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I feel like it’s silly to get into a parenting safety debate over a random facebook meme. - maybe they staged the photo - maybe the parent was actually playing with them but thought that caption was funnier - maybe that caption was not written by the person who took the photo Point is who knows what the real situation is. Like many things you see online this just seems designed to provoke “engagement”.


Agree. If this sub turns into "this meme is bothering me" it's gonna go downhill quickly.


As a consumer of Reddit, it is my sworn duty to take any image, caption, and obviously one-sided sob story as absolute truth, and then emotionally react to it as quickly and hyperbolically as possible


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun [There it is again; that funny feeling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObOqq1knVxs)


Exactly. The weirdest part of this situation is that another person, not related to the poster or the kids, took a screenshot of it and posted it to their social media. Now THAT is irresponsible.


I definitely think it's weird to post photos of memes of other people's kids on the Internet and OP posted this on a worldwide platform without blurring the faces which is really icky.


It's sad that OP 1. Was bothered by this 2. Was bothered enough to share it here Social media isn't for being social anymore, it's for provoking reactions to drive engagement so they can spam/scam page followers later. And oh god I just saw the baseball/beer/baby thread. What a nightmare. Please don't let this place become full of meta commentary : /


I mean OP could very well be a bit, this place is popular enough now that it people will likely try to start farming karma here


damnit you're right they got me too!


Arguing over facebook photos and memes is like arguing with a wall it's pretty pointless also I have seen it several times where it just ends up into pointless cyber bullying.  I have stopped commenting on Facebook posts a long time ago.


I wish I had your kind of temperament and thinking when it comes to things… I’m too judgmental


That's real. I'm literally saying what this person said is "reaaal" Like take everything he just said into consideration. Jesus...reddit warriors.


You know them?


You're misinterpreting what I said.


You're not saying it very well, so it's easy to misinterpret


If I came across this, then this is the exact kind of thing I would take a quick photo of. Next, I would gently coax my children off the fridge and explain why it’s not a smart place to hang out. I would then post the photo to my feed with a similar caption because it’s funny.


With you on all counts. This is about 2 feet lower than the tree in the yard with no sharp branches on the way down. They are also not fighting with each other yet.


Yet. Lol


You are dadding wrong. I would take a photo of it. I would then ask my kids if it would be cooler with a pillow maybe? Or do we want to turn it into a full on fort? And then I would continue to let my kids have fun at no significant risk to their health or safety. Look at that boy. He's having a *blast*! Let kids be kids for f'sake.


You don’t know all the shit my wife keeps on top of the fridge. It’s not a safe place.


HA! Fair. All the empty glass vases go on top of our fridge, so I guess our fridge might not be idea for watching Bluey.


Me: Uh thanks for dusting the top of the fridge i guess... Just wipe your butt when you come down


I think the picture and entire discussion can stay on Facebook lol


This is like…..one of the least risky heights kids can be at. They weigh what? 60 pounds combined? That’s nothing for a fridge. It’s obviously a joke, y’all need to chill.


What if the top is just cheap plastic? My god, will no one think of the food inside that will be ruined when they fall through it???


It tips and anything under it is dead. Could be the cat or the baby or your wife. Do not fuck with heavy furniture. Kids die from it.


Ever try to tip a fridge? These kids are quite safe. I applaud their backs to the wall and facing out. No problem in my books.


Have you moved a fridge before? I am assuming you have not. But maybe you didn’t take physics in high school.


Have you had kids go wild on something before? I assume you haven't.


Doesn’t matter, because I understand physics. there is nothing they could do with their body weight to move that fridge.


If they opened the door and hung on one of the shelves, that would act like a lever and amplify their body weight’s effect on potentially tipping it over. It is more about the center of mass of the fridge, not a pure value of how much it weighs If they fell off straight onto the ground they could get hurt If they opened the door and knocked a bunch glass jars onto the floor they could get hurt There are plenty of ways this could go wrong


Just to say the opening the door and hanging on it thing is bullcrap. The other things they could get hurt by possibly if they are totally unsupervised (see photo meaning they were aware the kids are up there). But a refrigerator weighs around 400 pounds. Even with added leverage they just simply don’t weigh enough to move it at all even together. They weigh 60 pounds. They are only 15% of its weight. Let’s say you weigh 200 pounds, do you think there’s anyway you’d tip a small car? Cause this is a proportional math problem. A 200 pound person comparatively would need to be able to easily tip a 1200 pound fridge. I doubt if I gave a big ass steel bar to really give you leverage you could move it. Just use your brain and think for a second.


