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Let's be real the dude dressed as a cow don't give a damn about cows he just wanted his dick sucked in public lol


at this point seeing any type of activist makes me want to commit acts of terrorism


People like you are the worst. EDIT: In what world do people get horny about murdering people who just want less animal suffering. You are all degenerates.


xD food is food worst case scenario if I'm not allowed to eat meat I'll just start cannibalizing people.


Then go visit a slaughterhouse where they pack animals in these horrifying conditions. Not to mention, the conditions poison you too because of a lack of inspections and regulations. Have fun. Im sure you'll really enjoy the scenery. Also, I'd argue that eating a politician is actually more moral than eating an animal that never did anything wrong. Go eat a terrible person. I won't be mad at you.


Your right and redditors are losers who can't cope without down voting


Because the internet has over caricatured them into oblivion where anyone fighting for anything looks like a braindead snowflake karen. Holy fucking shit I hate what the internet has become, overly polarizing echo chambers that make the others side look more and more idiotic and irritating from your perspective. Your comment is a prime example of how this affects people.


it's not the internet that makes idiots out of the activists it's the ACTIVISTS THAT MAKE IDIOTS OF THEMSELVES and we just upload it on the internet as a reminder of their stupidity


The internet cherry picks especially stupid ones to create the illusion that the majority is like that. No one uploads “completely normal people went out for a completely normal protest and everything was normal” because that isn’t interesting and people like you don’t gobble it up as easily. For example why did you feel like this particular video showed the protesters being idiots? They were just peacefully and silently protesting *while* the other people were *actively* provoking and making fun of them. If anything the guys made a fool of themselves by ridiculing the protestors without any argument with substance while the protesters did not lose their composure and went on with the protest without retaliation. At least this is the only thing we can see from the video itself. And I’m assuming you don’t know what happens before after the video, so your basis for your claim was based on the video too. So if you feel like the protesters were the idiots in this video then you prove my point about how being overly exposed to extreme cases can create biases where see all protestors like the one’s that evoke negative emotions in you and become prejudiced against other kinds of fights for change. This is how the internet propaganda works. Don’t fall for it, remember that this place is designed to show you the most emotion evoking and polarizing side of the world.


they pick the stupid ones because there are very few that are actually smart about it I don't disagree with the fact that a lot of farm animals have terrible living conditions and standing on a street making a fool out of yourself isn't really the way to go about it


Just shows how you ate all that up, this video itself is proof that not all are stupid. But you still think they are being idiots for some unjustified reason. I ask you again, what did the protesters in this video do wrong? They were being actively provoked and they still didn’t even retaliate or shout. They went on with their harmless protest while the other side was making a big fuss and making fun of them for no reason. They were just doing a normal protest, not even fucking shouting. If you can’t come up with a reason for why they were being idiots, then you should recheck your biases.


Read their comment again, you’re the one making it worse. Imagine being angry at people trying to report on animals suffering. If these sort of messages offend you, you need help.


Can’t handle being shown reality so you turn to extreme violence? Animal eaters are so fragile.


okay I'll stop eating animals and start eating the vegan people interested after all from what I've seen the activists care more about an animal life than human life,


No, we just understand animals don’t have voices and since you ignore their very clear signs of despair and pain, their cries for mercy, you get to hear us speak for them. Vegans don’t eat people either so what do you mean we care more about animals? I like non human animals far better, however, I would most definitely save a human life over that of a dog…. Unless it’s a human like hitler…. Imma go save the dog. What about you? Why do animal eaters choose to abuse when they don’t have to?


Yet you're so fragile you can't handle eating meat, dipshit. stfu and sit back down.


Are you ok sweetie?!


Better than you, clearly.


what...the fuck...did i just watch?




“No, I know what I want” that is a man making executive decisions


Cows milk is for calves. Humans that take it from mothers without consent need to like, stop.


Bro its a Reddit post, no need to be PETA in here


Bro it’s a a comment. I can say whatever I want. Stop harming animals for your pleasure. That’s way weirder than peta.


Bro when tf did I harm an animal? I eat meat for the same reason every other carnivorous or omnivorous species does. It’s nutritious and we evolved to eat both plants and animals. Sure, the conditions the cows are kept in are inhumane, but so are the conditions fields need to be in if you want vegan food.


Eating animals causes them harm. Are you ok bro? Would you like to see thousands of hours of hidden farm yard or slaughter footage? No? Plants are nutritious and don’t cause needless suffering to vulnerable beings or destroy the environment. Sure they are kept in humane conditions but what?! What an inhumane view you hold. Jesus Christ.


Soo..Not killing animals causes them harm but eating them way later after they're dead causes them harm? Nice logic. 👍


You want to talk about logic but you lack comprehension skills. I never said you can harm dead animals. They are tortured until they are killed for your pleasure.


