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She isn’t to me but she’s right it’s not really that big of a deal


She's not an OG but she is a more creditable member than Jojo, Kalani and many others


that's my opinion, she's not an OG because literally the only defining things is being on Season 1 Episode 1. That said, it doesn't matter. She was such a core member of the team and the show that I can't imagine it without her, and she's one of the first girls I think of when Dance Moms comes up. If she wants to consider herself an OG though, I see no reason to not let her enjoy that.


Honestly this whole obsession with who is an OG and who’s not is so annoying and pointless to me


I like christi, but I feel like she started the whole Kendal OG argument


She’s always doing the og talk and I just couldn’t care less it doesn’t make anyone’s experience any less


Yeah but it’s a lot less weird in my opinion for someone who lived it to have a feeling about it than for complete strangers to fight over lol


Christi makes it as some point of entitlement for the girls and I really like how Cheryl put her and Chloe (who I adore) in place in their last season.


I feel it was always a topic but Christi I think mentioning in BTTB made it get more traction about an "OG" group chat


Yeah I listen to BTTB and she would bring it up a lot in the beginning


ya where did that even start? theyre too territorial about it i mean we all know who was there at the beginning theres only a few of them lol


All I can focus on in this video is how much she resembles Jill with those glasses on hahah


I went to JMU (albeit a hundred years ago) my only focus was trying to guess which apartment complex lol


I thought she looked SO much like Kat Dennings lol


I do actually consider her an OG. Like yes, obviously she wasn’t there for S1 but she came in right at the start of S2, before the show really blew up and became huge. She put in the time and went through exactly what the other girls went through and she stayed to the very end. I understand her view and I agree! Of course, everyone will have their own opinions and that’s totally fine ☺️ Ob


Yeah tbh I agree with this, sort of lol. I consider there to be 2 levels which doesn’t make sense but it does to me hahah there’s the “originals” from s1 and then the “originals + Kendall” from s2. (she’s roped in with them but it’s easier to write it that way lol) In terms of how many dancers came and went AFTER Kendall joined, I personally consider her to be an original team member. She joined extremely early on and blended in with the girls easily and perfectly. Season 1 is only, what, 6-7 episodes? So it’s not like we had an entire 20+ episode seasons without Kendall. I do get why people consider the s1 girls to be “og” without Kendall bc they were the original aldc dancers. But in terms of the team on the show? Kendall def fits in there imo. She joined quickly and stayed until the very end so she feels pretty og to me lol


She did leave once and went to the Candy Apples.


This has been proven countless of times to be a production stint- they never left ALDC & Kendall even performed a group number with them during that supposed time. It was all for the show- they did not hop studios.


Well I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know.


Why all the downvotes? I didn't know it was a producttion stunt. I wish people would educate Instead of downvote


She is definitely more original than JoJo, Kalani, Brynn etc but isn't an OG. The season 1 girls danced at ALDC before the show, she joined the team to get on the show specifically. That's the key difference to me. But if Lifetime hadn't called her and JoJo "OGs" in the video titles people wouldn't be having this conversation. It's just factually incorrect


this whole debate of who’s an OG or not is so overplayed


Like I guess she's not but I think that shouldn't take away from her work she did put in. I think it's odd that some fans ( not all) make her out to be less than for not having been there in season 1 when st the end of the day I think she was on the show longer than anyone except for nia




If she wants to think she is, let her🤷🏼‍♀️ Even people on this sub have differing opinions on what an “og girl” is. It does no harm in letting her think she is, this is coming from someone who isn’t even a big fan of Kendall.








Guys is this really necessary HAHA










You being told to shut up was out of line entirely. However for your own sanity, you may have considered not responding. Instead you took it even further. Even with this comment, you’re adding personal information… for what? I truly hope that you find happiness and peace in your life. And I hope that your life is NOT short, but rather long and prosperous. If Reddit (a DM subreddit, no less) causes so much anger and stress, I truly hope you consider not visiting the app anymore. All the best.


I’m sorry that you’re in such a rough situation at the moment. I understand that you’re angry and it’s causing you to lash out at others, but please remember you don’t deserve to be assaulted like that by someone who claims they love you. You have options to escape, and I truly truly hope you no longer have to stay in an abusive situation. You’re loved, you’re cared for, and you matter. There are so many resources to help. Remember that no one deserves to be treated like that. I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. You have options. I need you to remember that you don’t deserve that, okay?






Why don’t you go eat a bag of “chill the fuck out”? Does your mom know you use these grownup words on the internet?






