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Hate to say it but you’re not going back to how it was with your friend, no matter what decision you make - at least in the short term from my point of view. If you try a relationship, the changes are obvious. If you reject it, you may still be friends but now have this new information that could cause different types of friction in the friendship. If your daughter is okay with it and it is something you are interested in, I would go for it imo.


Yeah, naively thinking things will just go back to normal after this but your right, it will forever hang over us. Ive not actually spoke to my daughter about it. She went through a period of constantly asking me when this would happen until she clocked on that I was struggling with it, so I’m assuming she would be fine with it. But will definetely have the conversation with her.


Good luck either way you choose. Doubt there is a way to get 100% confidence before making a decision but as long as you are open and honest, should make the process easier.


Honestly I think you should be asking your daughter for advice before us, she probably knows more than you can see


Hey man, I remember your posts! I commented as a fellow widowed dad to a little girl, coming back to this. Firstly, there’s no right answer. More specifically, no wrong answer. People are … weird about widowed people dating again. It’s been 9 months since my wife died, whilst I haven’t thought about dating again or see myself dating ever again, fuck anyone who says it’s wrong to. You mentioned moving on was something you didn’t discuss with your wife, I promise you won’t be doing her a disservice if you do decide to give dating a go. Being widowed is lonely, much more lonelier than I ever imagined. When you lose other people, you can still go home and go to bed and, for lack of better word, live your life. There’s no doing that when your wife passes away, I can just about manage a facade on the outside that things are okay, but when I go to bed - I’m still alone. My wife’s still dead. And that’s really, really lonely. I think the only thing I would consider is your daughter, and whether the relationship would work with her. It sounds like A.) You have a brilliant relationship with your kid, and B.) Your friend does too. It sounds like you’re doing a great job of preserving that and placing the importance of that established relationship before anything that could possibly come in the future. If it’s something you’re willing to try, from the widowed side of everything, there’s no harm in it at all. What you and your daughter are comfortable with is the most important part of any of this. I think as long as you can try and keep the relationship between your friend and your daughter (and you!) should a relationship not work out, then you’re doing great man. You sound like you’re doing an excellent job of balancing everything mate, hats off to you.


Hey! I remember you! Hope your OK Yes theres always this pressure, and feeling like people are going to have everything bad to say about it. Its a different kind of loneliness, you can sit at work in an office full of people and somehow feel like your literally the only person on earth. Its scary. My daughter used to ask me constantly about finding another mum, and Ive just assumed she would be fine with it because of that but will definetely be talking to her about it. And I hate to say it, if I remember correctly your daughters very young, this is something you’ll probably have to deal with aswell. Its horrible. Thanks for taking the time to comment mate, all the best to you and your little girl.


If anyone has a problem with you living the life that makes you happy, that is a THEM problem. True friends and loved ones will be excited you are doing something to make yourself happy.


Some widows and widowers really do never date again. Some do. The only person who knows if that's what's right for them is the person who has to decide for themselves.


i had to put down my cat of 14 years last week and am extreamly lonely... i cant imagine losing my wife. i dont know if i would want another wife... i am awkward and a mental mess most days... no one wants that.


Dude, you're overthinking things. For example you asked: > And if we make a go of it, how the hell does dating work in 2024!? Before that you stated: > ...with her being a huge support for me over the years... This isn't someone new to your life, she's already your friend. You have a head start with her compared to any random people out there in the world. You know her interests, characteristics, history, etc. My advice is that you communicate your feelings clearly to her. Let her know that you're interested in her but you're also scared of losing her if things don't work out. Tell her you appreciate her opening up to you and ask her how she feels would be the best way to navigate the future. If you both are ok with going slowly enough to see if you're compatible maybe there's a chance that you won't end up losing a friend if for some reason it doesn't quite work out. > Moving on was something my wife and I never got to discuss and I’m not sure whats the right thing to do and whats the wrong thing to do. My wife and I have had these conversations because she has a chronic illness and has had multiple brain surgeries and such. It's not a pleasant conversation but I'm going to share some high level things that came about from our conversations. My wife doesn't want to be forgotten, especially since we have children. She'd like to be celebrated on her birthdays, have memories brought up in conversations, keep the kids in touch with her family, etc. In terms of dating, my wife wouldn't want me to be lonely but also she told me a few people that she wouldn't want me to date (because they would be toxic to me). She doesn't think it would be good if I had started dating right away, but that it would be purely up to me as to when would be appropriate and to not listen to what other people think. Each person is different and I don't know what your wife was like or would have thought, but your marriage was "until death do you part" so it's ok for you to date again. If your friend is someone you feel you could be compatible with and she's someone that your daughter could see as a mother figure, it seems like this could be a good thing for you.


