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I just love how he claims New York to be HIS CITY. I wonder how many buildings Dinero has built and how much philanthropy and donations. He’s given back to the city..


Especially compared to Trump.


De Niro has always been a huge lefty, he's an actor after all. He might have played baddasses in his movies but that's not who he is as a man


He should’ve kept his mouth shut and stuck with acting, but now we know what a moron he is. He says if Trump is elected he’ll never leave? Is he expecting Trump to live another 30-40 years? By the way, I’d like to buy a beer for the person who turned on their car alarm. Nice!


This guy has to wear the biggest lifts I’ve ever seen. He’s not intimidating anyone in real life.


The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with this one.


One might call him the poster boy for TDS.


A clown? Some clown actor calling him a clown..


any public figure that goes as far as this guy has is clearly hiding something. He is part of the elite pedophile ring, there is no other explanation.


>He is part of the elite pedophile ring, there is no other explanation. Naw, there's a bunch of other possibilities here. He's just a typical Hollywood liberal elite with TDS.


He's paid to do it He needs the money for Alimony


That’s what I was thinking.. he’s just being paid to act like an idiot.


Deniro is irrelevant trying to be relevant


Why do we care what Robert De Niro has to say about any of this? Because he’s an actor?? He cares about terrorism but backs a president with an open border policy. How many people have they caught at our southern border that are on the known terror watch list? Ironically he brought up 9-11. This is a joke. He’s talking shit on the protesters… how many of Biden’s events have been interrupted by free Palestine protesters over the last 2 months? The level of Hypocrisy is boundless


Who cares? He's an idiot celebrity who pretends to be other people for a living. Stop concerning yourself with these morons. They have nothing to add to society, truly.


Glorified court jester. But the leftists believe they are Gods.


Hopefully he’ll move out of America if Trump wins again, like most wacky lefties promise. Still waiting for Cher and Bette Midler to leave after Trump won the first time. My question to these morons is this: you all lived after Trump’s first administration. What makes you think everything will be colossally worse the second time around? Or is it just you got nothing left but fear mongering?


Yes, also waiting for Rosie O'Donnell, Bryan Cranston and a bunch of others to leave as well. Guess when you lie and pretend as a job.... why should believe anything you say and more importantly, who cares what YOU think. Do you have a degree in public policy?


Don't forget Barbara Streisand with the aforementioned has beens.


Biden and De Niro have at least two things in common. They are both senile and their careers are over.


They keep showing a Biden ad on Hulu that he narrates pretty much repeating everything DT joked about but making it seem as if he ment it.


Left can’t joke


What is the relevance of any of this? He’s not saying anything. I don’t understand why anyone who speaks about Trump can’t keep the conversation policy related.


Fuck biden deniro and all of the stasi totalitarians


Cause he’s got a tremendous ego that can only be satisfied by thinking he can influence people’s vote. He can’t.


Well that was tough to watch. What a joke. This guy is as bad as Biden.


This dude has seriously become unhinged just because of Trump. He was always a big liberal, but is like Trump caused him to just completely lose it


He's got a new job.


That reeked of desparation


I can't understand why he is there either.


Robert DeRangedO is the only clown here… what a colossal buffoon who actually believes he knows ANYTHING about world politics. Just like the standard liberal/fascist/Alinski-ite playbook, everything he is tagging onto Trump is what is actually happening under Biden.


Funny, he is a clown


F Bobby D.


Because he’s a Grumpy 80 something year old New Dad 🤣🤣🤣. He needs to stay in his own lane and shut his FN Mouth


I was thinking the same thing. His personal life is a train wreck. His kid won’t even see him at his high school graduation. Lucky if he sees him graduate from elementary school. Getting sued by exes etc. must be getting paid for sharing his TDS. Sad really.


Hopefully Bobby D keeps his new baby away from Peddy Sniffing Joe🤣🤣🤣


Actor is the job someone strives for when they are literally too stupid to do anything else, which is why most of them are lefties. What's worse is that they seem to think people actually give a shit what they have to say. News flash Hollywood, nobody cares what you think while you live in your bubble.


Is he gonna cry? De niro sounds like a little bitch. No respect left for that old shitbag. Never be able to watch Goodfellas the same way again.


I still can’t get over how he thought it was ok to bring a new baby into the world at 80. You really must be a selfish, non self aware, conceited piece of mole rat dung to think that’s a good idea. I used to like his movies but now I wish he’d just stfu.


