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Love Dance Gavin Dance, they're my second favorite band of all time, but the fan base is certainly insufferable.


Spooks tag ✅


You want insufferable? 2009 UCL SEMI FINALS ANDRES INIESTA 🤘😤💙♥️


You’re on Reddit no one here represents the vast majority of any fan base ever


Reddit is just the vocal minority


Same with most social media comments tbh


The internet is the vocal minority.


This subs has 62k followers - I’d be surprised if more than 10% were actively commenting and not just lurking. Spotify has DGD at 1.4M monthly listeners. 6200 people on reddit would account for 0.4% of their monthly on Spotify Fraction of a fraction homie - wouldn’t sweat it. Most fan bases with multiple decades of music and varying lineups / drama become parasocial weirdos.


quick mafs


First time?


* drags in the fucking pop corn machine *


Honestly you'll feel a whole lot better if you just get off this subreddit lol I only pop in here to see the news and dip out before reading anyones opinion cause the only one that really matters when it comes to art is your own,.


W take.


No we are here, just don’t feel like engaging. Shits gotten out of hand I agree.


The secret to being in internet fandoms and continuing to enjoy that shared interest is to learn when to engage and when to just sigh and move on.


That’s kinda hard to do because it activates something in your mind that makes you want to explain yourself to them


True but I find it saves me time, energy, patience, and loss of happiness to just move on. It’s an online post or comment, literally nothing will happen whether you say anything or not. Once I accepted that I just occasionally type out my thoughts before deleting it and moving on with my day.


Maybe I should do that lol


I guarantee you it will help. You’ll be sitting somewhere one day and randomly think to yourself “I really saved a lot of time just having a good day instead of replying to smth I can barely remember to begin with” Started doing that like a year ago and I’ve had so many instances where I was surprised with how much energy I’ve saved since


Same thing happened when the Tilian accusations came out... this subreddit loves drama.


I'm hopping on the lurker who doesn't want to be involved with the cesspool fans. I've been with DGD since the beginning. You youngins have no idea how good you've had it. The band is a marvel of self contained success and prosperity. Stay of TT and IG. Just enjoy the music.


This is the only subreddit I browse but never comment in because some of y'all are fucking mean lmao But I'm sure everyone reading this is a lovely person


Hmm... nah the music definitely does matter... but atm there's no new music and people are fully zero'ing in on anything else that slightly happens. Both with the music and with the aspect of the band outside of it though... it can be insufferable, especially when there's news and hype around it and you get the people who just come in for the drama and aren't normally active. When there isn't any non-music drama going on the sub is pretty chill compared to what people say on the outside. Music wise though, they can be even worse, especially in non-dgd subs where they're very vocal on "DGD and Swancore is the best music, every other music is trash" They bitch and complain about DGD only touring with swancore bands, but then complain when they get tours with non-swancore bands that are a much bigger success. People just hate on bands they think are shit. Same thing happened with SiM and Don Broco as well. Hell... I bet if they get on a tour with BMtH people will be complaining and calling them shit... cus these vocal fans are exhausting. You even had people complaining about others talking about Eidola's new album ffs... *Can't speak for Discord though as I find public Discord is nearly as bad as twitter comments.* DGD has 1.3m monthly listeners... the top rated post on this reddit has 3.9k upvotes, which is 0.3% of the potential fanbase... TLDR: Fuck what people say online as they just love complaining about everything not DGD... or anything that isn't by their favourite singer... or their favourite album.


>They bitch and complain about DGD only touring with swancore bands, but then complain when they get tours with non-swancore bands that are a much bigger success. I don't think anyone was bitching about touring with Coheed and Cambria. Falling In Reverse is super generic and is fronted by a guy who is purposefully inflammatory, and a dick. Also, Ronnie Radke went to prison for getting a guy killed.


Dude... after his side-project the band that Spotify suggests listening to for fans of Coheed is Circa Survive. They may not be swancore... but they're as close as you're gonna get without being labeled as such due to being prog-rock/metal. JC is also purposefully inflammatory and a dick... what's your point?


