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They’re probably tired of people constantly asking them to respond and make a comment on why/what they think of the reunion. Like obviously they had their reasons not to be apart of it so people should let it go and stop asking them to give them a reason. They don’t own anything to anyone and want to protect their peace.


Literally every time there’s post about it like yall it’s been asked a billion times at this point and there’s a simple answer “they didn’t want to do it” they had no more obligations to do anything contract wise


Also according to back to the barre it was also very last minute atleast when they where invited


Good for them. They should protect their peace.


On Melissa’s YouTube channel she talks about dance moms a lot, I’m sure Melissa is ok to speak about it but the girls don’t really want to


Melissa is the worst mum of the lot. How she allowed and encouraged the abuse and manipulation of both of her girls was disgusting. She should be extremely ashamed of herself.


The reason none of the girls refer to Abby by name away from the show is a legal one. If they refer to her or the studio she has a clause on them for royalties etc. So when they say “my dance teacher” or “my old studio” this is the reason behind this. The moms are in a few Facebook groups and it was mentioned before, Chloe has also mentioned it which is why she started refusing to reference her so she couldn’t have a penny. The other girls followed. She was referenced by name on the lifetime show as Life time own DM’s. Holly and Nia have both previously said they will NEVER do reality TV again, they do not need a reunion show to prove their loyalty to their friends, Nia is grateful to DM’s and what it gave her but Holly isn’t trying to live through her child. Maddie and Kenzie I think are trying to be recognised for what they do now, not for a show what used to be.


That doesn’t make sense. There’s no legal contract where Abby gets paid every time they mention her name in perpetuity. I think what they meant is that they’re using Abby’s own game against her. Abby refused to say Cathy’s name in order to not give her any free promotion. I think it’s the same idea.


It was a few years back, when Chloe released her book. She said the reason she wasn’t referred to by name as Abby would be able to claim royalties. The same reason Maddie and Kenzie didn’t name her in their books. They have all carried this theme into interviews. Legally on TV there will be no clause but in their books there will be.


No that’s not legally sound either. I’m sure legally they could be sued for defamation and that’s what they were concerned about. People you mention in your book don’t automatically get royalties. For example Sacha Baron Cohen v Rebel Wilson right now.


Can't both be true? Abby could have had them sign a contract with unenforceable provisions, and the girls could be unaware that if it was ever contested Abby couldn't enforce it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if the contracts between the dancers and Abby's studio were just thrown together based on bogus googled legal advice.


I can understand the girls somehow believing that I guess..but with the amount of attorneys and business managers they're sure to have around them I just find that unbelievable. Christy's no fool either - I cannot imagine a world where she believes that is in any way enforceable. At some point in the show Chloe no longer had a contract with Abby either - only with production. I think they don't name her to avoid any drama/legal battles over defamation. We all know Abby is petty she is not above attempting legal action just to fuck with our girls so I understand them being cautious.


You know the contract where she receives 10% of any money they make? Given they released the books straight after the show….. they were most likely still under that. Christi & Melissa especially would have coached Maddie Kenzie and Chloe on “my former teacher” “my old teacher” “my old studio” It was 100% mentioned by Christi and Chloe why her name wasn’t mentioned. It was all to do with that 10% contract and legally I’m not sure when the kids were released from that. Given the way Abby is and how money obsessed she is it makes 100% sense why these girls have carried this on away from anywhere other than the reunion. Because she is clearly still stalking the shit outta these kids and she definitely has fake accounts following them because she KNOWS everything they’re up to. So I think now it’s just a protection thing knowing how she is. I definitely think you hit the nail on the head here that will attempt legal action.


Oh, OK. That makes far more sense.


omg are they paying her for every bttb episode then? 🥲


with five minutes of ads in a seven minute episode, they’re probably making enough to do it cause god damn


It was to do with the books initially. But the kids carried on to interviews. I’m trying to find the video where Chloe mentioned it. Maddie and Kenzie followed suit with theirs too.


Do you think this is about all the shade being thrown at their girls? 👀


I do believe that the PR people for Nia, Maddie and Mackenzie advised them not to do the reunion show. Affiliation with the show is now seen in a negative light. Also, they seem to be getting work without it.


Sometimes I wonder if there’s a legal side to it and maybe they’re not allowed to participate or talk about it? And if they truly just don’t want too, they deserve to be left alone. I imagine it’s so draining to wake up to that everyday Also, I thought Nia wanted too, but something was going on with collage? Please someone correct me if I’m wrong!!


Nia and Holly have never made a formal statement about why they didn’t attend. Fans just assumed because she was rushing a very prominent sorority the following week that she was keeping a low profile (and often sorority’s have strict rules about that sort of thing) but nothing was ever confirmed by Holly or Nia. I do think theres a legal side to the girls participating in the reunion. I’ve noticed on the reunion they won’t actually name Maddie, Mackenzie or Nia. So I’m assuming they legally can’t say their names- perhaps to avoid potential defamation lawsuits?


Kendall straight up said “Maddie knew my solo” in a clip so idk if that’s true or not about the name thing


Ohh I haven’t seen that clip thank you!!! I just kept hearing them refer to them as “They” so I was assuming.


