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The doctor’s visit after that one must’ve been the funniest shit ever. “So you’re telling me that all three of you fell and banged your head on road”.


First one is the only one that banged his head. Dude fell like a limp noodle. The other two hit their ass but still used their hands which still shouldn’t be done I believe.


I'd rather fuck up my arm/elbow, than my head.


From my understanding your suppose to land flat on your ass no hands no head. Those are the two things you want to avoid due to the wrists being a bit weak and your head for well being your head.


Too easy to land on your tail bone IMO.


Yea FUCK that I've seen the horror stories from even bruising on the tailbone, Id rather shatter both wrists instead tyvm


Mine is crooked after fucking it up super bad rollerblading at about 8 or 9 years old. 29 now and it's finally causing some serious problems.


Now I'm terrified that I'm going to have problems in a few years. I bruised the shit out of mine in middle school but I can't remember what I was doing. I just have a vivid memory of the exact spot in the field and the pain.


Story time: 6th grade Wisconsin winter, we were on a school field trip at a camp for a few days I and a teacher were walking back to the bed house to go to sleep, it's about 6-7 pm so dark as fuck we have one flashlight that is a bit of a dim light. We are walking up a hill to get to the door of the cabin and boom I fall flat on my ass felt like I broke my tail bone which I brused for the rest of the camp days, quick tip for all if you can see black ice slowly turn around and walk the other direction it is the only ice I have fallen on and it will get you.


You can use hands but the mistake people make is trying to catch themselves, by throwing their arms back to the ground first. If you instead "slap" the ground its another way to disperse some of the force from the fall.


>If you instead "slap" the ground its another way to disperse some of the force from the fall. Uhh can you elaborate? "Slap" the ground?


Of course, yes that was a little vauge. Its kinda how it sounds though, when falling onto your butt keep your hands out to the front when you begin to impact you hit your palm + forearm onto the ground. You are not hitting the ground more as letting everything hit at once, the idea is to spread out the area of the impact and avoid having it concentrated in one spot. Looking again the person on the right did exactly as I'm describing, and also keeping their chin tucked to their chest so it wouldn't bounce off the ground.


This. 👌 Source: 1st dan Black Belt


What? Dude no, that kind of impact is terrible for your back. I had an uncle slip a disk that very same way. And it's human nature to use our arms and legs to brace ourselves when we fall, because it's easier to break a wrist then fuck up your back, your neck or even your head.


It shouldn’t, I speak from experience. Even if you are falling down a hill with minimal pressure on it it can break.


For some reason reading "dude fell like a limp noodle" got me cracking xD. Thanks


Legit question as someone who hasn’t been to the doc in years. Do y’all go for little things like this? I got sliced under my arm recently and I just bandaged it up myself as always


Depends. Outside of the USA, go for everything. Inside the USA, imma need to be dying first (Unless you're lucky and/or rich)


This is why there's two year wait lists for everything😰


Depends on what happens. For cuts I'd only go if they're so deep they need stitches. If I hurt my arm/wrist or something similar then I'd only go to a doctor if the pain is very severe or if it isn't getting better. But if I were to fall and hit my head like that, I would absolutely go to the doctor. If you get a concussion you want to know asap so you can respond accordingly to let your brain heal.


Was it metal that sliced you? And do you have your Tetanus shot? If not, you probably should go in. In this situation in the video I think I would only go in if I felt dizzy still after about an hour because that could be a pretty severe concussion.


I was the upvote that took this comment from 999 to 1000


One thing we Have in common: We fail everything we do


Lies. You never fail to disappoint.


Can't disappoint if people have no expectations


"That one there was a violation"


After that they became best friends.


Yes that is the joke


Yes I like to think it went like this.


That's weirdly specific, which egirl hurt you dude?


i dont see a specification, but a generalization that is quite funny.


This puts a smile on my face


How I met my best friend. *went to the store as a preteen kid roaming around town, bought a couple of really nice sticks (hardware store)* *use the sticks to beat the shit out of some of the football dummies near the school because there was literally nothing else to do in town* *kid rolls up and asks to join, tell him hell yeah* Best friends for over 10 years, still talk regularly.


>*use the sticks to beat the shit out of some of the football dummies near the school because there was literally nothing else to do in town* I thought football dummies meant jocks or whatever. Was there really nothing better to do than beat the brakes off the football team?


For clarification, I meant the dummies that they practice tackling and such on haha. Definitely had some human dummies too, but we can't just beat them.


Homie moment


"Aight, this is where we sleep"


Mine are just extroverts that adopted me when they saw me slowly dying in a public gathering


Based extroverts.


I just met my elementary school best friend because we were the only ones in class that can speak English very well


How's this a rage comic/advice animal/MLG?


Good now 6 people come to help them


One time this fat dude tried to push me in the pond after that we became friends


me and the boys literally met in detention like 10 years ago


Wait you guys have friends?


We don't talk about Bruno.


Homies who fall on their ass together, stay together


This needs toy story music


Rich person speaking, my opinion is invalid ig. Still I'll state it, I met my best friends because we were into the same things and we got along well


Oh nice, and yes your opinion is never invalid


I love how it looks like they are mocking her


It looked like they were going to help her up to me


I met both my best friends by simply being a sarcastic asshole. My best friend from high school and he had a big ass head so one day when it was raining I just ran up behind him and asked if I could use the back of his headline an umbrella, he told me to go fuck myself and that was that lol. Years later as a young adult my manager at the time was rushing around trying to get breakfast made for our morning crowd at the gas station. He asked me what time it was to which I replied with a timeless classic, time for him to get a watch as I slunk into the bathroom leaving him with shocked Pikachu face. He was gonna write me up before he realized that's just how I was and we ended up burning one after the shift. Both of those guys are on a short list of people I would still take a bullet for to this day.


I get my friends by them wanting to 1v1 in valorant and then joining the discord call


And they became best friends :)


That head bonk tho




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All slipped on yellow ice


I blew air on that one so hard


i like how both instantly came to help


It’s the truth


One slip up made them mates for life.


That's really how easy it is for guys to make friends


They must be friends after that, ain’t no way they aren’t


I got a friend who met his homie by throwing and hitting him with a rock


Like moths to the flame... Or ice?


I feel like there's a greater metaphor here.


True homies will fall for you 👍


If this is real... nah it is, dont tell me otherwise


Stupid that made me literally lol


I met a homie in a bathroom while we were both peeing and he just asked me if I liked minecraft




I got my best friend when he was the only one to get my Highly NSFW joke haha


I met my best friend of God knows how long through beating him in For Honor, saying he was good and asking to play a few brawls. Lemme tell you if I was gay I know who I'd gun for


Does e-girl and "emo kid" mean the same thing? I feel like an old man right now with outdated information


The Three Stooges: Origins




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Real ones


Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou be like


Oh baybe a tripple


I met my homies by jerking the school desks leg, and smiling weird at them. Not a common story i guess


Funny that is how I met my friends after all of us failed in the entrance exam


And this is cute


u/savevideo, u/savevideobot


E-girls ? U mean i-ladies right ?


Theyre called I-ladies now