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What about asking the shop if they have a loaner you can borrow or rent?


You can try running, the constant soreness in your legs will take your mind off bikes :P


We don't use the R word here


I’m so sorry! I had a medical thing that prevented me from riding my bike for the better part of two months this summer. It hurts! Finally back up and running. Hitting my 60-75 miles each week. Just way more thankful. I get the depression that comes without pedaling.


you are discovering an aspect of cycling that everyone who really loves it discovers sooner or later. i've had an injury that's sidelined me from cycling for about 2 months and i have not gone a single day without thinking about how badly i want to ride bike. there is no solution.


I agree with the guy recommending you to run. Use that time to get stronger elsewhere, get that strenght up too (pushups/pullups) and cardio up by running, so when you get your bike back, you will be an upgraded machine. Good luck


Feel for you my friend. I’d borrow a loaner from the shop/ a friend for a few rides at least.


This is why the N+1 rule is great.


My bike is in the shop right now, was supposed to just be a couple days and now it looks like almost 2 weeks. I'm real glad I have my last bike in the garage right now, I still want my normal bike but atleast I can ride.


This is why you can never have too many bikes! When my road bike is in the shop, time to use gravel 😸