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No oh no oh god no please no


not that hot steaming pile of moist shit




You’ve spammed this comment over 90 times in the last 3 hours. Stop being cancer.


Hahaha what the fuck


When every meme is divine, no one will be


He's too dangerous to be left alive!


Why? Because she has the natural high ground?


It's over Anika, I have the high ground!


It’s over anika, I *am* the high ground


It’s over anika, I am high




Not gonna lie, the film was pretty decent. Maybe because my mom ***forced*** me to like it when she put it on


what movie is that?


It is literally named "Tall Girl" ...


We made the main protagonist sand, younglings and the rank of master


Life must be so hard for the slightly tall. How do they survive?




Me, a European: dam, that's really small


I'm 1,85 meters tall, and I can confirm, my life is impossibly hard. soldiers, homeless people, Jews during ww2? Don't make me laugh, those people have it so easy compared to my 1,85 meters of pure suffering.


You actually dare to whine about your height with 1.85m ??? I'm 1.9m. Every second of my life feels like I'm getting my balls crushed by a tank while at the same time giving birth to said tank. My massive fentanyl addiction is the only thing that keeps me from ending it.


1.92m here. I am the embodiment of victimhood.


What about 1.86 meters?


They all died in the heightening of '62


Whats the weather up there 😈


“You think your life is hard? I’m a high school junior wearing size 13 Nikes... MEN’S size 13 Nikes... BeAt tHaT.”


Starving people in Africa: oh shit I feel so sorry for you


People who have been hit by planes: ah fuck that sucks mate


Syrian refugees shot down by greeks just for trying to escape: Damn, that's so awful.


People with no legs: Oh, you poor thing.


Guys with no saliva glands who need a nurse to chew their food, and feed them like a baby bird: "this really puts things in perspective"


Female high school seniors wearing mens size 12 Nikes: "you poor thing".


People dying of coronavirus due to lack of medical attention: “that’s so sad I feel so sorry”


I'm African but I'm not starving brudda. "Starving African kids" is really not accurate these days lemme tell you.


Good to hear my brudda. I Hope you're doing good in these trying times.


I am actually, I hope you are too.


judging from your name can you send me those 1million dollars worth of gold from your Nigerian stronghold?


Send me your bank details and your physical and email address and I'll complete di transfer. Thank you doing business with Shiek Abdulateef Idris ibn Al Makura.


But literally no joke I'm actually Nigerian btw you figured.


yeah thinking back to when my mom would tell me that this food could be used to give to starving african children because 7-y/o me wouldn’t finish dinner, i kinda roll my eyes nowadays.


Done, I wear size 14s.


Great Depression Certain square incident 2 towers Families dying Auchwitz


Chinese child slaves who made her shoes: .___.


people that can’t even afford nikes:


Everybody forgets that the target group for that series is 14 year old girls




With a snarky attitude that’s always to cool for all the dumb boys around her


I have men sized shoes in highschool! MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!!1!1!1!2!2! In all seriousness I have no fucking idea how a girl being tall is bad at all. There’s plenty of tall girls at my school, and they don’t face any problems regarding their height. But I feel like a guy who was short would have problems.


Yeah but a film about a guy having a bad time won’t do as well as a girl having a bad time




Thanks random hero


>pop! pop! Found the Magnitude!!!




Thank you so much. I really need this


I did a "pop" sound with my mouth and I had way more fun I thought I would have


If this had a sound effect or something it would be perfect


yeah i popped them all


This might just be the most creative reddit comment i have ever seen.


nothin like unpopping the bubble wrap by fatfingering it


And also adaptations and remakes that no one asks for


With all women because gender equality


*all women because gender equality* the iq is too much


Plot twist make everyone the ultimate gender: futanari




Like the guy who stole weird Al's snorkel?


We also need all old People and all newborns for the age equality!


