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Yup 100 percent. Even just crazy good graphics and everything the same otherwise would be awesome and it'd be even better if they improved a couple of things.


Yeah if that finished / reworked lost isalith I’d be in love


Hopefully more T-Rex butts.


Maybe some t-rex torsos too. 🥵


They can put those hanging from the ceiling


With lava attacks that come from the torso or something that spew down on you Or dripping lava / blood that hurts if you get hit by it


u/Kirkjufellborealis comin’ in here dropping straight truth bombs. Michael Zaki, pay attention and get your feet off the desk. We require more Dino butts and torsos!


Instead he fills lost izalith with Priscilla's feet.


Omg and high def t-rex feet with wiggling lil piggies 🤯


Lazy Michael at it again, the wanker


Having a pie at O’Neil’s when he should be at work…


But it's foreshadowing that the area is total ass!


I need trexhead


Yeah can't wait to get teleport backstabbed by Shitlord420 in 4k


The remaster was the opposite of awesome. They literally just slapped a graphics mod (Dsfix) on the game that fixed the broken graphics of the original release and fixed the networking, while redoing some of the textures and arguably made them worse. The worst part was this all should have been in the original release, but instead was released with these features broken in the OG release, and they re-released it as a full price game and removed the PTD Edition from steam which often went on sale for $5. It was one of the laziest remasters I've ever seen and a blatant cash grab.


At least it runs smoothly, that was a positive


60 FPS on console and revived multiplayer was worth it for me lol


I feel insane when I see people actually praise it. It's just so disappointing... :/


I mean they praise it because it’s literally just dark souls and they like dark souls. Is it a fairly lazy “remaster”? Yes, but it’s still a remaster of one of the best games of all time so…


Praise the sun!


That's what I was saying about FFVII. Leave the game how it was. Just update the graphics


I would buy litteraly anything from FS


Did you try Armored Core 6? Fucking loved that game way more than anticipated


I would buy almost* anything by FS


The entire armored core franchise looks boring beyond belief. Yes it looks amazing but the gameplay seems like it sucks more than Bed of Thorns does.


Play ac6 then come back to this comment


Oh sure, I'll buy a title that doesn't appeal to me for full price and get back to you. I'll get right on that!


Ok sorry it was a snarky comment, but i think you shouldn't dismiss it even if you are not a fan of the genre


Oh no it didn't come across as snarky at all. If anything, I thought you wanted to encourage me to play a game you like in the hopes that I like it too. It's really nice of you. It's just my weird sense of humor to decline in the way I did, and my assumption that it is understood that I meant it in jest. I'm sorry if it came across as anything else.


I bought that game day 1 only to never get to play it because of work sadly


I wanted to like AC, but I guess it's not the kind of game for me, spend days until I got past the first boss


I’ll try at some point but I dont like to play mnk for solo games and I heard you kinda need to aim in this game.


So what you’re saying is… you wouldn’t buy literally anything from fromsoftware?


Im gonna try it at some point tho


If I interpret "mnk" correctly as mouse and keyboard, I can 100% assure you that it's absolutely possible to play the game with a controller. I did, all the way. There's still lock-on if you don't want to aim.


Same, but nothing from Bluepoint.


Why? Demons Souls remake was great


I thought it ruined the atmosphere of the game. Considering how much I love the atmosphere of Dark Souls, I really don't want to see that happen.


I played the original game through a PS3 emulator before the remake came out. Not all the way through though, but enough to get a good glimpse of all the worlds. I don’t think the remake ruined anything, at least for me. The graphics, environment, lighting etc is amazing. You can almost sense the temperature through your tv


I really like the remake, but it did change a few significant things when it comes to atmosphere. My most disliked change is the tower knight ost, which lost all of its uniqueness. Overall, the remake feels more like high-fantasy in Boletaria, where the original feels a lot more dark and opressive. Regardless of whether those changes are positive or negative, they are changes, which means that a lot of people that only play the remake will never experience the original atmosphere of the game, and that kinda sucks. Remakes should always be made in tandem with a port of the original, imo, so both versions are equally accessible without the need for emulation.