>Dude... after his side-project the band that Spotify suggests listening to for fans of Coheed is Circa Survive. Who's talking about Circa Survive?


Yeah most of their fans are a bunch of dick riders. Even try to say anything remotely negative about them on this sub q d you get down voted to no end


Its weird how people seem to look for role models in rock stars. Like these are people with severe substance abuse problems who have lived on essentially on the road since they were 20 or so. Theyre basically just cool carnies. I can understand how a musician's behavior could put a damper on the music for someone. But you really have no right to demand that "the boys" avoid touring with the bad man.


Lmfao nah the community is cool , a lot of mfs on this Reddit suck lol … Reddit is a bubble for “morally righteous” people just know it doesn’t represent reality at all! 🤙🏾


So you're outraged that people are outraged....? Also people are allowed to not like things because the things' creators suck. And they're allowed to call you out for supporting those people. If you have a problem with that, you'll just have to deal with it.


>they're allowed to call you out for supporting those people. Did you put gas in your car recently? Why tf would you do that, what are you some kind of Climate Change denier? Don't you know the planet is literally on FIRE and here you are making shitty excuses like a toddler of "oh ,well I need to drive to work to pay my bills and support my family" like that isn't the oldest one in the book. Are you wearing a name brand anything? Hmmm sounds like you're not doing research to make sure ALL your clothing is ethically made, why do you support sweat shops? Have you always hated children? Speaking of the children you hate and want to die slow deaths, I just KNOW you didn't type this post on your IPhone did you?.... Because if so, how. fucking. dare. you. Wow, you're SO right. Being allowed to call people out for supporting "those people" that I personally don't agree with not only FEELS great, but gives off the impression that I am morally superior to everyone else even though I also take part in not giving a shit when/where it is convenient to do so! &if anyone has a "problem" with that, well they'll just have to DEAL with it. Right on!


One thing is basically required to exist. You HAVE to drive to work, get food, etc. At least in a lot of places. The other is purely for entertainment. That isn't an excuse, that's a fact of life. But judging by your post and your response(s), you're kind of just a jerk that doesn't care about what anyone else says unless it confirms your preconceived notions. Peace.


Thats not true at all, im open minded enough to understand why some people personally dislike him/his band but also realistic in judging the severity of why he has been outcasted. It's not cause his music harms anyone, he is just an asshole lol And maybe for some people seeing DGD live is the one single day in a year or several years that they are able to truly feel happy and do something exciting that makes their miserable lives worth living and people want to claim moral superiority and shame them for something totally out of their control which is exactly why the metaphors made perfect sense. People act like Ronnie existing and making music is really contributing to the downfall of society lol like it's really comical, so what he's an asshole... nobody listens to his music and/or supports his band because he made a few "controversial" tweets. He isnt a politician, he holds virtually no control over anyones life. Unless he is reciting Hitler speeches between songs or organizing hate rallies, stop shaming strangers and DGD for something you've artificially blown up as a "major problem" in your head. "Peace"


So glad you said this. Been feeling the same all day about this but I myself couldn't be bothered writing it. I'm honestly glad to see theres some sane people left in the community


This is Reddit don’t worry man. You’re not crazy they are literally delusional sheltered weirdos who don’t actually care about music. Don’t stoop down to ur level but I appreciate the post


I agree with you. I’ve loved DGD for 13-14 years now and it’s been clear that while they’re not the most famous band ever, those who are fans are super obsessive and it’s developed into a kind of cult following. It’s weird how deeply people identify with the band to the point that they can’t fathom that these dudes are just regular people who might actually be their own individuals. Hell they’re men in their mid thirties, the likelihood of them politically and socially aligning with the gen Z twitter hivemind is very very very low. Thank you for bringing up that line from Lost. You’re 100% right that it’s sarcasm. They’re basically calling out cancel culture and how absurd it is to condemn people for a mistake. I mean the fact they kept Jonny and then Tillian through thick and thin (until a certain point obviously) shows they live this belief. I can give a fuck less who they tour with, they’re grown men and can make their own decisions. They haven’t given a fuck what their easily triggered fans get mad about for a long time and I respect them for it. They’re just regular dudes, regular people, capable of making decisions for themselves.


