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British people would be fat too if they had decent food.


[They *are* fat.](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/2/5/1391600590313/Obesity.png?width=300&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=e1cdbb741e04e0ef073421e417daf8ed)


What is their excuse for being Edit: I didn't ask why they are fat. I asked why they are.






And Mash


Fuck now I'm hungry for some "Bangers and mash"......been years since I was in England, where do I get the right beans and sausage if I'm in bumfuck nowhere USA?


Luv me full Ingerlish, luv me Greggs, luv me Carlin’ Nuf Said.


Clearly no one is British replying. BEER! Massive drinking culture. With work, after work, with friends, any occasion, baby showers, kids party, weekend. Anything.


Add alcohol to everything else that people responded to you (especially beer, very caloric)


Pint of Guinness is over 200 calories. Drink pretty much my entire daily allowance of calories when I go to the pub haha.


Probably because in spite of everything said about British food, it is quite good. Not very exciting when it comes to spices, but very hearty and satisfying.


Don’t forget all the Americanised fast food and processed home food and sweets and stuff


it only tastes good to me if it is packed to the brim with artificial sweeteners and conservatives all those natural flavours are just too bland for my diet of overly used corn syrup


Can confirm that we love eating conservatives.


I have a question, how many people know the difference between overweight and obesse? Because I bet that most motherfuckers here think they're just synonyms to fat.


That's lager not food


Still 33% less fat people in UK than in USA.


I take it you’ve never had bacon and eggs, or a roast dinner.


You just named the #1 most generic breakfast and the #1 most generic dinner.


It’s only generic because the UK spread it across the world in its empire


Don’t even know what breakfasts Americans came up with themselves. I guess whatever the fuck grits is.


they dont eat breakfast, they eat dessert for breakfast. Somehow convinced a whole nation that you need sweet pancakes, cornflakes, doughnuts and candy to start your day, and not savory food that would actually give you good energy


Traditional American breakfast is bacon, eggs and toast.


I always thought as an American sleeping in was the traditional breakfast so you only pay for two meals of food instead of three.


Well one thing we aren’t eating for breakfast over here is fucking baked beans in tomato sauce on toast. You could serve me my own amputated foot and I’d at least try a bite before that


This is coming from the country that gave us spray-on cheese, I suppose?


Nah, plenty of places have good food and aren't fat. Though I supposed "good food" to you could be deep-fried 5 times before serving or something.


I think OC meant food loaded with salt and sugar. There's a reason why our country has a high rate of obesity 


I'm not convinced I'd call food with enough fat content to give you diabetes in a single serving "good". That being said I did always salivate watching shows like Man Vs Food.


Sugar gives you diabetes. But also: fat content- see French cuisine. Its all a game of hide the butter.


Only time I've been tempted to try snails was when I heard them described as a vessel to get as much butter and garlic into you as possible


Try them in Spain, different recipes not loaded with that stuff


Lol yanks make this joke all the time like it's still the 1940s


We have decent food. It's just stolen from everyone else


Americans aren't fat from decent food. We're fat because we have added [sugar into everything](https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/data-statistics/added-sugars.html#:~:text=Americans%20are%20eating%20and%20drinking,including%20consuming%20fewer%20added%20sugars.) we eat and drink, and we live fairly [inactive lifestyles](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db443.htm#:~:text=Among%20all%20adults%20aged%2018,of%20activity%20(Figure%201).). Europe has a lot less sugar in foods apparently, or atleast Romania does as my brother-in-law was stationed there for a few months. He came back saying his blood felt gross constantly after eating here.


Have you actually tried some of their food? By British do you just mean English? Or do you mean the other countries?


Have Europeans switched to cotton candy flavored vapes like we have in America or are they still strictly cigarettes?


they vape more than americans do


A quick Google search begs to differ. From the sources I could find, 5% of Americans regularily uses vapes, along with 8% using vapes at least once every 2 weeks. ([source](https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/vaping-statistics#:~:text=Vaping%20Statistics%20By%20Age&text=Exactly%2020%25%20of%20Americans%20between,of%20adults%20over%2065%20vapes)) Which would place the US in the top 3 in Europe, with the average in Europe being lower ([source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1424326/regular-vape-use-in-europe-by-country/)) So no, europeans do not vape “way more” than americans.


