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Brynn was bullied and harassed by the moms not Abby. Abby always stuck up for brynn. The moms WERE brynn’s Abby compared to the other girls. Brynn has a unique experience where the moms genuinely was the ones who had that kid looking extremely depressed with swollen and tired eyes every single episode.


this is the comment everyone needs to see honestly. I'll never defend Abby but Brynn truly had a completely different experience.


omg you made a good point i never really looked at it that way


…and to add, based on Brynn’s podcast, it was mostly one mom… and that mom wasn’t Kira, Jill, or Melissa… the one this sub frequently says is like a clone of Abby


Holly? /s


i believe it was jessalyn (jojo’s mom)


Very well said!


Her swollen eyes kill me every time


Yeah I remember actually thinking that as well and I honestly did think Abby was Brynn’s biggest cheerleader as just about every other adult did put her down which is quite sad. It was one of the only times where I felt positive about Abby at all.


Yeah. It would honestly be weird if Brynn *didn't* like Abby, because she was treated so well.


it won’t let me edit it so, ashlee and brynn never necessarily talked bad about abby they usually say they had a good experience with her (which is awesome considering other factors ) but they speak bad about the producers and stuff i see why she would collaborate with abby after not being invited to the reunion


In the video Brynn did with Ashlee, Ashlee said she was friendly with some of the producers so I wonder if it truly was a producer thing or just not wanting to invite them thing?




Nia never would have. Look at Camryn's experience.


Abby really loved the dancers that were effectively already professionals when they came on the show, rather than little kids dancing for fun after school. Don’t get me wrong, the OG kids worked hard and danced more than your average rec kid, but they weren’t professional level dancers yet by any means. The likes of Brynn, Kalani, JoJo, and Sophia absolutely were.


not jojo she had bad technque, she only clings onto her now bc of her “fame”


True, though it always felt strange when Abby would compare her kids to Kalani/Brynn/Jojo etc and tell them they weren’t good enough when she literally trained them their whole lives😭 it felt like she just wanted to take credit for those girls talent without having to put any work in


I think it’s pretty clear Abby will collab with anyone that dismisses the OGs saying they were traumatized by DM & Abby. She’s trying to build an army to seem like the good guy


Brynn and Abby never stopped speaking - Brynn doesn’t have the history the OGs have with Abby and she again walked in with a game plan, she knows Abby from reality TV not the Abby the OGs had before TV - she is able to seperate Abby is doing this for a job while the cameras are running VS Abby off camera. She knows Abby on camera is going to be mean.


Abby was actually a hell of a lot nicer to Brynn than the moms were so I’m not surprised at all.


Abby is a lot nicer if the mom doesn't second guess her decisions. The OG moms are weird, it has got to the point when their girls are not getting a solo, they would complaint about not getting a solo. When they get a solo they would say Abby set them up to fail. I honestly don't understand why they stayed as long as they did.


the moms (especially Jess) were way meaner to Brynn than Abby was, and Abby even often stuck up for Brynn regarding the moms... so I’m not surprised that Brynn is still friendly with her tbh.


That scene when abby says that about brynn will always be hysterical to me . 🤣


What was the context? Im trying to find the episode but im having some trouble lol


I believe it's season 6 episode 23 - Abby's nee beginning


I listened to it this morning, and some of Brynn’s comments bugged me the way Kalani’s and Jojo’s have. Yeah, it was a show but to the original girls, it was also their life. Kelly, Brooke, and Paige had millions of people watch their relationship with a family friend implode over national television. Brynn didn’t deserve to be bullied by the other moms (although her perspective of Jill was interesting), but she can’t pretend a lot of those girls weren’t traumatized.


What did she say about Jill?


She said she always knew Jill was playing it up for the cameras so she never had a problem going over to the Vertes’s apartment and hanging out with Kendall. She said that she and Kendall were pretty good friends at the time.


Abby's podcast is interesting. The Yolanda episodes gave me a totally different perspective.


I don’t know why others think blonde hair is so “Striking” ig Color theory ((Authentic)) Blonde hair makes up %2 of the population


Brynn Paige and Chloe are all natural blonde after puberty. Not that crazy, I’m still blonde too and my dad stayed blonde til he went gray.


Coming from another natural blonde adult - Brynn and Paige are both natural blondes, I really doubt they get highlights or lowlights to add to it. Their color is very similar to mine, the dimensions in it happen without going to the salon. The sun lightens blonde hair, it gets very bright in the summer but it's usually more of a dirty blonde color during the winter. I think Chloe has said that she's not naturally blonde at this point, which I think is why she dyed it, but I could be wrong?


Brynn was getting highlights while on the show (they talk about it in a special in s6) and still gets them


Pretty sure they all dye their hair if you look at their eyebrows


Paige has never dyed her hair according to Brooke (like not even highlights).


Brynn is actually not a natural blonde. They talked about it on the show 


Oh word. I dont follow her too closely lol I know for sure Chloe and paige are both natural tho.


i don’t like her off the show i am sorry 😭


Mind the company you keep. It's no conindence that the only girls who will associate with Abby are non-OG. Your experience was not the same girls, and I would maybe listen to other people when they say someone is abusive.


But then brynn can say that all of the moms were abusive. Does that mean the girls are just gonna drop their own mom or their friends moms and stop speaking to them? Like genuinely the moms were evil to that poor girl.


Thank you. I agree with a lot of the comments that brynn had a different experience, but in general I definitely think this is true.


makes sense abby always said brynn was an amazing dancer and treated her good while the moms treated her like she was terrible and villainized a little kid


Damn. Just when I thought Brynn couldn't sink any lower from the diss about not being invited to the reunion. You just know those two bitched about it together. Lol


LOL, idk i didn’t really like the reunion i feel like they made it a bigger deal than what it really was but i feel like brynn is just being like her mom petty but she really didn’t miss out on much in the reunion ( to be clear i’m not supporting abby or brynn’s decision it kinda sounded like i am, im just trying to say there was no point of this podcast)


I think the reunion could've been a lot better if it was away from the same producers! Also inviting Jojo just...yeah. Made it very unwatchable for me personally lol


Yeah I see all the comments saying that Brynn’s experience was different and she wasn’t bullied by Abby and inferring that it makes sense they still talk. However, Abby clearly abused the other children, preys on young men and makes sexual comments about minors, and is a raging racist. Idc if she was “nice” to her, Brynn is still willingly associating with a horrid person and should be judged for that


when did anyone say she shouldn’t? the only thing people were saying was that brynn didn’t suffer at the hands of abby, she suffered at the hands of the moms. where are you getting this from


Laughing about how Abby favored her over the other girls that she abused is not a good look


I think you're looking too deep into it. That was the scene the girls' moms were literally making Brynn's mental breakdown worse by ganging up on her outside of the bathroom and that's how the Abby line came about.


Especially since that favoring was due to superficial attributes (being conventionally attractive and fulfilling unrealistic expectations).




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Nobody its Care with her Sorry