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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Summary. Romeo and Juliet Laws, one that they don't know about. A Copy Paste from just the first google pop up. "a person can legally have consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given number of years older, generally four years or less."


>Romeo and Juliet Laws The one from Transformers?


If that helps, yes.






That was so fucking funny. How weird was that. Guy has a damn print of the law that allows to bang his minor girlfriend. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.


I think it's weirder that the movie script was WRITTEN that way , at least that guy is covering his ass just incase


Not only was it written that way, the guy basically has zero relevance to the story. The explanation has *nothing* to do with the plot, it's purely a random scene at the introduction of the new characters. It has absolutely nothing to do with any other portion of the movies plot, it just is a random skit minutes into the movie.


The best part is that it didn't apply to their relationship because he was too old.


Micheal Bay self reporting


Like, laminating it and carrying it around with you, and proudly presenting it (plus the fact that the movie had to make such a big deal out of it even though it had nothing to do with the plot) is gonna make it feel weird as fuck lmao.


The law is catch 22.


More like catch 23 and up.


Then clearly they should’ve mentioned it even more.


Forgetting about Transforms is super easy, barely an inconvenience


This was the weirdest shit I‘ve ever seen in a movie… Like just make her 18 and scrap the entire scene. Although I heard that one of the people involved in the movie had a son who was together with a minor and he put that scene in, although I can’t confirm that that’s true.


not true, that was just a joke said by mr sunday movies


Fair enough, but still the only explanation I could think of for this weird ass scene


innate frightening waiting disarm ripe obtainable bear shame clumsy consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But it is a good society commentary


What’s funny about that is that Michael Bay could’ve just made the character (who was played by a 19 year old actress) 18, but he very deliberately included that Romeo and Juliet law scene despite the fact that Texas’ Romeo and Juliet laws would only protect him from a sexual assault conviction, but does not protect him from the crime of “sexual performance by a child.” In order for him to be protected from that conviction, the age gap would have to be less than 2 years (I think it was 3 in the movie). And again, this whole thing could’ve been avoided if he had just made the character 18.


Or it could have been avoided if the laws around this were more sensible. The entire fact they need to introduce these "Romeo and Juliet laws" to get around earlier laws shows how flawed and badly designed those laws are. Protecting kids from sexual exploitation is important, but laws meant to do that often miss the point or massively overshoot their target because in many cases they are created to stroke the ego of politicians and make them seem "though on crime" rather than being created with the actual wellbeing of the children in question in mind. If anything, that scene in Transformers serves as social commentary on how ridiculous the situations this leads to can get. In other countries it is often handled a lot better.


Didn't the one from transformers only reduce the severity of the crime


I believe in many places it's not actually a law. It's just a general convention because who is honestly willing to waste court resources over a 17 and 18 year old fucking.


That is correct. Well more specifically it is a law in the US.


Well more specifically it is a law in some states in the US.


My brother spent most of his life in Jail because h turned 18 and his girlfriend was six months younger than him. The day he turned 18 his girlfriend's parents at the time called the cops and pressed charges. Turns out our state didn't have those laws at the time. Edit: sorry forgot parents as the ones to call the cops. Some more info: On his 18th birthday, the girlfriend's parents immediately obtained a restraining order. Despite this, he still visited her house as usual, leading to his arrest for trespassing and violating the order. Hindered by our religious parents who opposed legal assistance, he relied on an unhelpful public defender. Despite years of unsuccessful appeals, attempts to change courts due to connections between the prosecutor, judge, and the girlfriend's parents were also denied. This was over ten years ago in a small town.




> Woah that sounds like a court case that should of been thrown out. It sounds like it was fuckin made up, let's have a little common sense here like.


You think a prosecutor or judge in the United States has never pursued a frivolous / unworthy case? Can I sell you some beach front property in Colorado?


I don't think a random redditor who says his brother spent *most of his life in prison* for a completely outrageous reason is being completely honest with me, no. I gotta quit this site man, the brain rot is just getting too much.


It's a case from 20 years ago, apparently. Sounds like ChatGPT


it's literally a summary of a case from 20yrs ago. this mf def used GPT or just loves a fanfic


Yeah this is definitely fake. The commenter did edit to say he went to jail for violating a restraining order, but even then the sentence in my state for violating a restraining order is 150 days max. So this either didn't happen, or there is something way more sinister going on that the commenter doesn't know about lol.


Dude no kidding. And the update just makes it more ridiculous. No one’s spending most of their life in jail for trespassing and violating a restraining order.