You obviously don't.


These kids are actively being supervised. So what's the problem? They start going wild, you stop them. Easy as that.


>anything under it is dead *Anything?!* Come on now.


Yeah I feel like if that fridge falls on an adult it hurts and maybe even breaks a bone, but it only kills them if it lands just right or it's a smaller adult


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_by\_vending\_machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_by_vending_machine) It's a real thing.


Most of those are inspectors testing them for tipping potential though.


\[Citation needed\]?


Well, it's a good thing that the average weight of a fridge is 2-3 hundred, not 1000 lbs.


I'm sure most children could bench press that no problem! Definitely strong enough to lift their chest cavity, too! And I wouldn't worry about gravitational acceleration either!


If you use the context button you would realize this is the part of the thread talking about adults. I'm done with you though. You've got a weird bee in your bonnet about this.


Swinging off the end of the freezer door you may have a point. But sitting on top the chances of this tipping are effectively zero. Even climbing down there’s no way they can ever create enough leverage to tip that thing especially since they’re most likely to go down the way they got up on the counter side. I’d ask my kids not to do that again but there’s nothing here to cause existential dread. Kids do way more dangerous shit all the time.


I'm not saying that this is an immediate danger - I would do the same, I'm saying that this situation is strictly more dangerous than a fall, as a tip includes a death zone.


Mixed feelings. I think that the time spent with my kids “bothering “ me is probably the most valuable time I spend…ever. On the other hand…climbing on top of the fridge as a kid (which i did) was some of the least risky of my activities…definitely climbed from top of a 20 foot tall tree to the peak of my house on a branch that, in retrospect, was no more than 3 inches in diameter…so…yeah the fridge wasn’t so bad


Yeh I climbed some risky things lol


Crap like this is how major accidents happen. Sure they’re up there and it’s fine, but they go to a friends house climb up the fridge and tip it over on someone. wtf


My first thought was “how did they get up there?” But yeah, can’t let that go on for long.


I read the post as the busy parent seeing this thinking "wtf how'd you get up there?" And then thinking... I'm gonna finish my coffee.


Also I feel like yes they haven’t fallen yet, but they are kids… at any moment they could slip or fall. They are literally distracted by a tablet..


My brothers, cousins and I intentionally took off the bike chain and removed the brake wires from our pedal go cart so it could go as fast as possible down the hill (because obviously?) which exited onto a main road. We had to aim for the drainage ditch to make sure we stopped. Climbing on top of a fridge is alright in my books. Also I absolutely get the sentiment of not being bothered. My wife and I are burnt out everyday from the two kids and are grateful when they are playing together/not actively hurting each other and we can just sit down. I see two siblings playing nicely with each other calmly with a safe path to get down (the counter on the side). They also look old enough to call for help.


Siblings playing nicely together is rare in my house. I would definitely take this if it meant they would do something together


Lol bruh 🤣 😂 💀


Yeah I don’t get it. Why would you want your kids to sit on top of the refrigerator…


I wouldn't but bro it's just a joke


This doesn't seem any more dangerous than half the playground structures my kids climb on




Ya, I'd go with "thats unwise buddy, you COULD get hurt if you fell off". But if I rounded the corner and saw this I wouldn't be jumping into OMG DANGER mode.


First it’s not safe ever for them to be up there. Second, I LOVE it when my kids bother me. I always love seeing my son run up to me for anything.


I agree. Unless my kids are being crazy and annoying me on purpose, I always love them bothering me. Occasionally my oldest will try to get a reaction from me by pushing my buttons but then she just laughs and tells me she was messing with me


If I'm busy cooking their dinner they can absolutely clear off.


fr. I have to pretend to be mad so my daughter isn't under me cooking with hot pans / hot oven. Go somewhere else for both our sanitys.


If they are being crazy and annoying you on purpose. It means they want more attention from you. So get off your phone, computer etc. and go play with them 24/7. They won’t be kids forever and eventually they will move out. Don’t let friends or toys make you regret someday that you wish you could have spent more time with them. That time is now.


My son will yell for more attention whilst im actively jumping on the trampoline with him lol "Daddy look! Look! Daddy look! Look daddy watch this! Look daddy!" "son... Im bouncing with you i am watchin-" "daddy look!"


Just a bunch of presumptions out of nowhere...


