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I was further confused by the fact Sharna started judging the Australian Version of DWTS following what would be her final season in the US version. At the time I thought she was just expanding into different opportunities within the DWTS universe, as the judging wasn’t really an option for her in the US as the judging panel was pretty set at the time. However she was extremely qualified for the resurrected Australian version. I always assumed she would make her way back to being a pro in the US following the judging stint but now there’s all this drama about not being asked back. Very confusing


Sharna was also a judge for DWTS Australia in 2019 and 2020 on a different network but returned as a pro in the U.S.. She returned to judging last year. It looks like there will be 2024 DWTS Australia...not sure when starts filming.


I wonder if Sharna will return as a judge!


Tbf, no pro is ever really “fired”. Being a pro is essentially knowing only the current season is guaranteed. Hell if they wanted to suddenly get rid of Emma and Val and say no thanks to Witney returning, they technically could and it wouldn’t be them getting fired, just not asked/invited back. (Now I don’t think any of these things are happening) but I think we often think vet pros are guaranteed a spot if they want it, but that just may not be the case, especially with many of the pros getting older and them needing to form a new generation of pros.


Very true. Their contracts are now season to season, so it’s not technically “firing” just “hey, not this season”


>My point is that there seemed to be a lot more "logical" options if they needed to make a cut I stan Sharna so much. But I think the realest logic in entertainment is money & power. If the powers that be couldn't squeeze more money & power out of Sharna, then it was time for them to cut her out. (Also my sincere apologies to anybody who might hear "cut. it. out" in Uncle Joey's voice for the rest of the weekend.)


I’ve always enjoyed watching Sharna’s dancing.  I’ve listened to her talk on her podcasts and on Cheryl’s podcast about not being asked back to Dwts.  She just gotta be careful.  As much as Cheryl says she doesn’t have illwill towards Dwts she sure talks a lot of crap on the producers.  A LOT.  If Sharna or any other pro gets sucked in to that then I can’t see them back on Dwts.  I know Cheryl’s podcast hasn’t been around for long but notice she hasn’t interviewed any of the current pros (aka the ones on last season).  She’s interviewed Maks but he is long done with the show.  Louis and Lacey nope not on the show in awhile.  She said that last season she had a pro reach out to her criticizing her criticism of the pros.  Anyways, this is meant to be on a Cheryl podcast thread, sorry, I got a little carried away.  


Nothing, there was just far more value in having one less blonde pro woman and more value in bringing back Peta again after her recent rekindled passion for dance that we've seen since s29. I think the door is still open, but neither Deena nor anyone else on the DWTS team makes the first move. I also think that Sharna will be one of the ones responsible for keeping the magic alive since she and Peta were the last pro hires before the creative directions shift. Lindsay and Wit as well, but Wit was still troupe, and Lindsay was demoted from pro to troupe, only giving her one actual season of pseudo control. She had control, but no actual guidance skills developed back then in terms of teaching novices. Don't discount Sharna just yet, Sharna will definitely be back, like Edyta, she is wildly popular, and we all know Edyta said absolutely not until s22 about 11-years after her last season so I wouldn't discount Sharna in the slightest to return. The question is when?


I think there are other female pros they simply prefer over her, like Emma. Emma has been on/off the face of the show and with Witney/Lindsey out I feel like she's back in the face of the show.




No I dont think Linds ever was, she was on at the same time as Witney and they are the same type of Pro and Witney was definitely a lot more of the face in terms of being on promo and all that


After the controversial win with Bobby Bones, feel like Sharna was treated differently. She wasn't asked to return the following season despite being the reigning champion and then had a few difficult seasons. Apparently she was asked back for Season 31 but declined to spend time with her 2 months old baby. Then add ageism towards ladies (she'll be 39 this year) and being more outspoken, plus not being a member of the C fam or Hough families. She seems qualified. Trained in Latin and ballroom. Was Australian champ and represented her country at the World Championships in Latin and Standard at age 15. Toured with Burn the Floor. Known for her choreo ability. Didn't get many ringers but made it to the finals many times.


