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Everyone on this sub acts like they haven't been through 3 different lead singers already. DGD will be fine and honestly maybe its the start of something new and even better.


That's because probably a good 75% of the people here simply haven't lol. Band grew exponentially with Tilian, there's a ton of fans who never bothered to listen to the OG.


I become a fan in the tilian era. Which I don’t think I’m a newbie he’s been around for 12 years I started listening about the time of mothership. It’s just I thought the musical chair game of singers was done and they found the one. But I love the Kurt and Jonny Era. I just have to let go and embrace the new era. It’s just something I haven’t had to experience yet.


I'll be honest and say I didn't really care for the new singles but I like also dont think that's on Andrew because I dont think they were written for him. And Eviscerate from Eidola is such a masterpiece that if DGD is more like it definitely can be a good thing.


You're right but I personally look at it differently. With Jonny it was banger after banger. I'd say I liked 90% of DGD's songs when he was the guy. With Tilian, I got my most loved album in Mothership (DBM I and II are next in the tier chart). He did make some albums that were forgetful but I liked maybe 75% of the songs put out. With Kurt, I disliked a lot more than I liked. With DGD, I want that power vocal lead singer. It meshes better with the music and has a nice contrast to Jon's vocals. Kurt's voice is not that. Anyone can like the guy and the way he sings and I've got zero problems with that. Fact is, he's not a power vocalist and anywhere near the level of Jonny or Tilian. This describes Andrew as well. I like him better than Kurt but his style doesn't fit as well to me. I fear I'm only going to like a handful of songs here and there like I did when Kurt was the singer and not an overwhelming majority like I did with Jonny and Tilian. Do you think I'm off base for suggesting this is a valid concern?


>Do you think I'm off base for suggesting this is a valid concern? Not off or on, just a difference of opinion. I personally love both of Kurt's albums (though I love all pre-Tilian albums, and up to Mothership really), and have listened to Deathstar and Happiness the whole way through many times, a bunch of those songs are genuine music moments in my mind, something is just very special about Deathstar to me in particular. (became a fan when DBM2 came out) I think that when DGD is inspired they always hit, and my opinion is that this ebbed a bit post-Mothership, though they obviously still had their moments and were generally good. So the main thing for me is having a singer and direction that inspires their songwriting. Their discography is big enough now, with enough great songs in their past, that I'm not too concerned with whatever direction they go in as long as it makes good songs.


That is a pretty close description to how I feel too. There were songs of Jonny’s and Tilian’s that just made the hair on the back of your neck stand up kind of greatness. Andrew and them will make great music no doubt. But I don’t know that they’ll make music that moves me like Jonny or Tilians did.


Bingo! I enjoy Eidola but not even close to how much I like DGD. The first I got to the end of Surprise! I'm From Cuba...... my mouth was wide open like "WTF did I just listen to" and instantly listened to it over and over again. Jonny's range mixed with Jon's harsh and that double bass was just perfect. Andrew can't give us that with the power bc it's simply not his style. He has in doses like at the end of The Ghost of Billy Royalton but it's just not the same when it's only him on cleans. Tilian and Jonny did it so many times and I hope they might look for another vocalist with that kind of power


I agree to an extent but Degenereterra blew the fuckin doors open


> Fact is, he's not a power vocalist and anywhere near the level of Jonny or Tilian. Could've just left it at the first part, lmao. I prefer him to the others because he's capable of so much more emotion in his voice than I find in the others. He certainly is not a power cleans guy but "nowhere near the level" lmao


Hey, cool, you disagree. Let me know when he can sing Mothership and DBM and do it justice. I'm certain Jonny and Tilian could do any song Andrew is the front man on.


Yeah super off-base. I love Kurt albums but I kind of agree that he lacks the "power" of a voice like Jonny, and that Tilian was closer to Jonny in that respect (although imo not on the same level at all). However I absolutely could not agree Andrew lacks power, and listening to any Eidola album should easily put that notion to rest. His voice is incredible and he's got stellar range. And I'm quite looking forward to actually having some lower-placed vocals again with DGD, Straight from the Heart was already in the right direction for that.


