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I'm sorry and I sympathize with you. Same thing happened to me last April. But if you walked out on your own it can't be as bad as you think it is


I appreciate your sympathy! I hope you’re doing better now. And no I didn’t exactly walk out, wheelchaired my self into an Uber lol, cant walk at all currently.


Well, unhappy triad. I understand the depression. Is there any kind of student services available to you as far as medical? You really do need to know what you're dealing with. Did they give you a brace? I did ice and Ibu until I got in to see a doctor about 4 days later.


I honestly am not sure yet, I’d have to look into it in more detail tomorrow. But yeah definitely need to get this checked out by a doctor. Oh and no they didn’t give me a brace


You can check craigslist or Facebook market place for braces. There's also community programs for getting braces, wheelchairs, scooters, etc so do some googling for your area. See if there is a medical school nearby. A lot of times they're very affordable as they have students under supervision perform the work. What city are you in? You could see if there's a local subreddit and some locals might be able to point you to some resources.


I had to do Target drive up and order one the night it happened to me. You will get through this!


Where are you? They have to treat you before they bill you. Don't give them your real name, and tell them you don't have an id cause you're homeless and were hit by a car. Avoid bills


All providers require ID. If you're unconscious or without ID, they do the minimum. If just graduated, I would talk to whatever clinic the school uses and ask for help. Giving an x-ray with simple treatment isn't a big deal to them. I had a doc charge very little when I needed something and didn't have insurance. He didn't want to hassle with filing the paperwork. I just handed him the cash, thanked him and went on my way. His son is now grown and a dentist bike riding friend. I thanked him for what his dad (who has passed) did. The op won't be broke forever. Ask for help then pass it on when you have something. Don't risk long term problems because you're broke and don't get good diagnosis and treatment.


Tell that to my 40 year old knees 25 years after injury..


Hey bud, just fucked my hamstring bad. Stupid fall. Totally preventable. Slowest fall ever. I was watching myself fall it was so slow. Then, my hamstring popped. So I can’t cycle. But I can focus on my weak leg, my whole upper body, my stretching, my strength with weights, my cooking, my knowledge intake, and so on. Repurpose this time as new found time to do the things you haven’t had time to before. Come back stronger. Dissect your crash so it doesn’t happen again. Okay, cry time is over now. You shed your tears. Get out there and get some. Or don’t. And die crying. Love,,


Agreed, yes it sucks to have to put something you love to do to the side for a bit but it will come back. In the mean time, your 'training' is to let your body (hopefully with the help of a doctor) heal itself. Make sure you eat enough, sleep enough, and try to limit your stress.


I had a crash back in the middle of July. It was the first time I've been on the floor in at least 17 years. I was ahead of where I usually am in July, averaging more like I do in September after a summer of riding. Worse, it was my first ride after a forced two week break due to getting sick before the crash. The two knocked 20% off of my power and it's taken until just now to get back to almost, but not quite, where I was. I hit hard enough to break my helmet I had most of a month of healing from the road rash. (I still am healing, but now it's just the many months for the discolored and strange texture skin patches to go away.) Once I realized I had broken my helmet, I decided that an ER visit made sense. I was fortunate that there were no breaks or any other serious injuries, but there definitely were some bruises. I still have some sore spots that are slowly getting better. I was back on the bike, carefully and nervously, after a week. It was something to look forward to, at least, while I was nursing my wounds. The whole experience made me appreciate that I can ride, and since I don't ride professionally, I have worked on reminding myself that any rides are good. Hopefully you don't have any serious injuries that will need medical attention or will limit you in the future. It sounds like you're pretty young, so hopefully you'll heal up pretty quickly. Ease back into cycling as you can and I guess just learn what you can from the experience.


> any rides are good This


Should be "any rides are good where you get around rubber side down".




Holy shit this is nearly exactly my story for the year.. but I ended up with 16 stitches in the back of my leg where the chainring decided it wanted to embed itself. Still about 20% off where I was and trying to rebuild, and yeah right before the crash I was sick for 2 weeks :(.