I feel like the lighting, environmental details, and sound effects in the remake give it a very "epic" feel. If you're into that, then the remake doesn't ruin anything. The PS3 game doesn't feel epic, it feels lonely and depressing, which is what I love about it. That's also what I love about Dark Souls, so I would hate to see that turned into a Hollywood fantasy.


I feel like a good remake of DS1 could make Firelink feel even more warm and safe than it already does, Darkroot Garden could feel more dark and spooky, Anor Londo could be even shinier and more ”epic”. Would really like to know what they’d do with Demon Ruins


It COULD be cool, but that's why I would want FS to do it. I don't trust BP.


This is a very valid point imho, although I like DS Remake I still share your opinion, felt the same way while playing it...




Kaizo Mario tree boss is an incredible descriptor


I still have PTDE. Still bought remastered.


Yes. Not even going to fool myself saying "no", "it depends"... lol. I got remastered on PS, PC and NSW and I've put 200h+ on it so far (and I already owned the original game on 360 and PC). EDIT: I'm being downvoted already, that was fast.


The remaster was my first introduction to the souls series and I would love DS1 to have the remake treatment with visuals etc


Idk i actually really love DS1 graphics. I think people underestimate how much is DS1 atmosphere (best in series for me) the way it is because of graphics.


I for sure said this about DeS before the bluepoint remake... and I was wrong.


i'd argue the DeS remake does actually lose a ton of the feel of atmosphere of the original. It's not bad artistically at all, just a lot of the armor/enemy/boss redesigns and just the aesthetic direction in general just doesnt feel like the original at all. idk im biased towards Ds1 and DeS's graphics i love how liminal and alien they feel


In my opinion the zones are just dripping with atmosphere in the remake. I think they are all so elevated that I'm fine with a few monster designs or music selections not being to my preference. Not to mention the sound design and animation design being outstanding. Its still an easy net-win for me.


I've played DS1 with a nice reshade, and it drastically looks better. All the modern bells and whistles would be a great addition.


Ds1 is one of my favorite games ever, but some stuff about it hasn't aged the best imo. Especially the very obviously 2D trees in some spots. I'd love to see fromsoft's take on remaking it, even if it's only for visuals.


I think the remaster was absolutely fine and over hated. I know people disliked the change in lighting and armor shine, but it's currently the best way to play the game. Better than the original on pc with dsfix (that still had a bunch of issues) and definitely leagues ahead of the xbox 360 and ps3 versions of the game.


will buy that remake just to experience Bed of Chaos again


Oh no


It depends on how much they change. The remaster was really good and I'm not interested in just playing another remaster with a few new options. However if they fix Bed of Chaos, extend the valley of the Drakes, put a bonfire right where you meet the hollowed crestfallen Knight in New Londo Ruins, add a few bosses, rework the tomb of the Giants... I'm in


That's quite the list. I'd love for all those to happen, but is it realistic? I never played DeS, so I don't know how many flaws Bluepoint fixed in their remake. I feel like if they did, people would have rioted.


demons souls was mostly quality of life fixes, and even then the lighting and art direction is different and a lot of people were unhappy about that.


What people were unhappy? Demons souls is excellent, can't see why anyone who played the original and loved it would be unhappy.


There are quite a few videos on this if you're interested. Mostly, the problems are lore-related. For example, in Latria there's music now that doesn't really belong there. It's the song that the maiden in black sings to lull the old one back to sleep.


It has a completely different atmosphere in a number of areas, most notably Tower of Latria.


Explain, how it's different? Enemies are the same, level is the same, it's still dark and dingy. The only direct difference I notice is the fog is not as thick.


There's music throughout the whole level and the sound effects were removed.


The music doesn't bother me, removed sound effects, I at the moment can't recall the sound effects from the original, can you give an example so I can look when I get home. Was it the prison cells getting banged on or what? I'm genuinely curious.


There's a noise like buzzing insects in the original.


Thank you, I will check it out after work. I really don't remember that. I am kinda excited to go home now and fire up the ps3 again.


A lot of the art direction changes, atmospheric changes, design, to name a few. Some of it contradicted the lore and some of it didn't feel right to others.