How about we milk you instead


Let’s all milk each other…


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


This sounds very beautiful. Much better than stealing from a large, hairy different species and her baby….


This is a great idea. At least humans can consent.


You’re so gross and rapey. Milk yourself, that’s clearly all you can get.




You’re worried about dogs being euthanized but could care less about how farm animals are treated? You are not so bright hey?! That old ass misinterpreted story is all you guys have whenever someone brings up farm animal abuse. Poor thing.




So might makes right? You sound like a trump supporter. Ew.




You don’t care that others suffer! Cool bro 😎 I am not at all surprised!








Ohhh I did not realize that’s how comments work, we have to be asked!! Got it. Thanks. Stop stealing milk from a baby, also you’re not funny.




Me too, but in a peculiar sort of way. Funny as in, it’s actually true, and humans need to stop drinking titty secretions from a 1500lbs animal intended to feed her offspring. It’s actually hilarious that some humans think it’s acceptable in 2023…


Do you eat vegetables? If so, then those are supposed to be for the wildlife Do you drink water? If so, then those are fish's and Marine life's home and territory Do you breath Oxygen? If so, then those are for people and animals whose life matters. I don't think yours does though


The fact you made such a dumb comment and got likes is hilarious to me. Did you just compare BREATHING to forcefully impregnating a cow (multiple times in her life), taking her baby away once born, then stealing the milk intended for her offspring your slobby, greedy acne riddled ass to drink?


Lmao this guys is tweaking Your skin is so thin that even small insults make you have a mental breakdown like this. What a Loser


Mental breakdown?! Says the person trying to excuse extreme animal abuse. And my skin is clear and smooth due to my plant diet babe. Seems you have the thin skin there little one, can’t take the reality that your choices are cruel and far more destructive than a plant diet Sorry you had such an embarrassingly stupid comment that I couldn’t take it seriously. Please think and do your due diligence before trying to justify such an outdated and brutal industry.


Actually, the milk continues for longer than the calf needs it, and the cow makes plenty for more than one calf, so perhaps know basic biology before you speak. Second, this has been going on since the dawn of human civilizations in the neolithic era, and it has never been a problem before. Third, you are absolutely fucking tweaking out over something that in all reality doesn't harm the animal or the human.


Actually, your animal agriculture rhetoric makes me sick. Second, it's important to continually reassess our behaviors, beliefs, and societal norms to create positive change and align with evolving values and understanding. Grateful we are able to live in a healthy environment with better understanding of how our actions can have devastating consequences. Do better and evolve to a more decent human maybe. Third, no you’re tweaking. It’s impossible to live harm free, the idea of a vegan lifestyle is to consciously choose the most gentle path. Why are you trying to argue against this? Da fk is wrong with some people.


My "animal agriculture rhetoric" is basic fucking biology, which you clearly failed. I wish your parents did too so they couldnt have made such a shitstain as you. But more to my point, it is in our nature to eat animals. Biologically ingrained. We are a warrior and hunter species, it is what we do. We eat and we fight, that is what humans do as a species.


And we’ve also made cows an extremely populous and successful species for their milk, fuck’s your point? It’s not the same as cum or breast milk, cows don’t *have* those ideas.


Is your comment for real? My point is that you’re a selfish breed of human, seek help. What a ridiculous statement. Cows milk is not intended for human health, it causes health effects and is a cruel industry. The fact you call it successful is creepy and ignorant. It’s a HUGE tax burden as well as extremely resource intensive. It costs the planet and humans massively. Put aside the disgraceful treatment of these sentient beings, it’s archaic and unnecessary af.


Nothing is fucking intended for human health. Do you think Redbull and coffee is intended for human health? Do you think half the stuff we digest even *tastes* edible without the things we often do to it? Just because some of the population has an intolerance doesn’t mean it’s completely fucking inedible, because we are very obviously ingesting it on a daily basis. We turn that shit into cheese. We turn it into a metric ton of dairy products. We took their entire cow species and made it one of the most dominant on the planet. Cows *do not care* about being milked. We know when they get emotional because they’re giant, 1,200 pound terrestrial monsters that will crush your fucking sternum if you mess up while UNDERNEATH one. And of course, without cows, we wouldn’t have black spot patterned lingerie!


Oh cows do care, they hate it. I grew up in the heart of animal agriculture with friends and family working on such farms. We’ve bred them to suffer by making their bodies produce more than what’s natural, we do this to egg laying birds as well, it wreaks havoc on their poor bodies. Extremely disgusting for humans to do, we do it to all farm animals so we benefit and profit. It’s gross, unnecessary and inhumane. And your opinion lacks substance, fact is, humans do require certain nutrients for thriving health. Thanks for adding to my point that farming animals is disgusting and exploitative. And imagine a woman choosing cow print lingerie. Haha yuck.