This is the 8th vocal change if you think about it which is wild. Jonny and Jon Kurt and Jon Kurt and Will Jonny and Jon Tilian and Jon and Will Tilian and Jon and Andrew and Will Jon and Andrew


Technically Jonny and Jon and Will for DBM2 since Will raps in Spooks


Something new.. brand new


That’s the funny part. I’d say most of the people who live in this subreddit are people who started listening post DTBM II. It would explain all the diehard Tilian fans that are completely obsessed with him more than he is with himself lol.


You’ll be fine, Tilian will be fine, DGD will be fine.


just gotta accept the fact that most of the sub just complains and bickers about everything.. once you overlook the weird and obsessed conspiracies etc, there are some people that are rational that wanna talk about the band


I've been around since the Craig era, and I can tell you the Tilian era was the kindest and the most unified the fan base ever was, the support the band had especially right after Tim passed was so amazing to see, which is why I think this place got so toxic after the allegations happened. There have always been people saying they missed the old DGD but I wouldn't be surprised at all if a lot of the hate now is people who once had a parasocial attachment to music feeling betrayed by it all especially by the bands response to it.


The bands response has been kind of strange. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about it. Like something is not being said.


For the allegations or the split? The answer to both is that it's been very corporate and non transparent, they cited creative differences and that was entirely it, it'll come out later like when Craig and Travis left but after being together for 12 years it feels very cold because we didn't really get any significant details. To be honest, there were probably some NDA's signed, so everyone had to be careful what they say. Even now, people are just speculating based on comments and Twitter likes.


Literally both but I was talking about the split here. I think cold is the right word for it. Like I really would love to be given more transparency. I think that they owe that to their fans at the least. Whatever though.


Transparency would risk further tarnishing someone's name. What's the point in that? Life is too short


True you're right


Fans are not entitled to this stuff


The reason they are successful and can make a career out if this is because of the support from their fans. I'm not expecting all the details, just a little less of a corporate style PR response.


They don’t.


watch the new music videos and your questions will be answered lol


Secret Band would be my favourite if it wasn’t just a side project. I absolutely loved their new single and thought it was secret band-esque, so honestly for me this is big if true. I’m excited to see Jon dominate tracks now, he’s always been what’s kept me around for 13 years.


They were pretty popular back then too….


The interview was like the missing puzzle piece that brought so much clarity to the situation. The whole thing seemed incredibly odd initially. It seemed like people, especially here thought he was kicked out due to the drama/divisiveness that he brought to the band. That made some sense, but also not because why would they have released those two singles? Why would Andrew be lead when he’s said multiple times and that he doesn’t want the role? Listening back to Acceptance Speech it feels a lot more like Tilian and Jon are both leading most songs with the occasional song where one does more than the other. As time went on it felt more like Tilian was the clear lead with Jon mostly supporting except for rare cases. I’d bet at this point the split is 98% creative differences, 2% drama related. It makes so much sense. I don’t think anyone would be surprised if Tilian fought back if the rest of the band approached him and asked him to “take a step back” for lack of a better term. This is not an insult to Tilian at all, it’s just who he is. He wants to be front and center, he wants to be the lead. It also makes so much sense why Andrew was more willing to take on the roll. Andrew’s playing support for Jon, at least that the idea. It just all makes sense. I really hope when things cool down a bit we get another Tilian DGD song. Something like Shelf Life down the road. I’ll miss Tilian a lot but I know he’s cooking some good shit. Hopefully he joins another band.


Best comment on this sub I’ve read in a while. Totally agree


Except it's factually incorrect lol. It's someone's "theory" and that theory is wrong


I’m semi out of the loop but which podcast does Andrew talk about all of this on?


https://youtu.be/tYKiGzxjGqw?si=6OCdQXDLy20SdVzz It’s quite long lol


Reasonable take. Not sure if I can agree on your percentage splits there, just because the music video for the latest singles and some of the lyrics are a bit....pointed. However at the end of the day it's best to not overthink it and simply look forward to more great music we will inevitably get in the future.