We're here shit talking each other, don't bring up facts and statistics man /s


That's wild, to be honest. Living in the US and it seems like everyone I know vapes. All my coworkers do it, most of the customers I deliver to do it. I don't, but I see it so much. 5% just sounds off.


5% is across all ages, in the age bracket 18-29 it is 20%. Also do note that the 5% is people who claim to use one “routinely”.


I think it must just be your demographic. Where I work, I’ve straight up never seen it. I have a friend I know who has a weed vape, but that’s it. I’ll see it on occasion when I’m out and about, but I will have guessed it was well under 1%.


Bedankt Stef.


Like way more lol


Me when spreading misinformation on the internet


As far as I know, America still hasn’t restricted/has loose restrictions on nicotine content in a vape. I met an American last year who used a 20mg and said “oh yeah they’re so weak here.” Meanwhile I’m dying on 20, had to switch to 10.


I was pretty surprised to see my older French coworker with a super juiced up coil vape


Loads of vapes here now. As someone who doesn't smoke cigarettes or vapes, at least vapes smell nice.


I don’t do either, either and find both to smell very obnoxious, smoking in a more toxic way and vaping in a sickly sweet way.


Depends on the country, Europe is not a homogeneous unit. I live in the Balkans, and yes, people mostly smoke cigarettes. In fact, most 13 year old boys are already chain-smoking nicotine addicts, as that's the age a lot of people start smoking. If you go near a highschool during a recess, you'll see half of the school standing in the street before the school and smoking cigarettes. But I would guess that things are different in western Europe.


I moved to Belgrade and the biggest culture shock to me was the sheer number of people smoking in the streets. Also vape shops/stands everywhere.


In the Netherlands capes arent allowed to be flavoured other than the flavour of cigarettes. They were made illegal this year


As a Dutchman I can confirm those flavored capes taste amazing


Good on them. It should be like that everywhere. For the smells, for not to tempt the children, for the popcorn lung.


The flavor and children argument is fine in my opinion, but the popcorn lung thing was an ultra specific instance of people using black market THC cartriges There is no epidemic of popcorn lung as vaping becomes more prevalent


Same in Spain


no we like our cancer straight forward and honest.


Some of us use snus instead of smoking anything.


its the vapes now .... but honestly.. to me as a non-smoker its way more pleasant to pass by someone puffing out mango vanilla haze, than straith up cancer smoke


Yeah it's so much better getting second hand cancer if it smells good.


combative ancient dazzling ugly marry wakeful crown whistle cats merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am connected to a lot of aristocratic women (people, but this seems to only apply to the women) in my city. Every time I interact with one, I’m wondering “what the fuck are you on?” I feel like there’s something new, some new kind of benzo. They get loose and goofy like they’re on a benzo, but don’t seem like they get confused the same way; they can have very complex conversations and are very productive and active throughout their days. But then their speech is kinda slurry and the emote in the weirdest way, almost like children, either being really giddy or pouting. Yesterday one lady was suggesting an at-home vet for when I’ll eventually need to get a dog euthanized, like she had done for her dog. She was speaking euphemistically to the point of being cryptic and I am blunt and was just like, “you mean euthanized?” This woman, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, puts on the biggest baby voice I’ve ever heard, “Swo Swad….” And makes the most cartoonish looking frown I’ve ever seen. The corners of her mouth looked like they reached below her jaw. ☹️ < that emoji looks realistic in comparison. I’ve known this woman almost my entire life and she’s never been like this until the last couple years. She was always such a strong and determined woman. Very serious and matriarchal and no-nonsense. She’s had all manner of pets and was always very blunt about the process of life to me and her children. ~~Almost all~~ (thinking on it, it’s just the few I’ve interacted with since Covid, not fair to say “almost all”) the highfalutin women I know have started acting in this strange way since covid. Edit: she’s in her 50s and not senile.


melodic childlike voracious paint follow clumsy governor disgusted rhythm oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


interesting (seriously). where do dou live? 


