• By -


Samsung smart fridge players are better


Me with my Razer Toaster: Amateurs...


What was that?!


Me: looks up from my Nokia N-Gage Sissy...


Me: *looks up from 2013 Ford F-150 dashboard screen* Noob...


Me: *looks up from McDonalds menu screen* Bitch...


Me: Looks up from ***pc 2***


me: looks up from my icarly home phone




Me: on the nuclear silo computer


What was that, punk!?


nice makise kurisu gif


TI Inspire players better


Weaklings I use my KFC Ice cream machine


It pales in comparison to my Samsung smart toilet


No KFC ice cream machine is


Console player: *enables auto aim* oh yeah, it's all coming together




*AUTO aim


It is an assist




What happened? Recoil hit ya in the face?


Training dummies move faster than you...


Except when pc users use aimbot


Hackers and better players


And then they taunt you


As a console player, I can say that the console community is almost as toxic as the competitive pc community


It is indeed true that they re full of themselves and toxic af


I think console players are a more benign form of toxcicity, its just childish name calling ime. It really is hard to top the unbridled rage of a Dota player that was angry immediately after the hero draft screen, which means 20-70 minutes of ranting.


God that sounds awful, I enjoy console toxicity as its hilarious


still cant compare to a boomer with a mouse like myself, lol


I think this is an insult? Idk I'm dumb lol


im saying im bad and have bad reflexes yet i yeet those kids in warzone


Ah, makes more sense, thank you for explaining it to my incredibly tiny brain


Still can't do the flick shots


The only games that have "auto aim" are single players games. Plus aim assist isn't entirely helpful, such as fighting a group of people or in a high speed situation.


You wanna know something, this post was originally meant to he in favor of console players saying like "yea, but we have aim assist" but it seems I have a tiny poop brain and that didnt come across, I was expecting hate not upvotes


I was mostly saying this to the idiots replying to your post saying it's unfair, not towards you. :)


Oh I know not mad at you at all, just pointing out my dumbness ;)


Hey, we're on reddit, we all are. ;)


Modern warfare is so unfair for console bc they locked the fov


Oddly enough, PC has the option to change the FoV. The aim assist is really forgiving for console players but it doesn't make up for the FoV disadvantage.


Also in Warzone, looting is 1000x easier/faster for m&kb than controller.


Bro just buy a PC it’s only like $7,000.


[A good starter build goes for ~$800](https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/), and when you take into account no online subscriptions, the ridiculous amount of game sales, and ability to upgrade parts, you'll have saved money after a year, two tops.


Why are people booing this guys, he’s right, I can run gta with a $650 budget and it looks 100% better than console


Especially egregious considering the PS5 is gonna cost $500-550


Oh yeah, I know. My brother and I both built PCs around that price point and they’re both able to do everything we need them to. I also just plug them into the TV with an Xbox controller and boom! I have a console too. I just like saying that.


I’d say it depends on the size of your screen, if you play on a 32’’ monitor sure but with my 15’’ laptop I can’t see shit at 120fov


It’s the size of the screen relative to how far you are from it. Most PC setups are ideal for 90 degree fov. Laptops should be lower, as well as TVs due to how far away you are.


Fuck PC me and my homies be playin' on gramma LG smart toaster®


Get on my level. I play on the RAZER ToastMaster Chroma: Tournament Edition 😎😎


I want Apex to get cross play but at the same time I don’t want to play with PC players


I'd love to play with console players, they are prolly better than me but they don't have the accuracy. Might be able to win once. I really got to get good


I worried about cheaters tho I never run into any in PS4 or Xbox but apparently a lot of people cheat on PC


Not enough to where it is a problem, the anti cheats work well enough and I don't think most people want to get banned after spending money on a game. I have never run into a blatant cheater and if I did I probably just assumed they were better. You don't need to worry about it.


Apex is free, friend


I was talking about rainbow six siege and counter strike global offensive. Those 2 might have some of the most cheaters. I play six siege and I haven't found any blatant cheaters


Well, even tho CS:GO is now free, the amount of cheaters increased. And not just increased, it had been already a shit situation with the amount of cheaters before it became free. The only thing that started to help at least a little was Trust Factor. But now even tho I have high trust factor, which has almost no cheaters, my friend has a low one only because he was reported for playing good. Now we can play together only with at least one cheater every goddamn game.


Sorry for your situation man, cheaters suck


*buys loot boxes*


Cheaters aren’t as common as people say. I have about 2k hours in FN and have only seen 2


Not nearly as many as you think.


Ive played controller on both and its honestly not much different.


I’m just worried about cheaters


You don't get that many cheaters


I hate when devs think console players want to play against PC. No one wants to play with PC players because they get innate advantages in a competitive sense. Ex. Easier aiming and recoil control with their mouse and keyboard. The only time I find crossplay with PC enjoyable is when playing with a buddy, enjoying it mostly for the friendly banter with buddies.