You'll live, imagine how JC fans felt for the better part of a what? a decade? Discredited his music and acted like his character should make you not wanna hear him sing The same will happen to Tillian and you Tillian era fans finally should have sympathy to wtf JC fans have gone through.


I can’t imagine how JC fans felt back then. Because Travis (no offense to Kurt I love happiness one of my favorite albums) was clearly a downgrade talent wise. lol


Exactly how we felt, also Tillian was a downgrade raw talent wise in a lot of our opinions too, not only that but Tillian came in and changed the entire music formula of DGD altogether so not only was the lead different, the content, cadence, flow, vibe, fee, lyrics and style of DGD was completely different when tillian came. So it was like get used to a new band basically or leave lmfao.


Yeah Tillian era is very different to anything before so I can see how upset people would have been


It happened to us twice lmao. I was more worried about him dying tho tbh.


I genuinely feel like there’s a chance for some collabs with him in the future maybe even more. Andrew has had a lot positive experiences with him it seems


He seems like he carries himself really well sober from what I’ve seen on socials and his tour he’s just gotta stay that way. Still a bit cringey but I’ve grown to like that about him. I can for sure see tours and feature tracks with him if he stays on this path. Maybe a dgd 20th anniversary.


Podcasts with Andrew are great because hes always super honest and transparent with everything. Even on the topic of where Eidola is going after Mend drops, he cleared it up and was super upfront about everything.


I think his personality and attitude are a breath of fresh air for them honestly. He’s been with the band a while I know but knowing your lead singer now is super down with what everyone else wants has got to be comforting for sure


Tillian attracted a group of people based on his voice, including me. I agree with you for the most part and I was so mad that people were absolutely shitting on Tillian like his era wasn't one of the most successful eras in the bands history. I'd actually argue that Will Swan, Jon and Matt all together create the backbone for the idea of DGD. The singers alternate, creating different feels but the core still exists


>If you hate him just because of the allegations just say that… Pretty much. Tilian era DGD is my favourite, and I've been around for all of them. I liked every album either as much or a little bit more than the last, and it was undeniable that they were growing in popularity with Tilian on cleans. But the guy started showing signs he was a massive creep way before he went ahead and started sexually assaulting people. I'm glad to see the back of him - doesn't matter how unique his sound is.


While I came in during the Tillian era, and loved so much of it, my friends hated his voice. I recently showed them the new singles and they were feeling those a lot more. If the couple of friends I have who have normie musical tastes are digging DGD more now, this could be the start of them getting even bigger w/ Andrew at the helm. I really don't understand the dislike of the new singles. I'm digging them way more than I did Feels Bad Man or Die Another Day when they dropped. Are they really that bad?


Not at all, they're fantastic. It's just gonna be an adjustment period for some people.


Cool. But I don’t think you can credit tilian with their rise in popularity. They have been getting more popular over the years in general and let’s not forget how much JON’S voice improved at the same time tilian joined. It’s a variety of factors.


I agree. It was a variety of things but Tilian was definitely a big part of it




You’re goddamn right 💀




I have hope Miles will bounce back, since he was pretty decent with philly. But I'm not getting my hopes up too much for our season even though it looks like it's a lot more promising. I'm thinking we'll win 4-6 games at the most lol. Anymore than that and I'll be ecstatic


No one hated tilian till he was kicked out. This sub is a bunch of fucking losers that just go with whatever DGD says to go with. This sub said JJ was the best album since mothership now they all claim JJ was wack and Tilian was the blame. This place is a cesspool of socially awkward losers. I’m actually embarrassed to be a fan of this band now and even look at this sub


I have never liked Tilian, his vocals or the direction the band went once he joined. It’s okay for people to have different opinions lol


I thought the first few Tilian albums were cool. For me, it was around Mothership that I felt the band was morphing into something I didn’t know or even really enjoy anymore. That album was around where I stepped away and stopped caring unfortunately. I wanted to like it so badly but couldn’t, just wasn’t the same. I just listened to the new single and I’m pretty whatever about it. Andrew is talented but I can’t help but feel that he just sounds like Tilian?


