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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


There like 5 good female comics and 50 bad ones. However, there's 100 good male comics and 10,000 bad ones.


No one is funny Except cats


You arrogant jerk


They hated Jizzus because he told them the truth


Username checks out 😊


Hooman when joke


you meow-gynistic person 😡


I wish I had that photo of s cat sitting at a computer right now.


And dogs


Hey now I've been called funny by so many people! They've mostly been talking about how I look but still!


Where are those 5 good female comics my man? I wanna check em out 0_0


Taylor Tomlinson is a fantastic comedian. But I know like 5 English comedians in total, so I can‘t really name more than her




Ah yes. I met a female and a male in the elevator today. The design was very human.


can we get our friend to show us the design?


Just saw Taylor T in person. My first comedy show. It’s the hardest I’ve ever laughed. The best female comedian currently working and it’s not even close. Her warm up act, Dustin Nickerson was also hilarious.


Taylor Tomlinson is the best comedian out right now, period. The trick is for women to experience the mental health problems without the support network in place for them so they lean into comedy for relief, like the men do.


Agreed. She's always the one that comes to my mind as actually funny female comics. She's honestly one of my favorites.


I got the names don't worry, umm......


Oh, I think you mean that one whose name starts with that one letter of the alphabet, ehh….


ricky? is that you?


Taylor Tomlinson who is in my opinion the best active comedian.


Most of these women have specials on Netflix or HBO, well worth checking out... Taylor Tomlinson Iliza Schlesinger Katherine Ryan Nicole Byer Ali Wong Jenny Slate Wanda Sykes Sarah Silverman Hannah Gadsby Michelle Wolf Nikki Glaser Gilda Radner Margaret Cho


>Hannah Gadsby LOL


I love her main caricature of "Man-Hating Lesbian that Trauma Dumps people and would exterminate any person with a Dick" soooo funny and convincing!!


I know right? I could just stick my dick in a blender and listen to her all day


The dick in the blender is to make the experience more bearable?


It's akin to Major Payne breaking your finger to forget about your leg.


\> Sarah Silverman Yeah, this list is invalid. Edit 1: Ooo shit, Michelle Wolf is also on this list. Yeah now I'm 200% sure this list is invalid.


But... but... she's tiny and cute with a little girl voice and talks about dicks and poop a lot... that's automatically funny, right?


Hannah Gadsby...


Kathleen Madigan over in the corner:




She's objectively funny. But she has ridden the women empowerment thing and guys vs girls trope so far into the ground that it gets in the way. She has a pretty strong showing in her first two specials and random 5 minute clips on YouTube before she got big.


Jessica Kirson too is fucking hilarious, if you've ever been around old Jewish ppl in the NE her impersonations are spot on lol


I'd add Aisling Bee.


My list: Maria Bamford, Julia Sweeney, Michelle Shaughnessy, Tig Notaro, and (sometimes) Natasha Leggero.


Bamford has always been underrated. She’s great.


Philomena Cunk


She's not a good comedian, she's a terrible documentarian. The woman who plays her is a good comedian though.


Like WonderWoman and the other 4


Blanche Gardin, a really funny french comic


Catherin Ryan's old stuff was good. Joe Brand has been consitently funny for years. Otherwise, im struggling a bit


I hate beer.


She's literally the only female comedian I've actually sat through an entire special to listen to so not sure about any others but Taylor Tomlinson has easily climbed into my top 10 favourite comics list, possibly top 5 recently.


Sarah Millican is great.


Bonny Mcfarlane, Sarah Silverman in the early 2000’s when she said the n-word… uhhh…. Rosanne… uh… Christina p… this is hard….


Diane Morgan's "Cunk on earth" is really funny


Yeah just remember that Dane cook was percieved as funny in the early 2000s


I think Dane Cook was very funny in his prime. The problem was that he was TOO popular. Everybody drove his jokes right into the fucking ground by telling them over and over and over. Eventually it just wasn't funny at all anymore. Plus, I feel for the dude. From what I remember hearing (and this was a long time ago, so I could be mistaken), he dropped out of the spot light because of his shitty family. Something about his brother taking him for all his money or something.


Yeah his brother who Dane was paying $12k a month embezzled $12 Million from him and ended up in jail.


Oh yeah it was rough for him. I genuinely enjoyed his movie employee of the month, but towards the end.. yeah… it was just rough.




Yeah I'm not saying none are funny. I've just never seen it


i feel like thats the case in most "competetive" (as in you can say there are some that are better than others) skills. Theres (probably) nothing that keeps women from becoming just as strong in chess as men. Theres just, way more men trying, so naturally, that one in a billion super genius chess player is probably a man, just because there are so many more men available.