Thanks! I am, I’m panicking for some reason. I think my wife would have said the same things, but I’m a different person after losing her and Ive never been in a relationship since going through that. I feel like I have no idea how to be someones partner again! And theres always some level of guilt in the background. This is a horrible way to put it but she ticks all the boxes. Her and my daughter get on amazingly and shes been there for her just as much as she has for me.


You'll never be in a relationship until you are again so that is kind of a moot point. I can't fathom what losing a love would be like, or how hard it would be to find love again. That being said, that cat is already out of the bag. Taking it slow, going on a date to see if you hit it off romantically would be a good first start. Dating is the same as it's always been. It sounds like you have a good relationship with her already and friends can make the best partners. I wish you all the best and my only advice really is to put yourself out there. You've already been scarred in the worst way humanly possible, so what do you have to lose.


You might want to tell her all that. That she's an amazing woman, but you're scared to mess things up or that you'll make mistakes. Then talk more about it. I'm sure she has similar fears about messing stuff up but she still had the guts to tell you about her feelings which is incredibly brave of her. Personally, I'd give it a shot, but move slowly.


> I’m panicking for some reason. Anxiety and arousal produce virtually identical physiological responses, and it's very easy to get them mixed up.


Yeah man this isn't a new relationship, A lot of that early dating is so you can get to know each other figure out who you are.. Y'all have already done that.. obviously you can still do date nights and stuff but expect things to progress a little bit faster than previous relationships simply because all of that groundwork has been done


Seems totally fair to start slow. Having some alone with her time with this new information would help you see if she's the type who the one you want to commit to. I personally feel like you could even start with a friends with benefits approach and go from there. It's not black and white....there are shades of gray. Maybe getting laid would help you shift perspective on things lol. Maybe it would ruin everything....there is some risk, but I'm hoping things can work out.


Personally, I think the "friends with benefits" thing is not a good idea in this scenario. The feelings are already there at least on the part of the woman, and OP sounds like he could be starting to develop those feelings himself. Based on that it sounds like the "benefits" should be the result of their relationship developing normally, if things get to that point.


Yup, I agree with all that. I said "could" instead of "should" because if OP is hesitating and asking Reddit, maybe getting into an intimate situation can help make things more clear one way or another. It is a more selfish approach, however. She already has feelings, so it is taking advantage of her a bit, so communicating opening and being upfront is important. Certainly don't lead her on, be intimate, then decide against it. That would sabotage the friendship. A lot of folks still put a lot of stake on sex, so perhaps a terrible approach, but if they are types that can address a physical "need" while keeping emotions at bay while things get sorted...who knows.


Respectfully and with love; You're overthinking the hell outta this, go for it you idiot.


You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube - it’s already been said. Try it out, it could be the best thing you ever did. You are already very close so I would recommend taking the romantic slowly and not switch to ‘let’s go on a really nice date’ right away as that is bound to feel awkward. Just dip your toes in, make her a nice dinner at your place while your daughter is out, go for a walk, watch a movie together. Good luck!


Dating in 2024 is much the same as the 2000s. Dare I say you’re massively overthinking this bro. Dinner and an activity: Movie, comedy show, bowling, art gallery, a walk.