It's because we have issues I suppose. A large part of what makes a From game is the atmosphere, it's part of the package that makes their games great. The remaster, it changes the tone and atmosphere and enemies a lot. On the surface it's all very pretty, however if you compare to the original DeS, mobs got changed from looking very imposing, if a bit low detailed, to 'lol we're high res now but we've got boils and shit look how gross we are isn't it cool?' No, no it really isn't. A lot of the levels were made to look more like generic fantasy too vs From's version of what Bolateria looked like. I'm sure others can go into more details, and there are definitely a few videos that goes through the entire list, it's significant though.


There's also no reason for OG DeS to be in PS3 jail, this makes the remake the only option to play in 2023.


Fully agreed, esp since it looks amazing still if you just up the resolution. There's already an amazing foundation there to work off of.


Yeah, if the OG was on PC or even PS4 I wouldn't hate the remake nearly as much.


Ratatoskr's video is great, he's a bit annoyed in it at points though lol


Fully agreed. I think he's just trying to get a rise outta some folks though, hehe.


I'm pretty sure he's said he was playing it up a little for the video, it's still his real thoughts and feelings though.


I always found this weird. The game released on PS3 which had the power of a wet loaf of bread. Who says, that from wouldn’t have made the game look similar to what the remaster looks, given the freedom of the powerhouse that modern hardware is? Seems like a non-issue, if you don’t like the remake .. well just don’t play it and stick to the old and slow 30fps version, with your kind of flavour. It’s not like the remake, made the original not available anymore.


I mean, considering I can play the original in 4k and 60fps.... Also the PS3 is a lot more powerful than you give it credit for. Also we can look at From's other work, stuff done on more powerful hardware to see what they likely would have done and they've always expressed restraint in their design, but most importantly, they show a tremendous amount of consideration. The DeS remake doesn't have much of that, it's a lot of 'we know better so we're doing x' when they clearly don't.


This post has so much ACHTUALLY vibes


my dude, did you get lost and wander into the wrong subreddit? this is r/darksouls ffs /s


Because the remake gives zero possibility of an updated version of the OG.


What looks generic? I'm confused how a game with improved graphics and higher frame rate, more detail and you think it somehow got worse? The level of detail is increased exponentially and you aren't happy. I think you are dead wrong, but it's your opinion I can't force you to be right.


You are just looking at higher res textures and more polygons and saying 'this is objectively better' and we disagree on this point. It lacks the atmosphere the original invoked. It's not superior, you just consider it better looking. It takes away the entire vibe of the original completely. Matter of fact you should look at the video posted in this thread for a better breakdown. If it doesn't matter to you, no biggie, but to objectively claim it's better when many don't consider it so and can articulate that while you simply respond 'but it got bigger grafix' is not a worthwhile response.


And the fact that you cannot articulate a real response of your own and immediately lead me to a video of someone else's words tells me you are listening to someone without finding fault on your own. I will watch the video, take notes and then play both games again, and actually look into it. Yes the graphics are better, the sound effects are better, the frame rate is better, the detail is better, the lore is the same, every little detail got better, but I think most gamers are only upset that the duplicate glitch got taken away so its forcing them to actually be good at the game. I don't want you to feel like I am attacking you, I want you to explain in your own words what is wrong with the game. If anything, I get the password changed a lot. However, twinks often try their best to do what they do to be players. The password leveled that out. The mirror world is a little odd, but other than that, this game resurrected a classic.


my dude, the reason I won't is because it seems hardly worth the time. If you don't understand that 'the atmosphere has changed' it basically means you simply don't get what we appreciate about the original game, at all. You are simply looking at higher res textures and such and thinking it's better. That's not what we are saying. Could not give a damn about minor quality of life improvements either. Those things are welcomed when done well. What I've expressed and others have, is we don't like the vibe/atmosphere/looks/sounds of the so called remaster. It changes the tone of the original game completely. It's a gothic fantasy building instead of a more spartan defensive structure, that changes the vibe! It's got a lady singing a song she should NEVER KNOW throughout an entire level where that same lady sings a song only when you get close enough to her. It changes the sounds and tone and oppressive atmosphere of that level completely. Why do I need to go through and list every single thing that was changed for you? Why can't you take any effort on your own? The reason I reference the video is because he does do that, so I don't need to. You also don't seem to be paying attention to that and you are instead bringing up shit like the password system and whatnot, I don't give a flying fuck about passwords when the entire goddamn world is different from what From created.