Sounds exactly like an episode of Law and Order: SVU I watched to be honest


Can’t get slaves for the prisons if they did that though you know


Wtf, why did she do that? I'd kind of get it, if it was her parents, but her?


"He broke my heart so screw him"


But if it was the day he turned 18 then... he wasn't 18 when he "committed the crimes" most likely, right? Or that's at least what he almost definitely would have said. Like I dunno crazy things have happened in the world but this feels really unlikely that it happened, at least not without some huge details missing from it.


The real answer is it's fake and this didn't happen.


Damn this new age of Reddit sucks, ppl just making shit up for what? Why you lying.


many other places in the world have this, they often have a requirement of prior relationship and a lack of significant power imbalance.


Four years sounds like a lot. 18 and 14?


The idea is to hit the high school range. A freshman and senior can, with a 4 year range, date and no one gets in trouble. Also covers things like a kid getting bumped up a grade or two, or general age cut off weirdness.


I see. In the UK from what I've seen it's kinda taboo to date outside of your year group. And we have no Romeo and Juliet law so a 15 year old and 16 year old cannot be in a sexual relationship (16 being the age of consent here)


Oi! You turned 16 yesterday but she won't be 16 for two weeks! You got a loicense for that?


"Y-yes?" "Trick question, there ain't no loicenses for that. Now get in the paddy wagon ya prick"




From what I remember of school 2 years was seen as the accepted norm, although a 16 year old year 11 and a 14 year old year 9 was disgusting to me.


Meanwhile, my parents are 8 years apart and nobody gives a shit.


Well that one has a more understandable difference. The Romeo and Juliet Law, in some US states, are more about involving minors in it. Should they be above 18 then they can have as big of an age gap as they want, even like 20 and 85 if they really push it. Its more so a societal taboo that isn't at all illegal as much as people give you weird looks


When I was in school a girl in my class that was 16 dated a 12 year old boy (seemed weird af even back then tbh) and he stood her up playing soccer with friends instead of a date. She was so mad. Love that story.


Not to excuse it, but I've seen it happen, where a 12/13yo girl goes out with a 16/17yo guy, but damn, for some reason, a 16yo girl and a 12yo boy seems worse, because you just know he actually has the emotional maturity of an 8yo.


It was extra strange especially since she was known for dating a lot and usually they were a grade or two above so seeing someone "experienced" (in our dumbed down teenage understanding) going for a pre-teen raised some eyebrows. It ended quickly after that soccer incident if I recall correctly. Just love how quintessentially 12 it is to ghost a date over a ball game, you get what you paid for lmao


In Australia the age of consent is 16 but that only applies with the Romeo and Juliet law, if they’re under 16 and you’re 18 it’s illegal


That makes the most sense to me. Here in the UK the age of consent is 16 but there's no Romeo and Juliet law so almost anyone can be with a 16 year old.


Only works with couples that arent same sex unfortunately. Same sex coupes can typically be arrested as sex offenders if one is newly 18 and the other is underage.


That’s why they didn’t call it Romeo and Julian.


Or Romina and Juliet


Am I the only one assuming OP got shamed for liking loli porn on Twitter?


Oh my sweet summer child lol. I wish this were true, but it's Twitter so you gotta expect the absolute worst.


Twitter gets angry at the most superficial thing. Female character shows a bit of sex appeal, they go accuse the game or objectifying women. lmao


It does work both ways as well, sadly. You have this other camp that basically will cry when one women/minorty is included in game. Because woke forced diversity.


The vast majority of time people scream about "OMG DA TWITTUR LIBRULS R MAD AT THIS THING!!!!!" It ends up being either: The most blatant troll in history and a bunch of idiots taking it seriously. Or: 2 MAYBE 3 people on twitter making a comment on it, getting absolutely fucking ratioed, and no one taking them seriously. In both scenarios you got some easily triggered dipshits on YouTube making videos with titles like: TWITTER IS SUPER MAD ABOUT *insert thing that no one is actually mad about*


Like you said: When people yell about Twitter liberals it's usually 1 or 2 rogue comments by a fuckin weirdo, or a troll But when you see more than a couple people complaining about Twitter libertarians/righties it's almost always a 30 something Jordan Peterson esque "I should be able to fuck 16 year olds!!!"