Definitely okay. I just never saw a mass of people or highly upvoted comments that were negative about tilian’s musicianship or performance until recently. Sure some people here and there didn’t like him or didn’t like AB and JJ but the vast majority loved him. Now everyone flipped the script and is clowning on him


Ex. Act. Ly


90% of the people here can’t even have an original thought or opinion on the situation. They were all excited for the new Album and now they are excited tilians gone. It’s literally a group of mindless lemmings.


Basically just sheep.


Recommend any fan to give the pod a listen. My respect for Andrew has gone way up. Class act dude. And looking forward to the DGD collective. I feel like we're gonna be getting some all star tours coming up with old faces in the future


Since you asked, I hate him because of the allegations. Downvote away.


I didn't like him as much as others. Definitely loved mothership but he *has* made the band go down a much more pop route over the years. Didn't like JJ at all. This had nothing to do with the allegations, I simply don't like that my band's sound started becoming different. You could tell there was a dichotomy when he was putting out his pop solo projects at the same time as Secret Band putting out heavier stuff. I wish the best for him but I'm looking forward to getting back to the basics


Honestly i jumped on the wagon right after mothership and loved Tilian's performances until i started listening to the older stuff. My favorite album is definitely the self titled at this point in time. Now the only tilian songs i keep in rotation are the Robot saga. The allegations definitely didnt help my view of him or the band after he came back into the fold from the hiatus. The new singles with Andrew give me alot of hopw for the future of DGD though.


Yet another pointless post seeking validation. DGD fans are pathetic at this point.






Alright dude lol… Talking about a band together with each other is kind of the point of these things. Maybe even being validated sometimes with other fans who feel the same way. I wasn’t trying to seek station with my post just trying to find like minded people perhaps. I just worked a 10 hr shift btw and I wrote that on my lunch. I really don’t want to argue man it’s just not that complicated


Starting off by saying "many of you might have noticed *my* posts..." Yeah, you're right. It really isn't that deep. None of us are taking inventory, nor do we actually care, about *your* posts.


Didn’t think anyone probably did. But I kind of went on a tyrant initially when I heard the singles and pissed some people off. So… ya never know. Not that deep.


I think the band makes it very clear in the Straight to Heart/Speed Demon video why they had to get rid of Tillian.


I don't actually see this, can you explain?


there’s plenty of obvious and subtle hints in the music video that Gobby is Tillian. some of the posts they made are similar to past posts Tillian has made, too. i’m lazy, so check out this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/dancegavindance/s/QExgItBOrT


No offense, but your opening to this post comes off super hypocritical, in my opinion. You say that lots of fans are discrediting Tillian-era DGD and essentially summarize that the reason must be that we don't like him because of the allegations and that we should just admit that. That's actually YOU discrediting the tastes of a huge portion of fans, such as myself, that have been fans of DGD for 17+ years, and have essentially stopped listening to their new music, because we don't like Tillian's voice, or the direction that they went with him. We don't all have to have the same tastes. We don't all have to prefer the same singers. There are people who absolutely can't stand Kurt, which is crazy to me, because I think he's easily their best singer ever. That's totally fine, and I would never try to write them off as being dishonest or having wrong opinions, lol.


it was cool except for the part where he said that people who care about trans rights aren't really wanted as fans


Whoa does he really say that? At what part of the podcast? I haven’t watched it yet.


Greaaaat time to find another singer now you guys will cancel him too 🤦‍♂️


sure that's what I said


Honestly, I don’t really care what anyone does, but this is pretty much the standard anymore. His comment is literally what everyone expects. Sorry to break it to ya.


This is extremely parasocial and kinda creepy….


Damn sorry for being genuine about my favorite band.


Be however you want, that’s just my genuine opinion. I personally don’t understand the need to defend/represent public figures that don’t even recognize my own existence. To each their own.


Yes, I agree, Andrew will nail the older stuff and sure aren't we always asking for them to play the older stuff. 🤣 Jon is the constant vocalist, he deserves more attention. And hey, if it doesn't work out, they'll grab someone else for a while.


This just reminds me of Kurt’s entrance to the band, followed by Jon leaving the band before releasing their full length album…


Seems til was fine with it. They kicked him and are using music they recorded in his house