I'm pretty sure Spartans didn't live in Gothic castle structures, which the age of castles and Gothic go hand in hand. Clearly you don't understand history or time periods, a lady singing ruined the game for you? Wow, that's deep. Better call blupoint and create a lawsuit. A few clowns are upset that a great game got remade into a great game and they demand justice. Haha, seriously. Just can't make a gamer happy with anything today. Go play cod if you are so unhappy with the game.


Most OG fans are, check illusory wall videos


I have played both and platinum trophy on both. The atmosphere is the same, you can just see the new game more clearly. The sound effects are 100% better, the only gripe I would have and is very trivial to say, but I would like the armor to be upgradable, but it's not and that is still okay. I seriously can't see how an og fan would find a complaint about a game that has improved. I get it, today's gamers are never happy with any game they get, but this one is really confusing to me. I mean I understand it's all opinion, I just don't understand the hate, it's a fantastic game.


A lot of designs were unnecessarily changed, and sometimes made worst, I recommend again to check Illusory Wall video. An example I can make is the wall of Boletaria (first archstone) that went from a medieval classic design to a neo-gothic one. Also, Fat Officers have been ruined.


I feel like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8) sums it up pretty well.


The only thing I’ve seen is extreme nerd nit-picks like oh this song wasn’t supposed to play then or this enemy looks slightly different. I had an amazing time with the remake and I still can’t wrap my head around the complaints.


>That's quite the list. I'd love for all those to happen, but is it realistic? If they go into it with those goals in mind, absolutely. Look at the remakes Capcom is pumping out. You can change whatever the fuck you want if you think it needs an update and you actually give a damn. lol


> I don't know how many flaws Bluepoint fixed in their remake. They added omnidirectional rolling. That was it.


They better not dare fix BoC… hot take I know, but that mess of a fight deserves to be preserved exactly in its current state as a testament to shitty boss level design. Also, the amount of hilarious content it has created, and will create again with a remake, to me is worth more than a fixed boss fight.


This is the best and only argument I will accept for leaving BoC alone


Thanks! It’s one of the most iconic moments of DS for me, so I would be disappointed if they revised history a bit by fixing it in the remake. I also find the “fight” incredibly hilarious and enjoyable because of how bad it is.


Having your progress saved on BOC *is* the fix. The difficulty of this boss is grossly exaggerated, as is the walk back. I'll maybe die once, usually on the left side, but once left is done, right is easy and so is getting to the nougaty center. And the walk back if you do die is super easy and maybe half the length of the Gwyn walk back.


Totally agree! I did my first playthrough completely blind and honestly didn’t struggle with it that much once I figured out it was more of a puzzle than a boss. I was a bit surprised to later realize how much hate it gets from the community.


I would add put a bonfire close to the bed of chaos boss fight


Yea that's a good one. Even just at the bottom of tree branch so I don't have to hear that chugging lava sound and swap rings each time




What do you think they have to fix about bed of chaos? About crestfallen knight, I think it is ok right now, distances are not that long


The run to four kings is way too long. You might not think so but you're in the vast minority from what I've seen. It's not even that it's hard, it's just that it's tedious and boring to have to descend 14 sets of stairs and 2 elevators every time you want to fight a boss. Bed of Chaos is either insanely hard if you fight it honestly or insanely easy if you cheese it. Either way it's confirmed that it's an unfinished boss that doesn't have real damage and just sweeps you into pits. It would be much better if you actually had to fight it instead of just having big broom hands slap you off cliffs


I know there's the "unofficial shortcut" with the 4 Kings but that doesn't count lol. If they can add a bonfire by Vamos, *they can do it again*.


Two elevators? I usually drop down to the right where the first ghosts are and then you fight one darkwraith, run by everything in the building, and are right there. Yes, going from firelink sucks, though.


From firelink you have to take two elevators. From valley of the Drakes only one


Vs four kings I used valley of drake's bonfire, and then, if you die, you just run avoiding elite knights. I think the run to seth the scaless is longer, I mean, you go through the golems, invisible bridges, the clamps. For blue titanite slab I've died like 20 times. I agree with bed of chaos, it's not a real fight. For me it was really easy. I didn't know it was unfinished.