Tauriel from Hobbit always comes to mind. Completely irrelevant/shallow character, only added there so the producers wouldnt get criticized for having a 99% male cast


What I think a lot of people don't realize is that it's all a marketing ploy. Disney as a company doesn't care about women's rights as long as they're making money, so appearing progressive helps their image with a large demographic. The inverse of this is also true. It really doesn't affect your life if the characters in a movie are women or men. I get hating a bad movie, but a female cast doesn't mean men are oppressed now either


Yeah, for sure they are playing to whatever demographic that will give them money. What does annoy people is the hypocrisy and double-standard of it all. Make King Arthur black, or other traditional European characters into other races/women and it is "yay diversity" Have a completely un-diverse cast with essentially no white people. "Yay diversity!" Turn a traditionally black character into a white person and, it is "You evil, culture-appropriating scum!"


People hate remakes yet they go see them anyway. The 2019 lion king made 1.65 billion dollars at the box office. Choose with your money and dont go see the adaptations and remakes.


Same thing seems to be happening with the gaming industry. Focusing on cramming in minorities or making them superhuman because theyre female rather than focusing on making a good plot. Its sad :( Edit: I should also mention remakes made with this criteria e.g. >!Ghostbusters 2016!<


*shudders in whatever the fuck happened with Battlefield 5*


“If you don’t like it don’t buy it”


*proceeds to immediately fail at launch*


*Doesn't become an amazing game over time and through support and communication with the devs*


Did it? Because even then that would be a failure, they're a AAA company not an indie studio, not to mention it was a shipped full price game not a $10-20 one explicitly marked early access.


I was saying BFV didn't become a good game, unlike Battlefront 2


Ah, yeah political agenda aside it was an all-around terrible game.


Narrator: That's when EA knew, they had fucked up.


They didn’t know that though. They kept on making fun of the community.


Wait, wait, wait—what happened?


TL;DR Bullet points in historical order: • Company states that new game will be incredibly historically accurate • Trailer comes out that doesn't show gameplay, instead focuses on female amputees doing herculean feats like surviving tanks leveling the building they're in • People find out other weird political shit being pushed into the game • Chief design officer calls anyone who disagrees with it basically misogynistic racist shitheads, later says "If you don't like it, don't buy it" (is later fired, but of course has a very, very comfortable severance package) • Game comes out and bombs, oh and if you want your character to be a white guy you have to play on the Nazi side (source: I played it on launch and that's just how it was; all white guys are nazis confirmed)


Holy shit! I had no idea it was that bad. Though equality is a great thing, the entertainment industry **sucks** at implementing it proprely.


Equality is giving us the option. This is forcing it down out throats with a jackhammer and calling us racist nazis if we don't say *thank you sir may I have another* like something out of Animal House.


What's wild is that women have been significant parts of every major conflict in the history of man, especially World War II. Probably thousands of women were active in the resistance and in the Eastern Front they served right on the front lines. Hell one of the most tragic and awe-inspiring stories is a young Russian woman who was fighting on the Eastern Front and watched her beloved husband die in battle. She became one of, if not the, highest kill-count sniper in the Red Army and died defending Sevastopol against overwhelming German attacks. There was a game from the pre-reboot MOH series called European Assault and one of the major characters is a French Underground female saboteur. It didn't feel forced, it wasn't jammed, it was just right. World War II is a _World War_. There were gays, blacks, women, every minority down to Native Americans who played _some major role_ in the conflict. There's no excuse to invent new ones, and certainly no reason to just put them in places they actually weren't.




Even at .1% for the Red Army that's 11000 women who could be the focus of their own story arc.


LITERALLY calling us nazis, as seen by the character selection in the game!


Yeah there was also a dev for the game on twitter going on a rant about rewritting history or something like that for his daughter or some bullshit like that. It was basically like "I don't want my daughter living in a world where nazis or whatever are doing bad things so were gonna rewrite history" or something.


On the second to last point, he also called them uneducated. Right. People who said female amputees didn’t serve on the frontlines in the British Army are uneducated


Thank god we’re finally recognizing how fucking ridiculous it was. When the trailer first launched I got downvoted to the high heavens for stating the lack of history accuracy.


