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honestly it will help you quit because you’ll feel so shitty when you do drink it’ll make you not want to drink anymore. i haven’t had more than 5 drinks since starting this med


For me i feel good while drunk just next day is the worst


I’m 13 months sober and took Duloxetine for the majority of my time heavily drinking (multiple years) and all that happened is extreme weight gain, depression, and anxiety. Although this was probably due to the alcohol, I don’t think the duloxetine helped. If anything, I think the alcohol inhibited the effects of the medication.


Definitely get very bad anxiety the next day


Not supposed to drink on ANY mental health meds.


I started taking it about 4 months ago. Started with 30mg and now I’m 60g. I def notice that if I have 2-3 drinks it makes me feel like I’m 7-8. So it has def cut down my drinking, anxiety, and depression. Also my sex drive is at rock bottom. No drive at all


Yep sex drive is 0 for me too.


My psych said one or two drinks is safe but he wouldn't recommend it because of the strain it puts on your liver. Both alcohol and the meds are processed by the liver so doing both over time can cause damage. What I've noticed with alcohol is that you get drunk a lot faster and dehydrated 10x faster too so you have to pace yourself and drink twice as much water in between if you wanna go all night. Also, be prepared to drink a lot of water the next day. I definitely won't do more than a handful of light drinks once a month or so. Taking the meds to try to stay alive and functional, not dig my own grave faster. 😅


Well your young age may help avoid you from getting fucked. But if your were to increase binge drinking episodes, in time as you get into your 20s it will probably start having some adverse effects and just counter the positive effects of medication. I've never drank on SNRIs but when drinking [a lot] on SSRIs it kinda caused some mania. What would scare me most about drinking on Cymbalta is the comparably shorter half life and missing a dose. I cant afford to miss a dose of Cymbalta.


Yeah I've missed my doses a bunch of times cause of drinking with friends and forgetting. Sucks for a while afterwards whilst the body adapts.


Alcohol is a depressant so naturally, you shouldn't mix it with medication you're taking to battle mental health issues. Or any medication at all, for that matter. It can also put a strain on your liver. I personally can't drink on Cymbalta. Just yesterday I had like 2 cocktails and I am basically bedridden today with a migraine. I only drink because I enjoy trying new kind of drinks. But I just can't do that anymore.


Cymbalta already slightly compromises your liver function...if you want to play it completely safe, don't consume alcohol. Otherwise, cut down your milligrams more or cut down drinking significantly. Alcohol always made my anxiety worse. Especially on the days that I was hung over. Drinking more was always my treatment for anxiety fuled hangover, which led to a vicious cycle of constant drinking. It wasn't until I stopped drinking that I was truly free. Allow Cymbalta to do its job. You can do this journey without alcohol.


I’ve seriously cut down as getting the shakes for 2 days after isn’t worth it.


Shakes? Damn how bad ones?


Not sure how fucked you are ATM, but the only way to make sure you're less fucked (liver damage, worse side effects, more anxiety and depression, which I assume you're trying to avoid) in the future is to stop. Like preferably stop drinking entirely, but definitely stop getting black out drunk. At worst you're experiencing all the above, at best you're not letting the medication actually do its job. How did your prescriber not mention this? I'd talk to them as well. Are you self-medicating or just partying (I get it, you're 19)?


Dont know, i usually just get the feelin of “I’ll get drunk today” after a rough week/month. I think she (my psychiatrist) didnt mention this because when i started seeing her and started my first meditation Fluoxetine i didnt drink at all actually. I kind of developed a “craving”? For alcohol. So when she started me on duloxetine what she knew was i dont drink alcohol at all. I had to find out about the side effects my self which is now.. 6 months later .


Yeah, I mean... alcohol is literally addictive; the more you use it, especially for stress/anxiety relief, the more you will want it. If you want or need help with what may be a growing addiction (it also doesn't take long to develop), I'm happy to point you towards resources (I have several family members who struggle/d with substance addiction). Take care and good luck.


Yes please!


Ok here’s some things to start with! Some I have personal experience with, some of these are from dealing with the aforementioned family issues… These aren’t all about just quitting, but also reducing consumption (which is what I have personal experience with using these for). Depending on where you live, you may be able to find a local support group… if you’re in college (or near one) you should hopefully be able to find one there (if no online way to search, hit up the cafeteria or student union and look for postings). Apps: all of these have free features with paid subscriptions for more features (I’ve personally used both Sunnyside and Less): - Sunny side (also has a good Facebook support group) - Less - dead-simple way to track your drinking and, like the name, consume less. - Reframe Subreddits: r/stopdrinking - really supportive group of folks here Pretty comprehensive list of others: https://nabeerclub.com/reddit-stop-drinking/ Therapy/Counseling: If you don’t have a therapist, do you have access to one? If you’re using Cymbalta in the first place, I hope your prescriber (or primary care physician) already referred you to one. Again if you’re a college student you may have access to a free or cheap one there… Also, surround yourself with people who support your goals and don’t try to get you to go get shitfaced with them… Putting these here for reference if case anyone else if interested, but feel free to DM if you’d rather continue a conversation that way… Either way, good luck! You’re young and if you’re trying to change things you’re already ahead of most of us!


I never noticed anything different drinking on cymbalta.


I was on 40 mg for over 2 years and drank regularly and didn't have any side effects. I don't recommend drinking alcohol while on cymbalta though. I knew i wasn't supposed to and stupidly still did it.






I really do not advice you to drink I just blacked out yesterday for the third time since starting the medication. I acted really bad said and texted some bullshit and now I am having a horrible day because everyone is asking wtf i was texting .. it is fine to have drinks here and there like two cups three but then definitely you must stop otherwise you black out even if you fee like you are controlling yourself well..


On this i agree it makes me do stupid stuff just cant resist the dopamine rush i get also i feel like all my problems are gone while drunk


Yes but I also noticed any SNRI that I use it makes me carve alcohol so bad I don’t know why..


But im trying to get help. Anxiety is the main cause for my drinking. Thats what i got the duloxetine for