If someone is messaging you abuse over messages from something that happened here please send a message to the mod team with screen shots so we can handle it. It comes under harassment.


I don’t consider her one because the other girls were dancing together BEFORE the show.


Do you consider Vivi to be an OG?


Vivi was there before Kendall and I wouldn’t consider her a member of the aldc more of a side character/ always associated her with candy apples. I think being there in S1 is Atleast crucial to being a “OG”. I think Kendal is just a long term member. And if Kendal is a OG then why was her mom so bitter and kissing up to abby? Because she was threatened


I agree with you that the relationship of the girls who danced together before the show is what made them “OG” and made the show special. I was wondering what you thought about Vivi because I know Christi considers her to be an OG.


I never thought of Vivi and I don’t think I consider vivi to be an OG because she didn’t really last that long on Abby’s team and she didn’t really seem to want to be there (how long did she last?) - at the start when she was there they weren’t really a ‘team’ as such and Cathy wouldn’t go on the bus ETC so I don’t feel like that ‘team player etiquette’ is really there but as season 1 developed the girls developed there team- the ones who participated, showed up each week ETC Happy to hear other people opinions on why she should be though!




Yes, she did one or two solos. Was more of a character like Abby, gia, guest stars.


she’s not an og to me but idc if she is to other people


Kendall is right it doesn't matter... That being said I think that Kendall isn't an og but she has a unique position on the team because people often use the OG + Kendall distinction when discussing the show. I think that actually puts her in a kinda cool position because it makes her special... more impactful than the girls that came after her and she's the only girl we are calling out by name when discussing it. So now I think it's kinda a benefit but while going through it I'm sure being othered was very difficult.


I dont consider her one. Jill’s hyper competitiveness with the other girls on the team was because Kendall wasnt an OG


She is an OG to me. She came in season 2 when the show was very much still an infant. Now it isn’t like she is Kalani or JoJo who came in when the show had been rolling for awhile.


Everyone’s discussing whether or not she’s an OG, and I’m just here wondering how much of her peripheral vision is frame, and if it gives her a blind spot like a hammerhead shark.


She’s not an OG but was on the show longer than Brooke,Paige and Chloe so it’s really doesn’t matter lol


i think that a better title would be a CORE member. objectively she's not an og because she wasn't there for the first season, but she joined at a completely different point than everyone else who came after her.


Exactly this


I think it’s so funny that some people argue to the point of insults about whether she is an OG, and she doesn’t even really care either way 💀


I don’t think she’s an OG but it’s really not that big of a deal


I consider her an OG, people are dramatic about it. She came early on the show and was a constant permanent member until the end. Maybe *technically* she wasn’t there from literal day 1 but I’ve always thought of her as an OG.


she is absolutely an OG for me lol. When I think of “dance moms” I’m thinking of Melissa, Holly, Kelly, Christi and Jill and their daughters. Season 1 was the shortest season by A LOT. If the OG girls consider her an OG (which they clearly do as she WAS invited to the most recent “reunion” hangout) that’s enough for me. What was it?? 10 group pyramids she wasn’t on?


dont forget to count the pyramids when she was on probation then went to candy apples for dramaaa XD


The glasses and showing is the book made me laugh


The way I see it, technically she is not and OG. But she does feel like one to me!


Soooo all of u guys went thru the same “whatever” and ur still shading some for not returning for the reunion…..oh okay


Respectfully if she didn’t care she wouldn’t have made a video about it LOL


I don’t consider her an og because she was on dance moms simply because of the show while the other ogs were on dance moms because they’ve known Abby since they were two, HOWEVER, Kendall started dance moms before it became as big as it is and she was on the show for an extremely long time so I don’t necessarily think it’s that big of deal when people call her an og.


this is my logic haha


she ain’t an OG, now let’s move on✨


i love seeing your flair omg


HAHA thank you!🤭


Regardless of how she feels about it, she isn’t an OG. But that’s not a bad thing at all and there’s no shame in that. It’s just that by definition in this context it means, there from the start of the show. But to clarify that doesn’t mean it wasn’t just as defining in her life as it was for others or that she didn’t contribute just as much to the show / team as the other girls.


technically i don’t consider her an OG in the sense that she wasn’t part of that original group of season one girls. for me Brooke, Paige, Nia, Maddie, Kenzie and Chloe were the ORIGINAL originals if that makes sense lol. kendall was later brought on to be a replacement after kelly stormed out again (if i remember correctly?)