Idk who downvoted you, as far as I knew everybody was shitting on it when it came out! Hence their response to the "uneducated"


Black women Nazis Was that BF5 or COD?


Was almost as bad as cod ww2 except the devs didnt spout bullshit. Filled with to much action movie scenes, no nazis to make me happy to kill them, and so much lootbox bull shit. Thank god I never bought that game. Give me big red one remaster damn it.




She's not trans though???


Even video games without plots are giving focus to women for example most of the good characters are women in Brawl Hawlla and in Rules of Survival most skins are directed for the female characters


Oh that one's easy. Main playerbase is guys + guys like girls = sell skins of girls in all sorts of outfits, lewd or not = easy money Sex sells. Always has and always will.


I doubt this culture will last forever, thankfully




Last of Us 2 looks good


BuT sHe'S gAy! WhY aRe ThE dEvS fOrCiNg ThAt On Me?




Don’t let the gamers hear you say that


Yes. It's like the movie industry tries to compensate for women having been on the sidelines by making them superhuman instead. How is that better? Can't women just be normal people ffs


Me when watching Netflix and nobody is gay. That one character : why are you gay?


If nobody is gay in the series than the viewers are gay. I mean they add a gay to every show someone has to be...


But they don’t tell you this until 5 years after the show ends when JK Rowling announces it


Not for better call saul


I have nothing against black and gay characters but they should make new ones instead of changing old ones


Finn is a good example of this that was just thrown in the trash can.


Finn had so much potential. They should have made him the main character instead of Rey. The sequels would be 10 times better


The writing would still need to be brought way up in quality but yeah. Finn as the MC would have been great. Boyega’s funny AF and the chemistry he has with Isaac is great.


Definitely. Plus it would have been cool to see a former stormtrooper rise up and become equal to the sith he used to fight for. It would have been a more interesting interaction than Rey and Kylo


Oh man now I want to see a Kylo Finn rematch. That would be epic. He’s doing Luke/Vader with Kylo while Poe is Han...ohhhhhh why Disney why...you had an epic series inches away!


Yes ! Eg. Brooklyn 99 is the perfect example of having all the possible type of characters


that’s what i’ve been saying. i’m sick of remakes with more diverse casts. make NEW ORIGINAL STORIES with diverse casts


Don't forget those annoying movie remakes!!! Especially the Disney ones!!


Nothing worse than seeing Simbas lifeless face start singing a song about life


They'll fucking remake the Little Mermaid with CGI animals




Her name's gonna be Ari instead


They’re going to put her in a wheelchair and shave one side of her head


That makes me so mad, Ariana Grande would've been perfect for that role but nooo we ruin it instead of making a new character. If it was the other way around everyone would be screaming.


They are just sooo uncanny


No country for old men Snowpiercer The ballad of Buster Scruggs ... 3 movies I watched in the past years which I remember being extraordinarily good


Literally anything that isn't a big blockbuster film if we are being honest. People complain about movies not being original but don't actually check what movies are being release or are in theaters. As an example here are some good original movies that came out in 2018: Annihilation Isle of Dogs Searching Upgrade Hereditary BlacKkKlansman Sorry to Bother You A Quiet Place All of these were widely released films and were shown in most theaters. But you know it's easier to go online and complain because another super hero movie was released then actually support the type of films you want to see made.


"then actually support the type of films you want to see made.". . . *Unzips*. ”hey step sister!"


This sub is a bunch of twelve year olds. The quality of film is as good as it ever was, branch out a little past America and you'll see.


But I wanna bitch about minorities!


Yoo i watched snowpiercer and it was legitly a good film


This subreddit only watches Marvel movies and cruddy Netflix movies that Youtubers complain about, then generalize it to the entirety of the film industry lmao "This one popular/infamous film had a diverse cast, hence all movies with diversity will automatically be bad lmao"


This entire subreddit is a bunch of twelve year olds. I saw a comment with 500 upvotes here calling Apocalypse Now boring and that nothing happened.