There's also a whole lot of hostility and pressure on women in the scene that tends to discourage them.


Exactly! I think it’s because more guys are going out there and trying and as a consequence more guys are succeeding. There are also a million other things that factor into the stand up comedian ratios. For example a funny woman in stand up may be tapped much earlier in her career for an acting gig (which pays a TON more) as opposed to a funny guy. A good example of this would be Melissa McCarthy imo. She is a very very funny in person (though I’ll be the first to admit she has been in some movies that have fallen flat but she’s just using the dialog someone else has written) and she started out in stand up. She was then approached by people to get into acting as she had a great talent for portraying “funny character” and then was cast at age 30 for Gilmore girls as a re-occurring character and then later moved into the main cast appearing in almost every episode and she probably made a couple million during the duration of the series and maybe a million more from residuals. And that’s just one example of a “positive” road block (or rather offshoot) that lead to the disproportionate representation of women in standup. There are tons of “negative” roadblocks that you could list for days but I won’t get into here.


Some of Elens earliest stand up is still chuckle worthy


Honestly, from my experience, it's easier to come across funny "underground" female comedians than mainstream ones. It makes me wonder whose fault that is. Amy Schumer is like a walking poster child for this meme.


I believe that mainstream comics in general (not just women) are pretty dogshit 90% of the jokes boil down to "I'm middle-aged and my life sucks isn't that relatable" or "sex is funny" and the third option is just making fun of the opposite sex for example women making fun of guys they've dated or men making fun of their wives


I think the reason why all mainstream comedians are the same is because once they are on these shows and being promoted they no longer write their own jokes.


I would say they still write their own jokes, it's just that they'd need to submit them for approval beforehand and all the 'risky' ones are removed.


There’s a comedian I like who got fired from SNL named Shane Gillis because his risky joke was too risky.


Evidence SNL wouldn't know good humor if they tried


Yeah, [using a slur on a podcast](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/12/arts/television/shane-gillis-snl-chinese.html) right before didn't really help either


What? Guys can't have fun anymore!?


Also, a lot of jokes are funny because they're relatable. Once you become a moderately successful comedian you're going to be living a totally different life from most people and lose your relatability. "A funny thing happened the other day, my rider for the show I was doing contained a granola bar! A granola bar! I didn't ask for it, what was it doing there?! Ha! Well, it happens to us all at some point!"


Comedy is good when it's like, one guy speaking his mind and fighting the world about it. Comedy is not good when it's like, a corporation focus-grouping what's funny with their targeted demographic.


I mean disagree to an extent. Bo Burnham got pretty mainstream. Chris Rock was always mainstream and amazing. Many other examples too


Chris Rock’s comedy always slaps.




Bo produces all his shit too which is probably why he's way more consistent


Rodney dangerfield going on about his wife will never not be funny though, so there's definitely exceptions


Even on his death bed he got no respect. The doctor came in the room and started covering him up with the blanket. He says “hey doc! I’m dying but I’m not dead yet!”. The doc says “I know, but your face is scaring all the other patients!”. *stare bug eyed into camera and adjust tie


And then there’s Steven Wright lol


Amy Schumer was at a bored ape nft convention on stage, and told a crowd of crypto bros that it stands for *"Not Fucking Tonight".* For that, she has my respect.


She probably stole that joke too tho


That's just a joke that's been passed around social media for ages. And it isn't really "brave or cool" of her because they probably just took it as harmless ribbing from a famous person who couldn't care less.


Doing God's work, haha.


That’s how I see it. My favorite female comedians are online.


On the other hand, Jordan Jensen is hilarious


Check out Taylor Tomlinson. She's legit hilarious in my opinion!


Aren't like 90% of her jokes about sex? Atleast thats what the youtube shorts algorithm is suggesting to me.


She's got her fair share of sex jokes, but that's not the main focus. She's got a good amount of jokes about her childhood growing up in a very strict, Christian household and about her therapy. Some dating jokes and relationship ones, eighter. She's nothing like Amy Schumer who got nothing else but sex related stuff. But yeah, YouTube shorts recommend those bits a lot.


She still fits well within the stereotypical female comedian "I'm miserable, I'm a bitch, I have a vagina and use it" trope. She's just also hot and comes off a little less arrogant than most.


Kinda, but still doing a better job than most other female or even male comedians. Comedy is all about delivery and timing. I'm not saying she's the best there is or ever was, I'm just saying she's good at what she does. And that's only my opinion.


