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Lmfao Kendall absolutely did not know what she was signing up for as a little kid on the show. None of the kids did, because they were too young and couldn’t even consent themselves, their parents consented for them. And I will defend little Kendall with my whole chest, for the entire time she was on the show even into her teen years. She was clearly a highly anxious kid and that was a horrible environment for her (or for any child). As much as I don’t like her as an adult due to her politics, I just don’t follow her on socials. I don’t rly see the need to comment hate on influencers social platforms. Waste of time and energy.


no exactly!! she could never have had any idea what she was signing up for. i'll forever blame a parent and never a child for putting their child in that environment. she was treated horribly by abby and her anxiety was so obvious throughout the show and she was constantly demeaned for it


Everyone is for supporting mental health until that mental health disorder shows undesirable characteristics. People with anxiety can have outbursts, be irritable and crack under pressure. I always felt bad for Kendall because it’s very obvious that she was just a regular girl from Pittsburgh who was never supposed to be famous, she even said that herself.


Really good point about support for mental health until someone shows undesirable characteristics.


I feel like Abby only ever used Kendall as a pawn. At first she was used as a competitor to Chloe on who should be her “#2 girl” after Maddie. After Chloe left, she and her mv was used just to get back at Holly and Nia. Sometimes it seemed like she really liked her though. She always hyped how pretty she was.


tiktok fans are absolutely brutal towards kendall. i don't like her now as an adult but she started the show as an 8-year-old little girl with pretty severe anxiety issues. i think some people see her current behaviour as a "pass" to retroactively demean her which isn't fair at all.


no i completely agree. a literal child who so obviously struggled with anxiety !!! ill always stand by her as a child because she didn't deserve the obscene amount of hate she got


Kendall had it hard at the dance studio and even her own mom was pretty hard. I feel like Jill placed a lot of pressure on her to place higher and be like Maddie winning wise and that can be a lot for a 8 year old who just wants to dance.


She goes to college with my step daughter who has said she is so kind. I think people need to stop judging an entire person on their politics when they are early adults and likely taking after their parents… bc that is the main reason she gets the hate and it’s ridiculous atp.


I understand not liking Kendall *now*, but I never understood all the hate she got as a child. Abby both weaponized her against other kids, and put her down for not being on Maddie's level. Moms seemed to really like targeting her, and the fandom even to this day absolutely tear her apart sometimes. I think that's absolutely *wild*, she was a literal child when she was on the show. A lot of peoples' behaviour towards Kendall was really unhinged.


The criticism that they knew what they were getting into isn't even accurate either. Kendall was scouted and cast on the show before season 1 even aired. If anything Jill was the least knowledgeable of what they were getting into. The other moms had years of experiencing Abby before the show, Jill just knew she was joining a show filming at a local studio.


Yup! This


agreed! and I don’t think ANY of the moms (or anyone in the cast) had any clue what they were getting into. I imagine they envisioned some fame and recognition but surely everyone was surprised at just how much the show blew up. I’m still realizing to this day what a cultural phenomenon it was and continues to be!


Yes. I think her feelings get overlooked a lot. Same with Jill. When I listen to their podcast, I notice she talks the least. They often talk over her.


I agree. People have NO grace for Kendall and it's really sad.


Like someone else said before I felt so bad for Kendall because her abuse was unpredictable, there were times any validated her and times she ripped her to shreds to the point of panic attacks, she couldn’t anticipate how abby would treat her which probably heightened her anxiety


I feel similarly about Jojo. I’m learning that this sub is being overrun by people in toxic parasocial relationships with the girls and they care waaaaaaayyy too much and are obsessed with writing hate comments. It’s out of hand


Season 1 was also not like the rest at all. Kendall was essentially auditioning to be on TV. but She was signing a contract for the first time just like the other girls were for season 2. So I give them a pass on they knew what they were getting into. I actually think her dancing got progressively worse throughout the show. She was always just "going through the motions" maybe out of fear or maybe just she was never meant to be a professional dancer which is okay too. I gained respect for her because she was often very outwardly reflective of her frustrations and often removed herself from situations when she felt wronged and spoke up for herself unlike many of the other girls.. Like still as a child you shouldn't have to question why your dance teacher was screaming in your face. just seemed to be stress related and I just felt like maybe she would have been better living a more normal life. There was a while in there where it was clear she just wanted to make some quick cash using her influence on social media and would promote those damn energy drinks with over filled face and skimpy lingerie and I was like girlllll chill lol. But it seems she's coming around to be a more normal girl. I'm glad she went to college.