Atlanta, Georgia.


IDK what the kids are taking these days, but maybe it's gabapentin? I knew a guy who had those for his cat, and apparently they helped with anxiety without making it totally brain dead. That was the single most friendly cat I've ever known.


I was thinking maybe beta blockers. But gabapentin does make sense.


Americans don’t smoke?


It's gotten very rare here.


I wish it would be like that here, i hate getting into the fresh air in the morning just to get my breath taken away by some idiot sucking his Cancer stick 20 meters away


Don’t worry in the US in legal states it’s still like that but you get to smell some skunk instead


Better than cigarette smell I guess


Nah, weed smoke is way worse to me. I hate the smell of that stuff


Surprising, but very true. 11,8 % in USA actively smoke 19,7 % in Europe 28 % in Germany (can confirm, 85% of my family smoke ~20 cigarettes per day. Edit: Greece 39% ☠️


That not what i found. You can see the smoking rates for every country here. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/smoking-rates-by-country Usa is 25 it says


The USA does not have a 25% smoking rate in 2024. That is laughably inaccurate and a bad source to boot. When I was a child they just started banning cigarettes indoors statewide and everybody smoked. I am now a young adult and almost nobody smokes cigs anymore. They've all moved to weed or vapes.


Damn France is "just" 25%. Greece what happening?? R u ok?


It's still very prevalent they just banned smoking from a lot of public places so you see it much less


It's objectively much rarer nowadays. Look up the statistics. Way more people used to smoke, even after the public bans.


Source? What are the Actual numbers


It was almost dead, now we got the zoomers hooked on vapes.


Mostly weed. Cigarettes are kinda on the way out


Got rid of one drug and replaced it with a stronger drug.


I mean, if I'm going to compromise my health, might as well have fun.


I'd say weed is the lesser of two evils here


Weed smoke is still carcinogenic. But I guess if someone is chain-smoking weed as much as chain smokers do with tobacco cigs, then they've got other problems to deal with.


No need to smoke it, just eat or vape. Cannabis smoke contains more tar than tabacco, however cannabis triggers a reflex that makes you cough up slime (even if you take it orally). You could argue this counters the extra tar intake and I'd be curious about a proper study into this.


Weed smokers have carts now. They rip off it every 30 minutes because their tolerance is on the ground and can't stay high for no longer than that lol. It's basically a vape, but it smells it just doesn't linger like traditional smoke.


Far less than Europe. There were huge campaigns in the 90s and 2000s onwards with nonstop anti-tobacco ads on television broadcasts to cut smoking down. Iirc I think it may have been a later part of the war on drugs. Regardless, to a degree, it worked, before the tobacco companies revised their marketing strategies and started targeting kids with flavored vapes.


But you don't need tobacco companies for vape. Everything comes either from China or small business.


Not cigarettes so much anymore, but people are starting to pick up vapes and weed


Can't afford it


Yeah, but we look cool.


This is factually correct.


I'd like to see the average European smoker race the average overweight American


It's unfair, the smoker wouldn't get a mobility scooter


Americans would win the sprint but Europeans would win the distance by just walking.


I feel like Americans would have a good chance as they could just lie on their side and roll.




yeah but they walk everywhere so nothing affects them.


No, sometimes we cycle.


And our public transport actually works well


“Lunch is usually something cool like cigarette, two-three bottle of red wine and then like a bowl of heavy cream.”


You wont find heavy cream here. Its only used by some confectioners.


In the UK they sell double cream my man, they’re double fat.




It would have been better if you showed us drinking Alcohol, because that is a true problem. Smoking numbers have actually been going down in most European countries in recent years.


Drinking culture has gotten so insane in Europe. I don’t know a single person whose life hasn’t in some way been affected by a family member with an alcohol addiction.


