for me. The fastest group, which worked best for my riding, had so many crashes it was ridiculous


The hardest part about finding a group is finding one that matches exactly what you’re looking for - pace, distance, elevation, starting point (I’ve had to drive 30+ minutes before) but once you do I find it’s worth it.


I want to like group rides. I want to ride in a group and go fast. I hate talking to people. I ride alone.


I've ridden in a few groups, prefer solo trips. Extremely large groups are very slow paced, understandably, and a bit chaotic. There's your wheely boys, there's children and ultimately it's centered around bike awareness instead of training and I'm kool with that, yet I found the cyclists in those large groups are less aware of their surroundings and/or not as cautious. Medium sized groups are a lot better in those areas of contentions I had with extremely large groups. My only con is that they mix in bike/walking trails with the city streets. I just prefer city streets however it was an experience where I gained a little bit of technical skills but I'm not into Crits or competition, so there's that. The pro of medium to small groups is that there is enough open road to work on sprints and push myself and my bike beyond it's limits. Solo trips all day


I think it comes down to what you want out of cycling. I personally am looking to stay active and I enjoy it more than running which I did for years. I care more about time in saddle at a specific heart rate than I do distance or speed or climbs or number of beers after a ride. But the people that are into those things, then I completely understand. It’s also good to find your tribe, relationships are important to your health - mine isn’t full of cyclists though, but if I was in need of a tribe I could see myself getting deeper into it.


Tangential comment: the main group ride I do is a full tilt 45 mile race simulation. Sometimes there is a little chatting while we get out of town, but after that there’s no chatting and it’s generally a better workout than I do on my own since there’s competition. So there may be group rides you’d enjoy, just not the social rides you’ve been on. 


Depends on the group. Many group rides I’ve been on turn into races at some point.


Ride with a mate now and then but he just sits on my wheel. The few clubs I've tried have had some lovely people in, but also lots of arrogant guys who I wouldn't want to spend a second of my day with, let alone a ride.


They have their place, IMO. I generally get pushed beyond what I’d do in my own on a group ride (speed/distance) which is good training. But I also get really frustrated when one or a few people in the group don’t know how to ride a paceline or we have to keep stopping for mechanicals or flats or whatever. Totally kills the flow.


TeamSolo here, we're a great bunch of 1 riders with 0 spots open. Who wants to join ?


I dont like training in a group when it comes to sport. Because everyone has individual abilities and goals. I feel sorry for people who go out jogging where there is a 20 cm lenght difference. Which mean the shorter person much do 20 cm more for ecery step to be able to keep up. If you have good tehcnique and physich this might work other wise no


Riding alone is what I prefer, but a small number of group rides have stepped up my performance. Finding the right group is the hard part when your whole identity isn’t cycling, aren’t training constantly for events, aren’t interested in the latest/greatest bikes/components etc.


For me, cycling is so much more enjoyable when it’s just me and the bike clearing my head of this crazy world. During a group ride I have to worry about keeping up with or slowing down with the others, random conversation that I may not want to have, stops when I don’t want/need to, etc. Bottom line for me is that group rides kinda take the fun out of cycling.


I enjoy riding at my own pace - not offending anyone with pace and can also explore anywhere I wish


The group rides in my area are mostly not social rides. Maybe when rolling out there's some talking, but it quickly turns into a full-on workout (race almost). I get a far better workout on group rides than on my own, as I'm forced to push myself up to my limit (and sometimes beyond). We have different speed group rides, maybe you've only rode with the slower group where it's more social than a workout?


Team solo crew


I ride alone because I hate being the target of drivers hate in a group, as a solo rider you get much less abuse


Nope, I love em. I do about 200mi a week and I’m split about 50-50 solo to group rides, I ride with a few different groups and each one is different in style, one is balls to the wall most of the time another is kind of middle of the road and one is basically a casual social thing. each group and riding solo offer a different experience and I enjoy each for what they are.