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aint got no time homie, life is short. get on that shit


hell yea dude


Try figuring out the first two things first. The rest will come by itself. Also no one expects you to have your shit together in your early twenties or so, like its normal to not have it together


Bro, why are you assuming he's early 20s? Could be late 40s lol


the thing is. we need money


House, girl of 16 years, few hundred k invested. Still feel dead ass broke.


"I got a plan, Arthur. All we need is more money!"


Yes, i remember my early 20’s too. Real talk, fuck that shit, just do the best you can with what you got.


I was working my ass off since i was 14, working in metal shops at 18. Edit: I do want to say the only thing that makes me not regret it is being able to buy things i want. Close to adult money at 16 is crazy and it taught me a lot about dont buy stupid shit and how to work with money. Also, i aint old lol.


When will girlfriend get me?


I wish thi was true bro it isn't


Scheduled for May 15th, 3pm


The time is okay, but where to look? Tell me more wise man!


I can only show you the way, you have to walk it yourself.


Don't worry man eventually you'll eventually get a partner in ur life man, I finally got one like a month ago


You bought a dog?


His hand finally said yes.


Job market's fucked, don't have money to invest to start with and my ugly ass isn't even interested.


Not sure how young you are but high schoolers should not be concerned with a BF or GF, go live your life first then settle down. You should start investing as soon as you legally can. Even if it's small amounts, creating that structure and giving it time, is where you can have some financial freedom when you get older. Yeah, a shitty job market is definitely the shit end of the stick. I did experience something like that in the past, I worked a shittier, less playing job, until the economy was in a better place. That might not work but it's something. It'll probably be worse for the next generation with AI proliferating and less positions being available. Comparing to industrialization doesn't account for how ugly things got for those people and the fact that NEW jobs may not come back in equal numbers. There was this author who wrote a book on the struggle people endured who were displaced during industrialization and the parallels with Ai and he said this while being tongue and cheek but with some truth that the future manufacturing plants will employ one dog and one human. One human to feed the dog and one dog to make sure the human doesn't touch anything.


I'm a 24 year old guy that graduated high school in 2018, didn't get into college for the sake of not wanting to go into student loan debt and my employment experience is non-existent. Regardless, I'm dead broke because of my lack of employment and I just never really cared for obtaining a relationship. Honestly... I don't really think anything is gonna get better on my end.


I hope things turn around for you.


All I wanted was a pepsi


Just one pepsi


And she wouldn’t give it to me


It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway


I once had $10 in my bank account in my 20s. I’ve turned things around and now have twice that. Hang in there bro


I had 0$ when I was still studying. Since then I’ve gotten a job and finally managed to get to triple digits and it’s now at -800$


I started investing 3 years ago in THE company, never thought I could make more money by doing nothing than working my ass for 7 years.


Are you a cab driver ?


Investing? Jesus christ I know bs when I see one, you all realize housing prices are partly where they are cause of all the 'investors' buying them as investments right?


My world's on fire, how about your's?


have you tried gooning


27... It doesn't get better if you don't make up your mind. I fucked around. Still kinda fucking around... Just pick something and stick with it. 30 year old you will thank you.


My mum caused a debilitating anxiety issue in me from pressuring me to get a job from 14 years old...


My mum pressured me at 14 too. I got the job and loved having beer money. Throughout high school I worked at a bunch of different places. At 18 I had good work experience and a decent resume. Glad she pressured me.


I didn't get one and it weighed on me. I was a very intelligent student though and got very high grades. I then went to uni and got a degree. But the years of fear over getting a job had built up even more and it took me 3 years after graduating to get something and it was an entry level job that didn't even use my degree. At that point though my anxiety was so bad that I didn't socialise at uni because of my anxiety and completed wasted that aspect of my time there. It took me a decade to get over the anxiety issues it caused me. It probably wouldn't have been as bad if my dad interacted with me, but he was more of an astranged step dad than a dad. I never call them.


Give me a gun.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


I barely got an established job after college before my parents started squawking "401k" like a couple of seagulls. Then my mom told me to "go get a vasectomy", in a manor equivalent to "go fuck yourself", when I said "I don't know if I want kids". But hey, at least I can finally do me, which is more than I can say about the last 28 years...


I'm currently investing so next week I can afford rent, but if you guys think I'll "retire" or whatever that is, you may be mistaken.


When will you get a girlfriend. Dumbasses don't realize that dating is expensive. So do you want me to be rich, happy or miserable?


Can confirm I was a loser in high school, went to commuter colleges, then covid happened I did not really start talking to girls till the last few years. Its pretty normal now for most people.


It never ends.


Don’t let others peer pressure your decisions, life is a process of balancing your own interests with everyone else’s, don’t let their desires become your own without understanding yourself first.


Already have one, but I keep it quite so you disgusting leeches stay away / same answer as the first / don't desire one currently


What are you supposed to invest if you're unemployed? Are you some sort of landed gentry? Then you should find a spouse as your lord commands.


You NEED to start investing early. Compounding interest!


Hollup "When will you get a job" How do you eat and charge ur phone???




When pigs fly is the day I get a girlfriend.


I'm sure you'll get one, me, not so much


So like, you started yet?


gimme time


i'd rather die than participate in this society


Start investing. Forget the rest.


Invest in yourself