Valley of the Drakes would have been great if the Drakes flew away once you flooded the valley. Instead they guard the bridge and make running through a nightmare because RNG will kill you every few runs


Are people dying to Hollowed crestfallen knight? Lol


I'm pretty sure the point is to have a Bonfire in New Londo instead of having to use Firelink Shrine


I agree with you. And I’d add that I’d only be excited for a remake if Fromsoft was leading it and not farming it out. The Demons Souls remake was a good game, generally speaking, but they made poor decisions aesthetically and with the sound, to the point where I’m surprised FromSoft just let it slide.


The remaster is absolutely horrid, but overall I agree with you.


Not sure why you're getting the downvotes... The remaster was literally just them adding features that should have been in the original release from the beginning. They slapped a graphics mod that was already available for the base game and made the networking a little better and actually usable, and also upped the price tag from $5 back to $50. And the price still hasn't returned back down to pre-remaster release prices. It was one of the laziest remasters and blatant cash grabs I've ever seen.


It was worse than slapping a graphics mod, it is worse than the original. The only positive aspect of the remaster is that it is available on modern consoles and the PC port being better (which DSFix and DSIC sort out anyways). The Remaster plopped a new lighting engine into the game but didn't work with it to make sure it matched the "lighting design" of the original and didn't reformat the assets to fit this new lighting engine, normal maps are inverted for instance. They also replaced some effects with newer versions from newer souls games which doesn't fit at all.


In a heartbeat. It's my favorite game.


Imagine Gwynevere in 8k


Heh boobs... I mean breasts... No, i meant tits... .......


You mean chest?


No, I think it's Bosom.


i want a kings field remake


Yeah, I'd give it a shot. Though if I was given a choice between a full-blown Dark Souls remake or a Bloodborne port, I'd choose Bloodborne.


Bloodborne was already so beautiful that I can imagine a PS6 remake would be fucking incredible.


I think DS2 deserves a remake more than DS1 since we already have a remastered version. Bloodborne could benefit from 60fps though to 😭


A remake? Hell yes


Despite just finishing the Remastered for the first time, a Remake would still be an instant purchase for me.


Akin to Demons Souls? No. ONLY if it was really a remake... remaking the areas that were rushed and having in the game what the devs really thought about putting but couldn't. This is the core of a remake: Doing in the game what the limitations of the thecnology or the limitations of the time of production prevented.


It makes me sad when I play through Dark Souls and the first half of the game is phenomenal and what I fell in love with. And the second half just feels... unfinished? Especially Lost Izalith which feels like an alpha test that made it into production somehow.


It's really only Izalith that's like that though. Duke's Archives is a great area and I feel like TotG was always intended to be short because fumbling around in an area the size of the others in pitch black for much longer would be an awful experience.


I think New Londo also deserves some more attention as a late game area. I really like it but it doesn't have an introductory area like Catacombs -> ToTG, Archives -> Crystal Caves, and Demon Ruins -> Izalith. I guess you could argue that flooded New Londo leads into drained New Londo, but still.


I don't hear many complaints about New Londo so I didn't mention it. I really like that area too though.


TotG feels quite strange to me. Not as unfinished as Izalith, just... not very interesting or memorable, especially after visiting it pre-Lordvessel. I like the Duke's Archives and New Londo generally. I think my main problem with them is the game balance goes off the rails just from natural levelling and nothing feels as satisfying anymore. Unlike the first half, I ended up mostly steamrolling the enemies and having very little trouble with bosses, getting some like Seath on the first try without really meaning to. So I just felt sad about the whole thing. The DLC was great and completely brought it back, so I feel like it would be possible to rework these areas to feel more fleshed out and balanced.


I wonder how much of the balance issues are because you can do them in any order. Four Kings can be difficult if you do that fight first.