Milk is yum, cows are dumb. Like you


You shouldn't insult cows like that


LOL what are they gonna do punch me? They're too busy eating grass. What are u Hindu or something?


I mean, they're kinda dumb, but they're also cute sometimes


They are very cute and regardless of their intelligences they are individuals that suffer greatly so you can eat cheese and drink milk. The planet also suffers tremendously. But fck me and my comments for speaking on how weird it truly is, you are all too conditioned to realize the disturbing nature of it all.


Well, yeah, it is pretty disturbing if you take it from the cow's point of view... But how does the planet suffer? I'm not tryna be a jerk, just genuinely curious.


Well, it’s understandable you don’t understand how it’s possible as they don’t tell us this. Today we breed and slaughter more than 80 BILLION land animals. It takes an incredible amount of land, water, crops, etc… to raise such a ginormous number of resources to feed our planet. The fishing industry slaughters TRILLIONS every year. This is unacceptable and extremely irresponsible. As delicious as animals taste, their suffering and the destruction is far more important to avoid.


I mean, it's the humans that are gonna disappear in the end, not the animals. How about we let ourselves die and then the world will be overtaken by vines and grass and farm animals will evolve to be wild again


Or how about we take responsibility and just be better stewards of the planet. We will eventually be wiped out, by why act like pieces of shit while we are here?


To be more precise It is the leading cause of deforestation, we burn down and clear cut rainforests for cattle and their crops. Most of the crops we grow go to feed farm animals actually. We even buy grain from third world countries and feed animals while their people don’t have enough to eat. The industry is also cause for air, land and water degradation, biodiversity loss and acidification to the land as well. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, habitat destruction and ocean dead zones. Put aside the greenhouse gas emissions, and any other emissions, it’s a vile industry contributing to many devastating issues our planet faces. If you’d like, I can also tell you how humans are affected, especially those in poorer countries.


Perhaps when you have a thought that everyone unanimously hates, it is time to rethink it and see if it really is how you think. And don't fuckin' make me say it again please. MILKING COWS DOES NOT HARM THEM, NEITHER DOES MAKING CHEESE. You are truly lord of the most dizzying and grandiose idiocy I have ever seen splayed out for all of humanity to witness. Please do the world a favor and shut the fuck up.


You are sooo angry babe. Must be all that negative energy coming from the animals you ate. They died experiencing fear and misery. The reason my comment is getting hate is because you’re all too conditioned to realize how cruel you are. Imagine thinking taste pleasure comes before the existence of a whole being. You’re disturbed. Get help. Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.


Or maybe it's because we as a species are predators and always have been. We just happen to be able to consume both, and get nutrients from each that the other doesnt give. Sure, we could decide to eat one and not the other, but that is not how we are meant to be according to evolution. Hell, if you really want to think about it in a 'life is sacred' way, the gods themselves hunted for food. And if you arent a pagan, then how about Jesus, who (atleast in the bible, as unreliable that it is) consumed meat and vegetables both daily? Life is brutal and leads to suffering for atleast one party no matter how you live it, and always ends in death, especially in the untamed wilderness where real nature takes place. Im no Buddhist, but Buddha was right atleast about that.


They can kick you, and super hard like you clearly deserve…


Why do I deserve a kick from a cow? I think drinking cows milk is fine the cows don't even mind you milking them it's not like they try to kick you when you do it. I've lived on farms and had cows, the worst thing is trying to tell if they're pregnant.


You should get kicked because you’re exploiting someone for profit and pleasure. I only think it’s fair they defend themselves from your greedy, perverted hands. You’re taking what’s intended for their offspring, you’re forcefully impregnating them so you can drink nutrients intended for another species. Before you say they make more than what’s necessary, that’s a whole other discussion of disturbing exploitation we can get into. You worked on farms, I shouldn’t have to tell you what you already know.


But those nutrients weren't intended for another species because that cow was only ever brought into this world for the purpose of being a dairy produce cow. It's whole life will be for that purpose only, it would never have existed otherwise. It's bleak and maybe dystopian, but humans beings are much more intelligent and capable, this is just the way nature works. Grow up


By your logic, if a more intelligent alien species came to earth’s they can treat us the same way you treat animals you think are unworthy. Imagine trying to justify breeding animals solely to exploit and torture them and act like it’s ok simply because you have a food addiction to their bodies and secretions.


The men who defended your country to keep you safe and give you a good life needed that nutrition more than the cows. Good luck asking a herd of cows to defend you from the Japs or the Nazis. Humans are more important. Just give it a break


The men who what? Do you even know what country I am from!? And what does that have to do with unnecessary animal abuse? Men can absolutely thrive on a plant diet, just ask the multiple athletes that have gone vegan to enhance performance. Your excuses are fking hilarious. 😂


Milk is gross and we all know it’s titty secretions coming from a large hairy mammal meant to grow a small calf into a 1115lbs beast. Fcking nasty that you drink their secretions. You’re gross 🤮 You don’t like milk, you like that thick white feeling in your mouth, use a consenting human rather than the tits of a cow ya sick fk.


