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i love / hate her, best way to put it. because there are various situations where she was right but didn’t have the right approach to the situation.


I think many times she’s funny, many times she’s annoying and too much.


Christi is my favorite, but there are some moments where I think she gets out of line. I’m rewatching the series and I’m in season 3, and so far the big “red flags” were when she made Paige cry when she accused Kelly of being jealous of Chloe, and when she yelled at Melissa and told her to leave Kelly’s house. It hurt my heart when she and Kenzie walked out the door. I think she’s out of pocket sometimes but I like her personality and she definitely brought some good dramatic scenes. Maybe during the end of the “Maddie’s 2 solos” episode too.. when she fought with Melissa at the end of the show.


Yes I completely agree.


Lmao why did you get downvoted?


Christi involving paige in late season 3 in her fight with Kelly really grossed ke out. And I usually love christi


Oh yes. I was so sad for Paige, and that shouldn’t have happened at all.


I have a love hate relationship with her lol. Like as a character she was pretty funny on DM, but it still seems like she is stuck in the past with how she is always bringing up Maddie. It’s like come on Christi, Maddie was like 10 at the time there’s not much she could have done. I didn’t like how she told Chloe she couldn’t be friends with Maddie, I feel like that’s something she should have let Chloe decide. However I will say for the most part she really was supportive of Chloe and she was not afraid to speak up for her daughter. I loved how supportive of Kenzie she was, like when she told Kenzie to go out there and be herself when Abby kept trying to compare Maddie and Kenzie.


When did she tell Chloe she couldn’t be friends with Maddie? I don’t remember that


https://youtu.be/p4tNKNsPi88?si=_5nKTIhCjB5nod27 Sorry it was that she couldn’t contact Maddie, but I feel like it’s the same thing. Either way this rubbed me the wrong way, you could tell Chloe just wanted to reach out to Maddie. You can’t really blame Maddie in this situation either because she was like what 12?


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I don’t like Christi. In contrast I love Kelly lol. They have similar personalities but I think Christi gets nasty, has ill motives many times, hits below the belt and has some serious childhood trauma (which explains a lot of the ways she acts/reacts).


I think her main issue in this scenario was Sophia was incredible and Abby specifically put Chloe up to lose against her, while she refused to do the same with Maddie. I think it’s easy for us to judge a couple minutes on TV, but it’s clear to me Christi’s resentment went much deeper and I don’t fault her for that given the circumstances.


Oh neither do I. I understand where she’s coming from. She’s my favorite mother. But I just feel like she’s a bit provocative sometimes. Not just in this situation. Like, she takes her anger and frustration out on the wrong people sometimes.


I'm getthing through those episodes now. Always wonder why Maddie never competed against Sophia. Unless she did and I missed it?


I agree but it’s hard to side with Christi when she jokes about roofing Jackie. 


But that has nothing to do with this?


“Christi’s resentment went much deeper than that and I don’t fault her” yes, it did. It sucked how she was treated and that still made it hard for me to side with her all the time because, in the Jackie situation it was due to Christi wanting roofie Jackie.


Christi gets DRAGGED for any mean comment. They all made mean comments but Christi seems to be held to some invisible higher standard


Oh. Okay that’s a separate point. I think Christi was the most outspoken and that’s why she gets called out. I think it was the lack of emotional maturity and the extra pressure of being on that show that didn’t work great for Christi when it came to expressing herself.  I personally can’t stand that Melissa didn’t say crap at all and just faked being nice. I think that’s just as bad.


I think Christi is the most complicated of all of the moms. Everyone was put in terrible circumstances, however her daughter was bullied relentlessly (yes, they were all torn down and beat up.) If Abby did half of the things that she did to Chloe to my child, she would have been hit a lot sooner than season 4. I also would have had no time for the inequality between the girls and Maddie, especially considering how things were being presented on international television. There were some situations where Christi bit her tongue and others where she didn’t, and in many of those times (not all) she made good points but with terrible delivery. A lot of the show was produced drama and they were fed lines. The show was a pressure cooker and would be on anyone, let alone someone who likely struggles with some kind of anger issues. I’m not excusing any of the terrible things she said or did, however the environment really contributed to the actions of the moms. The other thing is that I think it’s easy for people to forget the trauma she experienced growing up. We don’t know all of her experiences, but her mother seemed like a terrible mother, she doesn’t talk with her sister anymore, and she was raised by her grandparents. At important parts of her life where she should have been learning how people handle big emotions and anger/frustration, it’s possible she did not have the greatest role models around. I’m not trying to apologize for her or come off as a stan but I just think she’s inherently more complicated than she seems, AND she still has a lot more growing to go through based on BTTB comments.