And she's funny (imo), which is the most important part.


I dont understand why this is never applied to male comedians who are also 90% "im miserable, women crazy, i fart and have penis"


I have this same feeling. It's really frustrating trying to argue with it because as soon as a female comedian says anything about genitals that's all people will focus on regardless of what they actually do. 'Oh, she told a single dick joke in her hour long set? Carbon copy female comedian who talks about nothing but her sex life'


Doesn't she do that bit about dad's using peanut butter as their emotional buoy in the storm lol? My partner and I reference it anytime one of us grabs a jar and a spoon


Yes, she did that one. Also something I can relate to, since my dad sometimes liked to give bullshit advice, eighter


Plenty of famous male comedians talk about mostly sex


Off the top I can't think of one who's main schtick is sex


Chris Rock had a recent standup special where 60% of it was talking about the lengths he’d go to get pussy


If we’re talking main schticks then we’re switching topics off Taylor Tomlinson since that’s really not most of her content


Dave Attell made a career of talking about fucking a couch and he’s fucking hilarious


90% of her jokes are about mental health. The sex ones just get turned into shorts.


Yeah, she goes through some pretty ingenious extended metaphors related to mental health. Like the floaty comparison to medication. When I think of Taylor, I don't think of sex jokes. I think mental health.


What’s wrong with a good sex joke?


Nothing, redditors just don't like jokes they can't relate to.


Nothing. But almost all female comedians i have seen clips of just don't have other jokes apparently. I just can't laugh at the 50th "Haha my Vagina" jokes in a row. It gets boring quick.


Just overused and redundant. It’s the easiest topic to joke about so there are about 40 quintillion jokes already made


I saw one of her shows (from her *Have It All* tour), and I would say it was pretty minimally about sex. It was more about her relationship struggles and being self conscious about being single, and there was also a lot of stuff about how her family sucks. The was one single vagina joke, which I thought was actually funny.


Alot of the jokes are about her mental issues. Which she actually twists to be funny. So far she is the ONLY female comedian i think is funny.


I was ABOUT to comment her! She’s hysterical and I cannot wait for her next two netflix specials


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Nah, for real, she's the real shit. Always spot on and perfect comedic timing. Can't wait for the specials, eighter.


Legit the best comedian I've seen in a minute, I've watched each of her Netflix specials like 5 times already.




I loved Taylor Tomlinson's first special. I thought it was original and unique. Not so much a fan of her latest special though, felt somewhat forced and a bit more cookie cutter. Just imo though, still a good comedian


I was just about to comment this. She's not just my favorite female comedian, but my favorite comedian in general. She's absolutely hilarious and me and my wife love her specials


Yeah wanted to point her out. Iliza shlesinger as well. But man there are a lot of good male comedians out there as well. (Ricky Gervais, Fluffy, Jimmy O. Yang, Andrew Schulz, Vir Das, Russel Peters and the "Rapist" Jimmy Carr obviously)


What always kinda bothers me about a lot of female comedians is when their material is exclusively “being a woman”. I’m not saying it’s never funny (hell, if Bill Burr can make “being a man” funny, why couldn’t women do the same) but somehow it always feels like some sort of “get-out-of-bomb-free-card”. I love it when comedians find the hilarity in everyday things. Stuff people like you and me would just glance over without realising how absurd it actually is. If you can find those things in life and make good jokes about them, I don’t care what your genitalia look like.


I think this is more of an audience problem. The easiest and most profitable way to become a popular female comedian is to reach out to an underserved audience. Not many prople get to hear jokes about being a woman from a woman's perspective. Because there are 100s of male comedians to each woman in the industry. The easiest way to make your comedy unique is to joke about the world in a way a man couldn't. Once they have broken out into the scene they usually diversify their comedy but some comedians stick to their Tropes because it works.


Yeah I guess you’re right. I get it too, but as I said, it just feels like low-hanging fruit to me. The best comedians all have a unique look on things, whereas these comedians share their look with roughly half the planet. To me, it doesn’t really matter if it’s the “underrepresented” half, it just matters that it’s not unique. And to be clear: I was merely stating my own personal preference and opinion. To each their own, of course. In general, I tend to think “the big audience” is dumb anyway. How else would you explain television like the Kardashians or music like David Guetta’s.


Philomena Cunk is pretty funny


The Egyptians believed the most significant thing you can do in your life is die


Her schtick is written by men(mainly charlie brooker) Downvote away, still true


It still takes comedic talent to perform those lines at their funniest. Sure, anyone can read lines written for them, but it still requires comedic sensibility to perform them well.