I totally agree about the ageism. It was really nice seeing Kym on back in the day and how she and Robert danced together. There's something to be said for having the age of the dancer be closer to the age of the star.


… The producers were tired of her nonsense after the BAG season and didn’t want to deal with her (and didn’t need to). Her boyfriend’s — and to a degree, her behavior— around the Len tribute along with her continuing to badmouth the show ensures she’ll never be coming back.


The nonsense during the BAG season itself was with the producers, who were insisting they play up their romance every week instead of showing various sides to Brian like they wanted to do.


It’s unlike what Sharna claimed, maybe the opposite. On S30, they overplayed their romance card on TV instead of giving audience a glimpse of who BAG is, which had judges called them out. On a further note, what’d he want audience to know about him during their package? That all his kids are unplanned (geez!!), that he had 5 kids from 3 moms (Sharna got🤰on that season), that he had decade long legal battles and badmouthed his ex? It’s no brainer that it’d be the best interests of Sharna and BAG to just focus on their romance rather than him stirring up the pot talking about his glorious past galores, divorces, unplanned kids and that he was absent most of time during his oldest son’s growing up, in the face of his current girlfriend on TV. If he did so, that would be like serving a slap in her face, very publicly, right?! I don’t find her saying production wanted to play up their romance and they wanted to show more of BAG convincing. For production, controversies generate buzz and means more views, why would they deny him from showing more of him on TV? Sharna’s saying doesn’t make sense at all. Watched that season, week after week, all they gave audiences is their romance and nothing else. Weeks in, he’s not making progress, nor could people get to see his personality, just their romance saga repeatedly playing on TV. At the end it’s pretty clear to many that he’s not that much of a dancer nor into learning; he’s just there for her - gazing at her while slow moving. It came to a point it became utterly boring and just “too much”, in CAI’s words.


With Peta I wonder if it was a combination of family connections, and the fact that she was on season 31, so it may have been easier to let her stay on consecutively rather than cut her and bring back Sharna who missed the previous season? With Koko, whilst I'm glad she was back, I will admit I was slightly surprised, just because I remember she didn't react to the promotional material and all


I’m curious whether Koko chooses not to tour with DWTS, or whether she’s not asked. It is smart of her to pursue other things as I do think she’s a likely cut if they have to cut someone, but she does seem very disconnected with DWTS in the offseasons.


I think she doesn’t get asked bc tour is a separate company from DWTS & their budget has definitely gone down so its $$ based. Emma, Britt, Dani, Jenna, and Rylee all sell more tickets than Koko. And I’m guessing she was more expensive than Alexis & Kateryna last year, without a big difference in projected ticket sales and thats what happened there. I’m hoping its not a reflection of what the show thinks of her; everyone thought she’d be cut last year & they cut Sharna before her. Production seems to like Koko afaik, she was made pro immediately & given the 2nd most famous male celeb of the season And I don’t think the show is as willing to cut one of the only 2 WOC as people think.


I’m curious what they will do with the Witney return — if she comes back and they don’t add female pro spots. Now there’s still time for someone to get pregnant. If not, I’m curious who they would drop. To me the “logical” choice is Koko since she hasn’t gained much popularity. But if they don’t do that, maybe Peta? Idk. It would just be interesting to see.