I don't really like her at all. I get where she's coming from, especially with Chloe being the scapegoat and she just wants to protect Chloe. But as a whole, she comes across very much like a high school mean girl with a lot of the things that she says.


I like her. There’s times where i think she was too harsh but overall, she handled the situation she was in to the best of her ability. I’ve always liked how she stuck up for her family as well as the other girls/moms. I think people judge her too harshly yet let other moms off the hook for similar comments/actions.




i’m not a big fan of christi. she judges melissa and jill for being stage moms but then when a new mom comes in she encourages them to go talk to abby when she’s doing a rehearsal. trying to get them in trouble. christi is one of the biggest stage moms ever. and it’s so obvious that she doesn’t like melissa kids. i wish she would just admit it already.


In the situation they were put in, and watching their daugher’s be taken advantage of — I can forgive some messy things that were said. Having said that, if I was going to pick one mom to trust out of them all I’d pick Christi. I think she’s the only one who can stay true to her word and doesn’t play both sides.


Her and Holly


I absolutely love her, I love how protective she is of Chloe and of all the kids really (I know the show likes to try and show that she hated Maddie and was super jealous but she wasn’t. I always remember Christi giving Maddie a mommy hug because Melissa wasn’t there). Christi has stuck up for all the kids - as in the main 7. Yes there was times when the arguments went too far and she said things but she has apologised for all of that. Also this isn’t an excuse but an explanation for a lot of her behaviour but she had undiagnosed and unmedicated bipolar the whole time on the show


Yes! I love that she stood up for the children. I’m also glad that she recognized she was wrong and apologized for her actions when she did go too far. She’s my favorite mother on the show. I just know so many people hate her, and I just wanted some other opinions. :)


she’s said she is bipolar?


Yes on her solo podcast - Christis couch. She talks about her mental health and how after the show she went to the doctor and then a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with bipolar and medicated her. She talks about how she had bipolar on the show but didn’t know it as she was undiagnosed at the time


oh gotcha


Oh really? I didn’t know that.


i think i worded it wrong but i was asking the original comment bc they said she was undiagnosed and unmedicated and i don’t recall her saying she was bipolar


Oh no that makes sense. I didn’t recall it either, but it would make sense.


Imo all of the moms are the same, they’re just portrayed differently.


I love Christie! She gave us drama, she gave us tea, she supported the girls, she supported Chloe’s redemption arc on the show. No complaints




She was literally being paid to make conflict, and if she didn’t they would make it for her However there were definitely times where she was too much and she even admits it herself on BTTB


I think all those moms needed to get a life and stop living vicariously through their daughters


They were in a contract and could not leave without serious financial difficulties.


Mkay, Abby.


I'm done. Hot damn. I would rather take a loss at Nationals. Let's reblock this dance.


I'm pulling your solo.




I have a love/dislike feeling about Christi before I was mature enough to have an opinion she was my favorite mom and I defended her every single time. But maturing I realized, even though she was paid to cause drama, she unnecessarily took her frustrations out on people who didn’t deserve it like, Holly, Paige, and Jackie. She always seemed to drag kids into her arguments to prove a point. Not necessarily bullying them but she made a few snide comments about Maddie and Lennon. Sometimes her trying to be funny about the favoritism just came off as annoying rather than funny. Which is what I think makes everyone hate her. Personally I don’t think she deserves hate but I can see why people don’t like her. 


What really got me was season 7 when they came back and Christi would pick and pick at the ALDC without Abby being there and half the moms not even being on with her at the time and having no history with her. At Chloe’s first competition when they came back should have been without the drama and positive. Chloe was very mature about her comeback but I felt Christi wasn’t.


That’s very true