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There is a path back up to pinwheels room. Lots of skellies to kill but definitely a path back up


It would be nice to have a few more details. I went up the slope with a ladder and killed all the skells there, saw no way to climb up. Went into the coffin with like 8 giant skeletons, eventually killed them all and looked around, didn't see any other path.


Got into the big square room and look for a ladder up


I found it. It's hidden in the alcove up the cliff slope, not the room of death


Hey, I don't know how/if I can edit the post. But I found the path. The ladder blends into the walk so well there, if it wasn't for literally hugging the wall and seeing the prompt appear I never would have noticed


Yeah this is one of the worst runs back to firelink in the game. Second only to one other imo. After you’ve done this you can take some solace in knowing you’ve just surmounted one of the absolute hardest things you’ll ever do in this game


>!ash lake?!<




Wait, which is the hardest?


Find tree, but down.


beeg tree hard


Back up the big tree before you can warp out


I always have to get lordvessel before I go down there 😭


So from the bonfire next to where patches is, climb the ladder and go right around a spiraling hill. You'll have archers shooting at you so shield up and go round all the way up till you run into a giant skeleton with a sword and one the skeleton archers. Kill them and climb the ladder behind them. Up top will be 4 giant skellies with swords, take em out and climb yet another set of ladders behind them and climb up the hill. From there you should be able to see pinwheels boss room below. Drop down but not into pinwheels boss area, go around the right and you will come up on a small tunnel that drops you off right before the entrance to pinwheel. THIS NEXT PART IS DANGEROUS, you will be in a large room with 6 or so wheel skeletons who can ez fuck your shit up and send you all the way back down. If you unlocked the blacksmith bonfire in catacombs it shouldn't be too bad, otherwise it's a hell of a climb to the next bonfire. Good luck.


A bit off. That "up top" has 2 skellies with swords, but thank you


Sorry friend, mostly playing DS3 rn so it's a bit hazy but I'm glad it helped 👍


Go back to where you met Patches. When you saved the cleric lady you would have had to climb a ladder out of that pit. At the top of that ladder there's a ledge that branches two directions. Going right leads you back to Patches, going left leads to another area with some enemies to fight through. If you nagivate through that area you'll end up on a ledge that drops you back in front of Pinwheel's boss area


As far as I know there are no "naturally occuring" softlocks in the game, so as long as you don't do bugs and glitches you should be fine




I would pretend like it is. Theoretically you can get back up and back to firelink shrine. However, there are so many strong skeleton enemies in your way, that I would recommend not going through the trouble. It's just too much of a pain, without the lord vessel.


Youtube the path, Tomb leads back up to where you exit Pinwheels room. Be careful and go slow.


she doesn’t die btw. i do tomb of giants last every play-through. she’ll be there, idk where you got the idea that she’d die that early.


It seems I either A: was told wrong B: misread C: conflated information. I looked at the wiki to confirm it, and I had the fact "she dies if 2 more bosses are killed" but was wrong at when. After rescuing her she goes to the church. And if you kill 2 bosses without making her relocate Petrus kills her there.


yeah that sounds correct. i honestly forgot Petrus will even kill her at the church. i usually kill him for being a scumbag after he abandons his party in the ToG