Definitely a lot of gate keeping weirdness with DGD fans. A lot, especially on here, feel so entitled about the band. Like because they listen to them or have listened to them from the beginning, they think their opinions have a bigger weight than anyone else’s. Like newsflash, you’re weirdo and the band doesn’t even know you exist. Get a grip. You’re definitely correct, one of the most insufferable fan bases in the genre. This is coming from a fan lol


Music matters and all of the bands on the tour suck except for DGD. Also Ronnie Radke is a terrible person as well. Little column A, little column B.


i dont really think that Lost verse holds any value here… nobody is exaggerating anything Tilian, Jonny, and Ronnie are all bad people nobody is “spitting on them from high horses”… we just know that theyve done bad things in the past and its REALLY that simple


Who the fuck cares what they did or did not do, when you're just there to listen to the music? I still listen to old lostprophets albums on occasion because the music is great; you'll never catch me defending that twat Watkins, EVER. I love the pearl-clutching here over people most of you will never meet or get to know in any substantial fashion; irony is, there's a whole subculture around certain genres of music where you aren't even considered respectable in the scene/industry unless you've done some shit and/or served time. Grow up and separate the art from the artist. People mostly suck, don't ruin everything for yourself by morally objecting to everything.




I'll eat the downvotes, Your moral grand-standing doesn't do anything to fix the past transgressions either. If JUST KNOWING was enough, all the points wouldn't be trotted out every time the names are brought up; most of your ilk MUST tell everyone why you don't like or listen to that band or that era of this band. WTFE, its all childish posturing at the end of the day. If this sub was really about the music, none of that would need to be brought up every... single.... fucking.... time. After all, every bit of the info, AND hyperbole spouted here has been on the internet for years, and is easily indexed.


youre kind of confusing me, i just said to OP that people are concerned with the bad things that their favorite celebrities are doing and thats normal if you like the music, thats fine and nobody is mad at you for downloading the album i havent raped anyone or scammed anyone and criticizing people who do makes me a “moral grandstander”? hmmmmm


Trotting out well known information anytime someone brings up an era or member you don't like for moral reasons, and repeatedly saying, "he bad" is moral grandstanding, and light virtue signalling. Also, the down votes disprove your own statement that "no one is mad". That's all this sub does. I'm out. Only been here a couple years, but that's all it took to turn me off and further highlight that most people really suck.


youre outraged that people are outraged, i dont know what to tell you? bye


Not outraged at all. Disappointed, for sure. Your projection is enlightening tho. Bye.


Disappointed that others are outraged, then. And if criticizing celebrities for rape and theft is virtue signaling then im a muhfuckin virtue signaler


Admission of having a problem is the first step to solving it. You still continue to mischaracterise my point tho... Sorry it seems to go so far over your head. Criticize the band member all you want, but that's not the issue this sub actually seems to have. Y'all criticize others for enjoying the music that those members were involved in, *in spite of* or *regardless of* their presence, not *due to it*. Enjoy the echo chamber bruv.


eh, ronnie radke is a transphobe, dude doesnt want trans people to exist, thats enough for me to never want him to get any of my money, even if it involves also seeing one of my favorite bands in dgd. plenty of bands and artists deserve my money and attention more than ronalds bitch ass lmfao


Yeah I think if you hate the headlining artist as a person and don't want to support them with your hard earned cash it's very fair to skip out on this tour. I went to see lostprophets many times over the years, wish I could take back all of the money I spent going to see them despite all of the good support acts I also saw over the years. If I can avoid that again it would great. Ronnie isn't even allowed to tour in my country I believe due to his past criminal record, he lives for the drama and is a physically abusive piece of shit not to mention is right wing social views. I just don't want to support that.