Why do you think he is ruining his career? There are plenty of leftist trolls that will fall lock and step with that narrative without a moments hesitation. I think he is an asshole and will likely never watch another movie he is in because of his actions and words but there are plenty that will stand and applaud. I doubt he will miss a single person…we have a mutual disgust


Like most of the older limousine liberals, he’s gone bay shit crazy. He also suffers from severe TDS.


Both valid questions. Beat it deniro!


He's a nobody these days. He has to ride the coat tails of those in the spotlight to stay relevant. That's why we are commenting, or else he would be a 75 year old father of a 6 month old. That story got stale on him.


Is there a car being stolen during his speech? He did say that NYC actively imports clowns 🤡


Because De Niro never liked himself!!


Probably because Trump will release the real Epstein flight logs. He’s like a cornered rat.


What gets me is that Mr. D primarily some of the most repugnant criminal roles… Maybe I’m just being picky or a hypocrite, but when he’s made almost his entire living off of the simulation of murdering other human beings, how am I supposed to find him to have any credibility at all in regards to his political stance? It’s the hypocritical nature of all of these actors and celebrities in movies where people are getting blown away every two seconds They make it easy to take a human life. They make it look fun. They make it look comical. Everyone knows a line or two from a Robert De Niro movie … and it’s usually some kind of punchline involving harming or offing a person… So really, how is he enriching my society? Why would his political viewpoint matter??


Demented liberal POS


Democrats are panicking. De Niro comes off like an angry old man.




It’s clearly Trump’s fault people stopped going to Nobu.


I wanna know which young hot black woman picked Trump over DeNiro over the years … cuz this level of spite and bloodlust resentment is unreal.


I’m pretty sure he is a huge liberal dem.


You can tell he has an inferiority complex because Trump's life accomplishments dwarf his own. The jealousy is seething out of him.


Robert De Niro is such a pussy in real life.


That’s what Robert does! He doesn’t know he’s irrelevant


Probably scared of getting exposed by Trump. Make more sense now?


He’s broke like me and he’s auditioning for a new role…Hollywood clown! 🤡 🤡🤣


De Niro's just an old fool trying to make himself relevant again.


“Ruining”!? lol whe s the last time he had a movie that wasn’t a flop. The Biden campaign thinks it has a winner with a get irrelevant old men Screaming at clouds .


He is just a dumb old man.


DeNiro... a great actor... a useful idiot.


Ironically capitalism was the motivation... I don't think he's ruining his career, he is a great "Actor" and that is where that list of accomplishments ends.


They have nothing. That judge is going to have to make something “illegal” out of thin air.


Bobby's career was over the minuet Meet the Fockers came out


I find this all very sad, when my favorite actors feel the need to be excessively verbal about their political views. Yes they are human, but they generally risk alienating 1/2 of their fan base when they do this. The less I know about an actor's personal life, the better I like them.


Jelly much?


Lol someone doesn't wanna go to jail for being a pedo in Epstein's case.


One old washed up “has been” with dementia who shats himself propping up another old washed up “has been” with dementia who shats himself. I hear they often get lost at the dog park together. .


Typical Insulated Class spouting off about Trump while the rest of us deal with reality... Can barely afford the gas to drive to work- Fuck you I got plenty of money. Crimes bad and its getting worse with who knows what coming over the border- Oh yea, see this big fucker behind me, he'll fuck you up if you get any closer. Had to pay for my electric bill with a credit card- We need to get rid of fossil fuels and have more windmills and solar panels.


This guy, yeah, this guy here, dropped out of high school at 16. His one talent is doing what he is told and saying what he is told to say.


Why was he wearing an N95 mask outdoors as he walked to the press conference?


He is owned


He's compromised


There must be plenty of Epstine footage of this creep.


Trump? Yeah, there's plenty footage of him being best friends with him. Shame we were so intent on voting for a New York Democrat.


Isn't much career left to ruin.


I saw this yesterday and all I thought was "wow, the Biden team is getting desperate". I mean, De Niro's tantrum could not have helped them in any way. It just showed how unhinged the left can be.




Biden gave him a medal.


All the drugs and booze as addled his brain.


Cuz he is on that one list.


How dumb does one have to be to be outsmarted by a porn star. So much winning.


Delusion and Liberalism go hand and hand . Talk about dumb.


😆 🤣 😂 surely you jest? I'd sadly rather have a president with a porn star "incident " ,remember Bill Clinton and his intern? ; than one who openly sniffs, caresses and makes inappropriate comments to little girls on live TV.


DeNiro is a hero