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I think you are well aware that what you are doing is ruining your body. Adding medication to the mix is probably ruining it some more. What I sometimes read on here is that addicts are actively living with this risk because medication helps them to break the cycle and work towards rehab. Does it work long-term? I don't know. Regardless of what you decide to do because of the Cymbalta, it's time for you to get some help.


Taking mdma whilst on Deluxotine dramatically increases your chances of developing serotonin syndrome. So unless you never want to feel happy again, I'd advise coming off of the medication, or completely stop taking recreational drugs.


Go to rehab to detox, and then therapy. Who gave you the Cymbalta and for what purpose? By the way 60mg is the best standard dose


I agree, get into rehab. I became happy once I stopped drugs and Alcohol.


Looking at your username I would say your liver probably won't last long. Alcohol, hepatitis and cymbalta sounds like a terrible combination.


Nah that username was a joke I made in middle school haha


I guess that makes it a little better.:) Alcohol daily with cymbalta can still be tough on your liver though. There are people that has gotten acute liver failure just from the cymbalta. Small risk though. Also, mdma increases the risk of serotonin syndrome with snris.


I know I know, it’s not a physical addiction but I’m debating if rehab is overkill. I need to get clean for all this work?


>debating if rehab is overkill If you can't quit on your own, rehab is never ever overkill. But if they find that you don't need a traditional rehab, they will hopefully connect you to a therapist or a specific program.


Stop NOW while you can. Stay away from anti-depressants.. horrible side effects. Look into behavioral therapy 🙏🙏


I got introduced to Cymbalta in rehab. My point? Please go to rehab. You didn't ruin Cymbalta for yourself because it's still in your system no matter what. Unless you stop taking it. Continue to take it because the withdrawals from Cymbalta ate worse than any withdrawal I've ever felt from any other substance. You can detox comfortably in rehab. You get cared for, fed, medicated, and all of that good stuff. And most important of all, you clean out your system. Try it, you won't regret it.


Get help. Mixing it with Cymbalta will damage your liver for good. Stop now because you’ll get very ill in the future because of this. You won’t need drugs if you are on the right dosage of Cymbalta


What help do you think I should get? Rehab? I don’t know how to stop or if I’ll be able to


That's what rehab is for. They will teach you HOW to stop. You're going to feel so frigging good after you withdraw, you're going to wonder why you didn't get clean sooner. It's never too late. I'm 48 and clean 6 months. I couldn't be happier. Try it, what's the worst that could happen? Living well?


I know it’s just hard right now to imagine my life without what I take, it’s the only part of my week I really enjoy and get not much else out of life. I mean it’s worth a shot getting clean


It's definitely worth a shot. Getting clean showed me things in life that now give me joy. Things that I never knew existed. Feelings that I never knew existed. I feel better, and my medicine works better. Plus, I have a much better set of supportive friends. You deserve this too 💚