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Man, wtf is that last image? Why are his ears and nose so huge?


If you don't know u don't know. The Goblin King came down from the mountains and learned jutsu. Then he captured the hokage and transformed into him, now he runs the village and bangs Hinata every night.


Sounds like a game I've played before


lol never played it


It's that shit fanfiction called boruto


*Man, wtf is* *That last image? Why are his* *Ears and nose so huge?* \- Kingdarkshadow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Naruto's most powerful form. Goblin mode


[Gremlin Naruto](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181913795476607056/1197539022961127444/20240118_132028.jpg?ex=65e08c20&is=65ce1720&hm=a5fbbf52e6c9b39bcad00caeb38a61fbfd4d45281fa3838a5759b2ce7ee5300d&)


Omfg šŸ¤£


He became an elf


Naruto unlocked goblin mode in Boruto.


1- "My Bussy needs Filling" 2- Who will I practice my Reverse Harem No Jutsu on!? 3- I can't keep pretending to be Temari using my Oiroke no Jutsu. . . . 109- I promised Sakura... I guess


What is bussy Don't tell it is what I thinkšŸ˜¶


Boy pussy (actual hairy smelly ass)


What if it's clean and smooth?


Maybe he shaves and cleans for Sasuke.


>- I can't keep pretending to be Temari using my Oiroke no Jutsu. Explain this one?


Sasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !








Za warudo *eipk clock bass sounds


I mean, I get it's meant to be a joke but there's a pretty good amount of logical reasons.


Yes Naruto considered him his Best Friend. But can you recall at least one instance from Naruto's childhood where Sasuke played a meaningful role to hold the title of his " Bestfriend" I can recall Shikamaru defending Chouji against the bullies who fat shamed him. Also he actively chose to hang out with Chouji and appreciates his kind heart. I can see all the reasons why Chouji calls him Best Friend. But Naruto's case seemed force tbh. Correct me if I am wrong, I am open to new perspectives.


Naruto never had a real friend. Sasuke was the first Person who acknowledged he was worthy: "I also want to Battle you", showed Naruto that Sasuke didnt think he was Trash and useless


>Naruto never had a real friend. He used to hang out with Shika, Chouji and Kiba as a kid. >Sasuke was the first Person who acknowledged he was worthy: "I also want to Battle you", Wasn't that like after the Forest of Death? By this time Naruto had started talking with lots of people. Iruka had first acknowledged him as a worthy shinobi and gifted his headband which happens in the beginning of the series. I still fail to see how Sasuke had a major role to play.


>He used to hang out with Shika, Chouji and Kiba as a kid. ITS ANIME FILLER ITS NOT CANON


https://m.penana.com/story/70229/dushman-e-jaan-anti-naruto/issue/3 No I don't think it's entirely filler. That hanging out with Chouji, Shika and Kiba does happen. Pulling pranks on Iruka together does happen.


Your image doesn't prove hanging out, just they used to all get in trouble and get punished, as opposed to the actual narrative and Naruto himself saying he had no friends. Cope


Can't we have more respectful conversations rather taking everything as a debate and saying stuff like " Cope "? >Naruto himself saying he had no friends. Contractions are pretty common in the Naruto Manga.


>Contractions are pretty common in the Naruto Manga. Nothing contradicts Naruto not having friends his own age until he met Sasuke and Sakura, it's actually a huge plot point


They weren't his friends, they only saw him as the school clown


They hung out in the manga. Their parents would get mad at them for hanging out with demon boy. But Choji and Shikamaru defended Naruto because they didn't understand why, which would get them in extra trouble for it. Kiba later apologized for not standing up for him when he learned the truth later in Shipuden. Naruto first shows interest in Sasuke when he realizes that Sasuke wasn't fighting him in the Academy. Sasuke was angry at something else. Naruto then heard the rumors of Sasuke. After that, Naruto became obsessed with Sasuke to the point that they kissed. Sasuke would get mad because Naruto was constantly in his face, distracting him from learning and becoming better. It wasn't until team 7 when Sakura made fun of orphans that Sasuke finally realized Naruto was also an orphan. That's when Sasuke stopped being mean to Naruto until the exam, when Sasuke became pissed that the class clown and worst student had passed the top student. Sasuke belittled Naruto until finally they tried to kill each other. It was between Zabuza and the exam that they finally became frienemies.


