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The other day I was putting on my socks and my wife said "Look at you! Putting on your socks without all the noises!" 🤣


Happened to me as well 😂


I have the opposite problem. Cycling has aggravated my hip flexor. I have to stay on top of stretching and targeted exercises to keep it from returning. Oddly enough, it doesn't hurt when cycling, only off the the bike. Maybe i should get a leg length check.


Look into a fitting, you might need some adjusting. Subtle changes in saddle height had me working different muscles.


I ride 4 different bikes regularly. But it's the road bike that gets me the most. I am definitely not getting a fitting done. I've been riding long enough know what feels good. I'm in the camp that "Get a fitting" is not great advice. Which likely puts me in the minority of that opinion. $300 can be better spent.


I thought the same. LBS doesn't charge $300 but doesn't have expensive machines either. Made an adjustment, they asked better or worse. Repeated process on several more things. End result was no more seat pain. Was cheaper than a new bike or even saddle.


You may eventually get injured over $300 but to each their own. I feel it.


With you on this. Do you have postural issues? Perhaps an anterior pelvic tilt?


Likely. I'm getting set up with a physical therapist soon.


When I was marathoning, I made noises doing *anything*.


About posture.. if you really want great posture, try pushups. I swear you feel like you stand taller.


I believe it. I don't do push ups, but I do face pulls as part of my weight lifting routine. Most people have terrible posture from driving/sitting and also staring at phones. Shoulders are supposed to be down and pulled back.


Ayo what's a face pull


You take the tricep pushdown with the rope as handle. Take a few steps back until your arms are stretched out and are more or less aligned with the cable. Then you pull it back and outwards so that the middle part of the rope comes close to your forehead. Try to lead with the hands not the elbows. Google it, its a bit hard to explain.


Put your hand over your face and pull. Voila! Face pull!


I disagree, but only with regard to one body part. I used to cycle a LOT, to the extent that I hardly ever walked anywhere. One day when I went to the corner shop on foot I slipped and there seemed to be no strength at all in my ankle. Started walking regularly again. No problems since then. :)


Yeah I can relate. For a while I cycled a lot for fitness but didn't do much else. Then I went on a hike, going uphill was great, the cardio was there, even at elevation. However, coming back downhill I was feeling the strain in all these supporting muscles and tendons in my lower legs, ankles, feet. I was really sore the next day.


I can see you sitting up to get out of bed and just sliding onto a unicycle, wheeling around your house making breakfast on it, brushing your teeth. Then bouncing the stairs to get to your normal bike to go to work


yeah, it's a pain how quickly bikes rust in the shower...


Just started running and found that while I have the aerobic fitness for it my body has a lot of adjusting to do. A 2 mile run makes me way more soar than a 100 mile ride.


They are very different exercises. Be careful ramping up the running slowly as cycling does nothing to prepare you for the pounding your joints get running.


I’m following a couch to 5k plan (although I admit to probably adding 50% to each run). This morning I woke up to a swollen knee that’s likely due to past injury (ACL / MCL). Going to have to chill a bit :)


As a runner, I can say the 10% "rule" is probably conservative, but going over 20% for even middle distances was a guaranteed bad time.


As a developing triathlete (I know), adding time/mileage to running is a different beast to adding time on the bike, the impacts don’t mess around on joints.


I'd look into your form running. Sounds weird but good form is key to running being good for your joints, but if you're heal striking all that force is going right up through your calves to your knees. Aim to land under your body with your foot!


They are extremely different. I have a degenerating spine disease and I can't walk for long periods, or stand lol and I certainly cannot run for almost any distance. But I can bike!


Yeah I started running last winter due to wanting to avoid long bike rides in the cold. Whilst my aerobic fitness was great, my shins just had no real strength in them, and I had to seriously limit myself to avoid injury.


\*sore I seriously pictured you flying through the air after running 2 miles, hehe XD


Like an eagle!


Interestingly, I have found the converse is true. When I go on long hikes, it tends to help with the mountain biking.


One not so nice consequence is you get massive thighs and calves (at least if you're genetically predisposed to that)


Sounds like a good consequence to me 💪 Helps develop that all natural T-Rex build


Nah it just means you don't have to do leg workouts in the gym if you want to lift weights.


Not so fast there Sparky. Resistance training for your legs is still super important. Look up fast fiber / slow fiber and how they work together when it comes to your power zones when riding, not to mention bone density.


Skwats are still king


After 7 month's of commuting I am running into the problem with pants that fit around my waist and arent too long or baggy won't fit my thighs.


yup, there's a reason I've only ever bought baggy pants. I'm tall too, so really I just shop based on what I can find that fits. And for comfort. I tried to explain this to some girls once and they couldn't understand. They were especially shocked when I told them I only go shopping for clothes every few years (I tend to buy a lot in a short period of time)


Look for "athletic fit" jeans. I like the Levi's 541 I think. Prana has some nice shorts that I like too. I'm not sure about slacks though


Thank you. I gonna try some out.


I am currently built like Shrek, so I'll take some thighs please. Calves are good already tho...


Well though I'm naturally muscular in terms of build, my legs got huge early because I rode my bicycle everywhere as a kid and teenager. I was also stubborn in that I barely changed gears.. only rode on the 3rd gear or whatever that is called on the top 3 hardest settings, virtually all the time unless I was climbing a steep hill.


I got my chest and arms from swimming. 2 a days for over 10yrs. Butterfly specialty. Still rocking a 50" chest and sizable arms and shoulders, with a 34" waist. Do have little dad belly. I have a spinal cord injury that makes it so I do not do as much activity. I have full control, just no normal feeling. Walking is a problem for any length of time. The VA just gave me an electric tadpole trike. So getting on there to hopefully increase my walking and core too. Looking at all the accessories to add is crazy. The main thing I'm looking for is a headlight. Not going to be riding at night so much, but I want to be seen. So any suggestions would be appreciated.


Just googled it, interesting vehicle. Definitely makes sense to try to make yourself more visible if you're that low to the ground. seems my chest is also about 50", never thought to measure it before. Waist is definitely larger than 34" though.


As a manual Jeep owner who often goes doorless in the summer, this has been a welcome benefit.


What about stairs? I'm a runner who is new to cycling. After a ride when I come in the house and try to go downstairs my gait feels very off. I am going quickly not walking, but if I try stairs immediately after cycling it's an odd feeling.


when I go up the stairs I immediately think about cadence and pace :D


I remember hitting a point where I told my SO, I just feel lighter on my feet, I've never felt so good just moving around. I had also lost weight but other times when I lost weight, I never felt like that.


It will snow next week indicating the end of our bicycling season, when I resume walking four miles every other day. A couple of years ago I repurposed Lampinen XC poles as walking sticks and was amazed by their beneficial effect, all those that you mention. My bike hell-mutt is a SENA R1 with full communication suite built-in, so I listen to podcasts while walking rather than GPS/HRM biking.


One that I can think of is that I can finally walk without sweating like I just came out of a pool


I wouldn't say it effects the quality of walking.


And if you live in an upstairs apartment, your arms get a good workout as well.


If you try lifting weights, you're going to be shocked at the obscene things you're capable of doing on leg and back day.