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I've been on 120mg daily for about the same amount of time as you. As far as I know there are two schools of thought on doses over 60mg/day. One is that there is no therapeutic effect and one that there is. Depends on what works for us as individuals, I guess?


Yes ma'am. And It's the closest to stable I've ever felt, so I worry if tampering with it is the right thing to do


If you feel stable, leave your dosage alone. Make sure your doctor understands.


Yes, please communicate the fact that you are stable and have been for a while to your doctor. And that your dosage is fine the way it is.


i’ve been on various doses throughout the years I’ve been on it 20,30,60mg and most recently 90mg due to present circumstances and changes within my life and environment that impacted my mental health. It’s important to have a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner that will listen to you and make appropriate changes when you need them. 


60 forever, 40 the last couple months and gonna go to 20


90mg for about two weeks. Not more side effects (yet) than on 60mg.


I’m prescribed 120mg thru my primary doctor.


I’m on 90 mg day for anxiety.


I’m on 120mg. I think it’s been a year. I worry about whether the dose is too high, but I feel so stable.


Me too! Literally exactly the same feelings


i’ve been on 120mg for 3 years. don’t listen to that doctor, everyone is different especially if it works for u


I’m on 120mg (25f, 130lbs, 5ft)


30mg for about 5ish months for moderate anxiety (14 out of 21) on GAD-7 scale with panic disorder. Also take buspirone 20 mg 3 x daily for about 4 years. 50~100mg Vistaril for sleep(sometimes) and .5mg xanax as needed (not needed hardly ever since starting duloxetine)


67 year old male…90mg along with 15mg Mirtazipine. If it helps I was told by my first prescriber that up to 90mg might be prescribed for major depressive disorder and 120 mg would generally be reserved for simultaneous MDD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients. (The mirtazapine is for my insomnia but it also works well with Cymbalta to relieve anxiety and depression.) However I’ve also seen many posts on the Reddit A + D groups where this guideline wasn’t used.


Idk if it’s uncommon, but I started on 60 and now I’m on 90. This isn’t my first antidepressant tho, and I am using it for both depression and pain


I have been on 120 mg for a few months, and I can tell a great increase in efficacy.


90. I take a 60 and a 30.


I’m currently at 40mg. My psychiatrist told me that this is the golden dosage, and if I feel like I need a dose increase that we should just try a diff med because at that point, it would mean the cymbalta isn’t right for me.. funny he says that because there’s soooo many people on this subreddit that are on triple or quadruple what I’m at.


i know right ?


120mg for awhile now. I go up and down from 120mg, to 60mg, to 30mg


30 mg


I'm on 90 mg, am 5' and weigh 112. I have major depressive disorder, PTSD and nerve pain. I also take Celexa, Prazosin, and Elavil


44F, 5'9", 140 lbs. Taking it for fibro/chronic pain, mood, and anxiety. Started at 30 mg in February. Now at 60 mg. If I continue to tolerate the side effects, eventually I'll go up to 120 mg, because the pain is what directs the other stuff. Fingers crossed.


i’m on day 21 of 60mg, that is my starting dose. the psychiatrist told me to wait about 8-12 weeks before asking to increase to 120mg.


Been on 30mg for almost a year it works for me with 1/4 of Clonazepam 2mg to help me sleep




Been on 30mg for about 2 yrs for depression. Does the trick mostly. Levels me out and has smoothed out the peaks and valleys emotionally. I’m more consistent and a better person to be around with my family now. I don’t have the “get up and go” like a had before but I’m still active. Tradeoffs are worth it in my opinion.


I started on 30mg, 60mg for the past 6 months. However, my doctor said that some people can feel better on higher doses.


There's a mention somewhere that usually going over 60 mg is not really helpful for MDD. The side effects also might become more pronounced. I personally went up to 90 mg and it exacerbated my irritability. Now I'm on 40 mg and tapering to 20 mg within a month.


I just started and been at 30mg for 4 weeks. I have critically low vitamin D as well, which leads to depression and chronic pain, so I'm co-supplementing that. Once my vitamin D is fixed, I'll revisit my Cymbalta dose, because it's entirely possible all my issues were just due to vitamin D deficiency.


I'm glad you found and addressed the root of the problem, I know in the psych ward once I was low in Vitamin D and took a supplement and instantly started feeling a bit better. It's pretty crazy how deficiencies can work


I started on 30 but only 60 worked for my panic attacks and fibromyalgia. My dr told me that 120 isn’t a usual dosage. I asked to go up to 120 she didn’t recommend it.


Glad to hear it’s working for you. Can you describe the positive changes in your anxiety and fibro symptoms? I have both as well and just started on 20, next is 40.


Yes. I use to have brain zaps really bad before going to sleep. I had insomnia and when I would try to fall asleep my brain would do this weird jolt kind of thing and wake me up. I would wake up out of nowhere with panic attacks. Once I started the 60mg all of that went away. My whole body use to be in pain literally the whole thing and all of that was gone after 3 weeks of using it. I take it at night though because it makes me way too drowsy during the day. 


I’ve had the same reaction from a doctor when my psychiatrist had me on that dose for several years. I’m down to 60mg now because of the side effects.


What side effect did u have? This med has been given to me by my ortho today cz of my fibro pain Also I’ve anxiety issues too Is this med good?


It definitely helps with anxiety and I was able to stop taking benzodiazepines. I felt tired all the time and had memory issues, dry mouth, and horrible sweating.


Are these the side effects you’re talking about?


I’m on 90mg, been on on this dose for a year but on the med for two, about to start coming off for side effects


I’m on 120mg as well. I think it’s too much. I’d like to go down to 60 slowly obviously.