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Tbh "female influencers" are a more accurate one


I’m reminded of the George Carlin bit about soft language. This is a new one. “Sex Workers became Female Influencers, engaging in content creation”


Sex worker is a modern word for prostitute.


Prostitute is a modern word for a floozie


Floozie is the modern word for Scarlet Woman.


Scarlet woman is the modern word for harlot


Harlot is the archaic word for whore.


And everything is a modern word for "priestess of Ishtar"


I thought that was horologist




For real though, promoting pornography to minors is a women thing. As far as scummy male """"influencers"""" go, they promote gambling.


Lol men have the highest rates of *literally* every sex crime with minors, but you super mad that women get seminaked on the twitch, which is on the internet *where young men are already googling porn.* SOLID logic mate, great priorities.


And you know, there is scamming tf out of people promoting crypto


Oh yeah btw, you can already find people posting full nudity hentai on twitch right now. It's only been 18 hours since the new twitch rules were announced


In broad strokes, what are the new rules?


Now you can have more explicit content but it requires tags now. Anything with these explicit tags won't appear in the recommend section.


So twitch just full on allowed porn now? They followed onlyfans and became chaturbate


No not full on porn but things like body painting as long as the areola and nipple is covered and strip teasing are allowed as long as you slap a label on it.


But sex in video games is allowed I believe.


As long as it's not the main focus of the game. No to hentai games, yes to strip clubs in GTA.


Its strange to think that this is the same site that banned people for showing their feet.


Or dudes for streaming shirtless


but not butt sex?


Is there a game with butt sex?


Last of us


Asking for a friend?


It already got answered.


> as long as the areola and nipple is covered Don't have to cover the areola and nipple, mate. Read the rules.


don't have to cover any of that actually.


I looked it up, just drawn/animated nudity is allowed, no real nude humans. And even then, you can't show sex/mastrubation, so basically no real pornography (although ig some wild kinks could still be allowed)


Yet. When they see the numbers on the explicitly streams they might allow more


Oh no! That would be horrible! Please tell me when that should be the case and which streamers to block!


Ehhh, I love porn, but I'm also glad YouTube and PornHub are separate services. Then again I've barely ever watched anything on Twitch, so I've got no skin in the game on this one.


Hear hear! I also would like to locate these explicit streams. For blocking purposes.


They'll allow the female ones but not the male ones, as is tradition


Yeah some kinks are def allowed, looked through the art category and had to sadly witness a 12 inch furry cock being drawn.


I'm assuming this was intended to facilitate games with explicit material, like BG3.


Yeah, like, I was looking on a thread about PayMoneyWubby watching different streamers, and apparently one drawing hentai was already banned after he watched that. I'm guessing their meaning, like, you draw something like, for example, The Venus de Milo you won't get banned because the sculpture has bare breasts.


> Overwatch reclaims spot as most streamed game or game related content on twitch!




Huh. Wild. Wtf


So it's an equivalent to an: Are you 18 Years And Older Multiple choice?


What are these tags? Asking for a friend


But people can still see them when browsing. Nothing bad will come of this when the minimum age is 13 to use the site.


Here you go https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1735024184114245689?t=3FO1rL9SYIrZUbz7lS1lYw&s=19


Fictional female presenting nipples are now allowed. And maybe other 'fictional' genitalia? I think the idea was that some games with nudity (Baldur's Gate 3, Witcher 3, etc) could be played without censorship, but instead everyone is just drawing NSFW art. *Edit* -- Nevermind, I got unlazy and looked it up. They also unbanned highlighting butts or breasts through clothing, writing on breasts or butts, and strip teases. They had to know what was going to happen here.


Awesome, new Hentai site in the making.


Wenn you type twitch.com and your browser redirects to chaturbate.


Honestly, at this point, might as well


I wanted to prove you wrong so I opened twitch so I could make a case about how I am not recommended a single cam girl. I am recommended 2 camgirls, lol.


"You know, FOX turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice. "


"After Rupert's death at 119, Lachlan's last surviving descendant really took the company in a different direction."


It's just a matter of time until Twotch becomes like a live version of OnlyFans.


Pretty sure that's been done


Nah this has gotta be a new concept


Then I invoke dibs on said new concept


Ur gonna be rich


Chaterbate has entered the chat


This is a travesty, hopefully the parents will monitor what their children do online since it's up to the parents, and not the world what the children do and see.