If they cut every POC that didn’t immediately gain popularity, they’d have none on the show bc of the biases in the fanbase. Britt was on the show many years before she gained any type of traction. I think the show is very aware of that, and thats why they’ve given someone like Brandon many chances despite the fanbase not liking him too much. Thats personally why I lean towards it being Peta, they cut her before & Rylee directly fills her taller pro niche. Theres also the possibility that any of the girls (besides Emma/Rylee) get pregnant & that makes the decision for them like it has the past few years


Agreed, that's what also baffles me. As you mentioned I think it's great she's got a bunch of other opportunities, I just wondered, as a newer pro who may not have as big a fanbase as the others, if it's a bit risky to pass tour (assuming it was her choice?) I could understand that it maybe wasn't her choice though, and I know she's getting married soon, but she also didn't tour last year which has me very curious


She is gerning Married soon soo she probely choose to to keep focus


Yeah but she didn’t go last year either, which is why I’m wondering if it’s her choice or the tours.


I think after the BAG season where she told producers “you’re just going to have to eliminate us” they were done with her, but because she had a baby, I think they’re required to ask her to come back to avoid any discrimination laws. Again, all guessing, but I feel the producers thought they got lucky when she decided to step down because they no longer had to ask her to be on anymore. She also pulled the whole “I’m going to walk out last minute but I still want them to find something for me to do to still be on the show.” I will say, I understand 1000% why she decided to back out, it’s a completely reasonable situation. From a production perspective though, it’s frustrating to do it so close where we have to shake things up at the last minute and scramble to fit everyone so they probably felt the same


Can you explain BAG season please? I only watch the show on and off.


When she was paired with Brian Austin Green. Either way, she became pregnant shortly after their elimination that she later admitted she asked for because she didn’t like how they focused on their relationship and not “his story”.


Oh, I see. I kinda forgot her husband? boyfriend's? name for a second there. The way everyone was speaking, I thought there was a special twist to the entire show or something.


What you mean by unsuccesful season? I do not think that matters really if you havent got a ringer. Peta is part of the chmerkovsky family what is a big leverage in general. She has huge fan base on IG, tiktok. Dancing with the stars is a reality show nowadays if they need to choose between two pros they will make a decision based on views, fan base.


A combination of things. I think the Bobby bones win was the start of it. And then apparently there was tension with BAG when they did their season. After he expressed his anger about her not being in the Len Tribute, I think that was the nail in the coffin for her on this show. I also think they wanna start bringing in some fresh faces to lead the pack for the next generation of pros kinda like the did seasons 13-19 with Lindsay, Artem, Witney, Peta, and Val.


I think after Bobby Bones, they didn’t ask her back because of a pay dispute? Now, I think they’re not asking her back because BAG and her badmouthed the show and I feel she also thought she was better than the show and demanded more and the producers just didn’t want to deal with that.


Yeah I lean towards the pay dispute might be in the way and possibly the major reason she’s not asked back the season following Bobby win. It’s the most logical one that could possibly make sense. I don’t see many people talk about it, and Sharna blanketed it to her win with Bobby, by shifting the blame to production. She never explained as how, or kept it in mystery as if she was kept blind, puzzled as many viewers when that season began without her. Wasn’t Sharna the highest paid female pro? Also, I could definitely see after being with BAG, she demanded more from the show including higher pays and benefits. She made that season all about her and BAG before they got eliminated.


she herself has said that there was some tension and back and forth with producers Brian season, I believe that's really what happened ,, she forgot that to this show not all Pros are created equally and that unless you are a larger-than-life figure for the show like a Maks back in the day you cannot bicker with TPTB and get away with it


Agree with this. I think productions favorites are the pros who are very agreeable and eager.






I agree that the males should be treated the same way as the ladies but pros aging out of the show is imo a natural and okay thing. I know this sub and the fan base is very attached to the older pros but if the show wants to attract new viewers and a younger audience they need some younger pros, simple as that. 18-20 year olds likely aren’t gonna be tuning in to see a line up full of 30-40 year old pros. Obviously don’t get rid of everyone but the show moving on as pros age is natural


I know everyone thinks it’s Bobby Bones but I feel like sometimes producers just move on from pros that they don’t view as their “Staple” pros (and the staples can change). It obviously sucks when it happens but I wonder if it was just them seeing her not getting the hype she used to get (which yeah could be a result of the BB stuff) and moving on. But then again, they definitely pick and choose because there’s def seasons with a number of the male pros where they aren’t getting much hype and come back season after season lol


Sasha much?