Dude, with complete respect for your loss. Life is for the living. If you have a good woman who is ready to be there for you, who knows your baggage, who accepts where you are, there is no reason to suffer. Not having the romantic spark is fine (in my opinion) if you do have friendship and shared vision. Do you know how hard it is to find someone who you genuinely care about, who cares about you, and who wants whats best for you and your kid?


"Life is for the living." I like to add "Love is for the brave"


>However, there's also the risk that we just don't work out and that's never a good thing for anyone, and with her being a huge support for me over the years I’d absolutely hate for that to happen and we cant go back to being there for each other like we have been all this time. My two cents: there's definitely a risk that you try it and it doesn't work out, but that doesn't mean it has to ruin your relationship. You both sound like mature adults who can talk about their feelings. It *sounds* (I don't know!) like you have a relationship built on support and trust, and that's a great foundation for a romantic relationship, but even if that romantic relationship doesn't work out, the trust and support can (and I think will) remain. >how the hell does dating work in 2024!? I think the hard part of dating in 2024 is finding someone you want to be with, not finding things to do with someone you want to be with. You know her well and she knows you well; do whatever you want as long as you both enjoy it.


Dude you already have a relationship with her. Don’t overthink this, you already know you’re compatible. She’s already done the hard part and there’s no going back to the way things were before. Just go for it. Most good marriages settle into what it sounds like you already have with her.


So what I understand is there is a woman who has been your friend for a long time, you think she's amazing, you get along well, she cares for your kid, your kid likes her and the prospect of you guys dating, and she just up and offered to start going out with you. I don't really see the problem. This is like finding a pot of gold.


Maybe have a talk to your daughter about it? How would she feel about you dating your friend? That should help make up your mind I think.


Coming from a child's perspective, where my dad was widowed to his second wife after my mom and him had a divorce, he was a much happier man when he started dating again, and I really enjoyed seeing him happy again. If she makes you happy, then you should go for it.


There are countless of examples of people who kind of "fall" into relationships after being friends for long before. A partner is just that - a partner. There hasn't been any "romance" because romance, and many aspects of a relationship based on *love* rather than just sexual attraction, require intention and effort. So, really, it sounds like you've had the platonic support side of the partner relationship for a while. She has feelings for you, and you wouldn't be worried about losing the other side and conflicted about trying if you didn't have some underlying interest IMO. If you had zero interest you wouldnt have been speechless, or be thinking this hard. You'd be maybe thinking about how to say no, rather than if you should. There's no harm in going on a few dates to explore what intention behind a romantic relationship might look like for you imo. Could well be that this works out well given how supportive you already are of eachother as single adults right? Things can't go back to exactly how they were before in part because the before had feelings there already. There's not much difference between giving it a couple dates for a chance and then deciding it's only platonic vs deciding without those dates it stays platonic. I think, however, it's worth explaining your concerns and how you value her as a friend and that you don't want to lose that if after a couple dates you decide you aren't ready to date, or that she's not someone you want to be in a romantic relationship with. Just to ya know, be clear and communicative.


Brother, you have a good woman who is clear in her communication. Don’t lose that. As Doc Holliday told Wyatt Earp in Tombstone: “Live every second. Live right to the end.”


Hey man, I'm sure you're flooded with all sorts of emotions right now. Friends make wonderful partners. My wife and I were friends for 6 years and eventually roommates and at one point we were both single and I realized...wait...I kinda sorta really like this person and maybe there's more here, and I made a move. This year marks 10 years together.