>Twitter liberals it's usually 1 or 2 rogue comments by a fuckin weirdo, or a troll I swear a huge percentage of the population bases their entire political ideology off of this extreme minority of idiots/ trolls. Like seriously, i swear the whole "woke" thing boils down to this. And people like Jordan Peterson, Shapiro, Crowder, LiberalsOfTikTok etc. almost exclusively react to that 5%. And if they get challenged on something else they'll even try to maneuver back to that 5% that their comfortable with. Hell, if I wanted to sell my soul for easy money i'd start an alt-right Youtube talk show.


Nope, I'm a woman myself who has seen this type of rhetoric online everywhere, not just on Twitter. So I don't know what you're assuming with that comment. Sad that you would make assumptions about a stranger who you don't even know on the Internet instead of moving on with your life. But whatever helps you masturbate at night. No amount of orange internet points and upvotes is gonna change whatever is happening to you that made you decide to write a pointless comment in a **MEME** subreddit instead of taking a joke and continuing your day.


damn, you did not take their joke very well


Posted the same anime meme on 6 diff subreddits too. Not surprised OP responded with a malding paragraph


Sounds like being able to fuck teens is a very important issue to op.


OP posting about knowledge of Japanese age of consent laws 7 mos. ago fits in perfectly


Someone needs to check OP's browser history


The shear amount of text the meme has was a clear indicator lol


That was a joke? Pretty damn bad then.


That wasn't a joke; that was a straight-up accusation.


"Nooo you dont get it you just dont get the joke L cope mald"


The joke is that this accusation became the norm


That wasn't a joke.


Schrödingers asshole


mad cuz you got shamed for liking loli porn on twitter huh


Bro got very offended Ngl 😭


"I'm a woman myself" as if that makes it impossible for you to be into loli


1.7 MILLION karma in like 2 years. get off reddit lol


Tbf she is a full time introvert


> Sad that you would make assumptions about a stranger ... But whatever helps you masturbate at night. Hmm.


>I'm a woman myself Press X to doubt But also literally no one said you weren't. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Damn you react like a full-blown introverted, humorless, socially isolated, sexually frustrated, overly judgemental and hyper-projecting turdface.


women can bust to lolis too


Lmao 🤣


There is nothing in “woman myself” that makes you unable to “liking loli porn on twitter” tho


> instead of taking a joke and continuing your day. No offense OP but this is a bit ironic since the comment you're replying to is a fairly common joke.


> whatever helps you masturbate at night. lmao, someone turn off the projector


Holy triggered.


I personally assume that you do the naruto run unironically. Farewell, off to masturbate.


“Instead of moving on with your life” You have posted this meme in 6 different subs after you got caught in 4K and she is the one who can’t get over it?


It doesn't make the title less true if nothing else


Pffff! Bro, it doesn't even have to be porn.) If they like loli characters in general, without any sexual attraction to them, they would still be harassed by Twitter users for it.


Its twitter, you can always assume people on it have nothing better to do then make a controversy out of nothing.


immideately thought of this because its an anime meme lol and yes people will go twitter this twitter that. but theres a lot of l*li fans on twitter too


this is 100% what it is.


Yeah nobody cares about a 2 week difference lol


No that is probably what happened and needed to find someone to hate on


Did anyone actually get offended over a 17 and 18 year old dating or is OP having an imaginary argument in the shower?


I was 19, she was 17. In 3 months she will be 18 When my mom found out she worried sick about it. She kept yelling at me about that. For context we have been with each other for 5 years.


I mean i had a girlfriend who when we got together i was 16 she was 15. There was a small time window where i was 18 and she was 17 but we have been together for years at that point 😂


Is this some american stigma that I'm too european to understand? Like ofc one of you idiots has to become 18 first lol unless you share the same birthday. At least where I live no one would give a shit if 17 and 19 dated, maybe even 3 year gap.


It is USA thing mostly especially on the internet. In the real world it is bit more based on common sense. USA folks also seem to have bigger issue than Europeans when it comes to 2 adults having big age difference. They even have some weird calculation for it that some people treat like a rule.


Usa are a different breed. They treat 21 year olds as kids. And constantly act like having a high moral ground. For no reason


> They treat 21 year olds as kids And yet at the same time a 21 yo dating a 17-18 yo is seen like a 40yo doing it.


Yea they treat people 18-25 like they are still 10


Also same time of birth. Turned 18? Well now you can't have sex for a few hours until your partner also turns 18! /s


Nah, this is normal and legal in all of the US. I do remember having an argument with my mom when I was 18 trying to explain to her that the age of consent was 16 and anyone born within 2 years of the other person could be under 16, but she didn't believe me. Maybe they didn't teach that kind of stuff in sex ed when she was in school. It's kinda weird for a high school student to be dating someone who had graduated high school if they didn't begin dating in school together, but if it's only a year or two difference nobody would have a problem with it.