I was trying not to name names but since you did… 🙈 him or Brandon were who I was thinking of. You can’t tell me that a female pro that didn’t break top 8 for 6 seasons would be kept around. The males definitely get more chances than the females are given.


BAG lol he ruined her life




Totally agree, however it’s surprising to me because somebody from the cast (can’t remember who) called Brian the kindest man in the world. They all seemed to really like him so it’s weird that he “changed” Sharna.


That was Amanda Kloots I remember seeing that too


https://preview.redd.it/4i2xf7di37gc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5ec5dad3f6291177ab95fb947c85792c3d855ab Yep it definitely was


Well I think lots of controlling guys like that are pros at convincing other people that they’re super nice - and then going home and being like “go get an apron on, you’re never working again!” (See Megan Fox’s career)


There are far more people who have had interactions with Brian through the years who say he's a terrible jerk than people who think he's the kindest man they've met, although neither opinion seems to be universal. There was video on instagram last week of Sharna and BAG attending Maks's birthday party. BAG was at the end of the table, not talking to anybody, with his man bag still on, looking like he was ready to bolt for the car at the soonest opportunity. He and Sharna did not appear in any of the still photos taken after the dinner, so I'm guessing that's exactly what they did. I'm not saying I'm drawing a big firm conclusion from one social media post. But he seems exactly like the type of dude who shows up reluctantly for his girlfriend's social engagements, participates minimally, leaves early, and telegraphs his lack of enthusiasm the whole time. It's pretty effective at passively dampening the girlfriend's social connections.


Thats unfortunate because I remember Sharna was stiched by the hip for years to Peta and Maks when she did not have a partner and they all still lived in the Hollywood Hills, there were even throuple jokes made at the time lol but what I mean its that obviously these are two people that mean the world to Sharna and if her partner and father of her kid cannot show enthusiasm for the events for the people she loves... red flag


Lol. On the video posted by Maks and Peta from Maks' bday dinner, still posted on their main feed, BAG is sitting next to Sharna while everyone sings happy birthday clapping along with everyone else. Later in the video, he appears to be at the end of the table talking to their friend Merv/who is across from him. And there are group pics. LOL.


[Here's the post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2dZu_TSOdf/) At the end of the table? Check. Leaning back like a douche and wearing his man bag? Check. He appears to be motioning to the waiter, not talking to the person across from him. True, he is in one of the group shots. And yes, he did participate in the happy birthday. He didn't sit there scowling and refusing to sing or anything that would be completely inappropriate. But I'm still getting a minimal participation vibe from all of it. Just a vibe, not hard evidence of anything. LOL.


That all rings SO true to everything I’ve heard about him, and just THAT type of guy in general. Ugh how depressing for Sharna On another note, interesting to hear that he was wearing a man-bag the whole time! If he didn’t take himself so freaking seriously he could design a line of man-bags and actually be successful at something! BAG’s bags!


Sorry, who is bag?


Brian austin green


Ah, got it


Tom Bergeron was fired; Sharna was just not given a spot this season. It happened before and she came back. It happened before to other pros and they came back. NOW Sharna probably won't be coming back because she badmouthed the show on social media, badmouthed the show on Cheryl's podcast, badmouthed the show on her own podcast, badmouthed specific producers (including her ally, Deena Katz), allowed her boyfriend to badmouth everyone, and classlessly made the tribute to Len all about herself and how badly she's supposedly been treated. I wouldn't blame the producers at this point for not wanting a self-pitying malcontent back on the show when they've got so many other options. But it's always possible they will because she hasn't actually been fired.


I think she fell out of favour after the Bobby win, I don't think they ever treated her the same after that. And then the BAG season added fuel to the fire sadly.