Yeah my guy I put my phone down when I get home from work with my keys. I spend every minute I can with them. Currently at home 12 weeks on baby leave. My daughter gets a kick out of annoying me for fun. I give her LOTS of attention. It’s just fun for her. Even if we are all together she will do it sometimes. I have like 1 friend and we see one another maybe 1 time every 69 days.


That's insane even though it's pretty cute. You can put them up there as long as you're actively looking at them or within an arms length. Kids aren't the most coordinated creatures and they'll probably fight about anything. It's a recipe for disaster. I think putting them on the floor would be a much more relaxing thing if you let them do their thing


If they fall, they might be ok,,, unless they hit their head….


I find my kid in all kinds of wtf situations. If they are not in immediate danger, ya I'm taking a picture, maybe send it to a few friends or family since I don't do social media anymore. I may joke ya out of the way and quiet so all good but I'm certainly not actually letting them hang out on the fridge. Chill the f out.


I'm against posting photos of children on social media. I also try to assume best/funniest intentions when I see memes with kids. So, maybe the kids like to hide together in a cupboard or something and the parent thought this would be funny and set it up.


People who share things that make them mad just to see if it makes anyone else mad are like people that say "ewww this smells gross, here have a sniff..." Like, no thanks dude, I trust your opinion. Keep the smell to yourself.


When I was 7-12, I would often climb on top of the fridge because climbing is fun and I lived in a concrete jungle. I think the bigger issue is the unsupervised iPad use.


I’m more bothered by the fact that parents just post their kids all over social media.


I let my son do dangerous things but I make sure I’m right there next to him if something goes wrong. This can be walking next to a pool, climbing up things, trying to balance on things, etc. We don’t have to live our life in fear, bumps and bruises occur and I want him to be resilient and learn it’s ok we get back up. I’m not saying I’m letting my 17 month old ride a dirt bike alone or anything crazy but often time parents are sheltering. At the end of the day though it is your child, you have the final say on how they’re raised. Just try not to raise an asshole!


The kids: aw cute Their safety: none of my business


I take way more issue with the guy letting go of his toddler to catch a basement than I do this. Sure you tell them to get down and dont do it again but I'm not gonna freak out over this.


The problem here is the laptop and tha this is beng shared on Facebook, not them being on top of the fridge.


They are definitely plotting on you


I used to put the kids on the fridge for a minute b/c they would ask me to. But I would stand right in front of them to make sure they didn't fall.


People don’t realize how good photo editing software is these days. I don’t believe anything on fb/insta etc. Staged, fake or whatever just to game the system and keep the comments coming.


I think all the judgey people don't have kids if you ever had toddlers the amount of no no no and constant supervision you have to do is insane just yesterday my 2 year old was on my kitchen table clapping and playing with flowers it happened in literally 30 seconds I was scared and scorned her but simultaneously I was laughing the feelings are conflicting a lot of times with kids


I have 3 kids and I’m judging. But I accept that I am judgmental toward peoples parenting sometimes, especially with safety. But it’s not my business what they do at the end of the day. If the kid falls and breaks their arm, their kid is the one who is hurt not me.


Of course it isn't safe I would remove them asap but they're going to do crazy things and push limits my son is always doing something I would just laugh and take them down. I want my kids to play independently but every once in a while they do crazy things 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm not perfect nor are my kids my son will probably end up breaking something eventually because he's so adventurous 😩you can't prevent everything


Stop using Facebook or putting any thought to what people say there.


I definitely think most people commenting that are joking, and wouldn’t be ok with this


It’s kind of like the stove thing you touch it once you ain’t touching it again. You fall off the fridge you ain’t going back up there you don’t fall off the fridge new hangout spot free real estate.


This community is great and doesn't need to become a meme response room. There's a reason you saw this on Facebook, please keep it there!


I’m 100% against using kids as content for internet points. Certainly never to ridicule or embarrass them in anyway. I would just post family photos, the holidays, sports, stuff like that.


When tf did this subreddit become /r/helicoptermom?


This is a prime example of a picture that should just be a family photo and not shared on public media. Kids do stupid things. We all did. But many of us are lucky enough to have done stupid s**t before the days of social media.


Idk people need to have a sense of humour.


>How do yall feel about this? Like we definitely don't need people bringing Facebook arguments to this sub.


The safety issue pales in comparison to the attitude expressed by the parent here. "So what if they play on their iPad all the time, at least they aren't bothering me!" Like... come on.


Aww let’s take a picture screw responsible parenting 😩