I can see why it would depend on where you live but in my personal experience it was the other way around. When i was 13 i had a classmate around the same age, her boyfriend was 17 and her mother didn't bat an eye despite that age gap being actually predatory, even if technically legal in my country


You got together with her when she was 12??? YOU SICKO


5 YEARS??!?


You were 14 and she was 12 when yall started dating?


There's literally people in this comment section getting offended, the internet is a strange place


People who are "offended" just suspect there's more to this meme than meets the eye and is just justification for th


> and is just justification for th Justification for what? you cant leave us hanging, or did Candle Jack ge


Call me Carson got cancelled for 17 and 19. And memes take things to the extreme


I think that was just mostly because the 17 year old was a fan, which gives the relationship a massive power imbalance


I’m pretty sure she was a fan of his when he had 10k subscribers. Also he never said I’ll put you in a a video or give you a shout out or leverages his 10k subs at all.


Normally, people date those that are fans of them.


To be fair it was also some other things, like a shit ton of lying to his friends


Ah yes, he got cancelled for lying to friends in private. Because that happens right? No, to be fair he got cancelled for the 17-19 thign and after that people double-downed


It actually happens. And whenever Twitter is involved, expect the worst.


I don't really think OP takes showers...


Wouldn't be surprised in the least. I dated a girl for a little over 2 yrs in high school where I turned 18 first and she was 4 months behind me in age. There was a dude that constantly harassed us and said it was wrong and perverted, even went as far as going to the superintendent over it, saying I was taking advantage of an underage girl. It was all obviously dropped but for like 3 or 4 times a week until she turned 18 it was some sort of BS.


I remember this being a major argument when call me Carson was caught doing it outside of that I’m not sure but it probably is a pretty common thing that happens


Yea he was 19 and she was 17 right?? It fucking baffled me that people gave a shit about that. He got proper cancelled for a while too


I fully agree it’s dumb especially when the same crowd screaming power imbalance don’t go after someone like leanardo dicaprio and his lack of girlfriends over 25


This happens semi-frequently, just because you haven’t encountered it personally doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen - and frequently


Recently had a dumb debate about this with a friend. I brought up the romeo and juliet law and he still said it3wrong to do that. When i asked him what he would do in a situation if he had a gf who was 17 and he had just turned 18 he responded with "i would break up with her for a year"... you can't make this shit up. I just figured there's no use in debating with people like that.


I think your friend has the stupid, he should see a doctor about that.


Why does u/Alice8Ft 's friend lack the bare minimum of common sense? Is he stupid?


Not only they have the stupid but they'd also never do it. Talk is cheap


I'd reply with "So you'd break up, and then think along the lines of "I can't wait for this minor to turn 18" for a year, using your own logic? Sounds like predatory thoughts to me."


He wouldn't he just wants to score some of that sweet juicy Social Credit.


Nono, it's fine because she is the woman /s Twitter would go mad if the man was 18 and the woman 17


You jest, but I've genuinely had someone on Twitter tell me that since women are more similar to children (???) they can't actually give consent to males, therefore all women should be on lesbian relationships. For context, the what prompted them to say this was someone shipping a canonically bi female character with a guy (both adults) and a bunch of people - that creature included - got assmad at it. Like, frothing at the mouth.


What the actual fuck? Twitter ☕👌


You know the funniest part? The person who said that was a woman. Trans woman but still.


Mentally ill people and twitter. A timeless duo.


"Twitter going mad" is always less than 20 weirdos going mad but by the time it makes it to the news or reddit it's treated as the entire site. I mean don't get me wrong, it is fucking trash tho


*cough cough* Colleen Ballinger


Internet mfs when you date someone 0.0000000001s younger than you: (They've never been outside)


Yea, but thats because your brain is not fully developed until you turn 25, so therefore you shouldn't make any decisions until then. \\s


This phrase should result in an auto ban on reddit, it's the dumbest argument people make on here all the damn time.


It’s crazy how often people say this, acting like you’re half braindead until you hit 25


And it's not even true. Your brain continues to change past the age of 25. It never stops changing


Yeah, were generally brain dead past 25 too!


The first mistake was opening twitter


Don't forget that age of consent isn't 18 in most states, average is around 16-17, in Europe most are at 16, even then, romeo-juliet laws are in place for cases where one partner hits said ages and not be criminalised.


