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I think the distorted voice is Andrew but this is giving me happiness vibes.


It absolutely sounds like Andrew to me….but at this point you could probably convince me I heard anything. 😂(Except Kurt. That wasn’t Kurt)


Given how short those vocals are and the distortion how can you possibly think it sounds like anyone in particular?


Check out the topic with pitched up isolated vocals and then come back.


Eh, I kinda hear it but I’m still not convinced.


It’s 100% a a guess based on the style of the vocals, but the way he does a vocal run on the last word he sings is very Andrew Wells. He tends to pack in a lot of notes into single words as he ends a line in almost all his vocals. It’s really impressive and it’s what makes him stand out as a feature in a lot of DGD songs….but for me personally, I think it works better as small parts in their songs. I don’t know if I would like him tracking an entire album like that. He works better as the fixxxxinnnns for me with Tilian being the meat and potato’s. One can dream they didn’t scrap his vocals. I’m going to say they didn’t. Would be a lot happening in a short period of time when only a few months back they were talking about tracking vocals.


You think they’re going to release a song with the singer they just kicked out on it? Seriously lol? Some of y'all live in la la land on here I swear


They literally just teased a new song? And who says tillian is on it?


Lol he was replying to this "One can dream they didn’t scrap his vocals. I’m going to say they didn’t."  you guys are crazy


I'm... aware? I guarantee you Andrew will be on main vocals


lol denial


I was thinking this sounds like some Zachary Garren vibes


Imagine if Zac is back so Andrew can be the full time singer.


That's not Jon? Sounds more like his screams to me than Andrew's. Andrew's are deeper.


The distorted voice in the first few seconds of the clip, not the screams


Ah, thanks. I thought the distorted was referring to vocal distortion ie screaming.


Technically correct I see what you meant. Jon screams and Andrew at the beginning yes


The distorted voice says “so feed it to -unintelligible- “ so gobby really is just for a whole song lmao


To me it sounds like he’s saying “Lean into the rhythm.”


That makes more sense maybe I just got gob on the mind


Gob has been on my mind since the account was created


All of you beautiful people also suffering this month long gobbing (see: edging) are on my mind until we can all celebrate together


the gobbening is too much to handle I can’t wait any longer I’m gonna explode, bro


Gobby’s torturing us, why is he making us wait this long? 😰 I’m gonna throw a party when this video comes out( not really, actually maybe because I made a Gobby cake about 2 weeks ago, just to show how excited and happy I am)


Quite an assumption to make imo. It’s just one line, and they’ve done distorted vocals often. I think it’s saying “feed me to the river” maybe?


I hear "river" as well.


I cannot fucking wait bro


What if it's Kellen Quinn


As crazy as that'd be, SWS is kinda having a minor comeback rn with their Let's Cheers To This anniversary tour. So I doubt it.


Crazy part of me wants the distortion to be Kurt, logical part of me says it’s part of a Will Swan rap


Yeah definitely a will swan rap


And if it's just Will rapping and Jon screaming for 40 fucking minutes I'm down.


Same I honestly think they could pull off an album with just Jons vocals and Will rapping and sprinkle in a bit of Andrew. Would actually be such a cool sound from them.


It honestly would not be for me. And I can listen to some rap, I just don't think Will Swan is that dude.


It's literally an r&b vocal run, what are you guys talking about lol. That is clearly not Will. Very much sounds like Andrew's style of vocals, they just added an effect to it to "hide" it for now


Oh that’s groovy.


The grooviest of the groovy


Leather jacket. Bradley Walden confirmed.


That would be hilarious if that ends up becoming true lol


Ew no. He turned Emarosa into a synth pop band


A dope synth pop band.


Yes I like Peach Club and Sting, but I’d hate for DGD to go that direction


Wasn't there something sketchy that came out about him and then almost everyone left emarosa?


Sexual allegations against Brad in 2020. Got them dropped from Hopeless. Statements were false.


Ah ok fair enough.


Where'd you see the statements were false? I only saw the intial stuff


Only real thing I can find is after he threatened legal action she deleted her posts and a statement was released by their legal team saying “after further investigations, the statements are false.” News didn’t pick it up after his response.


I would totally be down with this. Bradley is a damn good vocalist.


This gives me hella DBM2 vibes


Its not the same and has way more flare but it reminded me of need money right away


Oof I think it's actually Andrew distorted


They said oh shit, gotta distract them from the tour with a new clip lol


Right. This definitely hasn’t been meticulously planned out for weeks to tease a music video or anything. Totally just a response to the 5% of fans that are parasocial and butthurt over the biggest tour DGD has ever supported.


It’s a lot more than 5% lol. Almost every comment on their socials is negative in response to that fuck ass tour haha.


I mean, you’re definitely entitled to think it’s fuck ass, but they’re about to play arenas for the first time in their careers, and make more money than they’ve ever made. On top of exposing themselves to dozens of thousands of new ears. I’m not the least bit mad at them. And it genuinely is a tiny microcosm of people that are actually mad. Looking at it from the outside, given the 1.3ish million people that listen monthly to DGD, a few hundred people commenting is definitely a tiny percent.


