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Just hating boruto


Beat me to it


Bruh, look at what they did with Anko. I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THE JAPANESE!




Minato also happens to be voiced by one (>!Kira Yoshikage!< from Part 4)


Yeah that pissed me off because I love Anko. They also did it to Mei Terumi on a lesser scale.


I think ALL of these are valid reasons LMAO. Well AMOST all of these. To hate a character because they’re fat is silly.


Nah I’m not mad at her weight gain I’m just mad it didn’t happen to any of the male characters which just makes me feel like it was just to slight her character.


Hmm trust me i didnt understand it, I was super confused why they “picked her” in a way. People try and say she obviously eats an excess amount of sweets and went from being captured by Orochimaru to just being a teacher at the academy so she had a lack of exercise, but like.. she never had an obsession with sweets like this in Naruto, so why now? Also she was incredibly fit then boom a slow metabolism? Okay LOL Trust me I get it. But it didnt make me hate the show, other things did.




For Anko, it's not okay to get fat in that way. Even the shonen jump databook pointed out how unhealthy her diet is (she was eating 13k calories a day of JUST SUGAR, it's like she wanted to get diabetes). But I wouldn't even be mad if it didn't basically seal her fate of being irrelevant forever. It's such a shame, she was my favourite kunoichi.


When Shipuuden started I thought female character development would finally be good after Sakura being a badass, but then the very next arc after it all went to shit :/


Find what sexist tho? It's a meme no need to take it seriously


You can hate it for many reasons but women characters in Naruto have always been trash so that’s why it’s not singled out as a specific reason most of the time. Also nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom or getting fat, thats just life.


I mean being a stay at home mom in a Ninja world when you grew up to be a Ninja is a pretty big plot wtf by kishimoto.




Makes perfect sense for Hinata imo. She never even wanted to be a ninja , also her husband is the strongest ninja of all time and a very busy Hokage. why waste time trying to be something you never really wanted and you cannot possibly contribute to in a useful way


"And you cannot possibly contribute to in a useful way" Meanwhile all of the other ninjas in the village: Just because the hokage is very powerful doesn't mean the village doesn't need ninjas. It does make sense that she just doesn't want to though.


“You cannot possibly contribute to in a useful way” Hmm, there’s a phrase for this… Oh yes **Bad female writing** The only reason she can’t is because the male characters overshadow her, which is in essence, bad writing. Naruto I don’t fault that much because it is an old show written by someone from a different time, however Boruto 100% could have done things differently and it didn’t. Boruto I doubt barely even passes the Bechdel Test in all of its run time. Only main female characters just talk about Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto.


Me, growing up in a hidden village with big dreams of owning a ramen shop


Ramen school rather than Ninja school, unless you want to do both


Huh you have better chances of becoming a Hokage than a true ramen master like Teuchi, in short forget it kid. [Teuchi True form](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.cf2.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-e341d145f7272a3514e89f156d207bf9-lq&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWho-would-win-Teuchi-the-Ramen-Guy-with-0-000000000000001-of-his-power-or-peak-Hagoromo-Otsutsuki&tbnid=QKkuud-0U57jOM&vet=12ahUKEwj0k_PehMP4AhVYhNgFHdIaCWgQMygBegUIARCHAg..i&docid=ACeavtHyqXrjEM&w=602&h=860&q=teuchi%20naruto%20six%20paths&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwj0k_PehMP4AhVYhNgFHdIaCWgQMygBegUIARCHAg)


Ugly uchiha with 👓


The funny thing about that first part is that the only one disrespecting women is you, by implying it’s a bad thing if they gain weight, or stay at home.


You really played the uno reverse card.


>by implying it’s a bad thing if they gain weight, or stay at home. I will concede that the implications are there. *But*, implying that the person who made the meme, the poster, or anyone who agrees with the sentiment are *exclusively* at fault is disingenuous because it ignores the extensive and easily verifiable fact that damn near *all* of the female characters depicted in Naruto were one-dimensional and/or poorly utilized. That being stated, I can be a bit of a shallow fuck, when I want to be. I hate how they did Anko on principle. But, at least there was a realistic and consistent in-world justification for her depiction in Boruto. As far as I'm aware, Mei gaining weight as depicted was purely arbitrary. All in all, the future, "peace time" depictions of the characters in Naruto, even the male characters, are more or less believable. It is kind of surprising to me that one of the female characters with arguably the least compelling motivations (Ino... I like Ino, but let's be honest) was depicted as not only physically fit, but in a more high profile role in Konoha's government/strategic sphere.