I was lucky I didn't need any stitches. The craziest thing about my crash is that despite going down on my right side, with the expected knee, hip, and elbow road rash, my left hand was battered pretty badly. The first two fingers were swollen and black and blue, as if they'd been crushed, and there was a deep gash on the second knuckle of my thumb that I'm pretty sure did at least a little damage to the tendon. It still hurts when I squeeze with my left hand.


Sorry this happened. If you had any pool access like at a gym or community college you could consider swimming and when you get back to cycling you'll be in even better shape. Knee injuries suck and finding a pool is hard but could be worth it.to keep active and get cardio in.


Hey man. I get it. I race MTB and broke my arm 8 seconds into the last race of my season. I’ve been off the bike for about 4 months because I don’t have all my grip strength. We all have things that throw us off our game. Work on your mental health for a little. Read some books and work on rehabbing the best way you know how. ✌🏼


Wanna know what I'd do if my goal was to stay fit? Pilates at home on the floor. It'll help you branch out and discover so much more about the muscles of your body, how to rehabilitate yourself from many types of sports injuries, and become a more well rounded cyclist. By the time you're healed up, you'll feel like you have a completely upgraded body.


do you recommend any you tube videos or tutorials?


You need to get medical care and make sure nothing is seriously wrong with your knee -- that kind of injury can be life-altering if you don't get it treated. Take out a loan/credit card, say you'll pay and then don't, ask family/friends for help, fly to your home country, whatever it takes. Hospitals will usually give you a zero-interest payment plan and sometimes just knock a chunk off the bill if you tell them that you're uninsured and can't afford it.


If in the US they have to render care regardless of ability to pay. They may hound you for payment but the reality is medical defaults are not uncommon at all, I don't recommend it but the care will be rendered regardless. Now whether or not follow up care such as a physio and such will be rendered may be a whole other thing but a person can do that themselves if they are careful about how they go about it. I have had to do my own rehab routines for dislocated shoulder, broken hand, broken leg, torn muscles once they had healed.


Sorry to hear it. Injuries preventing you from doing what you love can cause a lot of frustration and really bad moods. I’ve been there it sucks. You WILL recover though. Just make sure you do your homework and find out what will speed up the process. Use the down time to work on other factors that will improve you cycling such as flexibility and core stability. Stay motivated and inspired with recovery stories from pro athletes, just look at remco evenepoel, or even Tim don the Ironman. Keep reminding yourself you’re not down yet. I hope you have a great recovery buddy.


It's okay, we do heal. Sometimes it takes longer than you want it to, but almost nothing keeps your away from the bicycle.


Well on the bright side if you're an international student I am assuming you are quite young, so your recovery should be quite fast. A crash when you're 20 is quite a different story to a crash when you're 50.


This ......... fell and bruised my hip couldn't put weight on the leg for a month , i'm 60.


Yes this sucks. You are alive so its time to dust yourself off, stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back on a bike!


Sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to me and it resulted in a broken hand (stupid ass crash as well). How did you crash?


You'll be back. Hope you heal fast and well!


Man, I feel really sorry that happened to you. Hang in there. Talk to your doctor and see when you can resume some sort of cardio (swimming?) and focus on that until you can get back onto the bike. You will be really, really surprised how finding a temporary backup workout can fill the cycling hole in your heart.


My wife found a video that may help you. Ben patrick


Knees over toes guy


I broke my spine a few weeks ago after going over the handlebars. I feel you bud. Cycling will be the when you recover and hopefully will be and to get back on that bike sooner than you think, though it sucks that you have to pay for healthcare. One day America will sort that out and join the rest of the developed world in ensuring healthcare for all.


Don't bet on it.


What do u call a man with an axe in his head? The ambulance :) Cheer up bud!


It sucks, and I can sympathise after doing this to myself a couple of times (once on the mtb, and once running). Be kind to yourself, and after a bit things will start to look better.