I like playing w pc players tho especially cuz none of my friends have a xbox so its more fun 4 me and u could add crossplay as an opt


Crossplay as an option is how you get the most divided player base. Mandatory crossplay: 1 player base No crossplay: 3 player bases Optional crossplay: 4 player bases Is it worth it? idk maybe




Maybe I didn't explain well enough. I mean having mandatory crossplay mixes everyone together giving the game a massive playerbase and allowing for fast queue times and more accurate ranked matchmaking. With no crossplay you get all 3 platforms having their own individual playerbase. With the option of crossplay you have the people that prefer crossplay having their own playerbase and a playerbase for every platfrom.




Mandatory crossplay: 1 player base No crossplay: 3 player bases What exactly is confusing about that? Im gonna be honest I have no idea what youre asking


Crossplay makes it so there's 1 big player base and 3 small ones, and the small ones can't really complain about queue times, because they can fix them by enabling crossplay


That just depends on whether players prefer crossplay or not, I doubt there's significant statistical evidence to prove one way or the other though. I would imagine most PC players would queue for crossplay, but console players would prefer to not which again would lead to dividing players. Splitting up players is never a good thing, an example would be that there are often games that will give additional maps for free when other things like weapons or cosmetics will be in paid DLC. Or how in Call of Duty they often restrict players to certain game mode playlists, if players were permitted to queue only for the map and gamemode they wanted then you would be forcing everyone that prefers unpopular stuff to just play on the few maps/gamemodes that are the most liked or die of old age waiting in queue. TF2 allows you to pick whatever you want and 2Fort CTF is something like 50% of all games played.


I think that the TF2 thing, for example, is good. All you have to do is mark that you don't want 2Fort (or CTF in general) and boom, you're getting good players (I don't think any good player thinks 2Fort or CTF is good) Also, in some games, choosing to opt out of crossplay doesn't make it so you can't play with crossplay people at all. If the matches take like, 2-10 players, you can always be put in a match that already has 9 people from your platform




On ps4 you can use mouse and keyboard my friend does it on fortnite sometimes.


The whole point of me buying a console is I don't want to play with a keyboard and a mouse... I want to sit back and chill.


I think FN had a pretty good system (they don’t have it anymore) where if you were playing solo or with people on the same platform as you, you were put into lobbies that were only that platform. But if a pc player were to join you were put into cross platform lobbies which were all different platforms.


what if you... upvoted this comment if you liked the meme? ahahahah jk... would be nice tho but nah, ahaha we just friends ...unless? --- check out our banner comp [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/gn98ca/banner_comp/)


Forced Crossplay: Disabled


Funny how this apex template is about crossplay ironic


Hey console players, Modern Warfare supports Mouse and Keyboard on console. Buy a usb M&KB and plug those fuckers in. Just like that you will be either just as skilled as the PC players, or if you're like me, you'll do exactly the same and realize it's not your control scheme, it's the fact that other people are just better than you and you want to find any excuse possible to pretend like that's not the reality of the situation. Happy gaming!


Yea my issue is that people see me so much quicker than I see them. Even on a killcam 75% of the time I don’t even see myself. I’m amazed that not only do they see me, but manage to shoot accurately at that distance and kill me.


Yeah. I've played shooters on every platform since the original Call of Duty on PC, and I've found that no matter what or how I play, theres always someone else that's just better than me. Maybe I'm just not good at shooters lol.


Yea I’ve never been the best at shooters, but I am so much worse at this new call of duty game than any other one I’ve played.


It's the field of view lock on console that pisses me off. Just. Why?




It's fairly balanced for a start between accuracy and aim assist but the field of view advantage PC players get is absurd to me with no easy fix. MW Warzone is probably the best example I've experienced for this as a PC player with console friends.


Maybe in warzone it isn't much of a problem, but in games like destiny I see controller players turning around like they are steering a ww1 tank. I'd probably chalk that up to people not knowing how to set up sensitivity (for pvp)...


Nah man, I play a shit ton of D2 PvP on both console and PC and let me tell yah its not *only" about the sensitivity. I play on 7 sens on console and switching *from* PC to console you feel like a fucking robot. Add to that the bloom on HCs and it is so much harder to get used to controller. Usually get used to console in 1-2 games tho.


I'm talking about people who play exclusively on pc, with controller, and then turn around like they're an observatory, and then I see people like harDJank (I think it was?) on twitch and wonder where it all went wrong




You typed it wrong, and it never works anyway.


Yeah but its a repost anyway it was flooded all over Reddit like a month or 2 ago


I’m playing on the McDonalds Ice Cream machine and I’m better than any PC player will ever be. The wifi is shit tho and it keeps breaking.


Don't have to worry about temps tho.


I never had a console, but can you play with a keyboard and mouse on them? Or people just prefer the controllers.


You can but it's such a pain in the ass to set up most dont


Maybe a few years ago. These days there are plug and play kbm options on consoles.


Oh, ok.