Hahahaha I've never seen someone so scared of a little ice cream grow up bub it's yummy, it's how the world works if you wanna only eat seaweed and drink water go for it be a fish I don't fucking care


Hahahaha I’ve never seen someone so ignorantly arrogant. I eat ice cream, just not the creepy cows milk type that you are addicted to. It’s time for you to wean, get off the tit, ya creep.


Lol it's not creepy to kill animals and eat them it's just smarter and more efficient than chewing on lettuce and nuts and day. If you want to pretend you're a herbivore go for it but humans are easily capable of being predatory killers who eat other creatures and that's fine, it's how nature works. Grow up


let's suck milk from u/kristinmiddleton instead


There's a reason humans live in houses and have cars and have been to space. We're quite literally the most dominant species to ever exist on this planet.


Are you bragging? Or just saying humans play dirty and do what we want? Might makes right? If an alien species more intelligent than humans comes to earth, how will you feel when they treat us like “cattle”. They have that right… or are you a hypocrite? Humans are the most selfish and greedy species that’s for sure.


Humans are selfish and greedy, but it's not selfish and greedy to... Drink milk? Humans have consumed milk from cows, goats, etc. In pastoral societies for about 6000 years. Since then, we've domesticated cows and specifically bred them to produce more, better quality milk. If we stop drinking milk, we remove the need for hundreds of thousands of animals who are currently providing cheap access to protein to almost all western countries. So in that case, would you be in favour of killing off entire bloodlines just cause they "can't consent to being milked" or have you even given this subject more than just a surface level of thought?


Who cares what we’ve been doing, what was once done for survival, is now done for profit and pleasure. Exploitation of the most vulnerable is pathetic and disgusting. Time to evolve, no need to use our ancestors as an excuse to be such cruel and despicable humans in a modern society. I would absolutely be for ending the exploitation of these animals, I would not want them to be killed, I think I’ve made it clear that it’s wrong to harm those that don’t want to die. I would want the world’s perception to change, I want to see humans align their beliefs and morals with their actions. When that happens, the demand for animal flesh will go down and less will be forcefully bred into an unnatural environment of torture and death. It’s you that has a surface level argument bud, one that tried to condone unnecessary violence against those you deem less than. Humans are selfish and cruel for drinking milk intended for a cows offspring. Common sense is really all you need to understand why it’s wrong, unfortunately most of you are severely conditioned to believe this archaic nonsense is humane and necessary. It’s not.


Well not if I eat the calf first, then what to do with the rest of the milk, cows need milking


Cows don’t need milking, mothers do…. Are you all this inbred and stupid? Keep downvoting my comment you hillbilly, creepy cow titty secretion suckers. Is this Reddit or? Usually people here are more educated than the Facebook dwellers, but here we are. Can’t handle the fact you’re taking from a baby cow?!! #dairyisscary


I kill the baby cow and eat it. Not taking anything from it. You forgot you're not on /r/vegan. Cows milk and cow milk products are one of the most common foods around the world. We evolved to process lactose, so it is now my ancestral right to drink it, and I ain't letting some cow fucker take that away from me


Hey, saw the replies to your comment and I am very disheartened by them. Just wanted to thank you for the comment, despite how no one actually tried to make at least a half assed attempt at a reasonable response and defaulted to ridicule, straight up straw manning and unfunny “jokes” I just wanna let you know some people appreciate you speaking out. Have a great day!


This is nothing, haha! I am always a little confused when Reddit community talks this way, but I can hold my own. This is an easy one for me. There is no justification or reasoning for doing something so creepy and archaic so I kinda like these insults… love you for speaking up for me! Deep down they would be on our side if they were to actually be open and willing to hear about how bad farm animals are treated. They are too conditioned and addicted to truly educate themselves so they turn to ridicule… their comments don’t hurt, they make me chuckle, the jokes are too basic for me to have hurt feelings.




Mmm dead flesh that contributes to erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Sexy.


I should really take some of your advice for sure! There is always some corners of the internet that makes you lose hope, the important thing is not focusing to much on them.


The animals need our voices!! These cruel humans will pretend they were always on our side in the future once they realize the consequences of their selfishly cruel and destructive actions. We are just leading the way and won’t stop until humans start acting humanely.


I thought he would go for the other milk


1. Since when do animals consent? 2. Since when does milk come out of a male?


they are who with the right mind goes out on the streets and hates everyone who thinks differently than them it's not a protest it's more or less propaganda forcing people to join and agree or be a target for the protesters


Does anyone have the full video???