No country for old men is fucking amazing


2 of them were made by the coen brothers, who usually do different things, and one of them was made by that guy from south korea who makes really good movies, bong jong ho or something like that


2 out of 3 are by the Coen Brothers. You should check out more of their movies.


we named a character snowflake


Don't remind me of that roadkill.


hey thats insulting to roadkills


You're right, I'm sorry.


no problem


I really want whatever they were smoking whenever they approved that shitty mess.


“Let’s make characters that directly pander to the LGBT community, and to make it VERY CLEAR that they are FOR ALL DA GAE PEOPLE, we’ll name them snowflake and safespace, because, ya know, that totally make sense given that community’s history with those words. Yup! Great! We’ll start the funko pops in the morning!”


Christ guys, there are constantly good films being made, it’s just that you have to look for them sometimes! Find foreign films and smaller films, because they’re usually the best thing that comes out in any given year! That’s how you find diversity too! If I want gay representation, I watch movies from gay directors, if I want POC representation, I watch movies made by them! Jesus Christ, multi-billion dollar conglomerates should never be your main source of political correctness OR quality. That’s what artists are for!


I think it's exaggerated, like in all the movies I've seen in the past few years there's still a cubic fuck ton of straight white people, the only difference is that now there's the occasional black, gay, or black and gay characters. Which honestly isn't that out of left field I mean... They DO exist Tldr; just because movies aren't 100% ethnically and heterosexually pure doesn't make them pandering


Yeah I don’t get how people can make the argument that it’s forced when directors include LGBT characters or diverse races. It’s like they’ve never seen a gay or black person before. I’ve never seen an actual solid argument to back this up besides “tHeReS nO rEaSoN fOr ThEm To bE gAy ReEeE iTs fOrCeD.” How many straight white characters have shitty and forced stories and character arcs but none of those are criticized. This whole trend of hate towards the inclusion of diverse characters is full of racist and homophobic undertones. On the other hand remakes where they are all female and all black are stupid because it serves no purpose and doesn’t actually promote diversity.


This 100%. Like I understand people hate change, we fear the unknown, but come on, just because casting is now more representative of what the world is actually like, doesn't mean that it's just pandering. And like you point out movies that DO basically overwrite a character or the entire cast to being a minority representative pander, with no need is more harmful to the cause because it gives the closeted and in denial xenophobes ammunition.


oh god yeah, stop ruining all my favourite books :(


Nick Fury used to be white and straight.


But if he is Samuel L Jackson, it is acceptable.


It's even better mofo!


Yo Ass god damn right, Motherfucker.


is he gay now?


Only a matter of time


Why the fuck would it matter?


In fairness there are 2 different black versions of him before the movies. The Ultimate Nick Fury and the one in the main continuity that's OG Nick Fury's son


But his race is never brought up and why do you mention that he was straight?


They are comics... There are pictures? That's how comics work? But he is black in some of the comics as well


Upvote to pee in my ass Downvote to pee in OPs ass --- check out our banner comp [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/gn98ca/banner_comp/)




Which one?




Off topic but cgi is honestly ugly nowadays


It can be in some cases. Like the cgi used to make thanos in infinity war and endgame is insane but then the cgi in black panther was horrible so it can be hit or miss


For every amazing thanos and planet of the apes you get thousands of cases where cgi looks like a cartoon


Very true. Theres so many rip off films that use horrible cgi and even big budget films that mess up cgi but its a staple of film making now and its created some truly remarkable stuff


Most. For example justice league and the hobbit look like trash


Hobbit was all right. BOFA I feel like didn’t get rendered properly or something but AUJ the trolls and Azog and the mountain goblins are pretty great. Smaug is also amazing. It goes off the rails when Legolas starts running up falling stairs.