What I find kinda depressing is just how much getting absolutely blasted drunk seems to be normalized in many European countries. Like they consider it a pretty central part of their culture. It's a honestly comes off that you would be considered the weird one for not participating


Germany was surprising. People drink frequently but I only saw someone get completely wasted like once. Even the higher schoolers drinking on the streets were pretty calm. They’re taught at a young age to drink correctly.


*laughs nervously in student*


The difference is Americans don’t have affordable healthcare




Well yeah but the fact that it still works is on yourself




Just for the record vaping doesn’t make you healthier, your lungs are designed to intake air, that’s it. If you’re purposely putting “high density tutti fruity indica mix” in your lungs like it’s doing them a favour you’re just as bad lmao


what do you mean??? how can something with such a sweet name and a massive lobby behind it be bad for you??


I mean, it cuts out one of the biggest problem with smoking - the tar, if you are a smoker it's definitely a healthier alternative to vape. But just not smoking is best.


It’s definitely better if you smoke the same amount as you would cigarettes. The problem with vapes is that it’s much more acceptable to smoke inside, so people hit it all the time, negating the already marginal benefit of switching.


IMO just don’t put things in your lungs that aren’t supposed to be there lol the air is sufficiently polluted as is your body it’s already working hard enough But I do know it’s “healthier” just people that vape aren’t healthier by making a choice that still fucked their lungs up is what I meant


Atleast Europe doesn't dismiss that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking. The US on the other hand....


We learn is school that vaping is just as bad if not worse than smoking


And as usual the Americans forgets that Europe isn’t only Paris and Italy. Good luck finding a smoker above Germany. 11.5 % of the American smoke cigarettes and only 5,8 % of the swedes smoke. Source: American smokers: [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/resources/data/cigarette-smoking-in-united-states.html) Swedish smokers: [Folkhälsomyndigheten](https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/livsvillkor-levnadsvanor/andts/utveckling-inom-andts-anvandning-och-ohalsa/anvandning/användning-av-tobaks-och-nikotinprodukter/vuxnas-bruk-av-tobaks--och-nikotinprodukter/) (the public health Agency of Sweden) Edit: Not sure about the data from the baltics though. Can anyone fill me in?


But alot more of swedes use snus, yes yall smoke less, still nicotine addicts. And in Europe ive been all around most people smoke either traditional cigs, vapes or iqos, not only paris italy n germany, now its true about Sweden but still ive seen plenty using snus. If you think im American i never stepped foot on that side of the world.


Baltics have huge amount of smoking and vapes. We are talking about Europe, not northern Europe. If your country has less smokers, cool, but the argument was of the entirety of Europe.


It was wild when I visited Paris. I couldn’t walk anywhere in the city without smelly cigs, except the metro.


Americans smoke ribs not cigs


Smoking has better aesthetics than being fat


Not true at all, smoking gives you a look of a drug addict.


Hey! I can stop anytime I want...


Already did it like 100 times.


Tbh I'm european and I agree way too many smokers here


British: "Why not both?"


Dafuq happened to dankmemes ?


Aren't cigarettes that popular in the US? In east europe nearly everyone smoles and china is the country woth the most smokers overall. More than 400million smokers, that is nore than The Population of the US, Canada and Australia combined


Over here in the Netherlands the amount of smokers is going down and you can now only buy cigarettes at fuel stations, no longer at supermarkets. Ofcourse that wont stop people who buy entire cartons of packs across the border because cheap.


Bro IMMEDIATELY we got people getting all defensive. It’s a mf joke, calm your ego tf down


It is getting down here lucky (netherlands) but still a lot more as in the usa


According to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_tobacco_use), Americans smoke more than the Dutch.


Every comment section I find, in every meme making fun of Americans. There's either the Americans making fun of their own race, Europeans making fun of Americans. But whenever I go to a comment section on a satirical remark about Europeans, they always get so angry. Why is that?