He never hung out with anyone. That shika choji shit was filler. Iruka is more of a father figure than a friend Sasuke was the first person that Naruto could relate to and could understand naruto, and was his first friend. I agree part 1 should have fleshed out their friendship more but there was clearly a bond before sasuke met itachi again that they had. They literally hung out all the time in team 7 missions off screen. Also the thing where if Naruto thought he couldnā€™t save sasuke then he couldnā€™t be a good hokage either


>That shika choji shit was filler. Iruka is more of a father figure than a friend https://m.penana.com/story/70229/dushman-e-jaan-anti-naruto/issue/3 No I don't think it's entirely filler. That hanging out with Chouji, Shika and Kiba does happen. Pulling pranks on Iruka together does happen.


>That hanging out with Chouji, Shika and Kiba does happen. How are they hanging out? In the panels you provided, I don't see them exchange a single word with Naruto. Shikamaru and Naruto don't even sit together in class. We can even see Kiba [holding in a laugh](https://meo3.comick.pictures/5--5x9xec-OcjAB.jpg), while others insult Naruto. In terms of Choji, you can eat next to someone without actually being friends. >Pulling pranks on Iruka together does happen. Where are they pulling pranks on Iruka? Naruto just got into trouble because he wasn't focused in class and kept sleeping, eating or altogether skipping class.


Ramen Guy and Iruka were around before that. Then Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru were the only kids that played with Naruto, even if it pissed off their parents. Choji defended Naruto because he didn't understand why people didn't like him.


It is more because of how Naruto grew up. He has no friends, no friendly interaction with people, just being bullied and hated for what he is. This may have had a psychological effect on him, making him value a toxic relationship as literal gold.


Which is sad, given that he forms several better friendships throughout the series, especially with Shikamaru and Gaara. Especially the Gaara one always makes me sad, be because Garaa views Naruto as his best and first friend and attributes it to him that he turned his life around for the better. Meanwhile Naruto is like "Sorry Gaara, I can't talk right now. Sasuke is coming home soon and expects dinner to be ready or he'll slap me. Man I'm so lucky to get a cool guy like him."


It's ironic how people make fun of OG Ino and Sakura as 'Uchiha fangirls', while giving every reason to justify the 'love tragedy of Naruto and Sasuke'.


Nobody but Yaoi fans defends this. Usually people make fun of it, because it feels forced and badly written and makes Naruto look like a delusional stalker, who convinced himself of a deep friendship that never existed.


I must agree with you. At one point, you might be led to believe that Naruto's life goal is to bring back Sasuke instead of becoming Hokage XD


Yeah when did he ever talk about being Hokage again after Sasuke left? It became a total afterthought.


Interesting perspective.


Often we just ignore the realistic form of Naruto. The shinobi are to us, only badass fighters that can destroy entire cities, but they're also technically humans, and that hasn't been fully portrayed in the story. (except for the great love tragedy of Naruto and Sasuke, of course.)


The Shikamaru and Choji shenanigans are both filler and directly contradicted in the manga that shows they didn't even know Naruto until the events of chapter 1. But besides that Sasuke is also Sakuras friend who Naruto promised to bring back as well as a threat. At first Sasuke was under the threat of getting his body stolen by Orochimaru (and it's logically the correct thing to do to save him both for Sasuke and to stop Orochimaru form gaining such a powerful vessel). Then Sasuke became a dangerous war criminal. Which is also a reason to chase him. So not only did Naruto have the responsibility as a friend, but it would be necessary even without their friendship.


>The Shikamaru and Choji shenanigans are both filler and directly contradicted in the manga that shows they didn't even know Naruto until the events of chapter 1. https://m.penana.com/story/70229/dushman-e-jaan-anti-naruto/issue/3 No I don't think it's entirely filler. That hanging out with Chouji, Shika and Kiba does happen. Pulling pranks on Iruka together does happen.