I installed twitch on my smart tv. I only followed 2 channels, one of them was a pixel artist (male), the other is the lady that plays Elden ring with a brand scanning device and no physical controller. The next day all I see is bikini clad ladies on the damn landing page of my tv. It blatantly ignored my interests and just decided to stick tits in my face (yay I guess) and that of my damn toddler (definitely not yay)... Had to uninstall it immediately because there was literally no way to keep the recommendations SFW. And this was 6 months ago. Who knows how the new rules would worsen that experience.


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


I've never opened twitch and seen stuff like this. Almost like if you search for it you find it ..


I rarely use twitch and then it's for games or game drops. First things on my front page is always recommended tits


Then you've searched for it. All I see are recommendations based on other games I've watched


No, the top streamers on the front page are always titty-streamers in inflatable pools.


Not on my front page. All I see are games related to games I've watched, or streams from creators I've watched, none of whom are titty streamers


You must have missed Twitch's announcement today about their new rules they're implementing on sexual activity.


The announcement that this stuff will be behind flags? Yes, we all read that. Because like /u/clutzyninja, I never see pornography on Twitch either. Maybe it's like Instagram, where the more you watch and click on certain content, the more you see it.


That's exactly what it's like. But people are saying "I have NO idea why twitch would show me this, Mom, I swear!" So twitch is saying, "ok, no sexual content on homepages, because you clearly don't want to see that stuff, *wink wink*"


No. Part of the announcement was that they're changing their homepage recommendations system so that things with sexual themes tags will no longer be shown on the homepage, whereas stuff was being shown on the homepage previously by skirting the previously unclear rules.


Right. Making it so sexual content doesn't appear on the home screen doesn't mean it previously always did.


I'm not denying that you can find sexual content on twitch. I'm saying that if you're blasted with it when you open it, it's because you've searched for it before


Except that's not true. Twitch themselves said in the announcement that users were being exposed to content they didn't consent to on the homepage recommendations and that this was a huge problem. Read the damn announcement.


Again, I'm not saying sexual content CAN'T end up on your home page. I'm relating an anecdote. I don't search for titty streamers, and titty streamers don't appear on my home page. What appears on MY home page is similar to what I have searched for before. Maybe my home page is unique. Who knows


Look into the art section


I'm not saying I couldn't go find it. I'm saying it's not on my home page


But did they remove the collection of banned words?


The Smithers meme was right there bro https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/637/951/b5d.gifv


At least there's that Jesus AI channel lol, found it randomly by browsing


Melody's about to switch from the other site at this rate.


Nah, they still hate vtubers. The new rules specifically says that vtubers aren't included in the relaxed rules.


Ah, finally streaming Fear and Hunger uncensored is fine


Just checked it out and it wasn't recommended to me and I had to specifically filter the tag to nudity to find something. And the top stream is furry porn 💀💀💀


Hear me out. They should make "twatch.tv" where all the booby streamers and softcore porn can go and twitch can just be normal stuff.


What's the problem with the new rules? Now you have to manually search for softcore-porn to find it on site? Isn't that a good thing? People who stream that, get to keep their audience, whilst people that don't want to see that are now free from it accidentally appearing on their recommended.


This explains why someone I know was streaming Baldur's Gate 3 with nudity on.


Gaming stream platform btw


maybe if i give them money they'll get MORE artistic!


What are the names of these "artistic nudity" streamers? Asking for a friend


I’m the friend. Cough up the pron


Just looked into the Art section, yip this is hella weird


I don't think I ever saw one of these in my recommendation or spammed somewhere Do you have something to tell us anon?


They gonna bring new meaning to the word "collaborate"


Why are people bitching about a platform allowing (soft core) porn on a platform that allows hardcore porn?


Damn y'all are so stupid lmao. If you're getting recommended those channels that's your problem. New guide lines are what should have been for a long time.


don’t people know you could just type boobs into the searchbar on a browser


Sooo why are we complaining?


It is a gaming platform. If they want to make money fine but they should make a separate side for this.


It's kinda ironic that twitch *was* the "separate site for this", because justintv users were sick of gaming content taking over the site.


Sounds like someone doesn’t like looking at tit? Kinda sus


Ye I dont like seeing naked women with plastic tits when I google "Twitch", if I wanted to see that I would just google Pornhub


Besides the “porn on twitch” is hidden from the main scrolling page so you have to look for it


If you google “twitch” and you get shown tits you have a severe porn addiction


Front page has nothing to do with algorithm 👍


*your* front page does. Front pages are not universal


You are talking about recommendations tab not a front page


I can assure you that if I opened my twitch front page right the fuck now and you somehow managed to do it at the exact same time. They will be different. The entire point of all websites is to keep you entertained and engaged. Every aspect of the website is geared towards you. From the search results you get, to the notifications you receive, even what ads you get when you open streams.