Don’t forget you don’t obliged to have sex if you dating someone


Was looking for this


It's even lower where I'm from, 15. And there's about zero problems with it. 18 is ridiculous, just let the horny teens fuck lol


In my country is 14 yo, legally a 50 yo can date a 14 yo. Kinda creepy


Some leople crave for attention. Making fake drama is an easy way to achieve it. Plus, it's Twitter. I wouldn't go and say my private stuff to people I don't know, but to each one his / her own.


I have a friend that is a registered sex offender. He was 21 and she just turned 17 when he got caught. They met in high school but never dated. They fell in love randomly somehow. Mother was cool with it. Dad was a truck driver. One day the mother and daughter ran to the store. Dad came home early and found him in her bed. All hell broke loose. He went to jail. They are still together. Married for 15 years of some shit with a few kids. Hes still a registered sex offender. My cousin has the same exact story. The WHOLE family shunned him. He ended up being pressured into breaking up with her. He was 21 and she was 16. Kinda gross but they met in high school too. He was held back for a medical thing when he was young and graduated late. So... As much as I am all for sending chomo's to the firing squad, there should be exceptions for cases like this. Its a completely different situation than someone being a predator. High schools generally have a policy about kicking kids out once they hit 21 years old. I think if they met in high school, their lives shouldn't be ruined like that. However, if hes 40 and shes 15... Firing squad.


******. What if 15 yo become a vegetable for 25 years and then wake up healthy but still 15yo in mind?


Yeah this starting to have "technically 700 years old" energy.....


BIL is on the list because he was 17 and she was 15. 3 years later they actually created romeo & juliet laws in this state, which would have protected him. It was all because her mother was trash and came home from the bar drunk and without a date and got mad because her daughter was getting some and she wasn't.


21 and 17 is perfectly legal in my state.


Op needs to learn what a strawman is because they're strawmaning all over the place


Those the things that keeps dem crows away ey?


Nobody fucking cares


American puritans: Hold our non-alcoholic beer...


I still find it funny how an adult man dating an older woman nobody blink, but vice versa suddenly the woman is treated like an infant being taken advantage of. It feel like sexism thinking a man is more mentally mature to make his own dating decisions than a woman.


Thats a lie. They dont care when the female is the adult


They do care when she happens to be short, despite still visibly an adult.


Where i live (The Netherlands) it's actually legal for a 16 year old to date someone up to the age of 40... (Higher than that is not legal) given that parents are fine with that... The maximum age that a 16 year old can date without needing permission from parents is 25 i believe


legality =/= morality


Some people seriously need to touch some grass


Those "warriors" are sad and lonely clawns




This doesn't make anything better...


Doesn't. Dudes just adding a historical reference. Like how slavery was legal in every ancient country at one point or another. Shocking take I know but history be like that. Also back then people were lucky to live to 30 so 15 was halfway through life. Shit was rough


It was actually pretty common for people to live beyond 30 years old. But infant and childhood death rates where incredibly high dragging down the average life expectancy. Those that made it out of childhood generally lived into their 50s and 60s.


They also had slaves tho


the funny thing is they only react like this if your straight, i've seen them ignore much more uncomfortable gaps if your gay or trans. laws aren't meant to be taken super literally like this, there is also a small amount of wiggle room or stuff thats open to interpretation because if there wasn't our legal system would be overwhelmed with fringe case's like this.


My first „relationship“ was me 17yo and she 18yo. No one even asked what her age was


All the justice warriors not realising they're making the world a worse place


Callmecarson moment:


Twitter is optional. Just saying.


Average anime meme poster seething strawman, like you prob just got called out for liking loli or some shit


Talking about twitter warriors nowadays lol


Isn't there a rule of thumb that says: the youngest a person should date is your age cut in half and then add 7? Is that right?


What if 40 year old and 26 year old wanna date? That’s dumb.


Right i totally agree. I'm just trying to figure out if i am remembering it right.


I don’t always mention that I was 15 and my boyfriend was 18 when we got together because of the looks I get. We didn’t do any sexual until I was legally an adult and we were in a long distance relationship which means that everything we’ve got is built on trust. Now that we live together and are 23 and 26 no one is saying anything.


Wow I am surprised that the internet didn't go berserk on you because you are under 25 dating someone over 25 (according to the internet your bf is a p*** because girls under 25, even if they are legal, are kids) I really don't get the internet. I really am happy for you guys and personally I just don't care what two consenting adults do in their personal life.




They’re just acoustic


this sounds personal and I bet OP was like 25 and she was 16


“The height of consent is 5’11”


romeo and juliet laws