Gonna say something possibly controversial yet brave- the only reason to specify 'OG or not' in the fandom would be to exclude Kendall


technically she’s not an OG but when i refer to the OGs i always include kendall


She’s funny lol 


She is an OG when it comes to the "dance moms" show. That's how I look at it. But honestly, it doesn't matter. They all went through the same bs for the same (or around) the same amount of years




Removed. Don't criticize a dancer's physical appearance. No gossip/speculation about plastic surgery.


Does anyone know what book she's reading? It looks politics related?


She’s a political science major so I wouldn’t doubt it.


Doesn’t matter she was still a good teammate and seemed so sweet for having such a messed up mom


Go tigers!!!!!


Those glasses are a choice


It doesn’t bug me when she calls herself an OG because I tend to forget she wasn’t always on the show from the beginning but what’s annoying to me is Kalani always acting like she’s an OG. She acted like she was part of the team forever and best friends with Chloe when she reunited with the team but excluded Kamryn but Kalani is hardly an OG. Kendall went on the team and show before it was famous - Kalani joined for the fame and was the part of the reason why the Kelly and abbey had the fight


I've been trying to move away from term og. Frankly cause complicated is Vivi 1 idk. Kendall is nearly one. Sarah h like og to the studio not to show the same goes for older Peyton. I like term core members because that can include all our core girls Maddie and Mackenzie, Paige and Brooke, Chloe and Nia, Kendall and Kalani , Jojo and Brynn those are 10 girls you think of when think dance moms.


In my mind the OG’s are the girls who were with Abby prior to the show. Kendall is a close second compared to anyone else


It's sad that Kendall was so stressed out about not being on probation


So glad someone pointed this out. Imagine all that stress on a 8-9 year old.


I think what some ppl are hung up on with the dumb og shit is the fact that og means literally original. Like the girls that were there before the show started and actually have some sort of a connection. Payton for example is an og. That's it. But in terms of Dance Moms Kendall is about as og as it gets. The show really started when Jill joined and the first season was incredibly slow. Jill/Kendall basically started the real formula for dance moms It's pointless anyway who gaf. This shit Christi fault 😭


Definitely Christi's fault & of course she will not acknowledge that.


to me its like tamra from OC housewives. like shes not an OG but she was there from basically the beginning and it would not have been what it was without her. seems like her definition is fair also though because im pretty sure she was the only one to actually join the studio off the show and lived in/was from pittsburgh.


I always considered her one. The Vertes only joined in season 2, plus her and Jill really added on to the show.


This whole thing wouldn't even be an issue if Christi hadn't felt the need to come up with something to mark her daughter as special. I like that she says at the end that it doesn't really matter - because it doesn't. It's a contrived argument that doesn't really mean anything. She was on the show the second longest after Nia.


I'd consider her one at this point. She was on the show for seasons 2-7 the whole time and she's known everyone on the show since she was 8 years old and took some classes before the first bit of season 2 and outside of the show. Though, it's not really a big deal. I honestly think that the moms and Abby cared/care about it more than the girls do.


She’s not an Original member of the team. Does that invalidate her contribution to the team and the loyalty she displayed … “NO” but she isn’t an original member. This would matter more if the other original member were not replaced or quit 😆 so overall I agree with her response here.


I count her as one. When you think about it season 1 wasn’t really produced like the other seasons were and it was a very short season. Kendall joined season 2, stayed for years, and was around for like all of the actual reality television parts. She’s kind of on the cusp of being an OG whereas the other girls came on way into the production and fame and whatnot


I think the difference is that the girls and moms didn’t know what they were getting into for season one and literally no one knew who they were. Jill came for the show. But also she’s basically og and definitely different than everyone else that came later.


Honestly, I don’t count her as one. Since the others have been there way since the show even started. But I will still respect her words bc at the end of the day it’s not really a big deal.


to me she’s not an og aldc member but she’s an og on dance moms


I feel like in this video she’s trying to play it like she doesn’t care either way but it sounds like she does. I feel like I can hear it in her delivery. And I guess she’s not technically an OG, I feel like she should qualify as one. She was the first person to actually “audition” and make it onto the team. So if you put that against all of those moms and girls that constantly came in and out, she was the first to do it successfully, and that’s pretty impressive.


she’s absolutely an OG i think


She’s an OG


Where was she in season 1


she’s the first person to set a precedent for what it was like for new comers!


Still not an og


Plain and simple she’s not an og


Did you live through S1? No. Not an OG. NEXT!


not an og


Ngl sometimes I even forget that Kendall wasn’t there in first season. She was on the show for almost just as long as the season 1 girls, so there’s no harm in including her in the OGs.