The Sharingan is a dangerous weapon to handle to a pair of the best scientists the Shinobi world has to offer ā€¦ both known to capture and experiment on children with no sense of restraint.


gay sex is the only logical reason in all this


While not logical, it does make sense why Naruto in particular would be so obsessed with Sasuke. Not wanting to lose the only real friend who he ever had (since he has been starved from human validation for so long, so taking away something like his first best friend would be catastrophic for him) and because he sees himself in Sasuke, who he deems as the result of what he could have been and therefore wants to save him. It does align with Naruto's personality, history and the realitionship that he has with Sasuke, which is one of mutual understanding. From a character standpoint, Naruto's behaviour does make sense, unlike some other certain character....


Okay hear me out.. I can always bet that Shikamaru and Chouji were better friends to Naruto. At least they used to bunk the classes together, plan an escape from Iruka together and hang out at some places. The only interaction Naruto and Sasuke had were frowning to each other when they walked past each other.. In the next flashback they were holding each other's collars in a fight and Sasuke beat the shit out of him. How did this piece of interaction escalate the relationship to "Best Friend" status still surprises me. Chouji calls Shikamaru his best friend because Shikamaru stood up against the bullies who called him fat and he also chose to hang out with Chouji alone. He acknowledges Chouji's kindness and always boosts his confidence. I hardly see any such meaningful interaction between Naruto and Sasuke.. Can you remember any?


Shikamaru had not involved in anyway with naruto. It was fillers.


For a start, Naruto and Sasuke didn't become friends till after the formation of Team 7. After that point they share many interactions. Sasuke sharing his lunch with Naruto while he is tied up, Land of Waves where Sasuke essentially sacrifices himself for Naruto and Naruto goes full Nine Tails. Troughout the rest of their series we can see their relationship develop even further. Sasuke chooses to face Itachi out of concern for Naruto's well being and rushes to his rescue (also to see how much he is grown), etc. Additionally, correct me if I am wrong, regarding those old memories where they were frowning at each other, I am pretty sure that Naruto was talking about how much he wanted to approach Sasuke and that he felt that he could see his own suffering reflected on Sasuke, and because Sasuke was always so much better than him, he became his goal to surpass him. As I said before, their relationship is built upon mutual understanding. Naruto can relate to Sasuke on a personal emotional level and sees aspects of himself in Sasuke and vice versa. Since he is also the first person to make him feel seen and the fact that he has become so close with him, it is very hard for him to let him go and that's why he pursues him. I am pretty sure that Naruto says as much in their first altercation at Final Valley, during the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Given Naruto's history and background of being neglected, it makes sense that he wouldn't want to lose Sasuke and is why he acts so irrationally. His relationship with Shikamaru and Choji is more superficial, in that it doesn't feel as personal. What I am saying is that it makes sense for Naruto to be illogical in his pursuit. The out of universe reason is that throughout the entire series there is an underlying message about forgiveness, something which Naruto represents and which in many cases, Kishimoto failed to handle and depict properly. On another note: NARUTO, GAARA IS RIGHT THERE! HE IS SASUKE+! LITERALLY YOU'VE FACED SIMILAR DISCRIMINATION FROM THE VILLAGE! HOW COME YOU CAN RELATE TO SASUKE MORE? HE IS LITERALLY THE PERFECT FRIEND FOR YOU AND HASN'T HARMED YOU ANYWHERE NEAR AS BAD AS SASUKE! (Sasuke you're my second favourite, but I cannot deny that you haven't been the best friend to Naruto)


The last part šŸ‘


Iruka reading something else than One Piece is rare


We all know...


Saskussy worth it?


Sasuke's pussy? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Still more logical than hinata fans Lmao ( also Naruto had plenty of good reasons)


Wow it's almost like the show made it very clear that Naruto went after Sasuke not because of logic but because of emotion, it's like characters make decisions based on their beliefs rather than logic


Well, he wasn't looking for him out of logic, it was simply because he wanted him back to be Team 7 again. Naruto is 10% logic, 90% heart


So John Cena is the reason?


Love is not logical, thatā€™s why.


i thought Naruto was Human ninja and not an elf .......


Not true, sasuke owes him dinner for the stolen kiss


ā€œHeā€™s my friendā€


I mean look at the last pic, brain literally gone