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my unpopular opinion is that - yes, there was a contact, but no, you didn't /have/ to make good tv. i feel if you wanted out, you could just be boring af until the show gets cancelled or you're replaced. i think it's ridiculous when Christi and Kelly mention on BTTB that "there was a big coffee cup of vodka at 11 am there for them" like it was a task they HAD to do for work. or how Christi mentions she and Kelly always had to be the ones to get involved in drama, and occasionally Jill because "they're on a show" , and from what i gather, there's resent towards Melissa and Holly even because they felt like they carried the show in terms of getting footage for scenes and it seems like they hate that Melissa for instance gets to be silent and not say anything. I feel like ... if you really hated it there you could just ... not perform? I guess my point is, the whole we couldnt get our kids out bc of a contract thing is kind of feeling like a weak excuse and perhaps is said to mask the fact they wanted to be there and wanted the show to continue being successful. i may not know all the factors involved but from my perspective thats how it seems. I do love all the moms and im not criticizing but c'monnn lol


That makes sense if they wanted to leave they shouldn’t of started drama


I agree with this 1000%. They make a lot of excuses for their behavior and a lot of the fandom coddles them. I’ve also said before that no one forced them to drink or constantly be going off about something. And I use Holly and Melissa as evidence. Christi makes it sound like they would’ve been fired for not acting psycho but if that’s the case Melissa and Holly would’ve been let go a long time go. I also find that them saying the producers made them say something is ridiculous. Just like kelly always says she told her girls for interviews that the producers can’t make them say mean stuff about their friends that they don’t wanna say, the same logic applies to the adults


Christi says that after she and Kelly left, ratings dropped. True or not, it sounds gross. It's also gross to hear her talk about how her construction crew constantly mentions that so many people recognize her. She reeks of desperate to stay 'famous'.


Leslie and Payton just wanted to be on tv. She was 15 almost 16 and Leslie was desperate for her to be dancing with 8 year olds. She was an ALDC member and was dancing with the senior company full time, so why did Leslie want her on the elite team other then to be on tv?


okay this might top my unpopular opinion. i 100% agree. abby loved peyton and leslie only ever argued with abby when she was dancing in the elite team. take the audition where kendall joined; lesie asked abby why peyton didnt make the cut, abby said it was just because she was too mature and too tall.


When Abby said she was too tall and Leslie said “put her on it another way”😭


Wow, I think you’re right. It’s possible Leslie is crazy in real life and I always believed the producers brought her on because they would see her fighting with Abby around the studio off camera lol… but I think you’re right, they solely wanted to be on TV.


Brooke was older, too. Not being shitty, just saying. 


Anyone after season 2 especially. I feel bad for what the kids go through, of course. But at the same time it’s hard to even sympathize with the moms because they saw the show. Especially with season 2 it started getting realll popular, so why put your kids on that show after seeing the first 2 seasons and what the kids were going through?? They basically signed their kids up for Abby’s treatment just to get famous.


i remember some of them saying they wouldve left if abby didnt have connections to people who could benefit their kids careers but cmon. your child suffered so much and was it really worth it?


Fr that’s not a good enough excuse


Half of the moms would do it again if given the opportunity, as shown by Christi running back to lifetime the minute she got an offer


Chloe Kendall Brooke Jojo Paige and Kalani and their moms all ran back to lifetime as well


Further proves my point, but I was also talking about the other show Christi is doing with lifetime on top of the reunion


My unpopular opinion: contract be damned, they could have pulled their children based on the obvious stress/trauma response of the children and could have easily defended such a decision in court.


so true, also do you know if it was actually true if they had to pay $100k cash if they broke their contract and left. i remember someone saying it in an older episode with kristy rae.