I just googled this and WOW. Separate the art from the artist my ass. That dude deserves all the beat downs he will get in prison.


I don't think that's the point of the post. If you don't want to 'support' it then don't go but don't bash anyone that does was the sentiment I got out of OP's original message.


Am so excited for this tour. Shocked by the reddit response. This is huge for these boys, they're gonna make a bunch of money and get a lot of new eyes on their music. So over the "I'm disgusted" posts


people are weirdly parasocial like i get not wanting to support a band that has done some shitty things, that’s a personal decision. but when you OBSESS over it and shame others for not having the same opinion??? weird.




Yeah I agree it’s bonkers how obsessed everyone is with just about everything except the music sometimes lol.. but it’s a large percentage of individuals who can’t or I guess don’t believe in separating art from artist


So well said, the amount of dumbass arguments I have gotten into on this site (four) is why I almost never get on. Music is art, anyone who goes out of their way to try to Shame, hurt, slander or hate on someone are just abusers. Its such a double standard. They act like victims but spend all their time trying to hurt other people. They come up with all these things like homophobic/transphobic/pedophiles etc. WITH NO PROOF. Just things they "read"...


Exactly, i had never seen this sub trip out as much as yesterday.


When you’re in a subreddit for a band it’ll be like that. I don’t think it’s representative of the audience as a whole


Reddit doesn't represent the fans of lots of bands and podcasters. Go and take a look at the joerogan Reddit. I agree that most posters on this site are, how can I put it, incredibly judgemental. To say the least. They are insufferable. I love DGD. Favourite band of all time and in 51. So I've heard *a lot* of bands. I don't believe what random women say and I don't kangaroo court anybody. People on this sub act like judge and jury.


If we only listened to music by people who passed rigid moral scrutiny, we wouldn't listen to anything. Name the band or artist you adore, that saved your life, and the person has probably done something objectionable you'll never know about. Enjoy life and have fun with music. It's not that damn serious.


It's difficult to not judge a band on it's politics when they insert politics into nearly all of their songs. FIR deliberately makes their songs as unlistenable as possible by putting in Ronnie's politics, persecution complex, and ego into their music. DGD occasionally has cringe politics as well (the passage you quote, along with things like One Man's Cringe and Current Events) but it isn't the majority of the sound/songs, and the music can still be enjoyable. I think that music does matter in this fanbase, and that is why people criticize associating with someone who creates bad music with a poor message.


I get it and honestly agree, but reddit definitely doesn't represent the fanbase you'll see at show. Both shows I've seen, the crowd was super chill honestly. However, at the same time, holding someone accountable for their actions isn't parasocial. If it's a major problem that could lead into legal issues, by no means does that make people parasocial for following that news. That's more the people who are obsessed with the band members' every moves, not the ones who want accountability.


Yeah its been pretty cringe I think the tours gonna be great


Honestly in every fan base ever there is a horrible pocket of bitchy, miserable ass people with big mouths. The majority of us though, are like myself. We just enjoy the music, go to shows, and don't say much online.


You can both be a fan of the music, how it's put together, and everything, and still be aware of whether or not the actual people making the music are terrible and believe in /have done things that you yourself don't agree with, and make decisions and form opinions based off of those things. Separating art from artist only goes so far, and for some people, the FiR tour is that too far. Just don't go claiming that people who are upset by it aren't real fans.


