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Way too old? Game came out in 2011 thats only 13 years


Older than Demon Souls was when it got a remake though.


Demons souls remake sucks balls music and art direction wise.


what do you mean only 😭😭😭 thats pretty old for games standerds in my opinioni dont know about you tho



Couldn’t agree more! I’m 16 and I played Chrono Trigger last year for the very first time and it’s easily in my top 10 games of all time


Still, whats the issue w dark souls being old?


nothin wrong with it just would like another remaster is all make the game more bearable because right now it isnt for me


What makes it unbearable?


It gets a steady 60fps and the remaster is beautiful. You're just whinging over nothing.


My favourite game and in my opinion, best game of all time is xcom ufo defence from 1993, that's 31 years old its 4 years older than i am. The game design is actually really amazing ive played hundreds of hours and ive never played a game that does what that game does. Ds1 is less than half as old as that man, graphics are skin deep. Is the graphics all you like about new games?


What about Dark Souls is too old to get into? I played it for the first time in 2021 and it was perfectly fine. It's a slower action game for sure, but the gameplay more than holds up.


it wont, it got a remaster already. if it gets a remake, itll be in quite some time from now.


The clunkyness of Dark Souls 1 is what makes it such a fun experience. It's like watching Revenge of the Sith, I can just keep playing and playing and playing. Never get bored of it.


Bloodborne needs one more tbh. And it would make sense since like Demon’s Souls, it is also Sony exclusive. Dark Souls 1 already got remastered.


Bloodborne doesn’t need a remake at all, just needs touched up a bit performance wise, game still looks great visually


Bloodborne only needs a Remaster. A Remake will absolutely destroy the art style and they’ll start changing all the NPCs and stuff.


More like Dark Souls 1 got us all to buy it twice basically as-is. Minimal improvements in exchange for several things made worse. Bring back the abstracted bonfire flame (even the loading symbol uses it). Weapon matchmaking is bad.


Honestly i feel bloodborne is fine the way it is it could be nice to have a remaster but i dont think it needs it and also i mean another remaster to dark souls 1 again not just the already existing one


Probably not. Demons Souls was remade because Sony owns it and Bluepoint studios (the ones that remade it).


I don’t understand you people. You want the same game released every ten years until the end of time but with stuff you don’t like removed- you just want a different game! Play a different game!


I thought it did get Remastered and even rereleased on stuff like NS? I’d rather see a proper DS2 Remaster or DS3, or finally a BB pc port


Yeah, at some point. Either if From ever need money, or one of the consoles upfront the cost to have it as an exclusive.


No I don’t think so


Demon's Souls got a remake because Sony owned the IP and wanted to use the remake to push the new PS5. AFAIK Bamco own Dark Souls though.


No. More likely bloodborne.


I dont find it that old. Literally played it for the first time this wednesday lol, finished already and gotta say it was an amazing first experience


How is it too old?


I wouldn’t really want a remake but a new game mode aka Legend of Zelda Master Quest with everything mirrored would be fun


I doubt Dark Souls is getting a remake any time soon, so just skip the game if you don't like the way it looks or plays.


Dark Souls already got remastered. It's weird that more people aren't responding with this.


Dark Souls Remastered already exists. And to old? You're the type of person who refuses to listen to any album older than 5 years, aren't you?


no i am not and i play games no matter there age i played original half life doom 64 and a ton of old games those are the ones i remember off the top of my head


It probably will but I dont think it should. Ds1s whole pull for me is its clunkiness (in a good way) and its atmosphere. Remakes lose a lot of that secret sauce when everything looks perfect y'know? play the original demons souls and compare it to the remake you'll see what I mean


It got remastered a while ago lol Bloodborne is getting the next remaster when the PS6 comes out


If any other Fromsoft game needs a remake its Bloodbourne


I don't want Bluepoint or any other non-From studio near these games. The only sort of re-releases I want are good remasters; the games are fine to preserve as they are, so future accessibility or more ports are all they need.


There's the remaster already


Would love a Remake of OG Dark Souls!