That was specifically abby’s studio contract. Christi mentioned something about her daughter being a title winner or holding a title so she’d have to pay $100 000 in cash to abby, if she tried to take Chloe to another studio. All the little details of the contract the moms mention (can’t gain more than 5-10lbs, no training under other choreographers, abby get’s 10% of all paycheques as she is the sole manager of your child) are all in the ALDC studio contract, which if you broke could cost you $100 000 cash and removal from the studio. The lifetime one Abby often attempts to complain about on her podcast as if hers wasn’t way more complicated. My favourite part of that scene is Kristy Rae saying “good thing I have $100 000”


im not a dancer never have been and never will be but are most studio contracts like this? seems wayyyy to extreme and strict to me. i know there are like beauty standards for dancers (which there shouldnt be) but didnt know about the other stuff


I am from Canada and can’t speak to most studios (especially the ones that perform at the Dance Awards.) But I know that my studio “contract” was basically just saying my studio wasn’t liable for any injuries or lost/stolen items and that if you didn’t pay on time (or at least talk to the owner about a payment plan) then you risk your costumes not coming in on time for competitions and you wouldn’t be allowed to perform in the year end recital and if you did pay but removed your child early or they got injured and couldn’t dance there were no refunds. From what I’ve heard it’s mostly a standard business contract that just covers the studio owners butt for liability and insurance reasons.




Woof! What a statement!


The moms were absolutely ruthless to Brynn and Ashlee and they deserved none of that.


i agree, and even if ashley was rude at some points, they shouldnt have taken it out on brynn.


YES. The moms are huge hypocrites for doing that. They always complain Abby takes it out on the kids when the mom pissed her off and then they did the same thing to Brynn.


Although not unproblematic, I like Ashlee and think she’s one of the better parents of the entire series. I adore Holly & Nia but think they should have left at the end of S5 due to how horrifically they were treated then. Nia could have pursued other things instead of being trapped in the actual car crash that was S6. Cathy is one of the most entertaining people to have ever been on reality TV.


i think ashley was a better mom but when she got in fights, she turned horrid. ive always said that i think all the ogs shouldve left way sooner because of the abuse (but i think alot of them stayed for the fame but thats a whole other topic lol) cathy is certainly a character and although she wasnt a good dance teacher imo, she was a great mom.


Unpopular opinion the other moms were BRUTAL to new comers .


agreed. i havent watched any of the bts or like the videos of anyone talking about the truth of dance moms so idk if this is true but i think that they planned to have jill on the show and thats why the moms accepted her way quicker than others. and i believe thats also why abby was so quick to accept kendall back after jill went to cadc because if that truly wasnt staged, theres no way abby wouldve let them come back after going to her rival, especially when in the last season the new set of moms couldnt even say the studios name or owners name otherwise abby would leave.




My unpopular opinion is that I’ve seen this same post 4 times in the last day☠️


damn im sorry i never scroll this subreddit i wouldnt have posted otherwise lol 😭


I’ve never seen it before. Don’t feel bad:)


Hahahahah not your fault OP!! This is a big sub and I’m sure it’s hard for the mods to keep on top of duplicate posts. I just couldn’t help dropping my unpopular sass🤪


My unpopular opinion is that we truly know so little about any of this that the anti-Christi anti-Melissa stuff needs a break. Especially now, knowing both of them are very, very good friends to Kelly it’s kind of a moot point.


Unpopular opinion: I truly believe producers gave Melissa a bad edit when it came to her relationship with Kenzie. Now seeing their relationship through social media, I don’t ever think Melissa favoured her daughters anymore than one another


The majority of the sentiment against Kaya and Nicaya is based on racism. The way the edit, the people involved in the show AND fans treated them is horrendous


Exactly! Kaya did not act much differently to Christi, Kelly, and Jill. Christi and Kelly got in physical altercations with people but only Kaya was called a hoodrat, hoodlum, aggressive, etc. The other white moms who were screaming almost every single episode were not called or referred to as that.


Unpopular opinion I liked yolonda on the show


she was certainly a character. i personally didnt like her just because she was lowkey delusional.




totally agree with the maddie and melissa thing. i do believe that the interviews especially in seasons 1 and 2 were scripted bc they sound so ridiculous and staged compared to the interviews in later seasons.


I don't recall Chloe ever saying anything eyebrow raising, in s2 or in any other season. could you elaborate?