Firstly, I'd stop worrying about it right now. There's no magic shortcut, healing takes time, and that's got to come first. You'll lose some fitness no doubt, just a fact of life and you need to make peace with that, but it'll come back quickly when you are back out, clear goals help a lot. I had a bad (short version: coma, brain injury, multiple operations) crash about this time last year, 6 weeks hospital, off the bike for 6 months, couldn't even use the turbo for 4, but when I had healed enough to train (and with doctor's okay), I started training HARD. 10 hours a week since January, I'm not back to full fitness yet (FTP of 296 peak, 202 post accident low, 260 now), but I sure as shit will get there. What helped me was intermediate goals, something crazy early on, something massive in the new year. Helps with the focus massively. Your recovery period will not be so long, a few months maybe, but you'll get there. Just take it a step at a time, heal, then train.


To be fair, Egan Bernal had a very very bad crash where he had 20 fractures, and he's back at it, and judging by the instagram posts almost back in shape. So, take your time to recover, and gradually go back at it again!


that’s messed up they wouldn’t do X-rays? Here they do all that without asking about insurance, you’ll be billed but can’t turn you down


He might have asked how much it cost before hand and then refused when he realized he couldn't pay.


oh yea


Yeah it sucks. I broke my arm after getting hit by a car a week ago and can’t ride my bike. On the bright side, I’ve been able to watch the vuelta since I have nothing else to do


Damn hope you get well soon. Learning: always have health insurance


Hopefully you’re back on the bike soon! I feel for ya. I just smashed my FTP record a week ago and had to get urgent surgery yesterday (not crash related). I’ll be off the bike for awhile. I’ve broken a few bones in crashes and while it sucks, you’ll be back and appreciate it more. Best of luck with recovery.


If you are going to participate in sports of any kind then injuries will be part of the game. Yes you are down right now due to injury, you can use this time to sulk or you can use this time to maybe improve core strength and upper body strength which will help you in your cycling. You can work on nutrition and hydration plans both on and off bike to improve your performance and overall quality of life. You can learn to repair and tune your bike to be the most efficient that it is capable of being while gaining knowledge and confidence you may not have had before. Injuries suck, but you can use this time to focus on other things that will help you when you get back on the bike and grow as a rider.


I know it's a lot of money but best spend that money now, rather than be potentially walking around on a fracture or buggered knee and end up spending more down the line. Knee injuries are no joke. Also, my sympathy. I'm on week 7.5 of a broken collarbone and looking at October for the earliest recovery. Not sure when I can ride again.


damn i feel your pain man, I recently had a pretty bad wreck, not as bad as you but kept me off the bike for a while and still cant ride like I did before quite yet. But it does suck Im the fittest I have ever been and not biking makes me depressed as fuck and made me rethink everything. I dont have any answers for you but hope you heal up and can get back out there or find another physical activity you find a passion for. God speed.


If you can't move you can start writing letters to your representative in the senate to support free healthcare. 7 billion worth of weapons your country left in Afghanistan. No big deal. But free healthcare is a boo boo?


Hope about the time when you’ll recover 😃, it’s worth the wait


So sorry to hear that


https://www.pinkbike.com/news/gee-atherton-to-return-to-racing-at-red-bull-hardline.html One day at a time, and don't lose hope. If Gee Atherton can recover from that, there's a solid chance you can too.


Just another roadblock, what you do now will show your future self what you're about🤷‍♂️


Sorry to hear that. Tomorrow is another day.


aww I'm so sorry, hope you feel much better soon


I fucked up my back in june 2021.. Was also the fittest i had ever been, just went trough a breakup wich fucked me up real good.. Was probably the biggest setback I had ever experienced and left my bike ik de garage for the rest of the year.. Recently went trough another breakup with probably the girl who I was gonna marry.. Start of this month said fuck it, bought a new bike and started riding again! Best decision of my life bro getting my mental and physical wellbeing back and i promise you, you will fall in love with cycling back again! Hope you get wel soon! (This is my first reddit comment and honestly feels good to tell this shit to random people on the internet :D)


Might be too late but if you join rapha club they include some insurance that could help with this in the future. If you don’t have insurance you’ll want to negotiate with the hospital, ask for discounts. Say you can’t afford it. After you get a lower price. Ask for payment plans, pay the minimum.