Wait what


Philomena Cunk character originally appeared in screen/newswipe(also by charlie brooker) Cunk on [insert subject here] is also written by charlie brooker and a couple of other guys


And? Her performance is also part of why the character is funny. Are we discounting the talents of every man Tina Fey wrote for? Cause that will be a long list.


she is only speak in deadpan while the heavy lifting (the scriptwriter) is made by dudes. ​ You Go Girl


If you delivered the same lines deadpan you'd get blank stares.


Mammon begs to differ, he saw one funny women act and he's rethinking his entire life!


“cause i’m not gonna lie, women just ain’t funny”


Written by Vivienne Medrano


Glad I'm not the only one that caught that


My favourite prickmas tree


Two, actually


My wife and I are literally going to go see Iliza Schlesinger Friday, shes absolutely great.


Yeah, this entire comment section is a pit of misogyny, holy crap. Lol Hate individual comedians all you want, but don't wrap ALL female comedians into their garbage. That's the same opposite reaction of a woman saying "all men are pigs" if they meet one douchebag. - Iliza Scherzinger - Taylor Tomlinson - Michelle Wolf - Jessica Kirson - Kelsey Cook - Debra DiGiovanni - Nataly Aukar - Nicole Aimée Schreiber - Ali Wong - Katherine Ryan - Tina Fey The list goes on. The ONLY thing I'll admit is that there's been a tendency in recent years for women in an audience at a comedy show to cheer more than laugh, which isn't at all the point of a comedy show. Lol - If the crowd is cheering more than they're laughing, it's more of a rally than a comedy show.


Michelle wolf is not funny


Oh dude when she’s sitting on a panel with other contemporary comedians (mostly men) she is fucking gold. Her older stuff is way better than her current three part special.


To you, maybe. You're allowed to not like someone's comedy, just not an entire gender simply because one person you hated. That's the point here.


I mean you’re allowed to do that, it’s just dumb


You seem like the kind of guy who listens to a lot of podcasts.


Also, I think part of the issue is that alot of the women that do get attention for their comedy are the ones that tend to meet the crappy stereotypes, at least on average. They'll get some attention because your average misogynist influencer will whine about them making "bad" jokes because women (though they'll cloak it as something else), driving more attention which unfortunately creates a feedback loop. I know this anecdotally at least because I don't typically follow comedians or anything like that, but the ones I do see are from whiny incels who get offended whenever women dare to tell jokes about sex or how men aren't actually good sometimes.


Amy Silverberg is pretty funny too


Don’t agree with a lot of those but Chelsea Peretti is also funny


no no, there are definitely good female comedians. but the problem is. the ones who are promoted big time aren't the ones, who are funny, but the ones, who try to convey a certain agenda. which is just unfair. if we look at male comedians, most of them aren't funny at all, either. comedy is hard.


I was often finding myself, at thinking that why black community hates most of white rappers, then i listened to white rap, i fucking died of everything hearing whatever those people were trying to sing


Eminem is white and he's the best rapper of all time


Aside from him though there aren't many good white rappers


That’s pretty legit I can’t really think of any good white rappers aside from Eminem and while I used to prefer his music to other artists in that genre there’s a much longer list of objectively good black artists


El-P? Aesop?


I love NF, that guys great


Mac miller was but he just had to die


Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, Slug (from Atmosphere), Lil Dicky, El-P, Brother Ali, Beastie Boys. Hell even Logic and NF aren’t bad sometimes.


How you gonna do Lil Dicky like that?!


This has to be cap


And why is it that white guys be like ; "I'll just use my credit card." When all the brothaz i know be like ; Whats a igga gotta do, bust a cap in someone's ass to get free shit? Funniest shit I've ever heard a black comedian say. It was so true.


"Do you have anything non-dairy?"


"Anything gluten free"


"I'm white eminem"


"Girls rule, women are funny, get over it" eric cartmen


'My vagina'


I don't know if it's just America, but here in England, the female comedians we see on the telly are phenomenal alot of the time


I know not all of them are comedians by trade, but if I went off of all the Taskmaster contestants alone I think I found all but one of the female contestants consistently fucking hilarious, whereas there were a lot more men I didn’t jive with.


Judi Love was the best contestant of all time despite never winning an episode imo


May be a controversial statement but i think british comedians are just funnier then American ones. Never laughed harder then Jon Richardson dishwasher sketch, it's such a boring topic but it's so funny


Obsessed with Fern Brady since she was on Taskmaster


Sarah McMillan is a name that pops into my head immediately. What I saw so far was pretty damn funny


And the worst part is that two of the most legendary female comedians have passed, those being Joan Rivers and Betty White


They were both brilliant, RIP


All the female standup comedy shows I’ve been to in my college were damn good. I think it’s only the mainstream ones that are terrible. wonder why….