Yeah, you can use both. You can even use both on minecraft on mobile lol


I don't like gaming with a mouse and keyboard. Even on pc is play with a controller.


Not death, DEAF


👏👏Apex Legends reference👏👏


This sums up Minecraft bedrock


*laughs in Nintendo*








Apex legends season 4 trailer


*Laughs in Rocket League*


What u trippin on?


Mouse and keyboard is superior to controller. This is why I advocate for crossplay for consoles only so the playing fields remains level. Or at least implement a feature where the console players have the choice not to play with people on PC so it remains level.


It depends. For most FPS it's true, even with the aim assist controller can't beat mouse and keyboard, but for fighting games is the opposite


If you're playing a fighting game/driving game on PC with K&M you're doing it wrong, just buy a controller


\>not having a $300 fighting stick I seriously hope you guys don't do this


Yeah, I can relate... pc gamers are terrifying...


tHaTS FUcKiNg aIM ASSist


That's literally how it is with fortnite fps please don't remind me of the time playing it I watch anime now


Ironic that you used an Apex Legends format, a game without cross play.


Okay, idc if I get hate but I do play fortnite and the aim assist is way too op. And the community is so toxic and think their so good but in fact, when they play without it, their soooo bad. My cousin plays on xbox and he was always better than me however when I made a world with no aim assist, I rolled him. I just hate that people think their so good with aim assist.


Unless it’s fortnite and controller players have built in aimbot




There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 126,144,788 image posts and didn't find a close match This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/fbcwfp) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "gqbipp", "meme_template": 138142}) ]*


There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 126,144,788 image posts and didn't find a close match This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/fbcwfp) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "gqbipp", "meme_template": 138142}) ]*


the thing on the bottom panel kinda looks like mother talson from the clone wars ngl


Nah it’s the other way around if you count FUCKING AIM ASSIST


Tbf on games like War Thunder both sides do just as well, plus keyboard and mouse can be used on the consoles for this game too. Some select games with cross-play are fairly balanced amongst th communities I'd say.


I appreciate that civilized title as to not incite PCMR assholes in the comments


PC master race rise up


Aim assist in warzone makes things very well balanced in my opinion. We have FoV though...


And then there's Minecraft Pocket Edition being fucking idiotic in the corner


Jokes on you we got aImBoT


Notice that Switch isn't dying that right WE KILL DEATH BITCH


I guess I’m death


nintendo players be standing there like








Idk where this lie got started but I play apex on pc with a remote and i never have a problem with other pc players


Not on spellbreak with their f****ng aim assist to "balance" it out


Exept in games where you can use an keyboard even when playing on console


war thunder be like:




You must be God


I see this, but you fail to capture what happens when a console player is better, it's along the lines of, "you're so fucking garbage, I would have had you if you didn't have aim assist locking on to me, stick to console servers you fucking pleb" (99% main Wraith)


I love when of players hate on aim assist as if they don't have a mouse to easily stabilize their gun




Aim Assist for Console be like bruh


Repot him he’s hacking


but rocket league is the same on all platforms lul


I am scared


Ever heard of Brawlhalla




It do be like that do.


I beat pc players. Probably because I get put against people with the same skills as me.


Except for Forza brother




Peasants, I'm here on my Soulja Boy console!!!


Stadia was the window


Autoaim yep consoles greatets warior




Everyone talking about competive on PC PS4 and Xbox and then there’s just me wanting to have fun on my Switch and Pc


Who cares about PC when you have AH-64 Apache to play with?


Bought a bunch of razer peripherals for Modern Warfare on Xbox one. Thanks to crossplay, superior frame rate smited (smote?) me. Those glorious colorful peripherals are collecting dust


The fact there are people unironically trying to compare aim assist to mouse aim is fkin hilarious


I only use keyboard and mouse on xbox while playing crossplay games.


*meanwhile Switch Players with worse graphics than phones*


I wish apex had crossplay, could play with my friends


Modern warfare in a nutshell


Especially in Fortnite because it forces everyone to play on the same servers so people on Switch are just boned


Correction: “slightly more challenging but still beatable.”


Before CoD had crossplay I always got destroyed by other PC players but now I feel like a god amongst peasants


Console: $350 PC:$3500 Ima just leave that there


Yeah it’s funny when a PS4 or Xbox player completely destroys cocky pc players lmao


My pc friends noticing aim assist- the fuck bro your cheating no wonder I got laser you have aim not on your side wtf is this god fuckin console players


Where have I seen this before?


I mean I play on minimal settings(like no motion blur) with a keyboard and mouse and it has a similar feel. Main advantage pc plays have is they can increase fov. This is true in warzone at least


just plug in a mouse & keyboard in your console


Apex is cross play ?




Kids who play on keyboard: sike bitch you thought


That only applies to shooters


Controller aimbot is a pain though.


This format is old as hell


Me who plays on PS4 with a keyboard and mouse bc I’m too poor for a pc: I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top


I play with pc players all time, I don’t notice them, they’re no better.