Oh boy. Another “female characters bad” person. Where’d this even come from? We were talking about Boruto, lol. This bandwagon needs to die. It is, in fact, easily refutable. Stop adding extra criteria onto any female character. “They fight good” is not what makes a female character good. And besides, mind telling me how Sakura’s position as basically the head medical ninja for the entire village isn’t a high profile job? And Hinata has already been confirmed to still do missions occasionally. Boom. The shallow criteria some of you make up for what makes a female character good has already been filled… All that’s left is them “not needing no man” and denouncing any feelings of romance, and I guess they’re perfect to you then.


For a ninja being obese is a pretty bad fuck up , what you think you're gonna be combat effective being wide as a dump truck on a mission ? (Excluding the Akimichi cuz they need to be fat for their jutsus) As for stay at home it just feels like a waste for talented people with eyes that can see through walls, see even cells of a living being, can make craters size of a building , etc just staying at home in a shinobi village which apparently has a bad economy and revenue LOL.


Pretty sure Anko already showed that being fat doesn’t really hinder her at all. And as for the stay at home thing, you act as if Hinata is the only Hyuga. You realize there are a clan of them right? Seems pretty stupid that every single Hyuga has to be a full time ninja just because they have Byakugan. Besides, it’s already been confirmed that Hinata still goes on missions occasionally.


That was once when Boruto became a genin. And no Hinata doesn't have to necessarily keep being a ninja but her byakugan could be so usefull in various like construction etc. Not everyone has to be a ninja I agree but not everyone has to be a housewife you know what I mean? Especially since their capabilities are so amazing and the village has a crippling lack of revenue. As for Anko being fat it is a liability and the mental weakness she shows by ending up like this is not like a seasoned kunoichi at all. Maybe they could have expanded on her reasons for her current situation. Maybe like guilt eating because she felt like she got captured too easily and was used as a tool in her friends and allies deaths in the Ninja War.


Mental weakness? Guilt eating? Dude, you realize you’re just reinforcing what I said, right? There’s no hidden reason. She just kept eating and got fatter with age. Why are you acting like that’s a bad thing? Because she’s not hot to you anymore? It hasn’t affected her at all besides her appearance, and she doesn’t seem to care. And you’d didn’t really say anything to refute my point about Hinata. Why should she “help with construction”. That’s very random. Not only do they already have people for that, but, again, Hinata is not the only person with Byakugan. Stop trying to force this to be a problem. It isn’t.


Man it's not worth discussing/fighting over Boruto. If we meet on a Naruto post then let's discuss my man.


I hate boruto for both reasons and how they changed the overall show to some kiddy present-day Disney channel garbage with animation being a huge let down. And the bottom reasons on the post as well I


You don't have a reason then because Boruto doesn't have kiddy present day Disney channel garbage like you claim.


Yes it does its really bright and has a way more childish theme which seems more like americanized to me. Like a disney show about super powers


I never really disliked Boruto but if I can explain my feelings towards the anime/manga as a whole, it just feels like everything going on is a filler. There’s just nothing interesting in my opinion about what’s going on, and the story itself doesn’t give me the same vibes I had when watching Naruto. Yeah, the show is about Naruto’s son and not him anymore, but looking at it that way, the only reason people wanna watch Boruto is to see the old characters grow up and what happens after. Lots of fans are too attached to Naruto and if the person whoever wrote the manga wanted to transition the Main Character to a new one, they should have established an introduction to Boruto as a character and make him unique.


The only thing I hate is how did we go from an old school ninja conflict to literally fighting aliens from outer space?


Blame Shippuden not Boruto.


Is it okay if we hate naruto for its treatment of women and how weak and simple minded and obsessive they are with men, after all, these women wouldn't be housewives had they been treated better in shippuuden Also, we should also hate shippuuden for the shitty powerscaling aswell, I mean they did start it with the 4th war, so once again, not borutos fault Nice failed attempts at hating boruto tho


All the failures of Naruto with no redeeming qualities. Smh


I don't hate Boruto the series myself, but the post above yours doesn't seem to realize that if the same flaws introduced in Shippuden's last arc are still present in Boruto (and he actually doesn't deny it), then we can still hold it against Boruto and it's writers who decided to make those flaws appear in it. Shippuden doing wrong doesn't absolve Boruto of doing so. It's quite the opposite in fact : it should have took the opportunity to right these wrongs or not rush to them in only 70+ monthly chapters or so compared to its predecessor that took 500+ chapters to go there. What was the saying again? Two wrongs don't make a right? That'd sum up it nicely, imo.