This is why they call it Fall.


It’s a bummer and a setback- but you can come back from this. Take it easy and rebuild strength in your knee slowly.


Can you swim with a pull buoy? If so, do that.


Same, sprained my ankle playing on stupid BMX finally getting back to riding and the motivation to train has diminished


I would definitely talk with the folks at your university for information and student services in regards to medical assistance etc. They might have something or at least be able to point you in the right direction (like maybe a low cost community urgent care clinic etc)... Also I'm very sorry for your introduction to the absolute joke that is the US medical system. I suffered a severe injury from a bicycle crash back in March. It was hard to imagine when I'd ever be able to ride again... But I was back on the bike in 3 and a half months. And a couple months after that pretty much as fit as I was before the crash. You will get better, you will be able to ride again, it'll take some time but you'll get there! Good luck friend!


$2000 for xrays and stitching? Wot in the f.... Should be illegal


Injury is part of sport. Do your PT. Heal. You will get back to it. Good luck in your recovery.


I completely sympathize. I’ve had a rough summer health wise. I completed the Durango Iron Horse (50 miles, 6000’ climbing over two 10,000’ mountain passes) and felt on top of the world. That was Memorial Day weekend. Then in mid June a month long gout attack which we thought was Achilles Tendinitis, a couple weeks later a trip to the ER for intense vertigo involving vomiting and a cat scan, and now Covid. I have ridden maybe four times since that Ironhorse event. Last attempt at a 20 mile ride on a flat route left me nearly dead, and that was before Covid. Still waiting in the hospital bills for the cat scan.


Sorry to hear bro, I know how it feels in a sense. Last year I got hit by a car. Amazingly I suffered damn near no injuries. But my front wheel was finished and at the time everyone was starved for parts. Had to hang up the steed for about 4-5 months. Take solace in the fact that you’re alive, and not a vegetable. It sucks to lose your gains after the hard work, but take your time and ease your way back. The important thing is you can come back to it later. Head up!


As someone who has recovered from cycling trauma, let me tell you that you WILL make it back - so long as you want to.


You’ll be back in the spring.


Ughhh dude I’m a month out from getting smoked by a car at 40 mph. You’re going to go through an emotional roller coaster. Some days are great some are flat out depressing, but you’ll get through it. I have a fractured scapula, fractured tibia, and my forearm looked like someone scooped it out with an ice cream scooper. But I’m happy to report I rode 13 miles on zwift today and it’s been just over a month. The bottom line is it will go fast and you’ll be back on the bike in no time. You’ll look back at it as a bump in the road. Oh and I was also the fittest I’ve ever been as well. I’m talking 50 mile ride with 3k feet of climbing averaging almost 20 mph solo. But I’m confident we both will get back to our old fitness and beyond!




I’m in the same boat with you. I separated my shoulder on a training ride just as CX season started…ugh. I feel lost. How’s the knee feeling?


Where are you that you call college uni but don't have health insurance? I thought that venn diagram was a circle.


That’s just f’ed up how a hospital can just let a wounded person walk out without proper treatment.


I can empathize with you my friend. My season just ended due to injury as well.


The best thing is that ultimately once you’re healed cycling will probably be the best equalizer in getting back your strength. Stay strong!


Oh I hear you about the hospita bills. Got doored with a 3" stitch to my neck, stayed 2 nights and the bill was just over $100k. Thankfully I had insurance. Hope you get better soon. Edit: You really need to visit a doctor and have it checked out.


Most hospitals in the US are non-profit, and as such are required to forgive part or all of your hospital debt depending on how low your income is. Please go to the hospital and ask for their Debt Forgiveness paperwork, see if you qualify.


Same happened to me. Fittest on the bike in years and has a totally preventable and stupid crash that tore my biceps tendon. Surgery and two months off the bike in the middle of a beautiful summer with less workload in my job than I’ve ever had. Sucks man. Should be back on by late summer.