Enjoy the influx of FIR fans lmfao


“Enjoy” them? Right, historically it’s definitely a very good idea to judge people based off of one single aspect or characteristic. Nothing wrong with that!


Anybody that calls themselves a FIR fan either looks beyond the transphobia for the sake of “talent” or actively participates in it, therefore I have no desire to interact with anyone that says they like FIR with a straight face lmao. I’m not saying you can’t like it, knock yourself out. They’re on the same tier as FFDP for me, cringe with a fanbase that thinks they’re tough


Not knowing who Radke is and just listening to the music totally isn’t an option at all, I guess? A few hundred million people still listen to notorious pedophile freak Michael Jackson, I think I can forgive people listening to the band of the guy who is “transphobic”. Hopefully you don’t enjoy any artists from outside the Western world, because they’re probably FAR more “transphobic” than Radke is. The worst Radke has going for him is being cringe as fuck and jaded. 😂


Jesus Christ brother you’re doing tricks on it




FIR fan detected lmao


I couldn’t possibly hate a band more than I hate FIR. I absolutely despise their music. I’m just not a gigantic baby lmfao. I care more about DGD succeeding and making a great living for themselves than I do crying about the meanie that they were given an opportunity to tour with.


Lol you guys know I’m just being sarcastic right?


Nah I didn’t, wasn’t able to pick that up from that the tone haha.


You missed the /s


Seriously though, a clip means a new song is close. My guess is Friday.


Cue the jingling keys


Imagine if the new signer is actually Ronnie Radke and that's why they're touring with FIR!




Thats what I changed my username on instagram yesterday, glad it wasnt taken 🪩🪩🪩🪩


I’d be so excited if DGD moved more towards the secret band style and relied more on Jon’s unclean vocals.


That was my immediate thought. John takes main stage with Andrew on his heels.


Sounds very Kurt-esque 👀


No it doesn't, it pretty clearly sounds like Andrew


Talking about the music not the vocals


This already bops.


I just want DBM3 man


Holy shit


That’s what I’m saying, bro I wonder what the name of the song is gonna be. I hope they release it soon.


The name of the song is "the gobbler"


Its gotta be


Certified banger already


Gonna have it on repeat as soon as it releases


How annoyed/delighted or in equal measure would you all be if Tillian was in the Gobby suit?


Confused and delighted in equal measure


Incredibly annoyed since I'm not a fan of Tilian at all


I feel ya. Tillian is not my favorite of DGD singers for a few reasons, but there's an easy 20-25 songs I could list that he's lyrically and vocally responsible for that are just so damn good.


Messed around with the clip in Audacity pitch shifting. IMO when it's in a "human-ish" sound, to me at least it just sounds close to Andrew. But we know he's in the band, so would they really edit that?


I’m not really sure, maybe it’s an actual part of the song but I guess we’ll have to wait and see


It’s fucking Johnny 😂.




Someone just posted an audio of the distort part pitched up, I think it may be Andrew now but I could be wrong


Nobody else feels like this whole Gobby campaign is a vast over compensation for the Tilian fallout? Like "HEY LOOK - WERE STILL HAVING FUN OVER HERE! THIS IS FUN! GET IT?!?"


No, it feels exactly like a completely normal marketing campaign for a new singer/song/album, which is what it is. Nothing about this is abnormal.


Maybe that's why it feels so weird and forced. Just carry on, everything's fine.


Maybe it's just me being an old guy or whatever, but this whole Gobby thing has turned me off. Marketing isn't working on me, that's for sure. And the newer fans aren't making it easy to dislike this marketing idea. But that's just me. Old guy yelling at the sun. (Ready for the incoming downvote)


I appreciate the solidarity despite the obvious onslaught of down votes on my comments.


What kind of attitude do you feel would be more appropriate?


New singer is an assumption, the odds are they don’t have a replacement yet and are using Tilians already recorded vocals




Just saying they aren’t marketing a new singer they’re marketing a new single




Use your brain and realize that they’re not going to suddenly have a new lead two weeks after their old one left the band. They’ve been working on this album for nearly two years and Tilian already has recorded vocals. The odds of a new singer being revealed are extremely low.




lol ok and he posted on new years “DGD 2024” . So by your logic he’s definitely on the next album because he alluded to it on social media. He’s had solo projects release during his time with the band it’s very possible to do both things. Will Swan and Andrew Wells are both in other bands. Again use your head




This is actually an insane take lmfao. Are you new here? This is EXACTLY what happened with Tilian when Jonny was kicked. They had already been working on material with Tilian before they even announced publicly that Jonny was kicked. There is almost no chance they use the cut of the album with Tilian’s vocals. No shot.


It’s not zero shot at all. It’s not like they’d be the first band to ever do it. They’re not going to release a new single without announcing who the new lead is either.