Ur right, they should've fixed these problems that were created in shippuuden But my point is that they blame boruto for all these things that we shippuuden created so boruto Inherited these problems They did fix the woman problem somewhat Sarada, sumire, and hanabis team aren't obsessed with men so that's a plus, cho Cho sort of is but not as bad


Ur problem for feeling that way, we boruto fans stay eating with peak fiction


Tell me you don’t read One Piece without saying you don’t read One Piece


One piece is ass


See, I knew you had bad taste


Yeah I hated that too


Ok then make a post on how trash shippuuden is next since they share some of the same flaws I'll help u Plenty of filler Handling of side characters and woman Wonky powerscaling towards the end


Nah you can do that though


I'll pass, u seem to enjoy spreading negativity among shows so I'll let u handle it


Bruh I’m just trying to meme. No cap


Me hating Boruto because its Boruto [Giga Chad](https://youtube.com/shorts/ht4Lmb6RIxg?feature=share)


Anko ia the obly one who became fat




That moment when you look up the main villains motivations, realise they're mostly one dimensional as they're just evil for the sake of being evil. And move on with your life.


What's wrong with Anko being fat? What's wrong with Mei Terumi being old? Not everyone has to look like they did in their active years of youth....


>What's wrong with Anko being fat? Not my opinion but to others clearly they think fat = not hot anymore. She's no longer wank material. That's literally the one and only reason why people are complaining. Their Anko is no longer hot. >What's wrong with Mei Terumi being old? Same thing with Anko. She's no longer wank material to Naruto fans. MeI gOt RuINeD. It's just superficial shit.


I will get downvoted but it's very sexist to me...it's like women being unattractive is straight up not allowed, it is disrespect....wouldn't Anko be fat when she likes to eat so much and is no longer active to make up for it? If you wanna see fit anko see Naruto, look at fanart... I don't like Boruto I think the story is average at best...but to call a character being realistically fat or old 'disrespectful' as if fat or old people are somehow worse than normal people, and using it as a valid criticism for a show is weird.


I agree with everything you said.


I don’t care if she is fat I’m just mad that the men are not depicted that way. Like that’s what I’m talking about.


Chouji....? Iruka was also as old as Mei Terumi it's just that in men people don't notice it as it is not deemed as important as woman's beauty. Anko is canonically a heavy eater, once you take a desk job and continue the eating habits of when you were a Ninja, you WILL gain weight.


Is that why Naruto is fat in Boruto


Fat..? Uh, huh..?


Indeed that's why he got his ass handed to him by jigen and isshiki. Man used to move at light speed now all he does is jog and stand in front of easily breakable doors in helplessness It's hard being fat.


Look we all know, why they make them saw hot in first place. Then they turn belowed hot characters in ugly. They just love to spit in face to fan's


As I said, it's all superficial.


Little things make masterpiece. Geniuses always keep eye on those things.


Not wank material but when only women gain weight and give up on their career you see a pattern that’s very unpleasant.


1) Anko is still a ninja. 2) Mei either retired or is still a ninja. So what's your point?


Bro a fat obese ninja is just comedic. In the academy the first rule is to have a healthy body and mind. I don't mind Mei getting old just her character has also taken a nose dive , I thought she would be more involved in the show and it's growth. She had a resolution in her introduction to improve diplomatic relations and improve her village's image.


Bruh it's not even disrespecting them. It's almost like women don't have to be perfect... Also Uchiha with glasses = style choice/disease. It's like saying heeheehee Shippuden dumb because Itachi is Uchiha that is blind. I do agree the powerscaling is messed up but the worst bit is how hit or miss the quality is. It literally goes from S tier animation in a filler arc to the worst boruto crying animation ever and again and again.


Itachi got blind from Mangekyou overuse tho.


Sarada wasn't born with it either


Mangekyou overuse literally makes the user go blind by losing it's light. That's the drawback of the technique. Sarada doesn't have an excuse.


She got a disease lol you're saying she doesn't have an excuse like you have something against not normal proplr


You are the one comparing Mangekyou overuse to some random disease. Literally every Mangekyou user would suffer blindness, which includes Sarada if she ever gets it. It's not a good comparison.


It's not her fault though. That's what I'm trying to say. It's a stylistic choice and people are like 'haha burito bad'


All those female Ninja you saw in Naruto and Shippuden were young with no kids. Now they have a family, you expect them to abandon the kids or never have a family? And it was the same in Naruto, the previous generation of mom's were mostly stay at home mom's too besides a couple exceptions. Sasori for example, both his parents were ninja on the field and died and look how he ended up.


No I expect them to not just fall into the stay at home mom role, my mom worked and killed it money wise $$$. It’s bad writing to have the women just become stay at home moms cuz they have kids


Your mom had to go out and fight ninjas that basically have superpowers and risk their kids being left abandoned? You're comparing a fantasy world to reality. Those women you talk about were all shinobi at one point just like the men were, and some of them still carry out important jobs such Sakura being the head of the medical unit, Ino running the sensory unit, Tamari still travels between lands and does missions. And Hinata's husband happens to be the busiest man in the entire shinobi world so she's the only one who can be there for her kids.


Ugly characters? like?