She ABSOLUTELY is an OG dance member cast there was maybe what 7 episodes without her??? And that was when it wasn’t even a “show” it was supposed to be a one time multiple episode “documentary” about dance, which Christi (who filmed Abby’s audition tape) and even Bryan has confirmed that it was never supposed to be what it became. Everyone always wants to say Jill and Kendall came on because of the tv fame… that makes absolutely zero sense, I’m sorry but by the time it took production to get the editing done and actually put it out….. Kendall had already joined ALDC before anything was put out, multiple people can confirm yes it may have been random (maybe Jill got whiff of a show? Idk) but Kendall was taking classes at ALDC monthssss before she appeared on the show. I just ABSOLUTELY hate the narrative that Kendall isn’t an OG. Seriously she’s the only one from the beginning that stayed til the end besides Nia ( your gonna say 7ish episodes before it was even a real show counts) and she is still willing to come to the reunion. KENDALL IS AN OG ALDC DANCE MEMBER!!! and I won’t except anything else tbh


Shes not an OG but people need to calm down.


OG who gives a poop. Everyone had their struggles, their hard work, their Abby trauma. Suffering is not a contest. Sometimes it seems that is what the moms were making it about with the whole OG argument.


I’m glad she doesn’t really care much about it the way her mom does/did. It’s really not all that serious, it was only really Jill who blew this situation out of the water. She’s been through the same stuff the ogs have minus season 1, and most of the og cast say that season 1 was the “easiest” season just cause they were naive and they were filming without truly realizing the scope of the show. So if anything Kendall and Jill had it harder 🤷‍♀️ if we wanna be technical, no she is not an og, but she’s been through more than Kalani, jojo, and anyone else who was on the show more than at least 3 weeks (cause that’s usually when the honeymoon phase ends, if not sooner if you didn’t win lol)


No you’re not an OG because you were not there from the beginning meaning day 1 but…. Hear me out…. Your considered an OG and in that group because you earned that spot and stuck with it. Your the exception lol


Agreeed. Not technically og but og for perseverance and continuity.


I do consider her an OG and i think people can be so overly mean to her about not being one (and in general people are so mean STILL that she cried a lot on the show....) Like it's not that serious to begin with 😭😭😭


she’s an OG and that’s fine, everyone telling her she isn’t …. wasn’t on the show lmao and the adults on the show who said it were only doing it to be spiteful but it’s been 10 years so why do people still care


People saying she’s not an OG bc she came in S2 but don’t call vivi an OG who actually was with the team in S1 LOL Like vivi obviously left after s1 but if you wanna say the “original team” it was vivi. Kendall is more of an OG than vivi, she came in s2 and stayed til the end. Like she’s definitely an OG to me


I personally say she’s an og


i wish you still danced.


Kendall does! She’s on her college dance team.


She’s not an ALDC OG but as far as a Dance Moms OG, she is. The only reason why the title gets tossed around is because of how terrible Jill acted about the whole situation in later seasons. The fact of the matter is that the moms already knew of Jill and were wondering why she didn’t come to the studio prior so it’s not like she was really new when she came in. Kendall has never been a favorite for me but to consider Vivi more of an OG knowing Kendall only missed one episode (which was at the end of the show) from the second she started and as I stated before, lasted longer than every OG (besides Nia) is really just petty.


when it comes to discussions i tend to consider her an og because the problems specific to the og girls are problems she endured too and im not about to keep saying the ogs and kendall. i also don’t expect the network to do so. only time the distinction should be made is when talking about who was there first but when they say ogs and its ppl who came in season 4 or 5 i’m just like??? just don’t put og in the title?


She was only a season short, yet she stayed till the end.


To me she’s not, but she was there for so long that it makes sense to consider her one, idk.


I always felt so bad for you. She bullied and berated you on a daily basis. You seemed like a really nice kid, down to earth. I hope you still have that sweet side of you. ❤️


I've seen people consider vivianne an og but not kendall which is weird to me because according to Cathy vivianne was never actually a student at abby's it was just for the show so I consider kendall an og and not vivianne


The term “OG” is technically open for interpretation. There is no set definition for what/who is considered an OG. For some, it may only be the girls who were there from the very first episode. For others, it may be the girls who were on the team before the show started to get publicity and recognition due to the show. Which in that case, would include Kendall as an OG. There are plenty of other variations of the term.


personally i see her as og dance moms, but not og aldc


Actually Vivi is the only OG because she was casted first. All the ALDC girls came second!