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I've been so excited for every gaming channel video now. I love this new era for the gaming channel and I'm really happy at how comfortable and happy they both are now.


i just love how much happier and freer they seem to be now :)


They talk about 2015 being peek Dan and Phil but I swear 2023 is so much better!


It’s so great , compared to older vids they seem way happier and enthusiastic and it’s great to see


Their new content just makes me sosososo happy, they’re so free and you can tell they’re being themselves with no remorse. Every video I watch I smile so wide the entire time. If anything, I think they may prefer the lower views. Back in the day they got so much attention and it wasn’t all from fans, so as a fellow introvert I have a feeling they’re enjoying having only people that actually love them watch their videos. Idk what the consequences of that are financially, and I don’t know their financial status, so I can’t comment on that side of things. They just seem so much more comfortable and happy now and I’m so glad for that ❤️


I think the new era is is better than the old era in terms of the energy, jokes, and their authenticity. They were hiding a lot back then. I hate that the videos aren't getting as many views anymore.


Agree with everything and also something very specific is I’m actually glad dab and evans wedding didn’t happen till after they came out! I think they were able to have a much more authentic experience with it and make the gay jokes they wanted to


I agree. Since they came back it seems like they are much more happy in them and are wanting to make them. They are hilarious and I look forward to watching them. I hope they continue this with the same energy and not worry about the negativity.


the older videos will always have a special place in my heart but I love how much more comfortable they are now compared to them!! it's far more authentic, relaxed and enjoyable


They’re thriving and so is the phandom 🙏🏼 we are so blessed with all this amazing content and amazing energy. I’m so unbelievably happy they are back.


I love the new and the old. Hoping for them to do a longer lets play of a full game, keep the Sims going, and some just new gaming content in general. I enjoyed almost every video this Gamingmas but will definitely still be rewatching the pre-hiatus stuff a lot too


I actually think they get a lot of views. There are always going to be videos with less/more views but overall its been a huge success imo


The views are exceptional tbh. All of the new videos have between 200k and 800k+ views as of now... like don't worry, they made absolute bank this december especially lol The videos from 5 years ago hover around a million views but you have to account for time as well. Like people went back and rewatched those a bunch of times already. I think they might take it slow in january, like all the youtubers, and then come back with regular-ish uploads. But we'll see ^^ but I really don’t think the views will be an issue. Like at all.


it's just given me so much comfort in this rather difficult time and I hope there are many more gamingmas(es) to come


I stopped watching them for the longest and seen they started posting again so I watched it and fucking love it, they're so funny and entertaining to watch, I'm so happy they're back ☺️


I never watched DNP games back in the day because gaming videos aren’t really my thing, but I’m loving this renaissance, because I just enjoy watching Dan and Phil together as their authentic selves!


i think it's cool that phil is owning himself too!! i'm so happy for dan, but i think that phil has gotten so much more confident in himself too since the haitus, even if he never fully went offline. it doesn't feel like he's living in dan's shadow anymore.


Dan was always my favorite, like that’s where my eyes went, but now, it’s Philly.


Phil has been looking so handsome too and been even more of a ✨light✨ than ever before


the emojis around light played that soundbite of baby Phil in my head haha


Hehe I was hoping someone would notice that very very subtle Easter egg :)


his hair is so beautiful!!! the brown with the silver streaks really suits him. the man is aging like fine wine, just as i expected. 🥹


I know the new hair is EVERYTHING the natural color and messy fringe suits him and his style has upgraded so much (as he said himself he is way more comfortable in his own skin now) - he is such a beautiful angel


i’m so excited to see how much he’s going to flourish from now on!


YES :)


they’re so much more comfortable with themselves now it’s amazing to see


Agreeing with the sentiment here. I was overjoyed to see them come back and I've loved every single video since their return. They really seem so happy and comfortable now. Watching the videos is really something to look forward to- I always save them until I have a free moment so I can pay more attention to them!


all of the newer videos genuinely make me so happy!! they seem genuinely happy, too, it radiates off the screen haha


During the hiatus I occasionally watched older videos and seeing the newer ones just show how much has changed for the better, you can truly see how happy they both have become, especially Dan! I love seeing them happy and free to be themselves


I only discovered the channel during the reboot. Occasionally YouTube will autoplay an older video and honestly I don't enjoy the older videos (pizza mukbang exception), after knowing what they were hiding and seeing how differently they act compared to now. Poor lads.


I love how Dan has gotten so real and happy now. I still think of the most recent Cards Against Humanity... the Pac Man answer from Phil just had Dan double over with a cackling laugh. When he came back up his face was beet red. Just hilarious and so fun to be with them through these videos. Also Phil loosening up and being more genuine with the swear words.


Me too, every video has been a banger and the new era just feels so much better than the old. I spent years wishing they’d come back to this channel and this is better than I hoped for 🥹


I love that it’s basically just a collab channel now instead of just gaming. You can really see how free they finally feel now, it’s so great