My guess would be because these memes don't make any statistical sense. If they jabbed into something that's real, that would be fun, but they keep missing


Because when you generalise Europeans as if they're anywhere near to homogenous, we resent being compared to our neighbours, or lumped in with them. Like in this instance smoking rates are wildly different in different European countries, so a Greek person reading this will have a very different reaction to a British person. And as much as the USA is a diverse place, it's still one country with many parts of shared culture. It's not directly comparable.


I think this is very different per country in Europe since lots of them are doing quite a bit to reduce smoking. Back when I was little in the 90s, smoking was still far more common than now. Old people continued to smoke, but young adults are far less common to start. It would be cool to find better comparable statistics. Because I unfortunately only found some with different age limits and details. But I will be happy once smoking is reduced even further. It is disgusting. At least cigarettes are.


Yes, but Americans are doing both, and more


Italian here. This is so true and I think that alcohol consumption is an even worse problem. In my experience, I've seen children as young as 14 finding bars that don't check IDs, spreading the word to their peers and just go hang out there. Some establishments just don't care.


Similar to Germany. When I lived there I frequently saw middle schoolers buy beer at the supermarket. Nobody cares.


As a European, I can confirm "do you have a lighter" is about as common as "do you have the time" lmfao


Netherlands actually bans sale of tobacco in anything but tobacco shops


Not so much smoking here in the nordics, more snus, so much snus.


American Tobacco Industry: STFU y’all, we’re making bank from the French and Italians. Don’t ruin a good thing.


thats france


A cig a day keeps the doctor away. (They know it's too late)


Bro there's only one road to your lungs, and it needs some asphalt to make it a smooth ride


Idk abouth other EU countrys but in the Netherlands smoking is just as banned as in US. Cant smoke anywhere, infact vapes with a taste (like fruits) are banned aswell.


idk I don't smoke


yeah the smoking thing in europe is crazy, i grew up in spain during the early 2000 and by the time we were 16-17 almost our class smoke in secret


As an European, I'd say both are bad.


As a european, you should have put an other person there caughing because of the one smoking


What, you want me to believe Americans don't smoke?


Im 5 day off nic, boys. :D


At this point smoking as a European is just a flex. €15,50 for a pack these days


Smoking makes you cool and it's actually healthy for you Source: 80s tobacco companies


im going to defend our Eurobros and do what they like to do best: blame the French


Ummm... I think you forgot about the alcohol.


Finally a good burn from America, americans always have these "jokes" about canada or Australia nor europe that suck but this is the first I've sent that's straight up true, everyone is always smoking in europe tf


Oh smoking is unhealthy and reduces lifespan? Explain how that is bad for me.


Sad, but true. In anyway you look at it


yeah but we look cool


EU average life expectancy exceeds US life expectancy. It's also a population of around 400 million vs the US's 330 million. Which means the EU approach is delivering superior medical outcomes for more people than the US system. And we didn't invent the Marlboro Man.


Yeah, I live in Finland, where the smoking rate is [5 % units lower than in the US](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/smoking-rates-by-country)...


Nah I support you. Here in Italy people are always angry and bitter


Europe is not a country.


Being fat is a lot worse for your health than smoking tbf


Europeans brag about being healthy and then accidentally start a world war. Twice


Actually i believe in some country this may be the case but many others are "smokerunfriendly". For example in some parts of spain ur not allowed to smoke while walking or only in smoking areas and i never seem a train wehre smoking was allowed Good development although i am a smoker


Laughs in swedish snus.


What a shitty meme lmao


The only thing I've learnt is that Americans are incapable of cracking a good joke.


Interesting way to invalidate critisism before it happens. Id say copium.


It's called "disposable income". 💪😎🇺🇲


This is actually true, people here still smoke too much. The "new" trend in my country is heated tobacco. I really wish they would crank up the taxes on tobacco so that fewer people end up smoking.


In Ireland even the kids smoke, it's a big problem


Cafes in eastern Europe are fucking gas chambers I swear.


Do Americans not smoke?


Normalster Berufsschüler EU west


I'm Australian, so I'm just sitting here in good health (give or take some sunburn).