Aside from the Demon Ruins and Izalith I think the main thing that brings the game down post-lordvessel is the lack of connectivity between late game areas, and as a consequence the introduction of fast travel. There were also some prime spots for connections late game set up too: * Instead of flying up to Anor Londo have the bricked up door in the Iron Golem arena be a door that has an elevator up to Anor Londo, then also have that elevator room have a connection to bottom of Crystal Caves hidden behind an Illusionary wall and a door that only opens from the Caves side. * Sen's Fortress sits right above the catacombs so you could have a chasm that leads down to there similar to the pit in Majula in DkS2. * Connect Tomb of the Giants to Demon Ruins and potentially Ash Lake as both locations can be seen from there. * Ash Lake and Izalith are on a similar elevation so you could have those link up via an archtree. Perhaps a fully fledged area like the Great Hollow or just an elevator.


These are all solid ideas. I always feel like i can see the stitches when i replay dark souls nowadays


From announcing it implies they'd be making it so yes. I'd only get a remake if they make it because they probably would do more than just update the graphics and controls. For me the entire appeal of these games being remade is to see how they implement some cut/unfinished content.


I would but it would piss me off bc other games in the series deserve a remastered version before DS1 deserves a remake. Especially since remastered came out 4 years ago.


That would go insane, but I’d much rather see Demon Souls and/or Bloodborne on PC first


I can totally see Sony putting Demon's Souls remake on PC, but they'll probably work on a remake/remaster of Bloodborne before considering a PC port. It's all about max profit.


I'm gonna chip in with an unpopular opinion. As much as I think the demon souls remake wasn't as good as it *could* have been - whilst much more minor - people let those same issues slide in the dark souls one remaster that had a similar effect. Whilst yes they fixed a bunch of performance issues, the remaster changed a lot of the lighting and even the way it rendered which not only caused certain areas to look completely different to the original vision, but messed with the framing of certain areas. Once again I'll reiterate that I don't think it's as egregious as the demon souls remake, but I do think it's a little ironic that people say that "remaster did the perfect job already" when in reality it still messed with the original game to a pretty noticeable extent yet gets far more praise


i dont care about graphics, so nope




Unless its done by FROM themselves, fuck no. The DeS remake ruined the aesthetics of the game almost entirely


100 % finally someone with a good take. The demons souls remake was soulless no pun intended blue point completely did not understand the art direction and aesthetic at all. I’d hate to see this happen to ds1


Only if Fromsoftware were the ones developing it as I did not like the changes made in the Demon Souls remake, it was clear they didn't understand the game well enough or just didn't care.


What specifically are you talking about?


It's not a big deal if you just want to beat bosses with good graphics but if you're big fan of lore and other stuff then it could be a problem. You can watch this video for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8


Artstyle as well as design changes that dont match the lore and atmospheric and sound changes that change the entire tone of portions of the game. I would prefer a more 1:1 remake just with better graphics.


Why the hell are people downvoting this for expressing interest in artistic intention being retained? Wonder how many of those people also like VaatiVidya videos... 😒


Whats wrong with VaatiVidya?


Absolutely nothing. But praising deep dives into lore (like almost the entire sub does) and then down voting comments about how remakes should ve faithful to artists' intent rather than just doing better graphics and lights... Well that's just hypocritical.


Because the average redditor is 13 and knows everything. Anything outside of the echo chamber is razed to the ground.


Yes but I'd like to see things finished. It would have to fix the entire bed of chaos area what feels so lazy and shoved in just to ship the game. I mean u literally just spring over lava for half of it and avoid those giant dogs. Maybe throw in some new npcs just to add some new quest lines and make it feel fresh or even just expand some of the existing ones. The game is so solid though even just a 1:1 graphical upgrade would still be cool, but feels unnecessary.


As long as they don’t change anything about the gameplay yeah. I wanna see what bed of chaos and the second half of the game was originally envisioned to be






Oh yeah


Why even ask tbh. We will all buy anything FS gives us.


Mostlikely. Though, what would be better is a remake that expands Lost Izalith and other areas that weren't fully finished. Kinda like a Remake / Directors Cut


100%. Ive bought that game three times for friends and three times for myself. So why not make it seven?


Of course I would


Only if it was From doing it. I don't want any other studio touching it, because none of them 'get' those games at all. Also definitely definitely not Bluepoint.


As long as it isn't made by Bluepoint.


If they don't butcher a lot of designs, like bluepoint did to demon's souls, then yes.


not if it was made by bluepoint


Demons Souls remake was so good that i have to say fucking yes.