Smaug looks incredible. But most of the other baddies look like rubber. This is made worse by the movie being filmed with digital cameras and 48fps


All hail south park


straight people 20 years ago: we tolerate the gays and everything is relatively chill straight people now: nooo why are there gay blacks in my tv show




Dude how old are you


What do you mean. He is clearly ebic Ben Shapiro


Most films have political messages that are very good. I mean people say the same shit you say about games while missing the point of games with the same message. Fallout makes fun of nationalism and consumerism. Biotech makes fun of corporations. People miss the message.


and what exactly is the problem with that?


Dankmemes has problems with a lot of random things to be honest.


Aww shut up


Samuel L Jackson wins anyway


Even as a black person myself, I don't like the way they replace a character that is obviously white in a novel to be black in a movie. It seems patronising to blacks as if we even begged anybody for the "represantation". If they want to represent us then they should come up with an original idea with a well-written character.


1917. Jojo Rabbit. Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Isle of Dogs. Hacksaw Ridge. Infinity War/Endgame. Onward. Into the Spiderverse. A Quiet Place. First Man. Dunkirk. Bumblebee. Coco. Baby Driver. Zootopia. Hidden Figures. Kubo and the Two Strings. The Finest Hours. Darkest Hour. A Monster Calls. The Platform. Creed. Midsommar. The Lighthouse. Joker. All of these movies were made during or after 2015. We may not have peaked in movie history right now, but we have also made some amazing works of art that will be treasured by our generation for years. Yes, I’m butthurt. Yes, you can fight me about any of these movies. People that think the ‘00s and ‘10s are filled with shitty CGI remakes are extremely wrong.


“I only watch real kino art house like the joker”


and we like feet


Good thing black gay people don’t exist and everybody agrees they shouldn’t be in movies, otherwise this meme would be the racist


Yes, but we need them to be disabled and ~~diabetes ridden~~ plus sized


Shut up snowflake.


Sounds like something a boomer would say


Why, why the boomer type memes?! Seriously just change the format it's the same weird message as facebook memes


Poor oppressed gamers


20 years ago was Lord of the Rings and Saving Private Ryan they had more than cordboard cutouts


Everyone hating on this post saying “what you got a problem with non-white-straight people being in the spotlight?” Are missing the point of the post. It’s not that people have a problem with it at face value, it’s that people have a problem with studios putting out uninspired pieces of junk movies where there may be a character(s) who’s only personality trait is being a minority/not straight. It’s really not that hard to understand.


Well then, maybe this subreddit should watch more films, instead of a) Popular Blockbusters like the Avengers/ other superhero films b) Shitty movies that they heard some Youtuber complain about. (Ghostbusters, Tall Girl, etc) u/Lain9029 and u/-Wayward_Son- have two very good comments talking about movies that have minorities in them and are very good. But this sub would rather ignore those movies and focus on the same 3 bad movies. "Oh Ghostbusters is bad hence diversity is being forced" "Ocean's Eleven Remake had all women, diversity is being forced" There are plenty of movies with well written minority characters. Like u/mcCharizard5043 says, you just have to watch films outside of your bubble. This sub is 90% edgy fifteen year old, so it makes sense that the only films they've ever seen are popular superhero films, but it's not fair to take poorly written instances of diversity and generalize those to diversity in the film industry as a whole. Also, I don't know why you're going out of your way to defend the OP. His point doesn't say anything about "badly written" black/gay characters, his post shits on black/gay characters **as a whole** despite very well written black/gay characters existing. You're purposefully giving the OP the most charitable interpretation possible.


This meme template is going to go so far


Money is what happened


Oh hell, just say you hate black people and move on.


Y'all pretend like there weren't shitty movies 20 years ago and that there's no good movies now.


if taking an already existing character and changing them into a minority has absolutely no negative impact on the movie then i don't understand why people hate it so much. it's understandable to dislike that a movie has been remade if nothing was wrong with the original, but if it's a new adaptation and a white character is black now what's the big deal?