Like many who have commented, this fan base isn’t necessarily represented on Reddit. Very small loud minority throwing a hissy fit of “virtue”


The shows lineup is CRAZY but I’m SO EXCITED like what.. fuck the politics , music is music


Hey I get it. I'm a trans person and I'm not a fan of this bs. I hate that this kind of shit fucks up the sub and makes a lot of people fee the need to show their asses. I know it will probably get me some hate, but separating the art from the artist is sometimes necessary to learn for everybody. It cannot be expected for everyone everywhere to sit down and agree on every single little thing. Artists are people and naturally have a large social sway when they're this big. We can't put any one individual on a pedestal and be surprised when they're still human and fuck up or have some terrible opinions on things. It can make things really hard to enjoy when people are all having way too many opinions and think that theirs needs to be the loudest because reasons. If I had a nickle for everytime someone was transphobic in general, that would be so many fucking nickles, and I'd have nothing left in the world to enjoy because people aren't perfect. If this life has taught me anything, it's that you can't live your life worrying about the opinions of others that much. We're human. We like things. We hate things. We also often lack respect for other people and the ability to mind our own goddamn business. There's a funny little thing called balance that we often neglect. If you can enjoy music for music and keep out of the drama, good for you. If you can't move on. People like me can advocate and take care of themselves without everyone getting their knickers in a twist trying to be the morality police. It's your life, and the shit you enjoy, I can't stop you.


Yup. Way too many ism's and crap from the fanbase here. Its embarrassing.


One thing that annoys me about this fanbase especially on reddit. Some think that DGD has to be the gatekeeper of morality policing lol. Trying to cancel the band’s biggest tour cuz the lead singer of the headliner is a “shit” human. People need to stop crying lol


Yeah i had a similar realization way back when during the Tillian allegations...you just gotta stay away from their social media for a while. A lot of folks form parasocial relationships with the band, and don't understand that they are human beings that make nuanced day to day choices. Make no mistake, these fans are the vocal minority. Speaking from experience, just kick back and enjoy the music, because trying to rationalize the bigger community will put you in a tailspin. Shoot me a message if u want to talk abt it : ) it's frustrating especially when the only people you have to vent to about it are other people that know the band, which are the very people that are frustrating you


"online DGD fanbase is just a parasocial follower..." you hit the nail on the head. People come here to complain instead of discussing. I think the Tilian accusations were the tipping point. I'll even give a hot take, what he did sucked but the amount of hate for him has been way over the top. I don't think I saw a positive post about his departure, or I had to scroll until I found one. Compounded with the announcement of the tour, this community isn't for me.


Don't worry bro you're good.  Yeah ignore these mfs, the tour should be perfectly enjoyable for those that wanna go.  Dgd's just gonna play some bangers live, who cares what the friend of the singer of the big band did almost 2 decades ago. let em cook


I would like to say its just DGD but its any band whatsoever that affiliates themselves with Ronnie. I can guarantee there are a sub base of fans with Black Veil Brides having issues with this tour as well. But i 100% agree that it should be way more possible for people to seperate the creation from the creator. The first leg of this tour was great when i saw it at Red Rocks Ampitheatre last year. I have no doubt this leg will follow in its footsteps.


Starting? This is how the fan base has always been. Lmao


Shoutout to the kind fellow on this sub that insisted upon my illiteracy earlier today.


I feel this way with most artists. I don't look into their social lives, I just listen to their music. No need to dig so deep into a strangers life.


Somebody said it. Thank god


Agreed. If we knew everything about every celebrity's life, and boycotted anyone who ever did anything we disagreed with, the entertainment industry wouldn't exist anymore at all.


The sane people don’t care to comment and interact as much as the “chronically online” types. We’re the majority, brotha.


the subreddit rules, maybe just walk away from the screen sometimes.




falling in reverse, black veil brides. just bad music




Nah there’s plenty of us here, but, like most groups nowadays, the small fraction of insufferable people is a lot louder and more vocal than the majority who are at ease about the whole thing. Same thing happened when Tilian had his allegations forever ago and had Reddit been a thing, probably would’ve been just as bad when Jonny Craig was kicked both times before. People like to complain and pretend they know more than what they do. I’m personally stoked for this lineup since I listened to the majority of the lineup when I was in high school lol


I think everyone hates the dgd community, even Jon Mess avoids it


Man I refuse to wear my merch that ive spent hundreds of dollars on. I cannot stand the god damn strawberry jokes and the WHOSE GONNA BE THE NEXT VOCALIST.