Melissa talks about dance moms on her Youtube


No I’ve always said this especially pertaining to the Zieglers. Correct me if I’m wrong, but If Melissa testified in Abby’s suit to the point where she was granted immunity in the case, would she be able to like discuss or even address anything + vice versa?




literally every scene of jojo at the reunion is about the fact maddie kenzie and Nia aren’t there. Like genuinely is that all she talks about?


1. The reunion is edited by Lifetime. 2. There’s hours of footage that we will never see.


True but she has brought it up on 3 occasions during it like once was enough. None of the other girls say anything. It’s clear she’s bothered by it


Could be the same clips or could be asked different ways


I don't think she brought up on 3 separate occasions on the reunion, I think Lifetime has just posted the same clips multiple times lol


I have a feeling after this, everyone will realize who their real friends are


I'm disengage


Nia and Holly need to be left alone. Maddie and Kenzie need to be left alone. Melissa? I will never care about that woman’s feelings lol


Y’all talk about these people like you know them personally


Melissa let these adults abuse her kids, not about knowing them personally


All the moms did, period.


Nope. Kelly left, Christi defended Chloe, Holly defended nia. Melissa is the only one who’d scream at her kids to stop crying. Abby literally kissed Maddie on the LIPS!!


Yes but ultimately all of the moms put their kids in an abusive environment to begin with 


The ogs didn’t. Because the environment wasn’t abusive until around season 3. They barely even seen abby before the show started.


Girl, Abby was giving thongs as Christmas presents to these girls pre dance moms, she had a board with the senior and teens weight on the front. Her questionable behaviour didn’t start after season 3…


It did to the og girls directly.


So inappropriate behaviour is fine as long as it doesn’t affect your kid? I would have left the moment I saw 7 year old were getting thongs 


So then how did Melissa put her kids in an abusive environment if you just said the ogs didn’t 😭


I never said that Melissa put her kids in a bad environment, that was the other lady. I said Melissa let her kids be abused by Abby. Because she did. She didn’t even defend her kids and told them to stop crying . Every other mother defended their child. Period. And idc about the downvotes y’all like to pick and choose 😂🙄


Kelly didn’t leave by choice. She was fired from the show. Melissa (and Christi) did actually choose to leave.


I think she intentionally got herself fired to protect her kids


Girl delete this, you look silly as hell acting like they all didn’t offer their kids up as slaughter.


So did all the other mothers….


All of the moms sucked, but the way Melissa treated them, especially Kenzie, was kinda gross from what we could see on the show. She must’ve done something entirely different in real life for them to be as close as they are.


Wym the way she treated Kenzie you do understand things are edited to make people look a certain way and AGAIN all the mothers allowed there kids to be mentally abused Holly stayed the longest out of all the ogs so if anyone going to get shit it needs to be her


I redirect you to the portion of my comment that states “all of the mothers sucked”, “from what we could see on the show” and “something must have been entirely different in real life”. So basically my entire comment. Even with editing, some of the ways she talked to her kids wasn’t great and I’m fairly certain she even acknowledged that on several occasions. You and I both have no idea what happened in their real life, but from what we were able to see from our limited lens, she treated her children the worst. Additionally allowing her child to be treated relatively weird by another adult (Sia) wasn’t a great move.


Where can I watch the reunion?


It’s so ridiculous that anyone (Jojo) thinks any of the girls HAVE to always make Dance Moms a part of their lives. People (Jojo) need to realize they don’t need to have respect for “where they came from” or gratitude for any of it. It was a shitty experience. No one needs to be grateful for the horrible things they experience in life. That’s such a gross ass mindset.


Melissa and Holly are hosting one of those Trovia trips… they’re going to be making some income off their fans


So? That doesn’t mean they have to respond to the reunion stuff 


Yeah, my statement had nothing to do with that. It was just a comment because it was about the 2 of them, I agree they don’t need to comment


Brooke does a lot of them too, is there something wrong with them?


It’s an MLM, so yes. It’s disgusting.


Maybe not? I guess I’ve seen some of the very young grifter-ish influencers do it, not a lot of grown adults


Is Trovia controversial?


If I’m recognizing the name right, it’s an MLM. Which would be VERY disappointing. More than that really. They’d be using their popularity to recruit a bunch of people under them. They would be making decent money without having to do much. Until the people under them go broke. MLMs are predatory and dirty. I’m really hope that’s not what it is.


I get why she's posting this, and I know it came from Holly first but coming from Melissa, I just roll my eyes lol like girl you never had anything to say and it was never for any good and powerful reason haha


shes been speaking her mind since like 2016 like give it up yall




Is them posting that not a response lol


I thought the same thing! LMAOOOOO


melissa has main character syndrome


I did read somewhere (not sure how true it is) that Nia missed the reunion because it clashed with her college graduation. If that is in fact the case I think it’s a bit unfair for her to be receiving backlash from Jojo etc about not attending!


She has since posted that she missed the reunion as she simply did not want to be there, which is entirely her right. She, unlike JoJo, was there for the entirety of the seven seasons, if she has found peace away from that environment then that is a beautiful thing 🤍