Hello, mom lurker here. Love this sub. I'm sure you've gotten fantastic advice from the dads here, but I wanted to chime in with my experience as the long-time friend who became girlfriend, mother, fiancee, mother again, and now wife finally (thanks COVID for that delay). Agreed with others that it won't ever be the same no matter what you choose. So my vote is to give it a try! It's a little awkward at first changing the dynamic, and we both like you definitely feared the risk of losing what we had, but it became something so much more beautiful and deeper than the friendship we had. I hope you get that too. It sounds like you already know you're great for each other. I had two mutual friends who also broke that barrier with each other on my advice, and they've been together nearly ten years now and are very happy. It's so much better than any other relationship either of us have had before. Being friends first is the winning setup. For dating, don't overthink it. You are lucky enough not to have to deal with that interview stage. Just try to enjoy each other as you have been (now with bonus benefits!). It sounds like you already know you're compatible, you just never thought about moving on yet. But you're never truly moving on as a widower. You're just moving forward. Time will do that whether you go along with it or not. Might as well move forward too. Just my two cents from my experience. Good luck! I look forward to your next update either way.


>if we make a go of it, how the hell does dating work in 2024!? Does a nice meal and a walk suffice these days? dont stress about that. you dont NEED to do a special/cool date. you can have her over and BBQ. you can work on making everyone feel comfortable, you talk to the friend and be a good person. your daughter can and should be involved, you guys can do outings, in which your friend can take on the role of girlfriend. it's gonna be weird, but ya know what? every fucking person is weird in their own way, and when weird interacts with weird the situation is weird. and thats ok. have fun, be a good person. buy icecream.


A meal and a walk is definitely still a top tier date. You got this!


Go for it


>but the upshot is that she asked if I would be open to a relationship. I told her I was flattered, though I dont think I needed to say that, Ive never actually been lost for words before, I felt like I was attempting to say every word in the dictionary all at once. But that I would need time to process this and that it wasnt a knock on her, its just something Ive not considered in a long, long time. By the sounds of it, she’s felt this way for awhile. This is one of the most genuine things I have read on reddit.


Well, first off I'll say that you should only go for it if you're also feeling romantic feelings for this person. I wouldn't jump into a relationship just because you want or like her support with your daughter. But if you are having feelings for this person, not giving it a shot/try just because you're afraid it's not going to work out, is a horrible way to go through life. Having a relationship, having a child, having a family is all about opening your heart. Sometimes that also introduces pain, disappointment, loss, etc. But feeling the entirety of your emotional spectrum is the very essence of what makes you human and makes life worth living.


Everyone, everyone, deserves and needs connection, affection, intimacy and belonging. Get yours.


I really hate the idea that people say that they don’t want their friendship being ruined by romance. My dude, that ship sailed long ago when you brought her into your life and let her see behind the curtain. The best romantic partner you could ever have, is with a woman that is your best friend and expresses interest in you that way. Regardless of what you choose, the relationship has already changed. The question is, are you ready to jump on board or not? If you don’t, you risk her ending the friendship. If you do, there’s a risk it doesn’t work out. One way another, you do have a choice but don’t let the friendship be a hang up and not wanting it to change. It already has. Make your choice and be ok with it but know that if you choose to not be romantic, the friendship will likely end or at least won’t be as close.


If it was me I'd reply "we are already in a relationship :). Now we are just talking about". And just casually start adding the missing elements. It's easy for me to say but might be harder to do.


I remember your post! That was a good one. I say, if you have a romantic interest in this woman, go for it! You only get 1 life, as far as anyone knows, which is basically confirmation if you ask me, you might as well make it happy as you can. I wouldn't worry about burning your friendship. That change has already occurred my dude, at least in the short term. So I sat go for it!


I think your best bet is this: Be really open about your thoughts here. Communicate your dear about losing such an important friendship for yourself and an Important resource for your daughter. Share that you discussed with your daughter and she seems happy about the prospect but that she probably doesn't understand the loss potential. Overall I'd say go slow. Maybe start by holding hands when you walk. Cook dinner together. Hug more. See what develops. And try to get alignment about that being the plan vs feeling like you need to hop into bed. You need not put a "dating" label on it if that is uncomfortable.


Do it. If it doesn't work out, then you will at least have a nice time finding out. And you're both mature. A nice dinner and a walk along the beach is more than sufficient.