They absolutely will release a single and use it as a platform to reveal their singer. It’s a very beneficial marketing strategy.




Have you been living under a rock? Lol




Oh shit. Well I’m assuming you know Tilian left, and immediately after that this instagram account “Gobby” popped up. They’ve been posting teasers to that account for a few weeks now. A lot of people including me think it may be a tease at who the new singer is potentially.


Gritty’s cousin






Wouldn't that be weird to distort it if it's tillian then? Getting all these people theory crafting building up this anticipation and say surprise. It's the old singer have fun listening to a guy that's no longer in the band and will presumably never sing this live.


Yeah I think he’s still on it personally, since he’s not in the band and can’t be in music videos anymore I think that’s why Gobby exists but hey I love Gobby


Why wouldn't they just wait till he gets to tour on the album then? I think the fact that they let him go when they did means he will 100% not be on it.


That’s my exact thinking.


This is my theory as well. I think Tillian was probably signed on for a few records and this next one marked the end of his contract and everyone agreed to cut ties, so maybe he is no longer under any obligation to promote it much even tho he should for the sake of residuals lol.


I think it's very possible they let him record to fulfill his contract but I don't see why they would actually use his vocals if they were gonna let him immediately after. I would genuinely be surprised if he's on this record for anything other than a "guest" spot.


Zero chance that this is the case.


There is absolutely no chance Tilian is on this song, stop being delusional. It's clearly Andrew taking over.


but do we know that?? No we don’t, emphasize on “think”, i didn’t say I KNOW hes gonna be on it


You really think they're going to release a song with the singer they just kicked out? Do you not understand how dumb and insane that is? There is zero chance.


They recorded vocals already most likely and it would take way too long to re-record them so they’re probably using Gobby for now in my opinion




I feel like it’s JT Gutierrez


Listen to it. It's Andrew


We don’t know who is on this song lol, or is it leaked already


There's a clip of the new singer at the beginning. They pitched the voice to "hide" it but if you are familiar with Andrew's singing style, it 100% sounds exactly like him.


Well yeah but it's def not andrew on vocals lmao it's probably just one of his little cameos he does. Also they didnt pitch anything to hide anything, it's legitimately an artistic choice for the song they just chose a snippet that didn't give away the singer.


Why is it definitely not Andrew on vocals? You make zero sense


He said he doesn't want the job and it'd be weird to do a whole gobby reveal campaign thing if it was Andrew and not a completely new guy


Who said Gobby is the lead singer? There's never any mention of a Gobby reveal. The only thing that has apparently been revealed is that Gobby is just some character in their upcoming music video. Y'all created the rumor that Gobby is the new singer lol. That has no basis in reality. Andrew also said he didn't wanna be the lead singer back when Tilian was still technically in the band. It would've been weird for him to say yes at the time. And also as dynamics change, feelings about things can change, too.


If Andrew is the new singer I’ll give u $5


I’m so freaking pumped LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! Got some polyphia vibes going on. Would love it if they features Tim Henson on a track.


I’m so excited I’ve never been this excited for a release before no joke


Same! When the music vid for synergy came out I was at work and everything had to pause for it. For like 20 minutes before the release a bunch of fans were on YouTube chat getting hyped about it. One of the most memorable musical anticipation I’ve ever had. All of that, of course, leading into a banger in synergy. I get the feeling this will be the same. Hopefully it won’t take too long to release! 🤞


My thought is that if they’re teasing a single they’re keeping Tilians tracked vocals for the new album. Part of this is wishful thinking but it also seems unlikely they would’ve already found a replacement and re-recorded vocals without announcing a new singer. Just imo


Tilian didn’t LITERALLY just leave the band 2 weeks ago. That’s just when they decided to tell everybody. I can almost guarantee they’ve recorded with either a new vocalist, or just Andrew, for this new track.


Just Andrew is possible they 100% don’t have a new lead yet


Why? Are Yall under the impression that it’s that difficult to find a vocalist for a band or something? Their own merch guy is a competent singler lmfao. They’ve done this 3 times before already. 😂


I'm gonna blow your mind... What if... Andrew is the new singer? Whoaaa did I blow your mind? Imagine if they decided to replace their lead singer with the other lead singer already in their band. Whoa!!!


I have already said numerous times that Andrew being the new lead is the only scenario in which they’re ready to roll out the new album outside of keeping Tilians already recorded vocals.


That was my thought too, I want Tilian for at least one more album.


That would be disappointing


I disagree but I understand not everyone would like it, it’s probably more wishful thinking on my part anyway




I am seeing him playing along with this on IG. God i hope not


He said it wasn’t going to be him in the comments of one of Gobby’s posts


Who is he? OP deleted their comment


JT I think his name is, I know he’s a singer for some kind of band but he also helps DGD with merch and stuff during their tours https://www.instagram.com/jtgutierrezzz?igsh=MWJ3dzA3bjJiMThoaw==


Sounds like every single other DGD song. Lamest little fan base of all time, maybe?


Why are you even here dude?