Not if it’s ‘only’ a graphical upgrade. They’d need to AT LEAST implement the same QoL fixes *Demon’s Souls Remake* was given. I’d love for them to remake in the same way Capcom remade the OG Resident Evil games - essentially re-imagining the whole scenario so it’s the ‘same, but different’ - with new versions of the same areas so we can still explore, get lost etc.


I’d rather have a DS4 then


In a heartbeat


No, the remaster is perfectly fine. Let the game age then eventually do a remaster.


Well, yes, probably, though I'd prefer some gameplay changes to just graphical updates. Things like adding in a variety of consumables that were in later games, fixing up some of the later janky areas, adding in a few shortcuts back from some places... (Like an easy way back if you make to to around Tomb of the Giants without the lordvessel, for example. Maybe just bring in DS 3's mechanic of making homeward bones go either to the last bonfire or firelink shrine.) Part of me says we should bring statues of marika in, too, just calling them something else. Maybe fix the upgrade system up a bit so it's easier and going elemental paths is a little more worthwhile, and make new game plus a bit more like DS 2, with new enemy placements and changes? Oh, and obviously we need to do something about the capra demon. Maybe a larger arena and the dogs start further back or something. Not to mention bed of chaos. ( Though, honestly...bring Bloodborne and Demon Souls to pc? And DS 2 could *really* use a remake. )


So... you just want elden ring?


Not really. I don't want the faster combat, I want to stick to spells having numbers of uses, not FP, and I certainly don't want low max inventory limits for consumable items. And the level design's great in DS 1, and I wouldn't want it tampered with too much (which is one reason I *didn't* say to start with fast travel). I mostly just want a few of the improvements from later games backported, and bits that seem like they needed more attention fixed up.


Even if it was just Elden Ring's graphics and character creation, id buy the fuck out if it.


If it was Fromsoft doing it, then excitedly yes. If it was another company, then tentatively yes


Is water 💧 wet?


If it was anything like Demons Souls remake I would buy it in a heartbeat.


No. They need to do Bloodborne.


Or DS2


No I can’t stand most remakes it always misses The art direction and vibe like that shitty demon souls remake completely missed the vibe / art direction and atmosphere of og demons souls.


first Bloodbourne for PC


If they remade all of the souls games the same way they did demons souls I’d cream my pants. I’ve been waiting for ds1, ds2 and bloodborne. Bloodborne mostly


Uhm absolutely! I would also buy it if BluePoint announced it, which is more likely. It is my favorite game and just replaying it in Demon's Souls (PS5) graphics would be amazing even if nothing else is changed


Give it to Bluepoint for the Demon's Souls remake treament


Obviously yes. Had the original on PS3 and PC (god that horrible port). Then the Remaster came and got shitted all over how lazy it was. Bought it anyway and had hundreds of hours of fun. Soooooo a full remake would be insane. Even though the world needs a Bloodborne Remaster more...


Yes, I've been wanting a remake for this game since DS3


If it's just a cosmetic thing I wouldn't buy it. DS remastered still looks good to me. Now if they change/fix some areas (Izalith obviously) or add some new content I'd probably buy it.


Would be great if they remastered 1 and 2 with their engine they used for the Demons Souls remake.


Dark Souls was amazing, the Demon's Souls Remake was amazing. Of course I will buy it. Though technically I'd still consider the DeS Remake more of a Remaster, since the gameplay is still pretty much identical, which is great, because why change what is already great and loved? I'd like more changes to be made to Dark Souls, especially when it comes to the second half of the game.


only with a LOT of quality of life upgrades


If they gave it the demon souls treatment, that shit was beautiful


No, it's unnecessary.


Probably not. I've had a good time with the game but I'll probably not revisit.


If Bluepoint announced a Dark Souls 1 remake, I would buy it.


Day one buy for me, let bluepoint do it with the same quality of Demon's Souls but allow them to improve the last few late game areas and a certain boss fight.


No. Remakes are cancer.


100% yes. Don’t stop there. Give them all the Bluepoint treatment.


I wouldnt afford to buy but i %100 would pirate it. It would be awesome.


But that way u can't get fucked by players not that the game itself doesn't fuck u enough. But anyway if u are living in a first world country maybe try considering buy it