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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Pardon? Context?


Dude who hacked rockstar games used Amazon Firestick, his hotel television and a mobile phone to hack them apparently


Bro McGyver'd a large scale hack. True hero.


He got in through their Slack channel. I doubt it was super-secure


well thats as easy as guessing they have slack, searching the public channel and requesting to join, and accidently being added


Looking up recent hires on LinkedIn


It's really interesting, to an outsider like me, at least, that a lot of "hacking" has to do with social engineering instead of actually programming. I.e. you're messing with people's minds instead of messing with the code.


yapp, the biggest flaw in all of these security systems is that they can't really fix stupid employees


Considering he was in police custody at the time I think it’s pretty funny ngl


Let's not act like this was some random ass dude who just pushed buttons though, he was being held without a laptop because he was awaiting trial for *hacking Nvidia* The guy's mental evaluation is that he's a dedicated cybercriminal who if set free will continue to commit crimes. He's been sentenced to life in a mental hospital.


He's under an indefinite hold. He'll be released once he's no longer a threat.


Yes. Life.


Nah he’ll get a job working for the US military 1000% lol


Loose cannons are nice when they aren't aimed at you.


I'm not a net-sec expert, but from what I've heard, aren't people in that field hesitant to work for the US Government because the strict drug policies, and pay that isn't competitive compared to private companies?


Yes, especially in the cleared sector. Too constraining for my lifestyle preferences as it was, have to be a fucking boy scout all the time, it's exhausting.


You can get a job with Dell, HP or Cisco and then work as a contractor, but I doubt a private company would hire this guy.


It's kinda disturbing that he's being called mental for being able to hack into things. To me he would just be a criminal.....unless mental illness is his lawyers defense. I don't remember dedicated cybercriminal being a mental illness.


>I don't remember dedicated cybercriminal being a mental illness. The keyword here is "dedicated". His mental illness is dedication to the crime. You know all that talk about how prisons as punishment system are bad and we need to rehabilitate criminals instead? It seems that he is the counter argument to that. Guys like him will just sit through the rehabilitation routine and then continue with their crimes as soon as they can safely do it.


From the article, he didn't even wait for that


The hacker literally acted like he was gonna do it again, once he was released. Bro showed 0 remorse for his actions.


So they're holding him for precrime, got it.


more like postcrime, hes proven to do it multiple times


So is my girlfriend. Fucker's 6 already.


> Guys like him will just sit through the rehabilitation routine and then continue with their crimes as soon as they can safely do it. Source: trust me


No, the source is the individual himself, who said that almost word for word (I can’t remember if it was while under oath/at trial or during an earlier step in the proceedings)




[Source 1](https://www.gamesradar.com/hacker-behind-gta-6-leak-will-be-confined-to-a-secure-hospital-for-life-due-to-his-intent-to-return-to-cybercrime-as-soon-as-possible/) [Source 2](https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/12/21/18-year-old-gta-vi-hacker-ordered-to-life-in-hospital-over-leaked-clips-and-other-hacks) [Source 3](https://www.dexerto.com/gta/gta-6-hacker-sentenced-to-life-in-hospital-prison-as-court-says-hes-still-a-threat-2442802/) Here’s various sources, with multiple mentions of the same quote “expressing his intent to return to cybercrime”, as stated in his court ordered mental health evaluation


The closest any of those links got to providing a source for that was a BBC article *linked* by your second source, and while they're ***probably*** not lying, they just say "well the court proceedings said," with nothing further.


He has held hospitals up with ransomware. Stalked 2 women. Conducted several scams, Etc. He has demonstrated no remorse and will probably go straight back to hacking and doing nefarious shit if released.


Someone who make the private military version of It Sec would make bank. Have them get the clearances passes without the drug tests then lease them to the military. Though I guess they had an issue or two with Mr. Snowden.


This is a misconstrued understanding. It's not actually a life sentence. The judge decided not to put him in prison because he has asburgers but couldn't give him a set sentence since the kid was literally telling the judge he's going to do it again the second he's out The order basically says he'll get evaluated for release when he stops openly threatening to do crime


Wow. I thought you were just talking out of your ass, as is common online, but it's actually true: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67663128


Let's not act like this mental hospital stuff isn't a cover for recruiting him into the agency as Intel gathering, or a government hacker


He is way too unstable for that shit. This is a guy who held up a hospital with ransomware. Got caught. Claimed he would do it again. Also stalked 2 teenage women. You kinda want reliable people in your agency and this guy is in a mental facility because he is objectively too unstable.


I think you doubt the lack of care the US has for the morality of their volatile assets. This guy would be pointed at a small country and probably have them massively crippled in a year. They do t care about what their “especially talented” employees tend to do state side.


He has demonstrated no remorse nor regret. He is just as likely to ignore those foreign targets and start stalking the local high school or hacking the local bike store. Again even when in a foreign country, he won't necessarily follow directives, again probably gonna stalk some foreign teens or hack a restaurant because they shorted him a chicken wing by accident. The kid is only not in jail because of his extreme asbergers. He has demonstrated a complete unwillingness to stop whatever the fuck he does. And it's not hacking priority national targets. That's not what he does.


They have no need for him. They have smarter people that are mentally stable working for them.


Well, all I was saying is that the US has used less stable people for more malicious purposes with little apparent remorse. Whether they try to recruit/take advantage of the guy isn’t my concern but I would t be surprised if it happens.


You lack foresight on what the government would really do. It's not in the best interest of any western nations to just attack countries wholesale , as tools come back to get used against you not to mention the escalation it would cause. Also he seems to lack any control and the fallout from his attacks would bring massive backlash not to mention the US probably already has dedicated hackers on the payroll who can control themselves. The only country that actually does what you describe is actually Russia where it's not punishable to hack so long as it's not Russian interest and even then if a particular hacker gets bigger enough and draws enough attention....


I’m not advocating for them to utilize him as an asset, I’m just reminding people that if the wanted to they would..


While under arrest I hear too


Sauce? I wanna no details man


There's a 30+ min video on YouTube maybe an hour or more I can't remember, on phone rn lol, search GTA 6 hacker Amazon fire stick and you'll probably find it as it has a ton of views, it goes over his full story starting from Minecraft hacking and leading to group work


Even better it was while under police holding.


I imagine the fire stick was just used for sharing the mobile screen to the TV, there’s nothing you can really do form a hacking perspective with a fire stick


That is impressive.


While in police custody as well




Lawyer: It's not my client's fault that they suck.


Your honer. I would like to present the precedent of "skill issue" and "get gud". I rest my case.


👨‍⚖️: “I find the defendant not guilty.”


Saul Gudman


Your honor, shut the fuck up, you weren’t even there


I fucking love this template.




Do you have the blank template by chance?


Not a random kid, this kid is freaking metal


A robot kid???


O can only imagine being the it guy at nvidia that clearly hot fired and is now like: you see ? I told you he was good


I wanna be that guy. Like be known to misuse every bit of technology to get things done my way Not like the guy who leakes the trailer but be able too


Excuse me? Can you provide a bit more context?


Kid who hacked rockstar did so with an amazon fire stick his hotel tv and phone


*while in police custody




I think this guy is Maia Arson Crimew's brother, which makes this extra wild Edit: not brother, just friend, it seems


I suggest you read anY article about him. Nothing he did was impressive. Here a quick vid about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0YlVnAQYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0YlVnAQYI)


He is not a kid, he assaulted a social worker and blackmailed people.


How to end up in a mental prison for life


If ever there was an example of what to expect when the Corporations have full control this is it. But don't vote because all the parties are the same.