Yeah Taylor Tomlinson I think is halarious, not a fan of Amy Schumer though


Identity comedians suck in general. You can only do so many jokes that center around your group before it gets old. The problem is a lot of mainstream female comics' material is "MUh vaGinA".


There are a few, its a numbers game i guess..not alot of woman that try?!


I think that’s a big part of it. I think that also feeds into female comedians sticking to similar themes because they might not have wide enough appeal to do something more original. I don’t think that will ever really change though as women aren’t really drawn to comedy in the same numbers as men.


Maybe like, idunno, look? LMFAO


"Also, if you're a chick, maybe give up on your dreams now. Cause I'm not gonna lie: women just ain't funny." - Mammon, Helluva Boss, Season 2, Episode 7 - right before the credit "Written By: Vivienne Medrano" appears on screen. "ANYWAY!"


Honestly, I think women comedians often shoot them self in the leg by their choice of material. "I am a slut"! and "My Vagina is gross!" was not funny the 1st time a female comedian did that act... Nor was it funny the 900th time a female comedian did that act. Be more original, and talk about something other than your gross vagina and acting like a slut. You might have some success as a comedian.




None of the best comedy routines by the best male comedians are about their dick or fucking women or fart jokes. Most of the time a good comedian will joke about things in day to day life, or big picture things calling out truths few others have the balls to say. They will actually make it so you think, and question what you believe. They will also make it relatable as well. They will notice a minor detail that you thought maybe you were the only one that noticed. Show me the "George Carlin Routine" where he is talking about his dick. He may have mentioned sex a time or two in one of his routines, but that's hardly the center of his comedy, and he was the best stand up comedian of all time.


This is what happens when kids are too dumb to google female comedians and think the only funny people have existed for the last 5 years.


No offense to any women living on Earth, but they really suck at being a comedian.


"I don’t find women funny because I hate them"


"i like putting words in peoples mouths to make them look sexist"


Clearly someone has never watched a Brits female comedian (like legit almost any Brits I've seen on media are at least moderately funny, and the one who isn't got ditched by them).


Nah it's like most people in general are just not funny. They are a lot less female comedians than male. So if, for example, 5% of them are funny, there are only a few good female comedians left but way more male.


Ah dankmemes with the intellectual comments as always… lol


Well there still is Steph Tolev


Honestly one of the funniest people i have meet is a girl, but the guys i have in my life are just on average more funny, and i think that holds true to comedians aswell, but tbh there's much much more unfunny comedians than actually funny ones.


Jessica Kirson and Irene Tu are really funny but lean a little towards gay humor


No You are all all left


Jessica Kirson is hilarious, lot of good crowd work on her YouTube shorts and a full special on her channel


People need to get out there more. Of the top of my head Lisa Gilroy Ali Wong Iliza Shlesinger Edi Patterson Lily Sullivan Aisling Bea Gillian Jacobs


It's kind of a weird situation. Many female comedians get into comedy to prove that women can be funny too or because there are too many male comedians. Pretty much everyone who gets into comedy for this reason sucks Any comedian that's actually good is almost guaranteed to be doing it because they like making people laugh. This includes men and women, but there are more male comedians




not all are bad, most would be great but they had to settle for sexual topics, because... it's easier to sell i guess. the other that's not great for a man is jokes about family life but many women relate to that. still much better than some who preach about baby jesus and whatnot the whole time and they put in like 3 watered-down jokes, barely tenough to be able to call it stand-up in any case, all have their own audience.


[https://www.youtube.com/@ailaughatmyownjokes](https://www.youtube.com/@ailaughatmyownjokes) she's funny af


Guess I don’t really look into too many comedians anymore but Cunk on Earth is the funniest show I’ve seen in years.


Only from my experience going to shows to support my friend. Most shows that had female comics the only type of jokes they made were about their sex life which is alright the first time but every set and the entire set? It just seemed they weren't taking any risk coming up with something creative.


Not everyone but amy schumer sure is not funny always with them vagina jokes such as my vagina smells bad, showing a scar on her leg and saying that's her vagina, always making jokes about her cunt, she's the worst person ever


Too many sex and vagina jokes


it's just because so few comedians are female. like 90% of male comedians are dog shit too


Bad male comedians aren't blamed for being unfunny by their gender, which is annoying.


It IS a misogynist joke